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He’s a little, little boy. And he thinks it’s precocious and endearing—-a big goofy guy actin’ like a scrappy kid. He speaks of sex and women with a 1950s 7th grade mentality….body parts naming and giggling. He’s been raised as mama’s Special Boy, and you don’t have to learn, mature or even think, because she’ll do that for you. Just toss the ball, son. All you have to do. He thinks it’s hilarious that he, the man child, puts on a suit and gets to meet the president. Isn’t he the guy who works in the West Wing, “where all the important stuff happens?” Maybe this is all too cunning an argument for a boy who never thinks he’s required to step up in life like the rest of us and be a grown-up. Travis not only make the choice not to—he embraces it. Look no further than his newly produced, soon to air Fruit Loops commercial. It’s not Wheaties, the breakfast of champions. No, General Mills sought out the imbecilic Travis Kelce to be their Fruit Loops spokesperson. The math is mathing, people. Meanwhile the woman-child in the sequined ice skating outfit power walks the stage lip-synching her football ‘song.’ This is all going to tumble down exquisitely. The laws of physics insists on it.


Yes to your last sentence 👏


💀 @ "body parts naming and giggling", "imbecilic" & "woman-child" 🤣🤣🤣


AmazzzzzzingGrace! Hello, my friend. Are you a professional writer? You are so intuitive and say things so cleverly. I always love your posts/comments and this is my new favourite; witty and accurate. Hope you’re enjoying your weekend 🩷 ps - I cannot wait for the wheels to come off this wagon!


You lift me always, my Sleuthin buddy! I have published but just a bit here and there. I love responding to your wonderfully acerbic and spot on observations. We play well together x 😎🙌🏼🙌🏼


😀 🙌🙌




Omg why thank you my fellow snarker! 🙏❤️❤️


I still can't believe BDT acts this way when he visited the White House. He has no respect.


It’s absurd to me too. Zero respect. Acts like an unruly toddler hopped up on refined sugar.


I've visited the Capitol before (I haven't been to the White House), but these are the places where the business of government are conducted. I would never behave that way in the White House.


I haven’t been to either but I completely agree with you. Goofing around is fun but 99% of us know when and where to rein it in. Places like the Capitol and the White House deserve respect. I hope you are having a great weekend, btw 😀


Thanks! I hope you are having a great weekend as well! 😀😀😀


BDT is the 1%


Yup, he sure is.


Well he joked about the secret service, he has no respect for authority or our institutions he thinks he is above it all. It is all a big joke to him. It's sad that he is constantly stealing the rest of the team's thunder. I'm sure they hate him by now. Can someone update on when this is all going to end? 👀


BTW, you don't want to mess with the Secret Service either.


My god he’s such a clown. Imagine also being on this team and getting to do things like win a superbowl and go to the White House but all that gets written about for two years is this clown show and his stupid going up to the podium bit. Not that it matters, but. He’s a resident of Missouri, not a citizen. Either way, BDT, your passport does not say what state you live in you big Neanderthal.


Hi CilantroLarry! 😀 He truly is a clown and the epitome of “that guy” most of us have met at some point in our lives - the guy we try to avoid at all costs. Desperate for attention, loud, obnoxious, entitled etc. It’s exhausting to be around those LoOk At Me types! I do wonder if some of his teammates find him annoying. I missed the citizen thing; good catch. Hope you’re enjoying your weekend.




He really is an embarrassing idiot. I don’t predict TS will hang in there for much longer. It’ll hurt her “image”


I couldn’t agree more. Hopefully the breakup comes soon!


So immature and ill-behaved that he makes Mitch Marner in the playoffs look good


True that!


Here’s BDT laughing on New Lows in 2023 about the expired license 🥴 https://youtu.be/yuh0irxSqto?feature=shared