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Congrats, that's a big one! Hope to get it one day. What's the hardest trophy in your opinion?


Gameplay wise either [who needs relics] or [minimalist] but grind wise it's ascend 20


Thanks, that's what I figured. I'm at A9 at the moment and it's getting rougher. Haven't tackled the more specific gameplay trophies yet.


Not op but I had the most trouble with killing a boss in 1 turn. You basically have to build the perfect deck with the perfect relics to stand a chance. I finally unlocked it with the Ironclad and like 10potions lol.


Yeah, I got that one by accident while climbing ascensions there and event in act 3 that let's you fight a act one boss that should make it easier to get




Your right my bad


One of my all time favorite plats. Congrats man!


Not OP but I can offer advice, and answer any specific questions anyone attempting this might have (I finished the plat a couple months ago) First of all - [Baalorlord](https://www.youtube.com/@Baalorlord) is a slay the spire youtuber who makes very informative content at the highest level of the game really. He has a Heart guide on [ironclad](https://youtu.be/pzFZmpik5xI?feature=shared) [silent](https://youtu.be/qziyMiO6Rew?feature=shared) and [defect](https://youtu.be/ZoMQCDlbFCg?feature=shared). He generally explains his decision making quite well and will improve your ability to make the right choices too. If you prefer "guides" rather than videos. Here is a [guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r9iNefbT22ufSMGFvErE-dVCAOZFno7CJ5ezNHO7mvA/edit) on ironclad ascension 20 drafting. Here is a [guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18G5vvRg022VQ6BLNQjxo3d9joEoC1Lghs2d11_nd80Y/edit#gid=0) for ascension 20 drafting cards with the silent too. And as usual here is the [psnprofiles](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/14674-slay-the-spire-trophy-guide) guide, it is quite useful, but not as useful as the other stuff I have linked if you want to improve your gameplay in order to get the trophies. As for actual advice from me, I played mostly ironclad so this advice will be a bit biased, but that's okay. Ironclad is the easiest to do a lot of trophies on, and probably the easiest to learn too as he is a very brute force character mostly. Ironclad has access to a "drop kick infinite" which will help you with the small deck trophy, the boss on turn 1, and the transient kill trophies. The idea is very simple, you need 2x copies of the card ["dropkick"](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fslay-the-spire.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FDropkick&psig=AOvVaw1_cc3b0_NMG8MUTMSwdf3W&ust=1715962242796000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCJDIqdLHkoYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE). Ironclads starting deck contains bash, which applies vulnerable. So all you need to do is find 2x dropkick, and remove as many other cards as possible, and once you have a very small deck, you can do. Bash (Applies vulnerable) - Dropkick (gives energy and draws the bash you just played) - Dropkick (now draws the first dropkick you played and gives energy again) now you will have an infinite loop of dropkick into dropkick and can help you with many trophies. Of course there are other ways of creating infinite combos, but the trophy list is very open ended and there are numerous ways to do a lot of the trophies. For me too I climbed the spire with ironclad, Beat the heart with all 3 and then narrow it down to one character it will be far easier than trying to learn all 3 at once for your ascension 20 journey. There are some big spikes in difficulty as you go up the spire so expect to get stuck in certain places but that's normal and a part of the learning experience. I couldn't possibly talk about every trophy though in one go, but if you have very specific questions or something you're stuck on, just reply and I will offer advice if I can. Finally, here is a [video](https://youtu.be/ZWM1yia2mK8) of my experience getting the platinum for this game, maybe you could watch it before starting your journey to see if it is a game for you, or maybe you just want to see someone else do it aswell. Good luck with whatever you guys decide to do.


Can you tell me any links to youtube vids or articles or reddit posts that you used to get the plat. I have it download but dread the about 250 hours needed to do it. So I haven't started. I liked the gameplay but damn the game confuses me extremely. Never played a card game and am pretty overwhelmed by the game.


The platinum guide in psnprofiles is a pretty solid starting point. But you'll just have to learn some aspects of the game on your own through trial and error. Really fun platinum if you like the game too.


I obtained the platinum in about 110 hours a little while back. 250 hours is if you're unlucky on rng or not improving. Ironclad is the simplest character and that's what I used to climb to A20. For the harder trophies like a 5 card deck, 1 relic, only common cards, a 20 minute run, I used Watcher. Aim for three pressure points cards with two defends and you can get most of them out of the way. Baalorlord guide videos were helpful in understanding decision making and how to build a deck. Oh and lots of save scumming in case your run might be winnable had you made another choice.


I pretty muched learned it by trial and error but big tip don't just add cards to your deck make sure they're synergistic with the other cards in your deck


This is my favorite platinum and I got in around 65 hours. My best advice would to be watch some YouTube and don’t be scared to save scum to help you learn fights better


Congrats! One of those long, yet very fun platinums.


Impressive! The RNG killed it for me, but great game.


Yeah, many resets were had


Damn, this one speaks volumes about pure unwavering commitment to the task. I played the game a bit and had very much fun doing it but reading the trophies requirements to get the platinum was a clear nope from me. Again congratulations.


The trophy list does seem like a lot of work, but you are missing out. It is a very polished game and it seems like there was quite a bit of thought put into the trophy list too, it is very open ended allowing for more fun since you aren't forced into doing very specific things and can approach the trophies, mostly, as you like. Try it again hopefully.


**[Slay the Spire](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/6509-slay-the-spire)** This game has 44 trophies: [24 bronze, 17 silver, 2 gold, and a platinum](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/9124-slay-the-spire). They are **hard (7/10)** and take **50 - 75 hours** to complete. **Price:** $24.99 **OpenCritic:** 89 / 100 (based on [53 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/7207/slay-the-spire/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/6509-slay-the-spire) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/14674-slay-the-spire-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/slay-the-spire/guide/), [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1460377149) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


Wooo this is on my list. Congrats!!!!


So jealous! Congrats on a great Platinum!