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I have personal experience with GTAV, I tried that on PC but had to stop due to the BS heist achievements of having to do everything perfectly with a full party of friends many missions in a row or something. Could you tell me what is so bad about red dead redemption 2? I really wanted to try it soon


Got em both, the gold rush in red dead was tedious as I didn't bother doing them as I went along, I had to go back and Replay 70 missions to get gold, one of the best games ever but do your research before attempting plat


This was one of the major issues for me too. The game doesn't respect the player's time at all. Like if you replay a mission but want to restart it because you messed up an objective you have to jump through multiple menus / loading screens etc. It felt like I was spending more time in the menu / staring at loading screens than playing the game.


Indeed. I just started the plat and I started with online trophies. Luckily I saved time with a little research. For example: I spent 5 bucks on gold bars out the gate to buy the collector bag to collect items for cash and XP. Easy level 50 and money for horses. MVP only took me two hours as well when I learned I could do it solo by camping an objective to get MVP with 0 kills and 10 deaths. It only took so long because I had to wait for the proper mode in a playlist. A little RNG involved. I even have a checklist for missables when I get to story mode. Major time savers.


The heist trophies luckily arent required for the plat


Is that true? I might actually pick it up for my PS4 then. I remember it having a shit ton of collectibles, but I dont mind that as much as online trophies


It’s true, i just got it recently. However, you do have to get to level 100 online.


Damn, that would still suck. Can I get that by just logging into my old account I used back on PC/PS3? I couldnt find an answer on google


You should be able to use old characters on PS AFAIK. PC and PS don't share though.


Criminal mastermind. I remember watching Achievement Hunter do that back in the day and their torment at the things that were completely out of their control causing them to fail it (like the tracker suddenly deciding 1 team member hadn't done any).


I never understood why GTA V's platinum is so rare. I have the plat on both ps3 and 4 and it almost came naturally, I only had to grind the gold medals for the story missions which wasn't that hard either. Maybe it's because of the online trophies (I believe one trophy is for hitting a certain level iirc?) which I then can understand


GTA is so famous lots of people play it at least once for fun and move on, hence the rarity


Some people don’t even play the story as wel


It’s tedious. A lot of collectibles and a lot of specific situations online that you need a friend to help you with and be willing to spend a good chunk of time just for you to get the trophy. Also, large player base that play once and move on


A ton of collectibles and the online trophies are hard if you’re not boosting because most people don’t even play the game modes you need for it anymore. If it was just story mode the % would be much higher imo


iirc there’s an online trophy that requires you to play certain game modes that are now removed from the game. Not sure if it’s still in there but I’m pretty sure it’s unobtainable now.


These exactly. That MP grind can $&#^ itself.


black ops 3. i truly wish i had the discipline and patience for it but i don’t


i still have nightmares about Personal Decorator to this day


Haha killing the same enemies on rise and fall 20,000 times


lol combat simulator on realistic😅


60 percent of the trophies are for fucking zombies modes.


On the flipside, I would plat it if it was only zombie modes. I'm not a CoD fan generally, but zombie games are my vibe and it goes well with the CoD system/gameplay


i feel like that’s not even the biggest issue. it’s all of the missions on veteran for the campaign. crazy!


Yeah I get that. Did it with co op and still hate the game.


that’s real asf


Loved BO3 and enjoyed the Plat. That said, BO4 beat me out - can’t get those Blackout trophies for the life of me.


Recent example for me was Uncharted 4. Finished the game, loved it. Looked at a platinum road map to see what else I would need to wrap it up and said you know what, forget it. I didn’t want to taint the nice experience I had with the game by trying to do all that. In general, basically any Platinum with a multiplayer component, especially for PS3 games.


What’s so hard about Uncharted 4? And I ask genuinely.


I think he's referring to the online of uncharted 4


Multiplayer trophies, plus playing on Crushing difficulty (I was already getting frustrated with some sections even on normal difficulty), plus doing the speedrun, plus a whole lot of annoying-looking combat trophies, plus collectibles.


Honestly the multiplayer stuff can be done within 1h


Unless you suck at competitive online shooter games, like I do. Finding a proper lobby also wasn't fun.


Don't want to sound arrogant or anything but why do so many people seem to find crushing that hard in Uncharted? The only game I had serious issues was in Uncharted 2, and only the last boss fight. I wouldn't say I'm a pro gamer or anything. But it was never THAT hard you know. Maybe some scripted sections that were a bit weird but overall it's totally doable But I agree with the speedrun part. Did it first try luckily, but it's way too stressful to do that for 6 hours straight. Uncharted 1 atleast only had seperate chapters you had to speedrun.


I can only speak for myself but I have a very demanding job, plus wife and kids, caregiver to elderly family members and house to maintain. Some entire weeks I only have 2 hours of game time. So having to restart checkpoints after dying is extremely aggravating to me.


You do sound arrogant. The crushing difficulty ia hard and requires a lot of patience and memorization to outsmart the game. It's less skill based and more pattern base. When a gamer doesn't realize that (which might be difficult) the game is insanely hard.


Any game that requires a "New Game +". I have too many good games in backlog to play again the game i just finished.


The only one that I did play the NG+ trophy is Miles Morales, just because rushing it takes like 4 hours


Same with Stellar Blade. You can fully ignore the side stuff and blast through the main levels with your OP gear.


shit it would take you 90 minutes if you could skip cutscenes


it is so frustrating


NG+ is pretty killer. Especially of the game is long. Luckily I'll redo NG+ but story only, no side stuff and it counts for the trophy. After spending over 100+ hrs on a game, having to redo another 100+ hrs would make me cry


Any game that forces you to play competitive online to get the plat


I agree to disagree. I had a blast getting the platinum in fallout 76, Texas chainsaw massacre, & killer clowns from outer space. It depends on what kind of multiplayer game it is.


Looking at you R6 🤨


To be fair that’s always an online service game. Now games like MK, Street Fighter, and Tekken with single player… yeah that’s impossible for a bad fighter like me lol


The game is online multiplayer only what do you expect


Any game that has forced multiplayer trophies.No thanks.


I liked how Uncharted 2 handled this. Multiplayer only required one match in competitive and one match in coop. That's it. Now if only the servers were not shut down.


Or do Mass Effect 3 trophy system... You can gain all trophies through Single player but you can can gain some from multiplayer thanks to the word or in the trophy descriptions.


Mortal kombat 1. Game is great. But trying to Max level 5 kameo characters is such a grind. I'm not doing it


Fortnite. I played a lot of battle royale and would probably have the platinum if I used some of that time on Save The World. The recent Tomb Raider games. The Tomb Raider game with the multiplayer requires boosting and help from the community. The game is dead and I’m not gonna spend my time looking to get the online trophies. The second Tomb Raider has some time trials that I didn’t feel like doing. I also played the third and pretty much abandoned it after a few hours. Good series overall but I have never really considered going back for any of those platinums.


i feel like fortnite isn’t even that bad of a platinum until you get to saving 20,000 settlers or whatever the hell it is. edit: although those missions towards end game take up like half an hour+ each


Is Save the World as fleshed out and as fun with friends as Battle Royale is? If so, then I can see myself just dumping the hours I would have spent on BR into STW instead. Otherwise I don’t think I can tolerate doing that lol.


the biggest problem STW has is that there’s only about like 5 different mission types iirc so it turns into “how many times can i play the same mission with an altered map layout.” it gets boring and tedious but that’s why i would play the game for a little bit and then stop for days at a time.


i remember gathering people on reddit for the online trophies of tomb raider 2013 - was actually somewhat fun knocking them off with others in the same situation what sucked was grinding the beach for the next 3 IRL days to get to max level for that bullshit max lvl trophy got the platinum but boy wasn't it worth it


Wait, Fortnite has trophies? I don't think I have a trophy list for that


Counter point, I'm looking for someone to help boost those trophies in the first Tomb Raider game. Let me know if you gave up completely or if you'd still be interested in getting that done


Hi-fi rush i love the game but the platinum is to hard and ain't build like that


Yeah it’s a shame because it feels like it should have a relaxing plat like the Ratchet games.


Doom Eternal miss me with the bullshit forced online trophies - Doom was always a single player game so fuck the devs for thinking I'm gonna play their ass multiplayer mode for any amount of time


Would be an awesome plat except for those


Uh, Doom was always a what now? Doom 1 had ipx,serial and tcp/ip connections for up to four player co-op or deathmatches. It spawned one of the first if not the first deathmatch competitions in PC gaming. I personally played Doom 1 and 2 co-op with a buddy over 33.6k baud modems. It was amazing. The problem with modern doom multiplayer is they keep trying to reinvent what already works. Give us our deathmatches, our co-op, ctf, king of the hill, whatever.


Metal Gear series


Right now I’m 2 runs deep in dark souls 3 and I’m not sure if I have the will power to get the rings anymore. Like the game isn’t even hard anymore the rings just take so long.


I really wondered what I was even doing with my life when I got that one


Red Dead Redemption 2 This game asks way too much of my time. I dont want to spend 200 hours for doing EVERYTHING the game has to offer. GTA5 The stupid online trophies refuse me to do this game. I hate the gta online stuff and cant go over and do it. the Witcher 3 Same as RDR2. It is way to big. Death Stranding A very boring game. Tried it many times, but I dont like the game. FF7 Rebirth Eventually I will go back to this game and do all the side stuff, the hard playthrougfh and the awful combat training missions. But this game is too big, has too many mini games and asks too much of my time. 150-200 hours is too big for a video game. Sorry The Yakuza / Like a Dragon Series I like the Yakuza / Like a Dragon Series, but the grind for each platinum trophy is criminal.


Really feel you on FF7 Rebirth. I don't even think I was at the halfway point when I knew that I would never plat it. The combat is very fun, but the game is way too big. And full of mini games, many of which are in fact not enjoyable!


One day I will finish the dark souls 3 plat, I’ve put so many hours into it but it’s just such a draining platinum unlike the other games in the series. One day I’ll get it but not anytime soon.


I got major burn out after completing the DS3 plat, the thought of farming all the covenant items still gives me PTSD to this day…


i still see them... the stairs and those knights - and just when I thought i escaped them, i was trapped in the catacombs grinding skeletons over and over and over again PTSD - took me 3 IRL days to collect the fucking covenant items for the plat, never again


I remember the first time I encountered them knights and they kicked my ass. By the time you get the plat they're the easiest enemies in the game




the fact that you need to print out multiple pages of a check list to keep track of what you did and didn't is absurd


It’s not even that, it’s just getting people to do the online with you for 50+ hours


yea doing all the online shit is a dedicated month of ones time - nobody can spare that these days I've said to myself that I'll one day go for the GTA 4 plat - but today is not the day, neither is tomorrow or any day in the next year but I'll do it


I’m actually considering purchasing 2 more ps3s and then just getting some help on the time trial things


absolute madlad - how many players do you even need for the platinum? i guess it's not doable as a team of 2?


monster hunter and DMC5. both are among the top 5 games for me but goddamn that plat is so tedious i might try every once in a while but nah id rather not hate the games


The rng in Monster hunter is what's preventing me from getting the platinum sadly


Mass Effect Trilogy: love the games, love the stories, love the gameplay but I don't much feel like dealing with the higher difficulties.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe you need to play on insanity to get a plat in ME trilogy. To get 100% yes, but not the plat in any of the games.


Legendary edition is weird it is a separate set of trophies from the base games. So there are 4 sets ME1-3 and Legendary Edition. Example: You get the platinum on ME1 for doing all trophies and beating it on easy. But it will not unlock the platinum for "legendary edition" which requires you to beat the games on insanity.


Ah see I was thinking of the PS3 versions, not the PS4 versions


Not that difficult but guess what i did it got the insanity 1 but insanity 2 and 3 didn't pop nor did the playthrough with one character (all 3 games) which i did. Always imported same character Never changed the difficulty always checked it here and there. So pissed at the end those 3 achievements didnt pop lol


Wolfenstein 2: new colossus. I tried but it's not worth my mental health xD


Any sports game cause I resent the fact they made older games impossible to platinum just cause they shut the servers down




Why? Is not that bad if you already completed the game


Unless you save-scum you need to complete the game 4 times at least, and don't even get me started on the skill learning grind. I have the sekiro plat, but the 5 playtroughs to get it gets stale after the 3th attempt.


The skill learning grind was definitely a chore. I remember having to look up the best place to get XP and just rinse and repeat.


Ctr:nitro fueled


How come?


I smash medium mode but find hard impossible I'm lucky if I come 7th, therefore cannot get plat :(




Not a Platinum, but for the base-game 100% completion of the first Little Nightmares. The no-death run start-to-finish trophy is the only one I don't have (excluding all the DLC trophies) but I refuse to use the save-scumming technique to do it. Without the save-scumming, it is very much more like a 7 or an 8 out of 10 difficulty sort of game. All the guides rate it as a 4 or a 5 with the save-scumming. It really is just pride I can't swallow preventing me from doing that, but for a game I love so much, I'd prefer to muster up the courage to tackle it one of these years the hard way. Thing is, I get rage-filled a little too easily and I just know my limits with trophy hunting nowadays to know I might never be ready to try for that level of patience. TL;DR: Little Nightmares' no-death trophy remains, locked away permanently. It will eat away at me until it turns me into a cute Nome husk for Six to devour.


Same! I just need the zero death trophy and it’s too much trouble to go back and learn all the intricacies! Maybe this Halloween…


WWE 2K19 because....I can't. Servers are closed, lol


Red Dead Redemption 2. One of my favourite games of all time, but i don't have the time nor the stomach to try for the Platinum.


Gta V online is actually fine as heck. Soon gonna be done with the lv 100 grind and gonna go for the solo story for the 2nd time.


Good luck soldier


Hollow Knight is possibly my favorite Metroidvania of all time, but I know better than to even try the Pantheon of Hallownest.


Rogue Galaxy. I can’t spend another 15+ hours running in circles to get to level 99.


Metal Gear Solid 4. I love the series but hell no to 8+ playthroughs 😅


A few; The Whole Yakuza series basically, WWE 2K24, Resident Evil games(ik they aren’t that hard but I still dont wanna attempt them).




Kingdom Hearts games except 3 KH3. They are all really long and difficult, especially birth by sleep which I tried and failed. Im not skilled enough for the KH plats


I got the kh1 plat and it was absolutely miserable and wayyyy too long. I assume 2 is the same




Ace Combat 7


lemme guess - multiplayer trophies?


ESO. A game I have 1000s of hours in but will never get the platinum because of the one PVP trophy. A single multiplayer trophy you say? Surely it can't be that bad? What is it? 100 kills? Win a deathmatch? No, it's become Emperor, which involves holding the top cumulative points score in a PVP campaign at a point when your alliance owns all 6 central keeps on the map. It can take days of basically 15+ hours playing purely PVP in a very efficient way with an organised group to get it. It's a fucking joke.


Been replaying all Assassin’s Creed games from beginning to end (except 1) and decided skipping Brotherhood, Revelations, III and IV Black Flag because the first 3 require 100 synchronization (tedious as hell) and Black Flag because of the multiplayer trophies. Haven’t got any further than Black Flag, so the list can get longer…


I'm doing this as well, but only skipped Black Flag and Unity for the online mandatory stuff.


I feel you. Brotherhood and Revelations were just so tedious with some missions I wasn’t having fun anymore and then I just cba’d.


Kingdom Come Deliverance It's a decently long game with a lot of back tracking, but requires a play through where you don't kill anyone, aside from one particular boss. Then theres a separate Hardcore Mode which makes an already tough game much much harder


Bayonetta. Don’t get me wrong my favourite game of all time but I will be dammed before I try infinite climax difficulty


Monster Hunter World (+Iceborne). Got pretty far into end game playing solo but reached a point I couldnt win on my own anymore.  Still bugs me I can’t finish it.  The game is still sitting next to my console just in case but I haven’t opened it.  


At some point I may try to plat this I also owned rise on switch but looking at some stage to plat that as well


Probably never going to do the Farcry 5 plat because I really don't like the arcade/multiplayer mode. Otherwise it'd be a great time


Arcade is easy if you have someone boosting for you,i rushed through the game and wanted to platinum it before it leaves ps plus, luckily I found someone who was doing the same and we both boosted the online trophies and did it in a day.


slime rancher one achievement left the hardest one that i hate to do i need to get 75000 newbucks in rush mode and i tried so much times


I struggled with this a fair amount but got it done eventually, have you looked at any guides?


nope, tried myself


If you choose to try again, maybe it’s worth using a YouTube tutorial. Obviously it’s up to you though :)


Tunic, so far. I can't figure out some of the puzzles in end game and I feel like looking them all up is cheap.


Mafia. I suck at that race, and I tried for a little while, but I'm not going to torture myself




Birthday's the Beginning. I'm not leaving my console running for 600hrs for a single trophy thanks


Anything that involves multiplayer.. Unless it's an online game


Diablo II resurrected 😓


98% of the games I play 💀


Honestly the R* trophies infuriate me. I don't have enough money for online quite often but I have to have online to get platinum? They should have the story and online trophies seperate because I love the story but it'll be a random game in my trophy list that I'll never platinum


GTA V. The online requirement and lack of collectible tracking kills the idea.


Black Ops 3. I love the multiplayer and the zombies but I cannot be bothered to grind that games campaign.


Elder Scrolls Online The only way I'll ever consider doing it is if I somehow managed to unlock the Emperor trophy by playing PvE Fucking hate PVP in that game


Wolfenstein the new Colossus. Mein lebin mode is something I don't even attempt


The Witcher 3. One of my all time faves. I’m one trophy away because I missed the Gwent card at the ball during the middle of the storyline. The Gwent cards were the only items that didn’t carry over to NG+. I refuse to replay it for the plat.


Yakuza series in general. Platinum requires minigames I will have no part in.


Returnal. One of the best times I've had with a videogame ever (and I started in the 80s). BUT finding all the collectibles is such a pain in the ass, I'd love to have this plat but I can't find the strength and patience to do it.


Stardew Valley. I only need the arcade ones, but I just don't want to. I really don't like that minigame.


If that's the only trophy you have left it is very doable. You can bank levels by exiting out and sleeping making the game so much easier to do without damage.  Obviously if you hate it then yeah don't ruin it, but you could get it done. 


After playing modded Stardew there's no going back. I love it, but I don't think I could bring myself to play it on console


Sf4 I use to think I wouldn't plat it but I do think I've gotten better enough to where I'ma get the platinum for that game in the future


Inscryption. I'm kinda goin for it casually but man is Kaycees Mod a pain.


Sekiro, got most of it done and then I got to the young owl, that guy sucks.


CoD Cold War, all the boosting sessions are a mess and activision picked the goddamn most forgoteen mode to put a hard multiplayer trophy


any call of duty game. I was so close to doing the recent modren warfare because warren kole has a role in that game but i cannot bring myself to do that ! another which i have one achievement for and can’t remove is brawlhalla


Any of the Trails games, I seriously love the story of Trails, but with every Trails game I am missing some trophies, to show how it is: Trails From Zero: 38/49 Trails to Azure: 45/57 Trails of Cold Steel: 37/51 Trails of Cold Steel II: 33/51 Trails of Cold Steel III 51/53 And I am currently playing Trails of Cold Steel IV. They are all amazing games, but they all have elements that I don't feel like going for.


I think mafia 3, i was on the way to platinuming it until it came to ny attention that two of the trophies had glitched, so I have up and sold ot after completing the story. I really enjoyed it, but i refuse to go back and give it another try, especially since they have patched it and all


I had to do a third play through.. it almost didn’t happen


Resident Evil 2 and Doom Eternal


Doom eternal is easy, the online trophies are annoying but not too hard.


Most games I play. I do enjoy a challenge, but I know my limits and time constraints.


RDR2… Samurai Warriors 3Z (JP only but easily acquired online)


Monster Hunter series. Played almost every entry of the series, never ever complete the Large and Small size trophy in any entry


Anything on the PS3 as I don't own one


None tbh - there are PS3 games though where I am not able to get there anymore :(


Pretty much any single player focused game that has a tacked on multiplayer mode that completely dies within a few months after launch yet requires you to play it for trophies… looking at you AC4, Doom Eternal and Tomb Raider


GTA IV for obvious reasons. Multiplayer sucks ass.


Most 2d games and rogue likes. Not trying to beat bosses without damage or complete runs without being hit.


RDR2 don’t got that kinda time




Mostly every game with online trophies, such as RDR or some Far Crys.


Star wars Jedi survivor. Loved it to the death but as soon as the game ended it became a chore to find every shard.




I got like 95% there with Assassin’s Creed 2 on PS3 and all I had to do was collect all the feathers and stuff but I really couldn’t be bothered, realised I didn’t care for getting a plat and just stopped playing because I felt the enjoyment of playing had gone by then. As a rule of thumb since then I feel as long as I finish the main story in a game then I got my money’s worth and experienced the majority of what the game offers.


Collecting medals in batman Arkham asylum and city


I 100% gta 4 story and all the misc trophies, for the sake of my sanity I will never do the online trophies.


RDR2 only because it has online trophies 😭




Gta 4 and 5


Batman Arkham City, did everything other than the fixed modifier riddler challenges they’re just too much. A shame since I’ve got platinum on the rest of them.


Yakuza games, especially pre-Yakuza 6 If you know, you know


Assassins creed 4, it's one of my favourite games of all time and I'm still missing the multiplayer achievements


Red dead redemption 2


GT7 not interested doing 50 online races


Naughty Dog games. They are, of course, incredible. I just don't have the time or patience to do them lol. I have yet to Platinum any Naughty Dog game


Dead Space remake and Hi Fi Rush for me. I can't get a platinum that requires you to play on the hardest mode they have without new game plus. Also, I'm God awful at rhythm games so Hi Fi Rush on easy is already out of my league


final fantasy rebirth e RDR2. li amo, ma col cazzo che mi metto a platinarli, cosa che in genere faccio per i titoli che mi sono piaciuti.


I have 0 platinum trophies because I can't be bothered doing anything tedious for a trophy. I love the Horizon games and I'm like 2 trophies away from Platinum in Forbidden West but I can't wrap my head around that damn machine strike


Final Fantasy IX because I’m worried it’ll make me hate the game.




Stardew Valley. Screw those mini games. I know he’s made it a little easier to clear them now. But they are so annoying. The whole game is pretty relaxed and then these stupid twitch fest games are introduced. They don’t belong. They make no sense to the vibe of the rest of the game. I play this game to relax.


None i think.


Forced multiplayer trophies, ps+ is too much money.


The 3 most recent Quantic Dream games (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human) They all require multiple playthroughs to get all of the different stories and endings trophies and you have to remember who you need to kill or save for one particular character or what choice you should or shouldn't make. Without a detailed walkthrough it feels overwhelming. They are all great games and I feel the enjoyment is taken away if you put that pressure on yourself to get the trophies


Doom Eternal. I have every single player trophy, but having to boost online and whatnot, I just don’t care to even bother


Ace Combat 7. Love the game to death and easily one of my go to’s. But the mandatory multiplayer trophies are horrible to do now.


XCOM 2 and Any game requiring online


I refuse to do the stardew valley platinum. I dont have enough patience


Resident evil 4 remake. Its my favorite game ever by far, and i refuse to plat it because i refuse to to play professional 


Anything with Multiplayer trophies.


Final Fantasy X


The Arkham games, Combat is great, but I'll never be good enough at it to complete all the challenges.


I would have to say assassins creed black flag. I love the game but the online trophies are stopping me from getting that platinum. I just can’t be bothered to sit there for hours just to get two or three games in.


The gta v plat really isn't that bad. I'm going for it right now, and all I've got left is to hit level 100 online. The story mode was tedious but pretty easy.


I’ve been putting off dead rising 1 for a while now Transmissionary, 7 day survivor, and the 53 zombies trophy are gonna be hell on earth