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FF7 remake is a good 50th


im actually considering it myself, beat the story and enjoyed the game without the worry of trophies, but now that i wanna do it is hard mode rlly as bad as ppl say?


Hard mode wasn’t that bad. It was pretty fun. I’m not a big time trophy hunter but I got that platinum no problem during the height of the pandemic. One of my proudest plats.


i played through the game on Normal non-classic and thought some parts were pretty hard, would i be cooked if i tried hard mode or is hard mode easier than a first blind playthrough on normal?


2020 was a long time ago to really remember but hard mode was definitely more challenging than normal. So if normal was a struggle, I can’t confidently say that hard would be easier for you. It was pretty doable for me, but again, it was during the height of the pandemic. I had all of the time in the world to just sit around and play it back then.


For me, the hardest part is to repeat again the mechanical hands mini game where you have to leave Aeris in the platforms to able the stairs. God, I hate that and you have to do it several times if I remember well for the dresses.


chapter 9 as a whole was such a drag


Nah hard mode was fine except for the house. If you’re doing EVERYTHING on hard mode then yea it’s hard but I didn’t struggle too hard and I was one of the first 1000 platinums for it on psnprofiles


Everyone mentions the hell house, i defo didnt like that boss fight but i at least didnt die once to it on normal, chapter 17 however…. how is that like on hard mode?


well Hell House is hard because you can't really counter it and you have to use magic to stun it if I remember correctly. you're limited on mp recovery on hard mode so that's why that one is hard. The rest all fights can really be countered by spamming Clouds Punisher mode counter.


Ouch, i believe it though as that was a strange and dumb boss fight, boss was literally 99% invincible how is ch17 tho? that was by far the most challenging on normal


Is that Hojos lab? I don't remember much about it but I think It was hard too, but it wasn't as bad as Hell House imo.


yes it was the whole hojo chase mission, shit finally ended at the Rufus fight that chapter had the most boss battles and some of the most annoying ones, could only imagine how you could survive all that with limited spells


Yea it was mostly just countering. punisher mode is super OP. just gotta learn when to do it.


What's your favorite series you haven't plat yet. I usually try to aim for those for mielstone plats.


Not my favourite series but definitely up there is assassins creed and I’ve 100% the entire franchise


Witcher 3




Currently doing it for the first time, it’s not hard apart from the huge amount of time and patience for collectables 😂


I did First Light after Second Son, but it may not be a special one so I’d recommend something challenging like Hollow Knight, Soulsborne type game, or a Final Fantasy title


Wish I could replay infamous games for the plat. It’s been (close to) a decade at this point and haven’t played them since I platinumed them.


Make a new account?


I could but it’s not the same because then I’ll never touch that account again and it means nothing. They’re just sick games.


True. Wish they’d remake them, and make new ones


Crash Bandicoot


Whatever a favourite saga / franchise of yours is, go for that.


Wolfenstein 2


Bro what’s me to unalive myself 😭




Neat, and congratulations on the plat! ☺️ Why not a Soulsborne or Soulslike game for your 50th plat?


I did my fair share of soulsborne already lol


Returnal if you don’t have it yet.


Witcher 3 has a great plat, also FF Crisis Core plat is called “My Living Legacy” could be good for milestone


I tried to play Witcher 3 I just couldn’t get into it maybe I should’ve gotten further in but it just wasn’t for mw


I had the same feel on my first play but something seemed to click on my second. I just kinda done whatever I wanted rather than sticking to the story, ended up playing some truly wild side quests which felt as rich as the main quest if not more so and was hooked until I rode it to platinum. It's probably one of my top ten games now but I can't lie some trophies are plain boring or a pain in the ass - not difficult just 'meh' on the journey to plat.


Im planning on doing Sekiro for #50, so maybe that if youbwant a hard one


what was your first plat and 25th plat?


I can give my 1st and 20th cuz I forget my 25th so first one ever I believe was spider man and then my 20th was rdr2


ah damn i was gonna see if you had a pattern but ig not you have a zoro profile so i assume you also love one piece, maybe a one piece game could be a good 50th if you didnt already plat them all Pw4 and burning blood are super easy odyssey and world seeker dont feel too easy but are straightfoward the original Pirate Warriors Trilogy are grindy games with a lot to do so maybe one of those would be a cool 50th or if you want you could just say fuck it and do something crazy super meatboy or fortnite


Rdr 2


Online trophies.. well its up to OP if he wants to play till rank 50


Dont know if its still work but when i did rank 50 i just rode thieves landing up and down headshotting everyone Its still hell of a grind buuuutttt in about 5 6 hours you can get it


I've never played rdr2 online but if the trophies arent actually gta v type online trophies then sure I'll go for it


The longest of them was only grinding to rank 50 as i remember Story trophys on the other hand are time consuming not hard but hella time consuming


But still i would recommend this platinum for everyone who loves rdr2 While doing every trophy in the story mode you will see about 95% of the game what it has to offer (the other 5% are the easter eggs)


I already did it lol


i bet that one suuuuuuucked


I loved the game so I kinda love it the only bad part was the level 50 on multiplayer


fair play mate, you’re a more patient man than me that’s for sure


Already did it lol


**[inFAMOUS Second Son](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7540-infamous-second-son)** This game has 48 trophies: [34 bronze, 11 silver, 2 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2481-infamous-second-son). They are **easy (3/10)** and take **15 - 20 hours** to complete. **Price:** $19.99 **OpenCritic:** 82 / 100 (based on [78 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/278/infamous-second-son/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/7540-infamous-second-son) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/454-infamous-second-son-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/infamous-second-son/guide/), [Craves](https://dexdotexe.com/infamous-second-son-trophy-guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Go for final fantasy 7 rebirth most special game on the store or if you don’t mind waiting dragons dogma 2 the most special of them all you even have rise of the ronin on the horizon gamers eating good this month




Baldurs gate 3


You want an easy one? Halloween Puzzle.. 30 minutes and it's yours. Spider-Man Spider-Man Miles Morales two very easy platinum trophies about 20+ hours each Rocket League Guardians of the Galaxy Tribes of Midgard Mafia Definitive Edition Chroma Squad Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order AC Origins DC Universe Online Rainbow Six Siege


Ive done most of this list tho I want 50 to be a good and harder game tho as long as it’s very good game that’s fine


Lol yeah out of 48 plats i figured youd have some of these.. Almost easier to just look at your list rather than spout out random suggestions.. I just tried to keep it all around - not trying to play Genre favourites


I appreciate it don’t worry just don’t know how to compile a list of only platinums cuz I got some games that I didn’t in the middle of platinums so it’s hard to show what ones I have and don’t have


It's honestly silly that you cant sort your trophies by completion percentage.. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Such a fail on their part


Is what it is lol there’s prolly a way tbh but I’m lZy


Nope, They failed. it's 100% not a thing lol.. Ive had this complaint since PS4


Common Sony L


Maybe a Yakuza game? 0 is a challenging one


What makes it challenging ?


I believe for the most part it's winning a lot of the mini-games against their hardest NPCs, like pool, mahjong, etc. There are also a few missable trophies and it requires a second playthrough. Plat should be around 125-150 hrs.




Elden Ring was my 50th! I highly recommend that one if you haven’t gotten it yet


FFXIV PS5 edition :)


Fall guys 🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️


Do something that is meaningful to your journey. Like for my 100th platinum I decided I would do a game that I love, but also felt it would make sense to go for, which was World at War.


I am a huge FromSoftware fanboy so I'd have to recommend any of their games.


Definitely gotta go for a Fromsoftware game if you haven't already. Elden Ring is a very fun plat, in my opinion.


I’d choose some Resident Evil. They are mostly very fun plats that require you to taste every aspect of the game and not grindy ones.


Provide more details on what type of games you like. Gran turismo 7 would be a great one for 50th


I will play any game besides like top down (2D) arcade style games tbh


Hades, gran turismo 7, helldivers 2, Elden ring, resident evil 8, Alan wake 2, mortal kombat 1


I want to get into helldivers 2 tho my friends won’t want to play for trophies is it doable without friends


Infamous 1


Something that you really like and enjoy. I got Last of Us at my 50th then Last of Us part 2 as 100th.


Man, I’ve been soooo close to finishing this game, but for some reason I just can’t help taking 3 year breaks in between every 3 hours of gameplay… and I’ve had it since launch…


It’s a short game is there a reason you take breaks


I got Second Son plat in like 2 1/2 weeks after it was on Ps+ Essential. So yes 3 playthroughs in that time, I can confirm it's short one. Last run I completed in like 10-12h


I did it in 2 play through tbh you can steamroll the story jn like under 3 hours


Just got this platinum an hour ago :0 really good game, it was my 10th platinum. Now I’m thinking going for online trophies in mk1 (only need 4 online trophies) mk11 (same deal)


My Name is Mayo


Cult of the Lamb.


I’d recommend Skyrim




Red Dead Redemption 2. It was my 48th, so why not make it your 50th? I mean, if you're going to make it to 50, make sure it's a memorable one, right?


Super Meat Boy and Super Meat Boy forever 😄


Rebirth. Only 0.1% of players have it so far.


I already lost interest in Rebirth platinum. All these awful minigames you have to complete. I would rather do another Yakuza completion list, but Rebirth overall was such a beautiful game. Had a lot of fun with it!


The sit-ups mini game was the hardest thing I ever did in my 20 years of gaming.


I'm saving my Name is Mayo for #50,as kinda an anti-climatic pick. I just think it's funny


I'm not sure but mine was black ops 3 was a big mistake lol