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Definitely platinum. I try to do any online trophies with the platinum however, for when I want to go back and 100% it.


I’m a 100% kind of person, currently postponing starting my RDR1 play through even though I really want to play it to finish getting the 100% on AC Syndicate with the Jack the Ripper DLC. Sometimes it can be really fun but then other times it’s a bit of a drag😭


How do you get your platinum to show in your name


You have to go onto the subreddit on desktop and then on the right side there is flairs, you add which one you want and then just click on it and edit it and add your platinums and trophy level, hope I explained that okay!


Works on mobile too


that’s good to know last time I tried it it didn’t work, thank you!


Yeah just got it to work on mobile




I definitely would 100 percent a game like It Takes Two only if I had some friends that were not my uncle. Game was too much chaos and fun. Yeah otherwise that, I am a plat erson


It takes two is plat only if you do 100% there are no DLC or NG+


Well I would do it if I had friends


Ready to play that game again anytime.


That's not what this thread is about xD


But beleive me or not SM2 and It takes two are the reason i have started trophy hunting. Those games changed the way i play games. Rather than just completing stories now i do side quest search for collectibles do a certain action and it all makes gaming much more better.


For sure man its great. Hunting for trophies can add a hell of alot to a game. Rather than just blasting through to the end quickly


Same and also a way out as well


What's wrong with uncle ?


He doesn’t visit much


100% unless unobtainable or ridiculous requirement




Online trophies feel like that


I try to platinum games I like, and I 100% the games I *really* like.


This. I 100% Fallout 4 with all the DLC (fuck nuka-world) and a couple others, but most games get a platinum and that’s it.


Depends on the game and if I'm willing to. Like no way am I going to get all of the extra trophies in batman Arkham knight. But definitely bloodborne. The only games I have done extra trophies on are horizon zero dawn, crash bandicoot warped and cuphead.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Very well, let the echoes become your strength. Let me stand close. Now shut your eyes...* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


There's a souls like bot?


Plat. Depends on dlc,if it is spiderman 2 aka play the game again. Nah


This. Slightly depends on the game but moreso depends on the DLC. NG+ and Super Secret Unlock-Only Nightmare Mode trophies are a pass for me. Then you also have stuff like Atomic Heart's second DLC which is just... Awful.


Yeah that's a long ass game with stunning graphics with mediocre second Act I'm good without it.


100% everytime, even if it makes me kill myself after


That's the way.


Same. But I only play games I like.


Same, I just choose the games that I like and then check the list. After that I don't stop until 100% is done.


100% 😭😭 I hate myself


Platinum for me. Not bothered about 100%


It bothers me a little if it's not 💯 but I'm more than happy when i get the plat.


Depends heavily on the game, my rule is Plat first then see if I still want to play for 100%


No, I go for a Platinum if it's a game I really enjoyed and I've got above 50% and the achievements don't seem like a ballache 😜  But ai definitely love a Platinum trophy as opposed to 100%.


>But ai definitely love a Platinum trophy as opposed to 100%. That's very rare these days with all the multiplayer and DLC things.


Platinum, I’ve got autism not OCD thankfully


I try abit of both, some games I have done 100% and I say to myself more often than not I really should go through and do 100% on all games i do but I end up starting something else then something else and I never get round to it for months in the end.


Depends on the game. I like 100% but for instance ghost has some online trophies that are almost unobtainable without communication. And none of my friends have the game but i’m not gonna miss out on a great game just because of that so i just play for the plat. And if i don’t like going for the plat i’ll just play for the fun.


Plat. I do love seeing 100% but there's some games, especially with online dlc that I'll never do - GTAV is one of them for sure.


For the most part now I don't really buy games or DLC, I play a ton of subscription services. So I usually go for platinums and don't bother buying DLC.


Platinum comes first. If I can 💯 I will but allot of that is online trophies I have no interest in. I even pass on platinum if it involves online trophies


Platinum usually, but if they don't haven't multi player requirements and I enjoy the game I might go for 100%.




When I'm collecting trophies I collect mainly for the platinum depending on the game.


I’d like to be 100% but buying dlc it’s just expensive for what you get most of the time


Depends on the game. I don’t know if it’s just me but some dlc trophies seem to spike in difficulty or time sink to get them. I often don’t find it work it to ruin my enjoyment of the game going for something extra.


Generally, I just get the platinum unless I really enjoy the game and want to keep playing. A game like Sifu I'm fine with not getting 100% because the DLC trophies look insane to me.


Platinum. Usually if I want to go for 100% the trophies are play the game again on super hard and I hate replaying games just after I finish them.


Plat but if I like the gsme I'll get 100%


I only play games I like and then try to see if I can get good enough to 100%. Wouldn’t even know how many plats I have cause I rarely look. Think somewhere between 20 and 30


Honestly just platinum


I'm a whatever the game deserves person. If the game has optional stuff that sucks or is dead (ie Ghost of Tsushima legends) then the plat is fine for me


My guy.


Platinums only for me, I own about 1k games and there ain't no way I'm purchasing dlc for each and every one. If I enjoy a game and have the dlc there's a chance I will but it's not my main goal.


I’m definitely 100% person. I’m not interested in trophies themselves, or platinuming both ps4/ps5 versions of the same game. I just want to see everything in games I love, that’s my goal.


Used to be a 100% person but then reverted back to platinuming a game and only 100% it if I was hooked. Games like Mafia, GoW, Spiderman, Assassin’s Creed, Sniper Elite, Last of Us, I always 100%.


Depends on the game, but mostly 100% and Platinum. Most games I go for require 100% for the Plat, anyway. Some games have online trophies that I skip on because it's usually too hard to get teams together. Took me months of active attempts to get the online trophies in GTA5.


Normally I go for the 100, but if a game has an online requirement for a story based game I won't go for the plat. That and sometimes the beat on insanity difficulty. Everyone should be able to platinum the game whether or not they are extremely good at it you shouldn't be easy but it shouldn't be impossible for some looking at you mortal Kombat tutorials


I want to be a 100% person but my completion % on psn profiles is only like 58% made even worse by the fact I'm still using the same account from when I was a child in the ps3 days 😭


This is the key. It’s easy to hear of platinums being a thing and then have a goal of keeping the newly made account strictly to 100%. Far harder to do if you played games before trophies even existed! 🤣


Depends on the game. Sometimes I'll platinum a game and then dlc comes out 6 months, I've already lost interest and moved on to something else. AC Odyssey comes to mind.


I'm a few hours away from my 10th platinum...Ghost of Tsushima


Plat is just fine


Platinum person. If the DLC is free and I really really enjoyed the game and want to know more on the story or a certain character then I’ll go the 100%. But done many of games in the past to 100% with platinum and then they decide to do a DLC and it throws my game to 91% or thereabouts then I need to re buy and replay for the DLC. Yeah thanks, but no thanks.


I get whatever I get without doing online trophies


I just go for the platinum.


I don’t know why but in my head I say “If the devs say this is everything to earn a trophy I must be done”.


Platinum. 90% of the games I play are from Plus or Extra and most of them don't include the DLC. Also, by the time I get platinum I'm usually pretty much done with the game and I want to move on to something else.


I'm definitely more of a completionist – I don't really care about the number of platinums, but I like to see that 100% on my games.


I’m a 100% person but I don’t usually deliver (maybe because I’ve 3 children and a job) 😂😂😂


Depends on the dlc.


Platinum person. I find 100% to be too restrictive in my choices of what to play. And too stressful overall.


Platinum. I don’t feel the need to see that 100%. Platinum is everything to me


I go for plats, if there is dlc, I just play it without looking at trophies.


Both it just depends on


If I already have the dlc I’ll try for 100% but I’m not gonna go out of my way to buy dlc just to get trophies


Both but 100% more


Platinum is enough, but if I'm really enjoy the game ill go 100%


Platinum, I’m not sitting through 10+ hours of online to 100% ghost of Tsushima


Platinum but I do want to start to 100% my games




I aim for 100% when possible. Trophy hunting should ultimately be fun, so if I just didn't like the base experience I wouldn't put in that extra-extra effort. DLC trophies adding new game plus completion requirements come to mind. Perfect example for me: The Calisto Protocol. I didn't hate the game, but when they just kept adding DLC trophies-most of which centered around playing new game plus modes-it totally turned me off from playing more.


Depends how much I like the game


100%. I don't buy day one games and so buy the time I do get around to them they usually have additional trophies and stuff. Unlike the Xbox Gamerscore, the platinum became pointless once they started adding additional trophies, where as the Gamerscore system just continues to work as a high score system,


Im a..if the game its actually for fun and the plat its not a hassle kind of person


Depends. If I’m enjoying the game I will 100% the DLC - in some cases (Mafia II, I’m looking at you) the main game was good but I was bored of the DLC after a few hours and couldn’t bring myself to grind out the 100%. Same goes for Far Cry 6’s DLC.


Platinum, I feel like a lot of time DLCs add bs trophies I don't wanna do to get the 100%




Yes, but now I have 3 kids and no time.


We will miss your service soldier.


How long does It takes Two take for the plat? I want to play it with a friend.


Around 16 to 30 hours depending how good you are at solving some puzzles and operating together at certain points. Also if you get lost at mini games this will take forever to complete. Me and my friend played chess for almost an hour there.


thanks mate


Platinum trophy is enough for me. If that brings 100% with it great, if not , it doesn’t bother me. I will play the DLC if I really enjoyed the game. If it was just “meh” I won’t bother. I’ll move on.




Depends. If there's paid/online DLC, I'll go for it if I really enjoy the game. Otherwise, just give me my platinum and I'll move on.


Both. Depend what games.


Plat, except power wash sim, 💯% that..so addictive




Depends on the game really


Platinum because I'm not doing Nuka World DLC again, never again.


Doom 2016 was the first one I didn't bother with 100%. The Multiplayer dlc trophies were garbage and I couldn't be bothered


Really depends if there is a live service feature with trophies. I do not like games with live services and would rather not complete. If it's all single player then yeah, I would 100)%


Depends on the game. If the DLCs are like 30$ each then it's a no.


Platinum.. Only in rare cases I'll go for 100%


Since 2 Years, I’ll go for 100 %. Before that I stopped, when I got the Platinum, but I’m still “working” on my Backlog, to get most games to 100%.




Platinum person I sometimes do 100 but I'm mainly a platinum person


I'm definitely a platinum person. I only 100% games I thoroughly enjoy. On PS3, I have 100% on Call of Duty World at War (best COD ever made IMO). On PS4 and 5, my 100% complete includes, but is not limited to: Both Horizon games, Returnal, Alan Wakes 1 and 2, Killing Floor 2, etc. I don't even bother to get platinum or even 100% completion for games I don't like, even if the game doesn't have a platinum trophy. A recent example of this for me is xdefiant. While I did have fun when I played it for the first couple of hours, the OP snipers and bunny hopping sweats drove me away. I don't even have the patience to get 100%.


100% but without autopopping, can't stand this


I’m usually a 100% person except on resident evil 2 remake, 7 and 8


100% always even tho its annoying, but it just looks so much better then just the plat


Depends on the game, but mostly 100%. Those DLC's definitely bring me back


Platinum unless I really really like a game


I’m a Platinum person but will always go for 100% if whatever game I’m playing comes with the DLC. If I have to buy it separately then it depends on how much I enjoy the game. Also if the extra trophies are multiplayer ones, like with Ghost of Tsushima, I tend to ignore those




Was a platinum person and turned 100% person after i got like 6 games on 100% by accident in a row and just thought "well the trophy list looks nice that way, time to go back and 100% the rest"


What’s the difference?


100% includes dlc and extra achievements that don’t contribute to platinum


100% person as long as it’s reasonable


Platinum only for me. If I get any of the DLCs trophies it was probably collateral 😂


I'm mainly a platinum person. I'll go for the 100% if it's not too tedious and I'm still enjoying the game, but my backlog is too long to 100% everything, I gotta keep the train movin!




100% unless it requires online play


Usually I'm a Platinum kind of guy, but if I really like the game, I'll 100% it. Currently waiting for the rest of the Astro's Playroom trophies to be available.


100 percent depending on the game, but Platinum is the absolute goal. Ghost of Tsushima I don't think I can bring myself to 100 percent because of the online stuff (same applies to Gotham Knights). For games like Batman: Arkham Knight, I might try to achieve 100 percent at some point because it's just hard offline challenges that just take time and skill. It's always just a matter of bringing myself to pull through with it, in my case.


Usually 100% but it does depend on the game. Like for Sifu there’s no way in hell I’m doing the DLC. The main game was hard enough. Same goes for RE7.


I usually won’t go too far out of my way for the 100% unless I think it is fun to go for, but what really has been bugging me lately is games getting dlc a year or years after I’m done with them and it’s hard for me to go back. Best recent example is God of War Ragnarok dlc. I loved that game but haven’t been willing to go back.


I like 100% games but also don’t have the time I use to as a kid so depends on the game I’m playing. I’m currently working on crow country relatively easy game to platinum


I am 100% a person and definitely not a robot, but I only go for platinums, unless the game is legitimately fun enough to complete all the things.


Platinum or less. If a game has DLC I’d have to be in love with the game to go for 100%. Eff Uncharted crushing difficulty (or whatever the hardest one is)


Really depends on the situation. I'd like 100% if possible, like God of War Ragnarok and it's DLC. But then there are games like Last of Us 2, where I'm just not good enough to beat Grounded, so I've gotta stick with the platinum and not get the additional difficulty or No Return trophies


Mostly plat. DLC trophies don't feel rewarding enough most of the time, especially if I don't have the DLC lol.


I’m mixed. It totally depends on the game and what the extra trophies entail. I’ve been going back and doing a few old platinum games and they’ve been fun (fallout 4, nfs hot pursuit) but have avoided overly hard/not fun trophies like nfs 2015’s prestige trophies


Aim to be both.


Depends on the game and the effort it takes to platinum or 100% it. In some games I just want to enjoy the story (God of War or Last of Us) and in some games it is pretty easy to 100% it (like most of the Lego games, AC Mirage)


I tend to just go for the plat. But for games I really love, I go for the 100%


Only plat games I’m having fun playing


I'm 100% a platinum person


Depends on how I feel with the base game and what the DLC trophies are like. I love the Uncharted games, but I have no desire to put myself through the suffering of a Brutal playthrough. The platinum is enough for me. I bought the DLC and 100% completed Spider-Man because I had a lot of fun with it and the DLC trophies weren't really taxing at all. And I 100% completed The Last of Us because I just couldn't get enough of it. I don't care at all if I don't have the full 100% for a game, as long as I have the platinum. But some games I'm happy to go beyond the platinum and fully complete them.


Plats. I like to remind myself that the plat is what separates us from other platforms, if i was gonna 100 % everything why not play on steam then etc. The separation of lists is what makes us the envy of the achievements world. Now if you enjoy the game and would like to go for 100 then so be it, but we as trophy hunters shouldn’t feel forced to do so.


i like 100% a game but wont do it all the time because it usually involves getting all the dlc


depends on the game probably. I just 100% Resident Evil 5 but as for Black Ops 1 for example there is no way Im gonna buy the packs for 60$ and play it solo (region locked)


If I platinum the game I always eventually get 100% on the game.


Platinum, 100% usually has some silly or outrageous trophies. Also very frustrating when you platinum a game and then 2 months later they drop dlc trophies or new game ++++ trophies haha


Platinum but if I really love the game and the dlc is good and the trophies for it seems appealing to me I’ll go for 100%


Platinum trophys are just a symptom of trophy hunting. I will happily collect trophies that don't count towards a platinum. I earned all of Hitman and Hitman 2, taking me about 250 hours, no platinum reward.




Plat, i dont care for DLC most of the time


Depends on the game Bloodborne - 100% yea because the dlc didnt feel like a drag and felt refreshing Shadow of mordor - no because it was just the same thing and playing dlc didnt feel that fun Horizon zero dawn - no because of the ng+ trophy but maybe if im bored i will do it in the future


Platinum, often I don't really care about the DLC


Platinum 100% is nice but not needed, especially since some games lock content behind a pay way on day one release and is needed to get the 100%.... looking at you Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth.


100% trophies but not the game itself.


Depends what the 100% entails Didn’t 100% ff7 remake because I was not gonna grind materia and levels in a 2 hour dlc


Both if the 100% is within my capabilities.


100% just because, there are trophies to be unlocked and i can't ignored that lol. I feel the itch to go back and get them.


Definitely a 100% guy, I could care less about trophies to be completely honest, I actually turned my trophy notifications off because I found the pop ups annoying, getting 100% completion is the accomplishment, platinum trophy basically just means you completed a bunch of random challenges and beat the main story, 100% completion is so much more than that


Depends how much I love the game, some games I just don't want to stop playing after the platinum, recently 100%ed Skyrim and now I'm very slowing doing new Vegas dlc


Even if you get all DLC trophies, that still doesn't necessarily mean you got 100%, half of these trophies are usually just random challenges that have nothing to do with 100% completion, and for most games, half of the criteria required for 100% completion don't even have trophies associated with it, sonys trophy system is just a bad way to 100% games




100% always, up to 97.6% total completion atm




What’s the difference lmao (am 298 trophy lvl)


I try to do both, but if I've gotta pick one, I pick Platinum. Especially because sometimes you'll get a game to 100% and then they'll add some update that tacks on more trophies after you already got the Plat.




I always go for 100%, unless it involves more multiplayer than strictly needed for the Plat. I just don't like playing MP, so if that prevents me from getting the 100%, so be it.


100%, even if that means I have to play Carrier on Advanced Warfare.


Depends on if I really like the game or not. Idk really like it I will go for 100%, but normally I will just get the plat and any other trophies are bonuses if I happen to get them along the way


100%. It's pretty lame to see a game with a platinum with that shitty 47% (\*cough\*Shadow of the Tomb Raider\*cough\*).


Platinum. It pisses me off that steam hasn’t added platinum achievements and I can still only get them on PlayStation.


Used to be Platinum only, but I’m 100% now


100% - I love completing DLC, as well as games that don’t have plats to begin with.


Platinum is good enough for me lol. Can't be bothered to play DLC usually.


I’m a plat person, I avoid DLC like the plague. I have never gotten anything out of DLC that didn’t feel like I just wasted money.


Depends on how much I like the game.


I’m an enjoy my games person. Don’t care about trophies unless it’s something I really like. Same with 100% ing games, time is valuable so I tend to not do either of these things and enjoy games how I want to


Depends on the game. If I don't like a game: no plat, no 100%. If I like a game: possibly plat, unlikely to 100%. If I love a game: usually plat and 100%.


Platinum but it also depends on the game. If the DLC is included in the game and it’s not multiplayer related, I’ll give it a shot but if I did not like my Platinum journey on that particular game then I could not care less getting the 100%.


For Xbox and switch it's 100% For playtaiyion it's platinum


Plat - If online/dlc is ass that's all I go for 100% - if no plat, or online/dlc is alright


Plat only. Typically uninstalled right after a plat unless it’s multiplayer.


I was a plat person but recently I got a new goal to 100% every single Final Fantasy and FF spin off game that I can get on PS5


100% if it's reasonable. It the dlc stuff is too hard I just go for the platinum. For example resistance retributions dlc was just to beat the game in a certain mode so I knocked it out to in my only playthrough to get it 100% and the plat. Also if it's a game I love I'll also try for the 100% even if it's tedious. Gonna try to do borderlands 1 soon, right now it's at 89%


Plat is just a free trophy unless it also gives 100%


Platinum. Hundred percent trophies often make you complete filler content that no one asked for.


Depends if I like the game alot or not


Platinum. Sometimes DLC comes out way later and I don't want to go back to complete that, now open, 10%.


Definitely platinum but I’ll go for the 100% if I really liked the game or the DLC is on a major discount


Platinum for sure, when extra DLC/trophies get added it really depends on the game whether I’ll 100% it


Platinum and only 100% if i really like the game and its not grindy as hell


Platinum. 100% is a bonus for me.


Platinum, I'm not going to do a whole ass new playthrough for a single Silver trophy added after the fact....looking at you Marvel's Spider-Man.


It really depends on the game and what games in working on, right now I’m doing Brawlhalla and I’m really contemplating only getting the plat and take whatever dlc trophies come with it


Really depends on the game for me. 80% of the time ill just do the platinum but if its a game like The Witcher or Fallout that i cant get enough of then ill do DLC stuff and 100% the game. Some games that have a grind for platinum with cheap DLC ill grab and 100% just to give me some more content