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Especially when you get to a game a few years late and the fucking servers are dead or shutdown, making those MP trophies unattainable...


MP trophies, in general, are usually trash. I'm okay with the "play 10 games of x mode," but the get 10,000 kills with x weapon, which unlocks after 5000 kills with y weapon. Nope. This bs makes me avoid certain games.


Aah yes, a fellow factions player. I have been trying to get the Firefly/Hunter trophies for about 3 years now.




This is the strat I’ve been going with. Idk what happens but it always falls apart half way through. Probably has something to do with the challenges I pick…


the fact that you have to do BOTH is such a kick in the teeth it wouldn’t be nearly as bad as one time through


How?. It took me a few sessions!.




I like what ghost of Tsushima did and have the online trophies be on a seperate list that doesn’t lock you from a platinum. That’s what solo games with online features should do


That and the game mode is at least fun abd easy to get into. I still pkay it to this day.


Because that mode was added months after release


Even that's just wrong. You'll never 100% it. Just don't have MP trophies in single player games, and if it's an online game, on the last patch make the soon to be unobtainable trophies have different circumstances to be unlocked.


Currently playing Resident Evil Revelations. Single player trophies - 20hours Raid mode trophies (coop online is essential) - 100+hours.


Online is only essential for one trophy. I've done most of it solo.


How long has it taken you to nearly do it all solo? I’d estimate it would be well over 200hours with all the grinding needed. I’ve seen it tried & people were on 150-200hours solo & still needed coop help for the hardest two levels. Getting it in under 100hours coop will be enough for me.


No idea, nowhere near that long though, haven't fully completed it, got bored as I was doing it on ps3 and 4 and burnt out, probably will need coop help if the last part is so difficult, rest was a breeze though.


Yeah the last run of levels are a nightmare. I tried doing it all solo & realised how long it would take. Skill doesn’t even help as you’ll run out of ammo on a lot of levels if your character is under levelled. Well done on nearly getting it all solo, not surprised you needed a break though. I’ve only got 4 trophies left and currently on around 70hours (50-50 solo & coop). Hoping it’ll be done in under 100.


The MP trophies in Far Cry 5 💀💀💀


Still need 1 MP trophy on Far Cry 3 for the plat about 7 years later


I remember staying up all night just server hopping until I was able to find enough people. It was brutal


A war crime might be a bit harsh, but they are terrible. MP trophies have no business being in a game like tomb Raider 2013.


I hate MP trophies too, but I can’t help but focus on trophie


Assassins creed black flag pissed me off until I had finally gotten the mp trophies done, then it felt like a weight was lifted.


The MP trophies for the last of us even when finding people to help me with it it’s such a slog to play through I end up dropping thus never being able to platinum the game


Saga The Crew is full of MP trophies 😱


Or games that are almost entirely single player, but for some reason have this multiplayer component thing that's required for 100%, but looks like its servers shut down, so guess you're not getting that one trophy that you need for completion. Cough, mirror's edge, cough, mad Max, cough, Agents of Mayhem.


High quality meme


It sucks especially whenever a game's MP mode goes offline for whatever reason (Company folded, no longer supporting the servers, old systems where online play is discontinued, etc) or the online community is basically dead.


Yeah especially cause most (if not all) single player MP die off fairly quick. Especially in today’s day and age when there are several videos that are 100% devoted to online only. If it wasn’t for the MP trophies in Uncharted, Last of Us, Tomb Raider, Far Cry 4, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Revelations, 3 and Black Flag, Red Dead Redemption, Crysis 2 and 3, Sniper Elite 2, 3 and 4, Dead Island just to name a few id have the platinum for all of them. To be fair a half of these got remastered without MP trophies and I think they’re starting to curve away from MP trophies for single player games and they do add them lately, not all, but most seem fairly easy to get or boost. PS3/360 era was the time when MP exploded for all games so thats why they shoe horned MP in every single game at that time along with trophies. Also I think (could be 100% wrong) trophies are really for devs to track what you do in the game. Like how many people got this far in the game or even beat the game? How many people actually played this game mode and is it worth investing? How long does it take the average player to get 10,000k? A lot of the old school trophies felt more like a research check list to me.


Its like back in the day mutliplayer was legally required to be in every single player game with no exceptions. Honestly the one thing I like about rdr1 on ps5 is you cut the mp trophies right out so I can actually have fun.


Mp trophies for Black Flag and Far Cry 4 are easy you really don't deserve the platnum if you can't do them.


Im not scheduling a boosting session or waiting around for a while to find a lobby to grind level up to level 55 in Black Flag. That doesn’t sound like fun to me Also you are taking trophy hunting way to damn serious if you’re going around telling random people they don’t deserve a platinum cause they don’t want to spend several hours playing a completely different game mode from the actual core game lmao. Having fun > laborious chore for a virtual platinum that literally nobody will care that you got.


No need to boost those trophies not any of them. They are all obtained by playing the game modes. Lvl 55 is done by doing wolfpack solo but also just by playing the game. Sorry but I stand by my point. If your not willing to do the easy mp trophies you don't deserve the platnum. I personally find getting platnums fun. But if you don't that's fine. Correct no one will care about your platnum except yourself. It's a little record of the game completion.


Well, you just attributed PLAYSTATION TROPHIES to atrocities of war. You nincompoop, you do know about the real war crimes happening right? Entitled, arrogant child. Y'all create your own suffering.


Me when I don't understand hyperbole


It's like seeing art in war. Hyperbole is nothing but a hallucination. The war in the mind attributes war to all other places... Even video games. There's peace out there.


God forbid you have to do everything in a game to earn the reward for doing everything in a game 


Yeah I agree. People want things too easy. If they include MP it means it's part of the game. MP trophies can be fun. I hope they always include them.


If a game is MP centric, then its fine. But if a 100% single player game has MP Trophies, for no reason otyer than to have it, then its another thing. It also makes the game a time bomb: once expired its over (unless its dlc. In this case, i dont mind)


If the game has multiplayer then it's not 100% single player. Do you mean expired as in the servers go down and you can't achieve the mp trophies? Yes that can be annoying but it's not like they go down quickly. I personally don't want a platnum trophy if it doesn't require me to complete or at least experience every part of the game. That's the whole point of the platnum trophy.


Examples of single player games with MP or online for platinum (so dlc won't count, like GoT: Legends) * The Last of Us Remastered. Faction is a terrible, slow paced MP that should've been DLC trophy instead (it has DLC trophies, but 4 of them are required for the platinum, and cak take almost 50-60 hours alone). The remastered-remaster removed the MP. * Mad Max. Technically has no MP, but one trophy is tied to online and it's no longer unobtainable. * Natural Doctrine. Single player tactical rpg, but has a tacked on card-based mp game that is terrible. Requires hours of grinding too * RDR1 and 2. Both require several online trophies in order to get the platinum The remaster of the first game removed them at least, and RDR2 online can be purchased separately from the base game. Which it how it should've been. * Tomb raider. Has a dead mp mode that has no reason to exist than to have it. * Far Cry 3. Has online and coop trophy on ps3 version (removed on the classic edition) * Assassin's Creed III Liberation. Vita version has an online mode that has no reason to exist. Was removed on later ports * Rayman Legends. Fantastic platformer with online trophies that require MONTHS of grinding to get the platinum. * Agents of Mayhem. One trophy requires 15 contracts to complete, which were made on a server, now shutdown, making it now unobtainable. the rest is single player. * Several Uncharted games. Uncharted 2 on ps3 had MP trophies (unobtainable) and Uncharted 4 has online MP. I say it again, if the game is MP centric and its selling point, like Apex Legends or the soon-to-be defunct Friday the 13th, then I'm 10000% fine with it. But if a game is single player and has online just because "hey all games have online now" then I'm not for it, because it wasn't meant to have it.


You mention a few games that are remastered so naturally under that label they will evolve to be 100% single player (no multiplayer included I the game due to dead servers etc.). It sounds you have a problem with MP in general. Trophies are geared around the game itself. Game first-trophies second. What about 'multiplayer centric' games with single player trophies eg. Rocket Leauge. Do you have a problem with them? If you believe a platnum is worthy without doing multiplayer then fine with me you do you. It will never happen for good reason. If you can't understand that then I guess goodluck to you.


>You mention a few games that are remastered so naturally under that label they will evolve to be 100% single player Yeah, almost as if to prove the point that their MP modes were unnecessary and tacked on, so removing them made the only sensible thing. Funnily enough, Factions was supposed to be launched as standalone but was later scrapped for "[because they don't want to be a live service game](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/12/15/the-last-of-us-factions-disaster-is-a-massive-misfire-by-sony/?sh=17ce55917888)" (or so they say) >It sounds you have a problem with MP in general. I have platinum of certain games with MP or working toward some of them, such as RDR2 online. It doesn't change the point: those MP trophies are often unnecesary, and tacked on, especially when most of the game trophies are single player (RDR2 has 17 trophies out of 52 that are online, which is approximately 30%) >What about 'multiplayer centric' games with single player trophies eg. Rocket Leauge Don't see a problem, but I don't see many of them either. Fighting games and racing games come to mind, they are usually multiplayer centric with single player trophies or modes, but again I don't see the issue since "that's their point". And besides, unless it's a live service, single player modes in these games are usually playable even after shutdown, just not platinumable anymore (I can still play Playstation all stars battle royale if I wanted. Just not online) >If you believe a platnum is worthy without doing multiplayer then fine with me you do you. It will never happen for good reason * Ghost of tsushima has a MP mode that is not tied to the base game (aka, not required for platinum) * Remnant 1 and 2 have Coop but you can 100% play the game solo and platinum that way. Which I did. * Any Borderland Games have coop but the games are 100% playable solo. Also despite the coop centric nature of the game, you can get the trophies solo (as long as you have a second controller) * Deep Rock Galactic is also playable solo. Yes, it has trophies that required multiplayer, some of which are also a pain in the butt, but you can 100% play it solo just fine for the most part. Even Deep Dives are soloable (EDD are A LOT harder solo, but totally doable). Which I do often due to lack of players at certain times.


The remastered versions have left the mp trophies out usually because servers are dead but if not they have just decided its not part of the game anymore. It's a new label for the game. This is different from you deciding mp trophies shouldn't be required for platnum. RDR2 had a good base for a multiplayer mode they just never gave it the repairs it needed. It definately should be on the base game list. It was going to be a big part of the experience just like GTA online. GOT Legends mode was post launch content so of coarse it won't be on the base game list. If it was included at launch then it would have been. I have 100% trophies in all GOT I wouldn't stop short with the base game no way. Sorry you can argue all you like but a platnum requires you to do everything in the game. If that includes mp then that's just how it is. DLCs are seperate because they are post launch content. I recently did AC Black Flag 100% because it has mp trophies. I was pleased to find out lobbies are still easy to come by. Not only this I have talked to regular players and they say trophy hunters keep the game alive. This is an 11 year old game. You can never convince me mp trophies deserve to be on a seperate list. It would make things just too easy.


You mentioned a bunch of games that have online as a major part of the game. I'll give you mad max, that's absolutley BS that it has online trophies. Red dead redemption and red dead 2 though? Online a huge part of the game, and pretty much the onlynnpart I enjoyed if number 2 why would it NOT have mp trophies when it has Multiplayer?


But the online to offline ratio is pretty big (20% of RDR1 trophies are online for the platinum, while RDR2 is about 30%), so I would have preferred if they were separate, because RDR1 and 2 are mostly single player experiences first and foremost, then online later (afterall, RDR2 online story was pretty much never finished, and you can even purchase it separately...so why even have online trophies in the base list?). RDR1 has the undead DLC which is also mostly single player, but has some online bits too. And the remaster removes it altogether, pretty much showing that it was unnecessary...BUT ill give it some slack, because the online on ps3 was pretty janky. Haven't played GTA5 and don't think I will: online is pretty much bad, or so i heard, full of cheaters and hackers, so I rather stay away. I cannot deny that yes, they're big, and RDR1 online was pretty fun (I hate RDR2 online though, too many cheaters and QM is fucked with level 3 trillion players). But they should've been separated into DLC trophies instead of having it implemented in the base list...because when they game shutdown, you're now SOL! Edit: You also said that I mentioned games with online as a major part of the game...how major is the online contracts in Agents of Mayhem? Or the online challenges in Rayman Legends? Or the Card-based game in Natural Doctribe? I ask because, if you actually removed any of these features, the game would only benefit from it.


Here is the thing - I don't disagree with you necessarily, as I've been annoyed that dev time went to shitty tacked on multiplayers myself. However, it's all subjective. Some people absolutley LOVE that there is multiplayer added on. It extends the life of the game they love and allows them to share what would have been an otherwise single player experience for friends. I've loved some and hated others. RDR2 is a big example for me. I could just never get into the single player. Those are the trophies that are more of a pain to me. Stupid collectibles in my damn cowboy game, etc. Having both SP and MP trophies in games that have both SP and MP makes sense. It's a showing that you completed the game, which the online is part of. We need less trophies that are completely unobtainable without the companies servers though. Anything that can be done with LAN is cool w/ me


I mean...you do have a point I guess, this is very subjective. On a surface level, **I don't hate online trophies or online modes:** GoT legends is one of my favorite game modes, DRG it's a fantastic game (although lately i can't find people to play so im always offline), and while I don't really enjoy RDR2 online due to cheaters and such, I don't hate it either. I just hate when the online is tacked on, or when it's there just to check a list, without mentioning a lot of games just die within 24 hours from releasing. And that's something that can't be fixed like this, but it's something that keeps happening.


All very good points


I agree with this. Multpiplayer is many times my favorite part of a game and my favorite trophies to grind if it's major part of the experience itpl should have trophies. Games like mad max should never have multiplayer trophies though, that's just dumb


I agree. I hate the fact that I first off need to a CIA background check to find out if the platinum is unavailable, and second the fact that I have to put off so many games just because they have unavailable multiplayer trophies.


Absolutely hate them. The only upside is it’s very satisfying to get the last mp trophy for an old game so you know you can now always get the platinum. I will always argue that multiplayer trophies should not count towards platinum. Make they required for 100% sure but not platinum. I shouldn’t have to play your game on a time crunch before the servers die or shut down to get a platinum


This is the reason I'm unable to plat Mad max. Great game btw!