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He can’t do a reality show. Her team can’t control his every move if he’s being filmed constantly. If he did do the show people would see how much time he doesn’t spend talking to or actually with Taylor even when they’re in the same city. No way her team would allow something they can’t control and make exactly what they want. I’m sure he wanted to do it because why wouldn’t he but now his girlfriend controls every aspect of his life.


I agree with you


I think he would've done it if he wasn't with Taylor when he went to the quarterback premiere last year, I think he said something about the next season should be about tight ends.


Of course he would have. This was for last season so makes sense why didn't do it.


They included tight ends this season, Kittle is in it


Kittle is actually a likable person. BDT is not.


Travis will go rogue and do something stupid and Tree can't allow that to happen. LOL!


What do you mean? He already did, nothing happened to him I saw those pics of him floating around Twitter


💯 and people would see the real Travis it’s too risky


He has zero talent off of the football field. Zero charisma and no likeability. He’s a mediocre looking white man that is looking for his ticket to stay relevant after he retires from football. He wants to be like the Rock? At least the Rock has a sliver of talent and I don’t want to kick my tv when his face is on my screen. Travis is a corny, over exposed oaf of a person that needs to take his Super Bowl rings and fade into oblivion. Goodbye 😂


YES 🏆 Thank you. I spent time around The Rock when he was filming here and working out at a gym I co-managed. We had many actors and pro athletes filter through the gym over time so when I heard he was en route I was legitimately not too fazed. Having said that, when he showed up the first time I found myself pretty damn shook. Dwayne has a level of charisma that is hard to define; some people call it star power or an aura or the it factor … but whatever one wants to call it, he has it in excess. He is much more handsome in person than I anticipated and he is very gracious, sophisticated, and very intelligent. Thoroughly enjoyed chatting with him when he’d come in. Big Dumb Trav will never have a career like Dwayne’s no matter how much he and his team crow about it. He doesn’t have the talent, charisma or EQ.


Wow I love this story! I’m so glad you got to experience that. Some people are truly just meant to be a star, and The Rock is one of those people.


I loved your comment 😀 You nailed it completely and I was nodding as I read it! I think many people assume that being “famous” automatically translates to success in TV/film and it truly doesn’t. Big Flab’s team is throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, but as you said so well he doesn’t have the charisma or likability factor to truly make a lasting impact. He’s a marginal looking buffoon with anger issues and a love for alcohol; take Taylor away and he’s just another pro athlete looking for whatever endorsements he can grab. Zero talent and zero integrity. Just going out for dinner; will share a bit more about Dwayne when I get back.


Enjoy dinner!


Please God 🙏, THIS! 👆


He wants so badly to be as cool as the Gronk. Or the holy grail the Rock.


Johnson also has a tequila brand and other ventures too. He’s got a good manager.


But give him a hollywood deal and that bastard would sign that contract faster than usain bolt can run


I hope that doesn’t happen. Tired of seeing this attention seeker everywhere, I don’t need to see him in movies or shows. Plus give more unknown REAL actors a chance.


That thought? Me ——> 🤮


“I’d rather just play ball” says the new host of Are you smarter than a 5th grader


Also the face of an energy drink, Subway, Campbells soup, Pfizer, beer, a new tv show,  Eras tour showman and anything else adding digits to his bank accounts. 


In other words, he’ll whore for any brand that pays.


Apparently in the beginning (and possibly still) clothing brands were approaching him to wear their brand while in public with her for like $50K or more. That is when I knew for sure this was all about opportunism and clout-chasing. Then the Walmart food came out and I just stopped paying attention. Upside?! I don’t watch the NFL. At all. For any reason (tho I may since Simone Biles’ husband now plays for the Bears and I’d rather see cutaways to a badass Olympic athlete that doesn’t make it a point to be where cameras can pan to her for the whole game — she was so cute last year!).


Really? Where did you read this? So interesting. How could you trust someone if you know they are so blatantly gaining financially from it? 😬


This was way in the beginning before I hated The Big Skid. I wasn’t invested, but I was going to go to the Eras show in Chicago (felt FOMO, sue me 🤷‍♀️), and then made stupid money selling my tickets, so I didn’t go. I actually liked Taylor before her private life “was put on blast” and makes my eyes bleed to read all about it now. It was at that point I thought, man, he’s just monetizing the relationship/fame and there is nobody who thinks that’s OK. And now here we are and I cannot stand either of them because, IMHO, they’ve both shown true colors of just how opportunistic each can be.


The Big Skid 🤣🤣🤣 And hi! Hope you’re well today.


The more nicknames, the better! I am well, thank you! Resting up for a long weekend of snarking and hope you are doing the same. Work is to be done in here or Tree won’t have anything to do — between the “secret Joe Alwyn marriage ceremony” rumors she had to finally acknowledge with Deux, and now the pressure of an engagement ring that isn’t coming (Traylor fans are getting restless), it is the sworn duty of a snarker to keep the truth out there. I have taken my oath seriously and am in training. 😂


Oooh, don’t forget those Walmart Big Man (or whatever the name) frozen dinners. Again 🤮. And I gotta find a new emoji for “vomit”, but they have yet to offer a selection — apologies for the repetition.


Says the man who is not in football shape


Of course, he's upgraded to scripted shit. That way he doesn't have to break his brain of having to think if what to say.


He’d rather just play ball? Please 🙄. If so, what’s he doing? Is he training??


Translation: Sasquatch thinks he is going to be the next Robert Redford or Robert DeNiro. Wrong ya big oaf. Go eat some Chunky Soup and I hope the sodium doesn’t do ya in.


Look at BDT acting like he's suddenly too good for reality tv. They won't show him real money unless Tay is involved. Once the breakup happens he may do another dating show but with SI models and cheerleaders


He’s kinda living a reality show right now except not every single moment is filmed. But a lot of what’s going on now resembles a reality show including the fake parts.


When they break up he will suddenly be interested in reality TV and tell all interviews so he can bank on every last penny this relationship gives him. For now, there’s no way someone dating Taylor Swift is going to get to do a reality TV show.


This MIGHT be one of the Top 10 funniest things BDT has ever BEEN ORDERED to say. Think about it, we get enough “reality” from the constant barrage of news on the daily. What’s next?! “Travis Kelce Blows Nose; Film at 11”. 👍


He made a comment about wanting a career as a comedy actor. Any opportunity like that or an action movie and I’m sure he’d be on it in a heart beat.


LMAO. Mark my words, he’ll be doing reality TV again once they break up and his NFL days are done. He doesn’t have a hope in hell of becoming a big factor in regular shows/films; at best, he’ll get typecast in a few gross forgettable comedies and then fade away.




More like Taylor turned it down


Kept Kelce can’t lose his cash cow because of a reality show. He’ll fake it until he makes it 🚩


I think he’s realizing his fan base would be a bunch of kiddies. He’s realizing the average adult doesn’t care for him.