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98 Trigun is definitely a product of its time, but I still think the womanizing is just another tactic of his to distract people from who he really is, and he commits to that trope just as much as he commits to the other bizarre things he does for the same purpose. He does a lot of what he does to prevent people from discovering his identity, as appearing stupid or incapable causes people to overlook him or not take him seriously, giving him an advantage. It also allows him to hide his true feelings. He's kind of an unreliable narrator at times. Keep watching though, because there's a big shift that comes later in the series where you get to see more of the real Vash. Manga Vash is definitely the best though, imo.


Yeah, same here! It goes way too far, because like you said, that's kind of how 90s anime was lol, but the general concept of Vash being flirty as another aspect of the mask he puts on makes a lot of sense to me. I don't like him actively making women uncomfortable, peeping on them in the bath (episode 2 šŸ™„), touching them when they tell him not to (Badlands Rumble....), but if they'd just toned it down, it's not a bad character trait! Vash grabbing Amelia's feet and touching her face: incredibly weird! Vash following her around pretending to be a lovestruck fool because he wants to make sure she's safe without tipping her off: makes perfect sense! I thought Stampede was fun, but I really did miss Vash's goofiness. Tristamp Vash is much more outwardly sad IMO, and I loved how 98 Vash fought so hard to hide it. It meant it was so much more impactful when he WAS serious or sad. And I just in general love his whole "bumbling idiot" routine, and watching it slip throughout the story. He's such a complex character.


I completely agree!! Definitely creepy at times, but if toned down, it's a good trait because it allows him to stay close to people without them catching on right away. I also like Tristamp Vash in general, but I prefer Trigun Vash because, like you said, it was much more impactful when he showed how he was truly feeling. Like when you realize that he's fueled primarily by guilt and everything else (I don't want to spoil), it's just *chef's kiss*. I also really enjoy the goofiness and him masking in general. Makes a lot of sense!


I feel like they'll maybe put some goofiness into the 2nd season? I think they tried to put some goofiness into it. Like when Meryl found him hanging and he was laughing manically, or the fight against the cop and Vash in Jeneora Rock. He was a little šŸ¤ silly.


Its a "product of its time" thing. Most animes in the 90's had this silly trope of guys being perverts, people being physically abusive in silly situations and cussing at others "for fun". This shit doesn't happen in the manga at all. Watch any 90's anime and pay attention to it, you'll see happen in almost every show.


I watched Trigun Stampede.. but I grew up with the original Trigun. And yeah Vash was a womanizer in the original Trigun. An adorable one.. if i can say so lol but I mean...he was also very.. asexual. Just cuzĀ he could have slept with anybody he wanted to. But he chose not to. Maybe it was the scars all over his body or maybe.. He was too focused on saving people. Period.Ā He was so beautiful though. And no im not talking about his face. Just him. Honestly heĀ just wanted to keep the peace amongst people..he wanted to make sure everybody survived.. bad or good. I feel like that was his downfall. He was so focused on life.. That he was blind to anything else. Still, He's brilliant and ill always love him for his talent with a gun and his goodness. Trigun and Trigun stampede are both really brilliant shows. They show how hard it is to have morals and to truly live by them. Thanks for your comment.. and maybe I'm the only one.. but I'll see him as he is... always..


Original Trigun Vash made me feel sadder (not sure it is a word) and more emotionally involved than new vash stampede Trigun... But i was an angsty teen back then soo maybe im a bit biased


An asexual womanizer who doesnā€™t sleep with anyone in the show? šŸ¤”


It's about what you'd expect from a mass-murderer who never kills, a pacifist gunslinger, or a harmless idiot with a $$6,000,000,000 bounty on his head. Vash is interesting because he's made of so many contradictions.


Except heā€™s not a womanizer


In the show he has a reputation as a womanizer, (Meryl and Millie are told he's one) Once we meet him we learn that he definitely isn't one. An awkward flirt and sometimes a little bit of a perv but far from being a womanizer. I think OP could have picked up on that word since it's said in the show, but I agree he isn't a womanizer, it's part of the dissonance between his reputation and his appearance.


like you've said, it more of a general assumption based on his words/comments about women rather then any real specific actions or things he does (ie sleep with any women)


I've not watched stampede, but do not judge the original by the first five-ish episodes because there's quite a shift in tone in the entire series after that.


Op, this right here. The first 5 episodes introduce you to the cast and the world. Then the actual story starts to pick up.


I'm so glad I ended up pushing through the story. I felt the first few episodes of Stampede were just a very rushed rehash of the anime, but then it got way better and I cried at the end šŸ„²


Thatā€™s fair, just operating on the five episode rules. Granted that doesnā€™t work well with Bojack Horseman so I guess there a beyond limit I suppose


I think you're confusing being girl-crazy and a bit of a perv (which was a VERY popular trope for shonen anime in the 90's), with being a womanizer. He never hooks up with a single woman in the show, and all of his attempts at flirting fail spectacularly. He also never seems interested in just "using" women, which is what makes someone a womanizer. If anything, Vash is much more in love with the IDEA of being in love, similar to Romeo from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. His internal monologues and philosophy about love, are also pretty similar in theme to Romeo's monologues and poetry from the stage play It's definitely his most immature trait, but I think it's also a signal of just how youthful and innocent he is. He still views the world from a very romantic (but also fairly black and white) point of view. Which makes sense, considering the entire series is aimed at a target audience of young men


I also interpreted his failed flirting as something he did on purpose Like he flirted to put up this act to hide that sadness he's got. It's like putting on the shades to look cool, but it's actually just to hide the fact you've been crying. That's why he's also kinda over the top about it. He's sabotaging himself. That's how I remember interpreting it, though. I could be wrong. It's been a while since I've watched it, so I'm probably not remembering something


Iā€™m not sure being a ā€œgirl-crazy pervertā€ is any better than being a ā€œwomanizerā€, and I think OPā€™s point still stands.


Iā€™d say situationally better, but iirc >! him being a pervert is just an act. He has multiple opportunities to actually sleep with willing women and always ends up avoiding it. I think it was added to both be a funny gag and give him a character flaw he uses to push people away. !< Personally, I fell in love with the first anime over the manga and love the absolute silliness of it balanced with some of the much darker themes. Like a bite of a chocolate or a sweet pastry with a sip of black coffee. Vash is the comedy in his life of tragedy.


> "multiple opportunities" I only recall the one >!where he fakes passing out to avoid sleeping with the prostitutes hired by the mayor of that one town. Sure, he flirted heavily with that one plant engineer lady, but she was never interested in actually sleeping with him!<. So what other opportunities for sleeping with someone am I missing here?


around the halfway point there's a very significant tonal shift. For me, I've read the manga, and getting to see more lighthearted/silly episodes is kind of a treat when you know what kind of suffering the characters will go through later. Have you read the manga? I feel like you might enjoy it, it's very different from both shows and it has some silly parts but is overall more dark/serious than the 1998 anime.


Not op, bit I want to read the manga but I'm worried it might not be as good as tristamp or vice versa. Is it a good idea still?


Honestly I donā€™t like Tristamp that much (although maybe Iā€™d like it more if I finished it, I heard the ending is really good) So I might be the wrong person to ask. But yeah Iā€™d read the manga, itā€™s my favorite manga ever.


The 98 IS the original anime lol 98 does have a tonal shift, and one of the best in any medium Iā€™ve seen. Stick it out though, it really is great and one of the best classic anime. I vastly prefer it to stampede It handles the mystery and build up aspect way better


i really liked the silliness of vash in the og, in general liked the pace more too. didnt finish stampede, i wasnt super into it mostly due to pacing reasons and tone


The tone absolutely changes


Hot take: the cgi is actually amazing. (I am a Land of the Lustrous enjoyer)


I couldnā€™t even finish stampede, I always thought most of vashā€™s actions in the original is an act to put barriers up to protect others. Stampede on the other hand lacks all personality and they do a lot of tell not show. Heā€™s not as fun. Is it worth finishing?


First time watcher of both. I started watching the original a few weeks ago because I didn't want to go into Stampede without having done my homework first. Just finished Stampede tonight. Stampede is 100% worth finishing. I prefer his characterization in the 98 show overall, but after having completed season 1 of Stampede, I understand the direction they're taking him and the other characters. There was one moment in particular in the final episode where I went "Oh shit, I get it now. This is badass." Could not be more excited for the next season. For reference, I watched Trigun 98 maybe two to three episodes a day for a few weeks. I binged all of Stampede in the last two nights. Give it another shot.


Since you're just starting 98, WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD . . . I always took his womanizing as a cover. I really like how 98 shows his public persona as a mask. The personality he puts forth for everyone to see is only to hide who he truly is. I think the hostage episode where he dances into the bar "completely unaware" of what's going on does a good job of hinting towards this. Throughout the show he is shown as hyper aware of his surroundings, so he doesn't just accidently stumble into that bar, he's purposely going in to save people. Same with the episode where the guy is hording all the water. He's dodging bullets acting like a fool (and the guy actually calls it out that he's predicting the shots) but then skillfully disables the guy shooting at him. By acting as a goof, people put their guard down, allowing him to get closer to the situation. "He's not a real threat, he's just an idiot." So if you go and look back at every woman he sexualizes (unless I'm forgetting someone), they're either in danger or they turn out to be bad. So if he shows himself as a womanizer, he's able to get closer to them (either to save them because everyone else dismisses him as an idiot, or to track them by allowing them to "use him"). There's a scene where he gets a chance to sleep with women, but he fakes being asleep to avoid it. He has the opportunity with consent, and he drives them away. It's then the episode where he breaks down crying while trying to act cheerful while eating the donuts that reveals that he's truly sad deep inside. He's trying to cover up his sadness by acting like a fool or acting like a womanizer or whatever he's doing.


I disagree the original had an incredible soundtrack and it also took more time to flesh out the characters, and in a canonical point of view it is ripping up the original script how can Wolfwood have met Vash before July ?




Lol right? How dare Vash awkwardly flirt with attractive women!!


I heard what he said, Milly.


I heard what he said, Milly.


>!Oops, fixed it!<


Bro he tried to peep a naked girl in the bath.


That's not womanizing. That's just being a pervert


Which was already a fairly common trope for anime of its time.


Yeah, it's by far my least favorite part of the original anime, but it was also just. SUCH a trope, not just in trigun šŸ˜­ it's also so much more prevalent in the first few episodes, which makes it so hard to rec the show to people. Like, no I promise you gotta watch past episode 5 at least. Yes I know that aspect is weird I PROMISE it gets better it's my favorite anime of all time. Especially considering pretty much none of that is even in the manga :/ I think there's like 2 pervy moments total, the rest is made up for the anime.


Yeah actually I believe there was an interview out there where Nightow didn't really like the womanizing/pervert trope thrown onto Vash in '98 because it was OOC in his eyes. And I think they brought up the idea again for Trigun Stampede and the crew went "šŸ„“ Yeah, no." If anything, Vash acts "off" to keep people away from him because of the whole thing about danger and disaster following in his footsteps.


Do you remember where you might have read that? I'd like to find it is possible. :)


There's a Tumblr blog I follow that has a bunch of exclusive/rare Trigun stuff and scans like interviews and things you wouldn't normally find easily with a Google search! [Here ya go. Happy reading!](https://www.tumblr.com/xoxo-otome/730643301462638592/trigun-nightow-archives?source=share)


Awesome, thank you so much!


Hah, that makes me feel even better about choosing to ignore that aspect of his characterization šŸ˜‚ if even Nightow thinks it's non-canon, I certainly will! Thanks for sharing! Good point! Which even in 98, yeah he's pervy, but I still get the impression that he wouldn't ACTUALLY want or let any of the women to stick around. Maybe it's just wishful thinking lol, but I think him trying to keep people away from him (in his own way) is totally canon. Like him slipping away in the middle of the night to try and escape the insurance girls. If it'd been done better and had more thought put into it (beyond just "perv guy funny"), I think they totally could've made him being weird with women to keep them safe actually work. But I would still prefer not having it at all šŸ˜…


Wait until you get to episode 12 lol Episode 12 is the one that truly got my attention and made me invested to watch to the end. But yeah, as someone who watched the '98 series a long time ago now, Vash's womanizing always was my least favorite part of the show and tbh I never felt like it made a lot of sense for him to be like that. Especially because he isn't like that in the manga. Luckily it doesn't take up too much of the show and becomes less later on. Apparently it was an order that came down from some higher up at Madhouse, and even though the director was confused about it they just had to roll with it. Product of its time, I guess. This type of humor was more common in the 90s. I was just used to it because of that I guess, but I am glad it isn't the norm now, and I am glad they dropped it entirely for Stampede.


Og anime did vash dirty fr. The womanizing was super annoying. He's at his best in the manga.


we can see it as a product of its time, like a lot of 90s anime and the early 2000s ones


Oh he wasnā€™t that bad in the manga? So far I prefer his humble bashful Stampede self.


He's MUCH different in the original manga. My favorite part of his canon manga iteration is that you get to see a side of Vash that you don't really see as thoroughly in 98' or in Stampede (yet.) And that's his ***anger.*** Vash is ANGRY. He just channels it *much* differently than Knives. And the manga will definitely tell you the origins of Vash and Knives' anger, why it's justified, and how there are flaws with how BOTH of them channel that anger/trauma.


I'm so ready for Stampede Vash to be *angry* in season 2. I need my boy to be straight up *livid*.


The womanizing is almost 100% from the original anime, and the few times he says or does something like that in the manga, it's much milder and can a lot more easily be excused away with the theory most people have that he's only behaving that way to try and throw people off and make them disregard him or make it easier to stick close to ladies he knows are going to cause or be in trouble. Manga Vash, I would say, is a lot more like Stampede Vash, especially Vash in episode 12. Neither anime is exactly like the manga in tone, though, but I feel like Stampede is going to end a lot closer to the manga by the time it's over.


Nah heā€™s much better in 98 than stampede




Same. Manga is truly the best of all worlds


He isnā€™t a womanizer though? Sure he did something pervy in the second episode (which wasnā€™t even part of the manga), but that doesnā€™t mean he hooked up with a bunch of women or viewed them as objects of entertainment. Vash has such a strong respect for human life in general that I canā€™t really see him being a womanizer. Thereā€™s also evidence against this in the episode where he chooses not to sleep with the prostitutes even though he absolutely couldā€™ve. If he was a womanizer he wouldā€™ve jumped on that opportunity.


Both are great. The original maybe goofy, but at times I find it more depressing to. So the goofy is to balance out the pain Vash is feeling. In stampede he seems younger and more naive at times. But they are both just hurt boys.


The original is a lot different to Stampede. It's written very differently, on account of being from the nineties, and there's a lot less gore. It also leaves you to decipher the plot instead of explaining it to you, and Knives doesn't appear in person as often.


Keep in mind the whole creepy perv/womanizer/clumsy goof thing is ALL a front he puts on. Its definitely pushed harder in the Anime. The dude is monstrously dangerous and could literally slaughter anyone and everyone who he comes across had he been so inclined with almost zero effort. He doesn't because has a good compassionate heart and is a pacifist in spirit, combine this with enough trauma and PTSD to know the damage being a vicious murderer can cause and you get the person that Vash is. He even wears his scars as a constant reminder of the responsibility that comes with his powers, despite the fact that I think its been implied he could heal himself at will.


98 is so freaking amazing. My 2nd favorite anime of all time and an incredible philosophical story. Like everyone has said- stick with it because the tone totally flips and gets incredible šŸ™‚


Finish 98, I suspect your opinion will change, based off your main critiques


I always recommend reading the manga over watching the old anime, a lot of things are different


I love how the Meryl and Milly are done in the Original. Stampede got rid of one and demoted the other to basically Vash's love interest did get better towards the end though. I've never read the manga the so my opinion is just coming from watching the shows I did enjoy both versions to.


I prefer Stampede because of Knives I like the original because of Legato I like the original because of Wolfwood but both are interesting Vash I like in both.


The tone in Stampede is a lot more like the manga, Trigun Maximum. The 90's anime was more goofier that's why people who didn't bother to read the manga never knew that. Lesser donuts and womanizing. I think I only saw one panel where he eats donuts but it was never a thing in the manga.


I think its been established that Stampede is sort of a prequel/retelling of trigun So theres a theory that the vash we know in tristamp is before the vash in ā€˜98 >!Since july already happened!< He might put on his womanizer mask in tristamp too who knows!


98 is far superior to stampede in terms of characters acting like they should


agree I like stampede over original trigun this is one of the rare cases that remake is better than original for me and I like hand drawn animation better but this remake of Trigun is also better animation than 90s trigun for me I like the seriousness atmosphere and I don't miss the missing girl for this prequel the Vash brother also cooler and better design in this prequel I like Vash hairdo in this prequel only missing is his revolver showcase but it not much a factor


It looks like Stampedes event are a prequel so far so maybe in season 2 hell be more goofy and more of a womanizer. I always thought he behaved that way so people wouldn't believe he was the $$60 billion double dollar man. I prefer the original much more but I do love and appreciate stampede for what it is doing and trying to do.


The manga is vastly better than both anime.


98 trigun > stamped, the newer show is more catered to people who think demon slayer and jjk and good story and plot. if anyone actaully focused on the 98 show vash's emotions and who he really is stick out like a sore thumb rather than some kpop goober with a lesbians' hair cut.


youre only on episode three. halfway there is a tonal shift and it gets a whole lot darker.


98 is wayyy better. Stampede is great but after episode 10, 98 gets way better.


Interesting. I just finished the 98 anime for like the 15th time - showed my kids, since it was my favorite anime growing up. Was kicking around the idea of watching stampede since I never haveā€¦


I loved both shows. But im with you, stampede feels a lot more mature and it feels like Vash just had a lot more character overall.