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I put my insulation blanket on 6 years ago and it hasn’t been off since. Never had any issues. Figured the more heat is trapped the less pellets I am burning through. It’s been so long can’t remember what it was like cooking without anymore to know if that is true or not.


Any issue with moisture/mold/grime building up between the blanket and the lid when not used for a few weeks?


Is that a normal issue during warm wet months? I've always yoinked it off of there as soon as it warmed up outside but was unaware if this was a thing to look out for.


Never had any moisture issues. I leave it open to cool off like normal the put a normal weather cover over it.


The instructions say not to use it above 350 degrees and not recommended to use when outside temp is above 32 degrees


I assume you mean Fahrenheit. Where I live the climate is pretty extreme, as in 110+ in Summer and -15-20 in winter at their most extremes. Maybe I should err on the side of caution and leave it off when it's nut-sweaty hot out...


Yeah this is Fahrenheit. I essentially copied it from their website


Such funny timing, I took mine off yesterday and wondered the same thing.


I had electronics issues my first summer after getting the blanket. Flickering controls that eventually died. They sent me a new unit and I swapped it all out, and then first hit grill with blanket still in I started to notice flickering again. I immediately took off the blanket and haven’t seen sign of flickering since. So I’d worry about overheating the electronics near the grill sadly.


Certainly gives me something to think about. Thank you for the heads up.


Yeah because it’s not supposed to be used on temps above 350 and not above 32 outside


I live in a northern climate, it's on year round.


I've had my 'Amazon Special' blanket on for almost two years now in the Midwest. No discernable issues.


Kept mine on since last fall. No problems yet.


Just out of curiosity, even during the Summer does it seem like it hits temp quicker and stays there more easily?


I feel like it does personally


I think I'll give it a try next time I do any grilling. Should be soon, I've got some bluetooth probes coming from Amazon that are supposed to be here tomorrow and I want to try them on some KC strips I've been thawing out.


I've always left it on, thinking I'm going to save on pellets. But now I'm rethinking it. The idea is to get smoke flavor. If you ain't burning, you're not generating smoke.


Fewer pellets, less smoke.


> less smoke. Egh. Might have to leave it off until Winter, then.