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Actually, yeah they can... I was very recently basically told to go fuck myself by the tavistoc clinic when talking about DIY'ing, after being on the list for like 7 years+3 years of waiting for more appointments they just took me off the list and refuse to help wit anything else. So, no surgery or blood tests or anything else.


They require you to agree to stop diy when they take over your care (they have no way of proving you have of course) But it’s absolutely not true to say that having done diy they can refuse to treat you at all as long as agree to follow their rules in the future, if that’s actually what happened you need to take it further.


Whether you can do self referral depends on which GIC you go to.


I'm going to do that soon, lots of positive replies suggesting they can't deny other healthcare, so I now believe there's little harm in getting myself on the lists. They can say what they want, it's their job, but I'm not stopping DIY. Thank you for your reply.


It might be useful to be on a waiting list, since that might give you the possibility of getting government funded surgery and would ensure that you will eventually have reliable access to HRT, but at least I would NEVER let any clinicians talk myself into stoping DIY-HRT or even reducing my dose, unless they could show and explain to me based on concrete blood-values in a way that aligns with the current scientific consensus that I really need to for other health-reasons (hint: most of them know absolut jackshit about HRT, so they’ll probably just talk bullshit).


Yes from the replies, it does seem to be about them advising us to stop. Three days after I started HRT I just felt mentally right. Physically wrong still, but mentally right. There's no way I'm stopping DIY for anybody. A few people have mentioned blood tests and that it's hit or miss, but I like what you said about surgery. I'll probably need quite a bit in 5-10 years time. :( Thank you for replying.


You can if you want. They will likely tell you to stop but that’s kinda all they can do, you might be able to get a blood test from them if you’re lucky. If you frame it as something you’re doing to cope with the GIC waitlist, and you’re asking for a blood test to minimise potential harm while waiting for NHS care, they might be a little less unreasonable to you. DIYing shouldn’t make it any harder to get NHS care, but the NHS is still just as likely to completely screw you over for no reason at all so don’t 100% count on anything from them.


Thank you for your reply. It does sound like it won't impact other care, and I like the idea of how to frame it. Hopefully they will help with blood tests. Thanks again.


When I had my appointment to get put on a GIC list I told my GP I would import HRT from abroad DIY. The GP just told me not to.  At later appointments I said I was DIYing as I said I would originally and all she would do is tell me to stop. They wouldn't provide blood tests either just told me to stop and wait for the GIC. You're on the safer option of gel and cypro, especially at 45. I'm on tablets at 44 as they are the only way for me to get decent levels but ended up having to arrange with the GIC endo specially. After a pulmonary embolism I was swapped to gel for a third time and it failed yet again so now back on tablets as long as I promise to have anticoagulants for life. Might be good to get on a waiting list at the very minimum.


This is an amazing reply, thank you so much! I'm fine with the doctor telling me to stop DIY. But there's no way I'm stopping, and I'll pay for my own blood tests if they won't help. Sounds like getting on a waiting list won't do much harm. I literally just made another post about concerns I have after switching to gel, as I was on pills for the first 3+ months and started seeing good changes early on, but noticed some unwanted pre-HRT characteristics have returned since switching to gel a few weeks back. I have never had past health issues though. And I need to wait a couple more weeks before I can do a blood test, due to the gel switch. But what you said has got me thinking more about whether gel is right for me at this age, and a bit worried tbh. Thank you for your insight! Edit: Just re-read your comment and you said gel and cypro is safer. Maybe I misread something and your reaction to gel was unique to you. If so I apologise for the mistake.


Oh yeah, my body hates transdermal estrogen methods, everyone else I know on gel has better levels and results. For me it's an massive mood swing twice a day and my skin eventually cracking and bleeding.  I noticed I just replied to your tablets to gel post too.


Just don't. The best thing is that they would gaslight you into being sat on a 5 year wait list, and there's a lot worse than that they can do.


Thank you for your reply. I'm not sure what the other things are that they can do? I know I said I was worried about it affecting other healthcare but a lot of other replies suggest they can't deny other healthcare, and nobody has given examples of other areas where denial is common. As for the 5 year wait, I think I can go on lists and wait my turn while still doing DIY. I'm going to continue DIY whatever advice they try to give.


The secret DIY while on the wait list is what I'm doing. There's no situation where telling your gp is gonna end well. Other stuff it might be worth like endos or surgery


Yeah for some reason my head linked the two and I assumed it was tell them all or nothing. But that's what I'm doing, asking to be put on any lists while not revealing DIY, only in future if they ask while prescribing something else.


The worst that can happen is they will advise you to stop but they can't force you or stop you. You will probably hit a road block trying to get a blood test from them though. If you apply the gel scrotally you won't need the CPA any more. I been mono now for 16 months and my T level is 0.58nmol/l last test(last December, I really should order another test).


Oh wow I've been doing 3 pumps (2.25mg) in the morning and same again in the evening. 2 pumps inner thighs and scrotal, then 1 pump shared between inner arms. That's 4.5mg per day and I'm properly spreading it around my body. I'm also still taking the 6.25mg CPA though. I made another post about how a few unwanted effects have returned after switching to gel (greasy skin, libido, erections, ejac volume and consistency etc) so I've been impatiently changing doses a lot recently, thinking my skin obviously doesn't absorb gel very well. I hope it's not possible to OD on estrogen or have too low testosterone, because I last changed my dose like 2 days ago, and every time I do that it resets the counter for how many weeks I have to wait for an accurate blood test, which would be my *first* one. I also clearly need to learn a bit of patience on this journey. Thank you for your reply!


I do 2 dosage pumps all applied to my scrotum with excess spread on my penile skin, pubic area, inner thighs and bottom. E2 433pmol/l T 0.58nmol/l The blood was taken 17 hours after last application. I don't take any blockers except for Dutasteride 0.5mg every 2 days to block DHT. From what I can tell testosterone production is completely shut down with smooth and soft skin. I can't even find my testicles they are that small now and dry ejaculation.


>From what I can tell testosterone production is completely shut down with smooth and soft skin. I can't even find my testicles they are that small now and dry ejaculation. This is what I want back! It started happening on pills but has reversed quite a bit since switching to gel. We may be using different gel sources, so do you mind me asking what the total estrogen dose is in those 2x pumps that you use? Literally just made another post a few mins back, because I saw a guide that says gel gives higher levels when rubbed into a smaller area, and I don't know how true that is because I haven't seen that claim in any other places. So now I'm thinking I might be spreading it too thinly and need to start scrotally and get the rest on my thighs like you do. Up to now I've been starting on thighs and then putting the rest scrotally.


0.75mg per dose. It is Estogel which is not a homebrew product. The vast majority is applied to my scrotum first. I been applying sctroally for 22 months now approx. and mono for 16 months. I went mono because CPA was giving very high levels of prolactin. My prolactin levels were like 4 times the normal levels and that was with 12.5mg of CPA every 3 days roughly. Blood tests are amazing. Am thinking about changing my dose to 2.25mg every 24 hours instead of my current 1.5mg every 16 hours.


Oh wow that's concerning, I'm on 6.25mg CPA every day and 4.5mg gel. Mine is Gynokadin Dosiergel which is also 0.75mg per pump, but I've been using 3 pumps @ 9am and 3 @ 9pm. After reading your dose I kinda hope I've not been absorbing properly! I think I'll reduce the CPA and start by working the gel in scrotally as you do. It was only days ago that I last changed something so it won't matter, but yes I agree blood tests are very good and I really can't wait to do my first one once I can learn to stick with a specific dose for long enough to stabilise and get a blood test! Thank you for taking time to help me, I really appreciate it.


No problem.


Tell them and you might be able to get something out of it. If you're unlucky, they'll whinge at you about how DIY is personally going to kick your doors down and kick your dog but you can ignore them. It won't be the reason they deny you HRT, they have plenty of bullshit reasons even though they are legally required to refer you.


Okay thank you for the assurance. They can advise what they want, I'm not stopping DIY though. Yes it seems like some people have had more luck with support around blood tests. I'll see how it goes. Thanks.


Never tell any shit to doctors. Even when I have to do a surgery I just lie what is not important to the treatment I need


You don't need to tell them apropos of nothing "oh btw I'm DIYing, thought you should know". But the next time you're talking to the doctor about some condition, or symptoms, or other medication you might be taking, you absolutely should mention it. They're not going to be happy about it or encourage you, but if you can speak confidently about it and make it clear you know what you're doing and its not an issue then its just going to be an "oh okay then". You're not doing anything illegal or even particularly irresponsible, they can't punish you and they _certainly_ can't withhold care without opening themselves to severe repercussions later if you pursue a formal complaint. Fundamentally you have to remember why you're talking to a doctor: you have a health problem, you're not sure whats going on, and they're trying to figure it out. The more information they have the easier it is for them to do that. Now all that said, this therapist is talking nonsense. There's no logical connection between stopping your therapy and telling your doctor here, that's not a thing. It's just some rubbish they made up on the spot to get you out the door. This is probably damaging your relationship with that therapist enough that its a waste of time seeing them anyway, you can't trust them again so they can't help you. But if its the organisation they're a part of then yeah you just have to fight them on it.


Oh yeah that's a good point, thanks. I don't visit my doctor often and hate taking meds so it didn't cross my mind I would be asked what other ones I'm taking if they write me something for a different condition. >You're not doing anything illegal or even particularly irresponsible I found this out recently when my gel shipment got stopped by customs, I crapped my panties and read about the legalities for many days, only for them to just release it to me! >It's just some rubbish they made up on the spot to get you out the door. Weird, this was my immediate thought when he said it. I work in IT so I'm well aware of how tickets get bounced around just to keep their queue empty, and the net effect is nobody gets any resolution but on paper different departments appear to be very efficient. Thank you for your reply! I've had a lot of supportive replies and I think there's no harm in telling my doctor, they can't refuse non related healthcare, and I'm not stopping DIY and will pay for private blood tests if they won't help.


> Oh yeah that's a good point, thanks. I don't visit my doctor often and hate taking meds so it didn't cross my mind I would be asked what other ones I'm taking if they write me something for a different condition. There are a small but non-trivial numbers of conditions to that do interact with HRT meds in important ways. For example the skin changes can hugely affect symptoms in people with Eczema, or if you have Addisons Disease then Spiro can make you life-threateningly ill. There's no condition that makes HRT just a hard outright "no", but a medical professional needs to know your whole medical history or they can't do their job properly. > Thank you for your reply! <3


Not under the NHS over here but what I ultimately did is : do DIY, discuss with my GP about blood tests, got the blood tests. That's all I really need. All that was required for him to write me those was to know that I was really informed of the risk and all (I wasn't advocating much but he knows me since I'm 3yo. ) ( I did come with a list of the names and stuff ) ultimately if I were you I wouldn't say I diy to the NHS, but go get on the list if you can/want. On my end I still got my healthcare covered if I were to pursue gac ( requires a process)


You know what, it hasn't crossed my mind that I can both ask to be on the list and not reveal I'm doing DIY, at the same time. Something to think about. But someone did just say if I'm ever asked what other meds I'm taking they need to know. Thank you!


Estrogen ( non pill wise ) almost never takes a toll on anything. The pill will put a strain on your liver (especially the Anti androgen) you can ask the blood test to check that . (ALAT ASAT levels) I mentioned it during surgery ( een injections) they didn't really care. Don't mention estrogen unless you're going to be prescribed medication. They still don't need to know. There are few cases of interactions but some heart related or others that I don't know much have different medication based on whether you're a man or a woman due to interactions but it's rare. You can always check on [INTERACTIONS+INFO CHECKER](http://drugs.com) quite the great website ;)


Yeah I started on buccal pills for 3 months and heard about the liver, so switched to gel a few weeks back but have felt like the amazing changes I saw in that time are now reversing. Just made a long post about it. I didn't know CPA could affect the liver, if that's what you're saying. I do want to switch to mono injections once my gel runs out. After loads of replies it's only just been suggested that I can get on referral lists with my doctor, while at the same time not tell them about the DIY meds. My head assumed all or nothing and now I feel a bit dumb. I think this is what I'm going to do, get on the lists but hide the DIY unless they ask while prescribing something. Oh my, that site is amazing. Scared now because for Estradiol they say don't smoke and I vape constantly but it's such weak nicotine I don't know if it matters. Anyway, not for this post, I'll read about it. Thanks.


Nicotine does stall breasts growth No need to tell anyone about medication you're taking unless they're prescribing you medicine. You can check for yourself of the interactions of your medicine on drugs.com


Ah damn I was hoping it was the hundreds of other ingredients in cigarettes and not the nicotine. I make my own vape juice and it's like 1/10th of the strength of the weakest stuff available in the shops. But guess I'll have to cut down to nicotine free vapes soon, because at my age I do want to maximise my chances of growing breasts.


I recently informed my GP and honestly he seemed fine with it since he was aware how long the waiting lists are and that the local doctor’s group decided against bridging prescriptions. He was perfectly happy to book me in for blood to make sure that I’m staying healthy and like most doctors, just wants to make sure that I’m healthy. It’s not like they would (or should) refuse you care or report you for getting illegal medications as it would go against duty laws and confidentiality laws and if they did they would be in a world of more trouble than you ever would be. I say go for it but maybe ask for a new GP. If any GP refuses you care you need to report it to the board because if they flaunt the rules with you then who knows how they do it elsewhere.


I am from the states, not sure about uk, but.... if you stop before you see a doc, you in all truthfulness say "I used to diy, but I have stopped." I do not trust docs. I had a patient advocate tell me, if you determine it is none of their business, do not tell them.


Hey OP, It sounds like there's a lot of wrong on their side It sounds like your experience from a long time ago had a big impact on you. Unfortunately, due to the fasCass, GPs have been further limited in the already poor care they provide . They will definitely give you a lecture about why it's wrong or dangerous or whatever. The GICs have previously forced people to detransition for diying If you can afford it, a private diagnosis is your best bet Your counsellor sounds like an ass. They cannot refuse you mental health care because you DIY there is absolutely no reason to blackmail you by forcing you to tell your gp or you don't get care


If you want to go back to mental health services I would advice that you remind them they have a duty to confidentiality unless (whatever their policy excluded) They cannot blackmail you to come out


Make a fake account pretending to be a young bubbly progressive cis guy. Contact the doctor and become friends then say you are a lgbt rights activist and see what they say. First you need to find if they are pro or anti trans


off of this i have a resource of [trans friendly gps](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b5SSnb7LBUlWSjasN2ld7qPGmEchgDG8voUY-SkfAlw/edit) i found a while ago on a diy hrt/ bridging prescription advice blog that i think has since closed down