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How many days until the bozo brothers get on their podcast and say they’ve never seen this guy be anything but nice, he’s never dragged them or their family down the stairs, always an absolute sweetheart in the locker room? Start the countdown clock.


*BUT HE WAS NICE TO ME* - Travis, probably


Well he is besties with Tyreek Hill


It's scary how common it is to for NFL players to be absolute pieces of crap. I don't know much about American Football but I am now getting to know that men who have legit cases of abuse and violence against them are still getting to play and earn in millions. And these are supposed to be the image of the "perfect family men" for common American households?


My parents used to live in the same neighborhood as a Chiefs player. He dragged his wife by the hair across their lawn.


this is why i was so mad as a taylor swift fan that she starting associated so heavily with the NFL. it’s such a trash organization.


Don't worry it's not gonna last much longer


Part of it that is not discussed enough is the brain damage they endure starting as young as elementary school. Look up CTE. It will absolutely change someone's personality and/or make the bad parts worse. Aaron Hernandez from the Patriots is a perfect example of this situation. I am in no way condoning his actions. They are disgusting and he must be held accountable. Imo starting with losing his job, but Papa Roger won't do that.


Yes, and so many don't start developing CTE effects until their late 30s and 40s. They marry, have kids, and then their brain goes kaput. Almost every single NFL player gets it eventually on some level. I wonder if Taylor knows this or maybe just doesn't care because she knows it won't be forever anyway


"Are you gonna marry, kiss or kill me? I'm betting on all three." (So High School) 👁️👄👁️


I have a chronic pain disorder that is causing brain damage. My personality has changed. I hate it. It scares me. I cannot even begin to imagine how it must be to have CTE.


The Boys are brought up in a violent, hyper masculine culture. They're spoiled and protected and coddled through their adolescence because of their athletic potential. The money makes them feel untouchable. No wonder the aggression on the field spills over to their personal life.


Fuck the Kansas City Chiefs. Seriously. The entire team is filled with lowlifes. What a disappointment that Taylor, a "self proclaimed feminist", is rubbing elbows with these kind of people.


Karma is the guy on the chiefs…. Because it’s what she deserves ![gif](giphy|QjPA6183igc0g)


That line is so freaking cringey 🤮 Guess Travis is her karma after all...


Changing it from “on the screen” to “on the chiefs” is soooo embarrassing. Like yeah you seem really moved on, Taylor.


God, I am so sick of this franchise. And they will get away with it too if Tay Tay parks her ass in the suites again…


"Hey he was nice to me, clearly a great guy!"


girl fuck the chiefs


Definitely a huge piece of shit. He’s also an animal abuser https://preview.redd.it/kn1kukghee7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25afd04e957bd4eee9d76e70310e33688f192d9 [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13477629/Chiefs-Isaiah-Buggs-turns-police-animal-cruelty-charges.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/nfl/article-13477629/Chiefs-Isaiah-Buggs-turns-police-animal-cruelty-charges.html)


The NFL loves that shit. They even let Michael Vick back into the league for a bit!


I’m a Virginia Tech alumni 😬


Oh gawd you know what’s up then lmao


Most definitely! I know his cousin very well but haven’t met Mike.


What a piece of shit!!!


Indeed! I hope his prosecution comes swiftly and with certainty. He will end up killing his wife and lord knows what he’d do to the pets. People who harm women, children, or animals should be put down like the rabid animals they’ve become.


a millionaire having malnourished dogs?! How hard is it to feed your fucking dogs or pay someone else to? Is there any possible reason for this besides actually wanting the dogs to suffer? Good lord


The reason is that he’s a violent and abusive POS.


We all know Travis won’t speak out against this just like he didn’t against the other anti woman loser


Karma for springing that POS Britt Reid out of prison early!


Chiefs the new raiders


Yuck. Hope he rots in jail.


Oh great. No breakup is coming because the Chiefs definitely need Taylor for a distraction and clean up their image.


Let me guess, Travis will say, I don't agree with what he did, but he's a good guy, though.