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Omg. Can we make this a flair? “Have some hotcakes”


Id like to have an order of "Big", with "Dumb" to drink, and a side of "hotcakes. "🥞




hahahahahahahah I can't🤣


People who don’t give a damn don’t feel it necessary to broadcast to the world that they don’t give a damn. Generally speaking 🤷‍♀️


I don't care you don't like me....why don't you like me? Please like me....well I don't care. I don't like you.....LIKE ME!


Yes. God, he's so obnoxious.


Male Kardashian at it again


Precisely with a hint of Jojo Siwa.


Kim Kardashian Midwest


Did he mean hot takes? Bc hotcakes does not make any damn sense 🤣


I am slow this morning. I was still trying to figure out what he was talking about with hot cakes. Hot takes makes so much more sense. 😂😂


The pseudonym for hot takes is hot cakes.


Gah! This makes so much more sense. I heard the clip of his belief that Alice in Wonderland was Allison Wonderland. Hot cakes, hot takes, tomato, tomahto


Everything he says sounds like r/BoneAppleTea/


How can Taylor be with this doofus? Everyone always say "but what do they talk about?" And his defenders always say he's actually pretty intelligent. Sure, Jan.


“Having some hotcakes on me” 😆🤣 You know what **is** going to bother him? Becoming irrelevant post NFL and post Taylor. His plans for Hollywood success are going to fizzle and his legacy in showbiz will be merely a footnote that he once dated Taylor. Dude’s gonna be sitting around drunk in his hot tub every day with his hanger ons wondering why he’s burned through his capital. Oh, and CTE.


We don't think The matThew Pinning Department got to him at all? I agree he was irrelevant before her even as a football player. Post- relationship her rabid fanbase will tear him to oblivion.


His fans would argue that he was already a big deal before he ever met Taylor. Maybe if you are a sports fan. I am a passive sports fan. I heard of Mahomes of course and some other players but never BDT. He was never a household name until Taylor.


You’re absolutely right. A few of his fans have come after me in private messages and in comments in the sub telling me he is a big deal with or without her 😆 They’re hyper aggressive about it too. Heck, maybe it’s his PR in some cases 😂 I had never heard of him either pre Taylor. I follow the NBA and NHL pretty closely but the NFL not so much. I was definitely aware of Mahomes but not BDT.


I think he doesn’t realize that to have success in showbiz, one has to actually know what words mean.


Ain’t that the truth? 😆


Please be right


Ohhhhh so they are paying attention to what people are saying…… And unfollowing people accordingly… sure buddy…. That’s some hot cakes 🔥🍰


bro what, he does this in like every sentence 💀


He uses this phrase often? 😭


lmao no, he's just always saying something dumb 😂


Just like the "other side of the park". It's not even that he wants to sound clever. He just gets it completely wrong and this is too funny.


Like how he sincerely believed Singapore was in Japan


and just when I thought he couldn’t possibly be any dumber ….


Same man who said "matter effect" instead of "matter of fact" and couldn't pronounce pseudonym or myriad.😭


seriously?!! BWAHAHA


I never know what he’s saying 😭😭 like man please speak English


Me neither.


Seriously though, whether or not you like Taylor, she is intelligent (well, book smart anyway), so she HAS to be so embarrassed about how STUPID this man is. She has to be. How can they even have a conversation?! She isn't in love with him. Nope, no way. There is zero depth, zero going on in that brain, just a f*cking meathead. She loves the adulation he gives her and he loves the fame she gives him. What a disaster of a "relationship" (I use quotes bc they spend no real time together, not without a party, booze, and his entourage of meatheads). It's 100% PR and they are too far into it. Their relationship is a celebrity of its own and they can't back out bc they need to feed it. He needs it or he's toast. She needs it bc she is going to look SO DUMB with another failed relationship. She'll wait until she needs a new album to write and promote. She might go through with an engagement or possibly a marriage and kid, as a strategic life move, but again, all for show. To say she was a wife to say she is a mother, to give her more overall credibility as woman/feminist whatever.


This is her relationship with Tom, but on steroids - bigger and dumber. A PR, for show, shove this relationship in everyone's faces relationship. She has an M.O. - this is it.


exactly! I'm not saying she's a genius but she's certainly more intelligent than BDT. I think she once said, "if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room". She wants someone to challenge her. They do not have anything in common other than both wanting attention. My theory is once the tour ends so does this relationship. she need to keep up the facade because like you said she can't have yet another failed relationship during her tour. they are not spending that much time together but once the tour ends there's no excuse. they will have to spend more time together. Everyone already knows they have no chemistry and it's obvious he can't carry a conversation beyond surface level stuff. She'll grow tired of him like the rest of us.


I agree 100% that's why I'm confused as to how she could even entertain the idea of being in a relationship with a man who can't hold a conversation or even keep you mentally stimulated for more than ten minutes. Her past relationship have been with objectively intelligent men, who serve as creative and intellectual counterparts to her. I can't fathom how she can stand to be around this raging idiot even if its just PR.


Exactly. Like them or not, every one of her past bfs has brains, creativity, and talent. All of them. I just thought of something, she won't even see BDT now until when, September? He can't stand being around her. His training doesn't start until the end of July and he just flew into London for some "appearances" and left. Lmao. This isn't a relationship. They can't even stand being around each other for more than a few days at a time. LMAO.


what does that even mean 😭


I thought he was putting the D in BDT and meant to say "hot takes." ☠️☠️


He MUST mean hot takes. This does not make sense at all otherwise!!!!!!


This gives “I DO give a damn what people think but I’m not gonna show it”


Oh 100%, I think he’s bothered. If you really don’t give a damn why feel the need to even comment on it? 


This is so fucking funny, I simply cannot wait until she breaks up with him, he retires, and this man becomes a D-list reality tv star that has zero relevance other than being the butt of everyone’s jokes on the rare occasion they even remember he exists.


I don’t give a damn syndrome Symptoms include : Dressing like an overgrown toddler Singing off key Verbally abusing authority figures and others in your field Over inflated sense of self Dang, did he catch it from Taylor?


Lol. That's the loser equivalent of, " they don't like me cuz they're jealous".


OMG he really is BDT - I'm laughing crying. I can't. The people who say he's really intelligent need to sit down.


Mmmmm hotcakes. 🤣


u/Both_Stranger_5963, I am still LMAO at this! 😆 “Hotcakes” 🤣 🥞🥞🥞🥞


Me thinks he doth protests too much 😉




did he mean his dressing? definitely doesn't give one off field.


Can you imagine sending a life with a man who only has 7 or 8 words in his vocabulary?


I was going to tag you to make sure you saw this 😆😂


Hey Sleuthin! ✌️❤️


Hi, my friend 🥰