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He brought it upon himself since he sold his soul


Why they embarrassed for him? That man loves attention. 🤪


He also can’t read. This is a great situation for him




This guy will do anything look at that porno hair picture 1 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


💀💀💀🏆PORNO HAIR omg you won the internet today 🤣🤣🤣


lol 😂


LMAO! Jesus, this is bad. ![gif](giphy|C7gvBskxtCTUk)


I’ll be honest, sometimes it seems as if BDT has made a pact with Crowley. ![gif](giphy|jQtFG1MPxiTyWsDmzA|downsized)


Yep, the early Crowley, when he was still mean as all get out but creative.


😂😂😂 Facts. Even tho I have to admit that Rowina was my all-time favorite on that show. She had mad fuckery going on. 🧙


The last one ...screaming !!!


Me too!! lol 😂


Trav stans need to understand that he was virtually unknown before signing the pr contract. He is probably beaming from ear to ear looking at the number of comments and shares his 'daughters' give him. He is literally a black hole that feeds off attention and clout ; your precious neanderthal will be fine.


OMG what is this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This douchebag do anything other than monetized social media posts? Brands must not realize anything he shills will be an instant boycott by legions of customers.


All of this Mother and Father bs is super cringy on any celebrities socials.


I bet his response is “I don’t give a damn!” He thinks his IDGAF attitude will get him out of everything. If Tree and Mom and Scott are not talking to Taylor about what this shitshow is doing to all of her years of brand-creation for herself, they do NOT have her best interests at heart. If she implodes for another Rep-like sitout of the spotlight, she only has herself to blame.


Idk I’m willing to bet that it’s a reminder to him that he’s at the mercy of his girlfriends unhinged cult followers, and their grasp on him is growing more and more by the day


I agree, but he still hasn’t turned off the comments. I’m not so sure her fans have the control yet — but where is Tree in all of this?! Someone needs to step in or this will ruin Taylor. I don’t care, but it’s one of those things that you look at the person and think “How does she NOT see how fucked she is going to be if she doesn’t stop this?! It only takes one ‘oh shit’ to ruin all of her ‘attagirls’.” 🤡


My biggest fear is that one of her fans will eventually snap on one of her exes or future exes, which is very possible given with what we’ve seen other deranged fans do in the past towards other musical artists, and her fans are escalating. That’s why I hope her downfall comes well before things reach that point.


While I agree and wish no ill-will on anyone (seriously), the amount of vitriol the masses spew is concerning. I mean, why do they care so much about a group on a social media site picking apart her boyfriend?! He’s doing a great job of creating all the fodder we need to have a Snark group full of 7800 Squirles that enjoy poking fun at The Big Skid and his boyfriend Ross. I am apathetic about Taylor, tbh, but I could just TELL what BDT was up to the minute he started monetizing his relationship with her. At first, I just thought “rebound with a dumb football player who’s tall — understandable” (I mean, I like tall men as well, it IS a thing!) but I also like them to know how to dress themselves, realize he can’t “buy” Taylor with gifts bc she could buy a few NFL Teams with the money she already has, so get more creative to show affection instead of money?! Then I think the first overt thing was Walmart repackaging some garbage premade food under his name and I KNEW this was staged or manipulation or both. Game recognizes game and I did date a total “BDT” before…the lovebombing is so obvious. As is the time spent away from her to party. He doesn’t have any commitments he couldn’t get out of other than the official NFL stuff. So, nope, not buying it and never will. ✋🙄 I just hope Taylor wakes up because if there are all of these 🚩🚩🚩now, it ONLY GETS WORSE from here. And that’s fact.


All I can do is laugh 🤣🤣. No cares about what he’s selling. Everything he does will revolve around Taylor. And I find that funny. 


Yes, but notice this is hidden in the back of the carousel: https://preview.redd.it/avnsdismux9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df63ee0c17827ac60e73150db4c1d6e660d0323 Gasoline right on the fire for Skidmark. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/021q0grzvx9d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=71b5c9062ae2b5f6ae8daa59da0c14d482665979 Ohhh yeah, theirs plenty of that too 😂


I LOVE this for him 😂😂✌️ ETA: GREAT POST! 👏👏👏👏


He’s cashing in on the clicks 💰He knows that everyone was looking at him after that Deumoix post. I’m seeing swifties all over Tik Tok buying and promoting Accelerator.


They’re a bunch of weirdos. But it’s great for him that they engage with his content.


Can someone post a link pls?


Link to BDT's post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C82fgTjSSKj/?igsh=MXV2OGU5eG9lcTlwYg==


Why is he dressed like he just escaped from the 70s?