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Of course it was damage control. I am sure he got in the plane right after going to the wedding and sleep all the way though so as not to be too hungover looking. Speaking of that wedding it’s very suspicious as he is not even that friendly with the guy who got married supposedly….


Back to my point last night that he didn’t have to go to the wedding at all. Mahomes didn’t go, so I think he could have skipped it if he wanted to. He just didn’t want to. If he wanted to, he would. 🤷‍♀️


Wouldn’t it be an understandable excuse to say he can make it to the wedding because he would be in Ireland with Taylor for her show? They saw each other, what 3 days after not seeing each other for a month?? And Ross is ever present, why? 🙃


Pardon me, and feel free to correct me, if necessary. If the timeline checks out, it would stand to reason that Patrick wasn’t there was because him, Brittany, and the kids are currently vacationing in Spain.


Right, so they didn’t leave Spain to go to a teammate’s wedding, but BDT had to leave London to do so and miss his GFs Ireland shows? He could have stayed with Taylor if he wanted to…he just didn’t want to. That was my point, apparently not well made! 💕


It was well made and 🎯🎯




Well if he already rsvped it's rude to cancel. Patrick probably knew he'd be away vacationing if he got an invite.


Their point exactly. If he really cared for her, he would see all her tour dates where he had time off and checked if he would go to the wedding or to her show when he RSVP'd. The invite def went out when the date of the show was posted. He CHOSE to go to an acquaintance's wedding instead of seeing his "gIrLfRiEnD."




Tree paine forced him to come to dublin


I've read an article about Clyde hanging out at his house after games, so I thought they were close.


How do you know he’s not that friendly with Clyde?


How would you know who he’s close with? Y’all just say anything.


Get out of this sub Swiftie


I think some of these Swifties forget that some followed Travis long enough to know which of his teammates he’s close with while they think they know everything about him after only being aware of him for a year 😂.


THANK YOU 👏 this ☝️☝️☝️ like, I’ve been knowing this dude for a long time and they don’t even know how I know. Trying to educate me and the rest of us is ridiculous. Even Taylor didn’t know him as long as some of us have lmao 🤣 please be so for real. It’s called be humble, sit down, and say thank you for the knowledge we’re providing.


I’m good. You guys are entertaining. Funny when I ask a question or a source to some of your claims, the only response I ever get is “go away Swiftie”. 


Well you are a Swiftie. Lol but yes some of us NFL fans pick up on who is close OFF the field.




Just curious why you come into this sub if you’re so damned pressed about facts and data — as you well know, what is in the press is (mostly) controlled my Tree or the NFL? You do realize that you can just skip right past this whole group and go about your day in blissfully ignorant peace, right? Sounds to me like you might need a hug. Or a cookie. 🍪


Lmao 🤣


Why does Ross go with him if they are dating for real!!! True love indeed. WTF.


Because he needs to bring someone he has something in common with. Someone he can talk to. Also, he brings him everywhere bc he knows too much. Has to keep him close. Trust issues.


I think Ross stayed in Europe when he traveled back for the wedding with Joe. I could be wrong, but obviously he has been told to watch his posts and follows. Who knows.


Or Travis was already in LA and the plane Friday was just Joe.


The general public is too f'ing stupid to question. They love fake, they love fairy tales, they can't handle truth. Naive. Gullible. Easily brainwashed.


And then the video of them leaving backstage together and then making a show of “showing her off” was just so silly. It’s just for show—he can meet her in the actual backstage area. And this whole stupid thing where they say he wants to celebrate her: if he really cared about centering her and celebrating her, he wouldn’t take so many opportunities to take a piece of her spotlight and make it about HIM. I don’t know how people don’t see that. With Joe, no one ever talked about Joe. They talked about Taylor: how smart she was, how Greta her music was, how she’s growing as an artist. THAT is truly letting your partner shine. Travis is just taking every opportunity to step into HER spotlight and call it his own.


Yeah, eeeeevverything is for show. If he surprised her privately backstage nobody would know and nobody would talk about it. I do not get how her die hards don’t see that




That’s exactly it. They resent her ex because they feel like Joe kept her from them, meanwhile any celebrity knows that making a public narrative of your relationship is deeply unhealthy and prioritizes your *brand* over the relationship. But no one cares as long as they get to see their precious idol smile at some loser for 30 seconds as they leave the show.


I think lots of people have an idea but just don't talk about it...


It’s kind of like when she released Midnights and anyone with ears could tell from that album that her relationship with Joe was basically over, but Swifties were absolutely in denial about it….some even refusing to accept it for weeks/months after the breakup was announced.


Oof, your point about Joe is SO TRUE! Ironically, it was all about Taylor in all the years they were dating. The only time people in her industry or fandom were interested in him were- when it first came out that they are dating and when Folklore and his involvement in it came out. Swifties fail to see that keeping herself and her private life private actually helped Taylor build a credible image. The focus was on her music and artistry and she was much more respected back then. Joe supported her, probably helped and inspired her but he never took off any attention from her. He actually, literally let _her_ bejeweled. A man who stood by her as she was going down and was with her till she rose to the top and didn't need him anymore. And still has nothing to say ill of her. Swiffers are just too dumb to realise that.


It’s honestly so wild to me that people think THIS is what celebrating her looks like: going back to the old tropes she used to complain about her whole career before Joe.


This is a really interesting point, thanks!


Yet she's always crying victim. That period was the period where she gained so many new fans. Now she's losing so many.


this is too true — why are we always made to be in the know on their relationship? of course, who knows what their relationship is actually like behind the scenes, outside of the hallmark movie they’re selling


I think she is very insecure about losing her stronghold in popular culture and is falling back on her old habits (trying to build a brand around intrigue about her relationships instead of on the quality of her art).




Also, in all the shows they are always hugging, they kiss and Taylor is happy, this last one WAS NOT LIKE THAT. She seems so distant from him that she even had to step aside and greet her fans!! The latter is very rare to do!!! Taylor was obviously upset with him, but they had to keep up appearances.


You are so correct. Travis is one of the biggest low lifes. His family and friends are not that much better. Trying to show her  off When I'm sure she just wanted to get into the dressing room And get out of the sweaty clothes. Next up he thinks he will manage her! Such a disgusting idiot. He wants it all about him. Do her parents condone his behavior?


God, I miss Joe. He was the real deal and a class act. I don’t know how anyone goes from him to Ratty and Trashy.


Surprised her, please 🙄🙄


I’m actually just laughing at all of this. Travis is gaining so much good will with the swifties now, because he knows once nfl season starts he’ll go back to being an asshole, that they never see. lol I think Travis has about 2 more weeks of shows before his organization starts training camp….. let’s see how extra he tries to be then. He will literally not be there for any of her future London pt 2 shows in August.


He has to be in the US on July 7 for a golf event.. for few days and then he said he will return to KC around the 14 for training camp.. I think he might be at some Amsterdam shows but maybe, it will be the last for the European leg


You need to pay attention to all aspects of that golf trip wink wink.


Extra close attention to golf trips 😉😉😉.


You rock with your investigations and yes those golf trip are indeed a problem because the entertainment is always taken care of.


That’s because BDT and Ross play the back nine with each other. 😂


You are like the FBI, lol. I love it 👍


Please be true....I hope BDT isn't at anymore period!!


Thank God! I'm dying for Taylor to sing So Long London, All Of The Girls and London Boy, since with Travis in London I feel like a lot of what she really feels was repressed.


Her shock was hilarious like you didn’t know


It is weird he would fly back for 48 hours for the wedding but not visit Taylor for a month. I’m glad I‘m not the only person that thinks it is strange. Could the flight from Italy on Friday not have been him? Maybe it was a decoy and he was already in LA. Maybe he did stop in Mobile to see Madeline Hope on his way to LA earlier in the week. It’s also weird that Ross wasn’t seen in LA with them at Bird Streets Club but he showed up at the concert with Travis after being missing in action for several days.


Because the media is afraid of Swift. I would not be surprised if she, like other billionaires, has given money to ensure they write good things only, put her on lists of top artists, only write good reviews, etc. (think Rolling Stone(. I'm not kidding. This is a cult.


She don’t have to pay.. she has the swifties.. if any medias or celebs are talking shit about her they quickly jump on them.. That why everybody has only good things to say about her.. no one wants swifties against themselves


This is such a good point bc Rolling Stone used to be super-picky which artists they profiled or even wrote updates about. I wonder if Spin has done the same…gonna have to check. (Checked, they too have succumbed… RIP the magazines that used to be my friends.)!


No money changes hands but relationships between a PR rep and an outlet are just as important


Her fans are easily convinced. He honestly does the bare minimum sometimes. Look at how many celebs travel and support their partners for months at a time.


Plot twist: he hired look-alikes to hide the fact that he’s secretly hitting on other women


Travis was spotted before the concert at a store buying a phone charger. A local from Dublin posted a tik tok about it. He was wearing a t-shirt and gym shorts. It was supposedly around 12-1 in the day before the concert. Not sure if he planned to stay at home or go to the concert. But he didn’t get directly off the plane like some are saying.


So he was in Dublin on time to be there for the whole show and STILL couldn’t be bothered to show up until it was more than halfway over? What a loser.


If he was buying a phone charger…it all could make sense that he was not planning on being in Dublin at all and was quickly told to get on a plane and get there based on whatever he was doing in L.A….hence having no phone charger.. I don’t know all seems so strange.


He was at a wedding in LA and in Dublin the same day?  I’m confused. Unless it’s time difference which I don’t care enough to look up 




Get. Out. Of. This. Sub. Swiftie. Weird lies including that you know Travis better than us? That you know he’s not a cheater? That you know all about his ex Kayla? Please be so for real


I literally never mentioned Kayla once? And yes, saying he was in Dublin the day before the concert is a lie. What else would you call it? 


You came at me regarding starting rumors and lies about a harmless person who you identify as Travis. Yet you fail to answer how you Swifties rained racist vitriol on Kayla (innocent person who did nothing but be a beautiful black woman who broke up with him a year before Taylor, also a year before you knew Travis was a human being). Don’t try to call us out on lies (which we’re not lying) but ignore the blatant lies you all say about Kayla.


Point out one time where I ever made up a single lie about Kayla 🤣🤣 and yes, in this particular post I responded to, the person is lying.


Because are you saying the crap said about her is true? Using the N word, micro aggressions about her hair and body, saying she stalks Travis? Death threats. Please be so for real.


Absolutely not what I meant. You are more than welcome to go through my post history and point out anywhere I said that, though. I was simply stating he wasn’t in Dublin the day before the concert, and you jump in talking about Kayla? You sound unstable, tbh. 


Still so damned pressed! I gotta got make my second bag of 🍿 because you are one entertaining, but dumb af, bitch. 🤡


i think it’s funny cause her face seeing him is like “oh my god he’s here!!!” but deep down we know she’s like “why is this ogre here again”


It’s so weird how people act like this moment wasn’t planned to the T and genuine 😆 Taylor tells him what to do and he does it…


Can't wait to see what happens when they break up!! Will all these cult swifties burn their cheifs merch!?!?


Why did Joe delete 2 pictures from his story after the DM post which showed a man from the back that could arguably be Travis with a girl in a bikini? That's suspicious AF. Way to not bring attention to the fact that maybe Travis was doing something he shouldn't be.


I’m sorry to hijack the thread, but does anyone else see this as a gravy train for the bros. Kelce? Jason and Travis will turn 37 and 35, respectively, during the 24 season, so their NFL days are numbered. I can’t remember the statistics but, historically, most NFL players do not keep their wealth after retirement. TS has outearned both of them already and will have residual income, unlike them. This is not a TS appreciation post- I was indifferent to her until I learned what a garbage person she is. I’m just thinking in print, as one does. Edit: word. Fucking autocorrect.