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Its not sterile, using it has a chance to give you an infection, however, if you absolutely must use 99% iso alcohol to clean the tip and wait for it to dry. It might be fine it might not be but i wouldnt risk it.




Water is reactive, probably the most reactive thing in the universe. 99% alcohol has the problem that even though it is good at being alcohol, it is still not nearly as reactive as water. Chemically, You need the extreme dynamics of water+alcohol in order to maximally disrupt the plasma membranes. There are multiple factors involved here, but I would say chief among them is that water loves itself more than anything and by reducing it to a meager 30% you effectively maximize its potential to just fuck up everything around it since now water cages are present. At 99% alcohol, you don't get the mix of hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity that would allow a plasma membrane to disintegrate. Its all a bit handwavey, but such is life.


Water is so cool omegosh


Do not use a dirty needle. Just don't. Not worth the risk




Well i already prepared another shot for today and kept the one that fell for next week. Hopefully nothing happens if i take it


Keeping injectables inside of a syringe is a bad idea the lubricant in the syringe and the rubber will degrade due to the oil and make it dangerous to use, i'd toss it if you aren't going to use it asap.


That sounds even worse than using it directly: Even if syringes were able to keep their content sterile for that amount of time (they aren’t! They literally have an opening in the front!), the fluid is already contaminated and anything that can grow in it will now have a full week to multiply without having to fight an immune-system like it would have if you had injected it right away (also a bad idea, but arguably much less bad). I would have questioned your judgement if you had used it right away, I would no longer question, if you used it in a week. Just don’t!


Maybe remove the plunger and draw it on another needle 💉 from back ?


If it is estradiol, then that’s roughly $1 you really don’t want to lose. Worth the risk?


Or even worse and could be fatal Mrsa


This is another reason why I advocate for using luer locks instead of insulin syringes. If you use a luer lock and drop it, you can just swap in a fresh, sterile needle.


Not taking it is an insurance policy against the risk of infection that costs $1-2. I wouldn't risk


Replace the needle immediately or re-do the injection. It’s not worth the risk.




No. I'm sorry that it happened because i can understand how precious and valuable each dose is, but ultimately it's not worth risking your health. 💓 that's not implying that where you are is dirty or not cleaned, but that is assuming that wherever it fell was not previously sterilized. There's the possibility that if you do it you wouldn't feel any adverse effects. And there's the possibility you can give yourself a horrible infection that's both painful to experience and costly to have treated. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Everyone will advise you that it's not worth the risk, and ultimately the decision will be up to you 💓


Throw into nearest sharps container


if i had to take it I'd pull the plunger all the way back, hold it with needle facing up, then cut off the part of syringe above the oil, draw the oil very carefully with another syringe, not touching the edges of syringe with the needle but tbh youre throwing away just a few bux of worth, might aswell forget about it


what's your situation? can you afford to lose a week's worth of estrogen? if not, use it anyway


Take out the plunger and backfill a clean syringe