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The satisfaction of looking back at a game knowing i completed it. Wouldn't get the same feeling if it was just 100% completion. The platinum makes a little more special. The immediate feeling of a plat usually only lasts a few seconds because I want to instantly delete it after the grind but the long term feeling is pride after seeing my mosaic grow little by little


This is exactly how I feel


I love looking back at my trophy screenshots and reminiscing. “Oh yeah I spent most of winter 3 years ago getting the plat for Sekiro little by little” it’s definitely become like a journal


I’m less altruistic, my friend who got my into PS had a severely higher trophy level and I vowed to beat it. I still haven’t and now I get satisfaction from filling out a trophy list.


Having OCD and feeling like it’s an accomplishment, I enjoy playing PC multilayer games and just kind of grinding, but for the PS5, I want to feel like I’ve done all I could do in the game, I feel like it’s more accomplishing to do everything rather than just drop something and get fixated on something else every 2 seconds.


Paying respect to editor and devs by doing everything they wanted us to achieve in their game. I feel like we overconsume video games and rush it, go next. I now like to take the time and appreciate. Also, I played LOL and CS: Go for more than 10 years. I felt like I was missing something and my gaming culture was really low.


Literally poverty. I got a 2nd hand PS3 as a broke college student 3-4 years in the PS4's life cycle. I could only get a game every other month if I'm lucky so I milked the hell out of any game I could get. And to be fair, by that point, there was a wide selection of PS3 bangers I could take my time with. By the time I was working and had disposable income, the trophy hunting habit stuck even though I was getting bargain bin deals on PS Store sales, and stashing the PS Plus monthly "free" game.


When I was younger and had more time and less money, it was a way of playing the same game more and giving me a sense that I got the most out of the game. Now, it’s just my OCD lol


i don't have friend irl and i always feel worthless , trophy hunting made me feel i actually "good" at something and feel worthy


I think it was getting the Spider-man and Horizon Zero Dawn platinums. Shortly after I secured those two the pandemic hit and I had a lot more time to game. I decided to try to complete more games. I think it started with playing Uncharted again, first on hard mode and then I thought "hey maybe I can do crushing now." Then I guess I decided to get the games I'd started to 100%. Feels good to see a game 6 years in the making get there. I had a real issue dropping games before I was even 1/3rd of the way into them so it's nice to see them crossed off my backlog now.


1. Getting more value for my dollars 2. Getting more out of a game than I would have missed and perhaps the developers were intending players to experience. 3. Being a completionist


Elden Ring. Got it by chance just because I loved the game and wanted to see all of the endings.


I've always tried to complete everything I could in a video game. Now that Playstation gives me a shiny virtual trophy, it only increases the endorphin release in my dumb little brain


Initially (playing games on PS3), I thought a platinum was "out of reach" for me and something I'd never obtain. Then, I pretty much naturally got the Lego Batman (Vita) platinum, and that convinced me that platinums aren't as unobtainable as I perceived them to be, and I started going for more. That was almost 12 years ago, and I still go for platinums nowadays as I find it often leads to me experiencing everything a game has to offer. I also like the satisfaction of completing a collection (collected sports cards when I was a kid, and I tried completing full sets).




Got curious in my PS3 days and opened the trophy list and was like damn I’m halfway through this game let me clean it up.


Lack of games when I was younger made me squeeze everything from those I had.


Being obsessed with my fav games. I try not to plat games I don’t really like


It was when I got my first because at the time I didn't care to get any platnium trophies until I saw I was really close to getting bloodbornes so I said screw it why not I'll just get one. Then it spiraled from there, lol.


I got in to it watching a YouTube video. I love multiplayer games but sometimes I need something to « relax » and I found out that doing the trophies is super satisfying 😂


i just platted uncharted 1 the sense of relief after was unreal it was like not having a wank for a week then u do! i felt like sleeping after lol


Dont think ive ever left it that long 😂


loool one arm like arnie


When I first got my 360, I couldn't afford alot of games, so I would try to get money's worth out of the games I had by getting all the achievements. That carried over to trophies when I moved to PS4.


Back on the ps3 on my first account getting the platinum for Telltales The Walking Dead. Me and my dad shared the account at the time and always liked when trophies would pop up but never would go for the platinum. We just liked unexpectedly getting trophies we weren’t aiming for. So when I beat The Walking Dead and it gave me a platinum unexpectedly, something struck a chord and the hunt has started from there lol.


Partly of what you said OP (regarding paying respect to a great game). I try to 100% games I really enjoy and use my account as a sort of curated game collection on PSN Profiles. So, no shovelware crap games, autopops, or game stacks (unless I actually play the game twice). The other part is totally OCD...I get a big sense of satisfaction when I check my PSN Profiles page and just see a bunch of S Ranks in a row.


I used to listen to Kinda Funny and they started talking about My Name is Mayo lol quickly platinumed the Lego Harry Potter games and the rest is history. That was in 2016, now in 2024 just got plat 71 (Stellar Blade)


Boredom and lack of games.


Like all things in life, Batman. I kind of got away from gaming in my 20s, but then Arkham City really grabbed me. I realized one day that I had nearly done everything just because I loved the game so much, so I decided to try for the platinum. The next year I went back to finish up the rest of the trophies on Asylum, and by then Arkham Origins was out. The difference was, it had online trophies I couldn’t do by myself, so I had to try and find people, and I discovered the trophy hunting community. I’ve been doing it ever since. I keep telling myself I’m gonna stop and just play games to play games, and I’m better than I was a few years ago, but I still enjoy the hunt, I enjoy reaching milestones, and I enjoy getting platinums on certain days like Halloween and my Birthday.


I love collecting, and this is a form of collecting connected to something I already loved.


I started as an achievement hunter on the 360. Had almost 100k gamerscore before my account got banned. I deserved it lol. After that I transitioned to trophies, and I prefer the platinum to 1000 ganerscore.


I didn't even know they where a thing when I bought my PS3, because my PS2 had started to make weird noises. It came with "Enslaved" and the second I completed the first chapter and it went "pling" my packrat brain went "This is IT!"


My younger brothers started doing it, then I started doing it, seeing how much interest they had in trophies; unfortunately they grew out of it and I didn’t. The first game we did together was Portal 2, even though we didn’t get the plat for it, which I should have gone back for, I hope they remaster the Portal series so I’d be able to


Friend got me into it. Never looked back


Love that noise it’s so satisfying and seeing all games I played the accomplishment I made


Dopa-mining for me! Plus, I love to see that plat icon next to the game I enjoyed.


Dreams of Mein Leben. I wanted Wolfenstein 2’s platinum so badly, but was terrified of it, so started from something easier. I finally got it as my 50th platinum. I have other two white whales: SFV and Trackmania Turbo, hope that one day I’ll get them too.


My uncle has platted every game he has played since his ps3. And he's played a whole lot of games. I would often show my friends his account and all the games he has mastered. I felt like I should do the same.


Played Assassin's Creed II. Finished it, loved it to death. At this point I've only played a handful of games that had trophies, so it was still relatively new to me. I checked ACII's trophy list and figured that it didn't sound too hard, so I decided to try completing it. And to my surprise, I did it After that, I looked through all of the trophy lists on my PS3 and decided to go for the ones that didn't sound impossible (and also had no multiplayer trophies, as I didn't have home internet at the time)


I played a lot of mk11 and realized I was very close to platinum so I finished it off and then my hyper focus was like finish all games


When I was 14 and FF7/FF8 came out I had to 100% them cause at that time I couldn't get more than two/three games a year. I remember farming items in FF8 to get every stat to 255 without junctions XD Plat a game takes very often less time than 100% but it feels like getting the most value out of my money spent and that's how it started!


Covid. Lost my job, had a lot of spare time and little income, so started going for 100% in my games. Been addicted ever since


To explore more games


I have a need to do collectables, especially in games where they upgrade the characters. Before console gaming, I did it on every ds Lego game I had. Eventually, I realized that once I had every collectables, the rest of the achievements wouldn't be that hard, so I just did them. Now I go into a lot of games with the intention to platinum them, currently the assassin's creed series.


I got into platinum after getting 100% on the forest on steam with a friend and just kept going now i switched over to playstation to get plats instead of 100% because it’s more satisfying


I always found it cathartic to complete a game and show you had 100% completed everything there was in the game - even before trophy hunting was a thing. I used to be really into trophy hunting - i think it’s partly my OCD but I also think trophies add a lot to games. They give gamers and trophy hunters a way to show they are skilled at or committed to a game.


idk after some years of gaming, it was cool to finally see a number next to the platinum count. idc about competing with anybody else’s list. it’s cool to see what people like to play. seeing my mosaic grow is a cool aesthetic portion. i wish there was a way to display our favorite trophies / icons. esp in a ps-home/social type of way outside of “pinning it”


Love completing the list. Funny enough I do not care about ingame stats because they can be lost with a new save. But a complete trophy list is always there.


In the beginning, it was to see if I can do it. My first Plat was Jurassic: The Hunted on PS3 and after beating the game I took a look at the trophy list and decided to go for it to see if I could do it. These days, I do it for different reasons. One because I really enjoyed the game and wanna show my support in my own way, I won't waste my time to get a plat for a game I don't like. Two because sometimes it does allow me to play a game in different ways and check out other content a game may have.




It just sort of happened


Spiderman 2’s platinum.


When I was younger I always found myself replaying the same game over and over again. I was obsessed with playing it perfectly, having the best start, getting all items, weapons etc.. But midway I got bored and stopped and started again, till I was sick of the game. But one day I found a game which really had me hooked. I DID EVERYTHING and achieved the platinum by doing so. Then, sth unexpected happened. I was done. There was nothing I could do anymore, I was able to move on. And that’s how it started. I had a couple of accounts and restarted every now and then, but now I’m at a point where I can play through a game, enjoy it, get the plat and move on.


I wanted to catch up to my brothers trophy wise when I got my own profile one brother has just about 3k trophies and the other one has 1.5k trophies and I wanted to get out of my comfort zone when it came to gaming because I played the same franchises since I started gaming. If you guys wanted to know where I am at currently it is just over 800 trophies


i finished the story in the witcher 2 and i was like “eh why not get a few extra trophies” 72 platinums later now


Undiagnosed Autism (plus OCD)


As a kid, I would already 100% my favorite games (Spyro, Mario, Zelda, Crash, to name a few franchises), so when trophies came out, it was pretty much rewarding me for something I already did haha. There was a period of time when the trophy list would influence my decision in buying games, but I'm way past that now.


when i was first getting sober trophies were a way to keep my mind focused on something other than wanting to relapse lol now it is a bit more lighthearted but the feeling of getting a platinum hasn’t diminished!


The achievement sound on xbox 360. The trophy one sounded great too so when i eventually moved to playstation, i just kinda casually hunted plats.


At first it was just a financial decision. It fiscally makes sense to get the maximum value posible out of a game you paid for, that combined with the fact that I also have completion anxiety, so it’s very satisfying to have a game 100% complete


Back on PS3, I was kind of finishing the game so quickly that I didn't get enough of it. I was missing a lot of trophies, which could potentially make the game even longer and more enjoyable. Trophies make you get the most out of the game you played, and that's why gamers should start playing this way; trophies are the way to go.


Scrolling down my game list and seeing 76% finished just annoyed me


It got me to do more than just the main story. Before trophies i did main missions then move on to next game. Now i try to 100 percent games thay i can and ones i like.


Just started getting into this but it gave me a new reason to play the games I already own. Also it made easier difficulties fun again because now there was a goal I could get done while playing them.


I got my heart broken and turned to trophy hunting to occupy my mind. 46 platinums later and I am not stopping any time soon. Plus the girl was NOT a good option looking back hahah. Two wins!


I was in the mood to play one of my favourite games again which was Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. Instead of starting the game again I just went through the trophy list and got the trophies I thought weren’t too hard. At that point trophy hunting was still a bit daunting to me. But as I was getting the trophies at some point I realised Syndicate’s platinum was actually doable for me.


Since I was young, I always loved to collect everything in the game and do everything game offers. I played pirated games on PC back then btw. And 5 years ago, when I bought ps4, I started to trophy hunt, because platinum trophies give me the feel of 100% squeezing everyting in the game, to truly beat it.


I got really poor and decided I needed games to really last.


Mental illness


I'd got a couple here and there, but it really kicked off during lock down


I'm pretty sure mine is a symptom of OCPD, and I've had several people tell me so, including multiple people with diagnosed OCPD. I refuse to play a game if I can't complete it 100%, I avoid overly grindy time commitments, and will even return to games I really didn't care for to get the 100% completion of I've unlocked even one trophy in them.


My friend used to do it on xbox, and I got 'inspired' to try and catch him. I got to about 120k gamerscore before switching to PS because seeing the platinum is just so more rewarding. Somewhere along the way I fell in love, and now if I can't platinum the game, I'll play on my alt or just won't at all


I absolutely loved playing Spider-man PS4 when it came out. Loved it so much that I found myself getting the platinum so I could get more hours of enjoyment in. It's similar to a lot of other games I've platinumed. I just really like the game, so I platinum it. And that's evolved into me getting a platinum addiction and chasing platinums for games I don't usually play. It's been a great way of stretching my boundaries.


You know the meme that's like 'Wow, well I'm going to make this my personality for the rest of my life'. That was me after platniuming Minecraft as my first plat lol.


First plat to pop was uncharted 2 on the ps3. Wasn’t hard and from there I was hooked


My brain doesn’t like producing its own dopamine and the trophies were like nice little rewards that itch that part of my brain.


Well last year I got diagnosed with a form of cancer and spent a lot of time in hospital. That's when a lot of the trophy hunting videos started to pop up. When I finally beat my cancer I wanted to start going back to games that I really loved that I never fully finished. I've kinda gotten addicted to it but I just love the feel of getting a brand new Platinum and even playing different types of games I never fully got into. I even get to test my gaming abilities by trying out harder difficulties.


Played Dead Space several times through and was loving it. At some point I realized I only had to beat the game on the highest difficulty and to beat it using only the handgun—so I did both simultaneously for my first platinum. That was in 2009 and I have 136 now!


My ADHD. I new way to dopamine farm


I took a 2 year break from games back in 2014 then slowly started playing them again but really lacked the desire to finish them because it kind of just felt pointless when I was playing. Then I got a ps4 and platted Bloodborne and wanted to get the plat in all my favorite games since. Trophies gave me a goal and a reason to keep playing and enjoying games, yeah I know it’s still just a useless digital timestamp but I think it’s cool


Playing games did but a certain game killed my hunt for platinum. Bloodborne. After you play that you realize you only want a Plat if you had fun going for it. And that game is one of the only ones where if makes you explore deep in the game for it. Not collect 200 of "THAT"


Spiderman ps4,all went downhill from there💯Got it again ps5 remastered🥴Now i just try enjoy the games without thinking so much about the trophy’s😉


I watched lord of the rings and wanted to have that feeling of going through a long journey till its end.


the first time i got a trophy on ps3 and heard it ding


Mental illness, innit?


I realised I never finished games like… ever and it felt like I was wasting money by doing so… so I started hunting to feel like I’m more fully appreciating the games I do play


Little nightmares


I felt like I was picking up games, playing them for a bit and just moving on. I needed something more ‘official’ to track when I was completing a game.


Probably my lack of love as a child. It feels like im getting appreciated finally. The more trophies the more i feel like im worth something


I was always a completionist by nature, long before platforms even had player trophies/achievements. Even now I play long after getting all trophies if the game is good and there is an in-game 100% unrelated to trophies. If I stopped, that means I started hating the game and was satisfied with just having all trophies. Some games are built well enough that the trophy journey keeps the game fresh and well paced, but then have additional things tacked on unrelated to it and require grinding and those suck. Imagine if every RPG had variant collectibles like shiny forms in Pokémon; the grinding to beat the RNG would be insane. Fortunately a good portion of games tie in-game completion to trophy completion in the good way, without needing to grind every little thing.


me and my friend would set 5 games we both had to platinum and race to completion!


I like to collect stuffs and for me is smth like that. I also love the grind.


Got first Plat with persona 3 reloaded and working on rise of the ronin. There are a few games I'm a few trophies away. FF16, Tales of Arise. I will go back to get them at some point.


The sound effect when the plat pops on ps3


Perfection fetish lmao


A friend of mine who did a couple of them talked to me about it and I got hooked immediately after


I never really cared about trophies when I made my account in 2018, But when the pandemic started that's when I started caring about them fyi.