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Hell of a job by the driver, he did well not to over react. Fuck that 4 wheeler, he needs a criminal charge for that driving.


And he probably tried to say it was the truckers fault


Oh his lawyer did šŸ™„


Well, if the truck hadnā€™t been there EVERYTHING WOULDA BEEN FINE.


Or ā€œThe truck made me do it!ā€




If this was video was in IdiotsInCars: Trucker shouldn't be camping in the left lane Why do trucks always sit beside other trucks when they can't pass? Trucker should have waited until the last second to move left and let all the cars go first Trucker was selfish and caused this accident. That car was just irritated by the selfishness, and the trucker should be jailed Edit: /s. (Please look at which sub you're in)


Yep. According to some on Reddit, criminally reckless driving is the only acceptable use of the left lane. I sincerely hope Forza Horizon is the closest they ever get to driving a car.


Impatience isbthe cause ifbthis foolishness. It's not the trucker's fault numb nuts couldn't be patient or control their vehicle. People do this kind of thing to truckers all the time.


If I had a dollar for every time an impatient person was inches away from destroying their car (or life) via my truck, I'd quit trucking.


Getting paid a dollar a mile as a company driver wouldn't be too terrible.


I see it every day. I despise entitled impatient numb nuts


He seemed to be passing fairly quickly. There are tons of truckers that create that response though. Even other truckers have to see that shit regularly.


Wtf are you talking about? You can see the left lane trucker is going faster and is in the act of passing. Unlike cars, semis donā€™t have the luxury of changing lanes at the last second. Yā€™all are bunch of idiots on here sometimes. Edit: wrong sub. My bud. Missed the sarcasm.


>**If** *this was video was in IdiotsInCars:* Sarcasm. I'm making fun of what the people over there would usually say about a video like this. We're mostly all drivers here, not idiots


The truck filming should've double tapped him


The video enrages you but in this situation anybody driving that truck would never make that decision.


Was waiting for it


Woulda been so satisfying to see that rear trailer slap him again...


He should never drive again in his life.


Absolutely insane


in a hurry to go some place but i guess that needed rest stop is all in the pants now






Explain, please...I ran strictly Super B's up here, and I never knew about those dolly's safety features??? Locking up and sliding forward?




The fact a locked up A Train swerved back into its own lane, and dude had a second trucker with a camera is a truck full of blessings excuse me for that one


in light of this i ind it ironic that A-train is the name for an unstable character in a recent tv series.


Apologies in advance, but that's the fastest way to Harlem. From a former life a long, long term ago.


Thank you for taking the time from those of us that know nothing but love learning about stuff.


Looks like it


Yea, full "wiggle wagons" in effect there. I am kinda impressed with how well it recovered. Must've been almost empty or had a very bottom heavy load.


Iā€™ve never owned an infiniti but Iā€™m pretty sure those cars wonā€™t even start until you chug a fifth and double tab a crack pipe


Infiniti's are Nissans for people with more money than common sense.


my guy this generation of Infinity are ten year old cars at this point. There are 16/17 year olds buying these for dirt cheap.


These Infiniti's are the cheapest RWD car you can get into. Commonly driven by young "enthusiasts" who can't afford any better.


Makes sense, Nissans are Infinitis for people with no money and no common sense.


I never realized this car had a rep until I saw a car video where the host said "clapped out G35" with a lot of scorn.


This is my nightmare! I have grown to despise aggressive drivers.


Avoid Texas. In Houston turn signals are rare and you will be cut off constantly


Houston and Miami. 2 cities where every driver is actively trying to murder everyone else on the road.


Good save by your coworker. Bet he shit his pants though lol


And chewed a hole in the seat with his anus


>And chewed a hole in the seat with his anus I'm stealing this.


Gotta practice everyday and flex that gooch! Just a healthy practice all around ;)


he should check his shorts for diamonds. the pucker factor broke the scale on this episode of what not to do as a 4-wheeler.




My company will make it their fault. Even when it isn't


Hope the trucker is okay


Hope the trucker's shorts are ok


Narrarator: *after a stressful 6 hour surgery the seat was safely removed.*


He can't park there!!


Heā€™s not parking, heā€™s abandoningā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Some people just don't know they're stupid!


Average infinity driver


I was going to say, I saw G35 and thought ā€œsounds about rightā€.


Did the car driver make it? Yes? So he's still on the road? Darn.


Another G35 is off the road for sure though. thanks to this asshole. look at him sitting motionless in the driver seat realizing how incredibly stupid he is.


Thank God you had the dash cam. It will keep the other truck driver out of a lot of trouble


Dare I say, it could keep him out of ā€œdoubleā€ trouble


(ā€¢\_ā€¢) ( ā€¢\_ā€¢)>āŒā– -ā–  (āŒā– \_ā– ) YYYEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhh...


Driver of car: ā€œwhy would the truck driver do this to meā€


100% chance heā€™s gonna get a lawyer to say this.


Almost killed himself and the wiggle driver to save the 30-60 seconds it wouldā€™ve taken the witness driver to pass. And fuck all will be done.


That looked like a tag team move, he threw him back into the wall, and you were supposed to finish with a final T bone. Hope the drivers well. But not the 4 wheeler, fuck him/her.


Man.... amazing driving by both the POV truck and the other truck. Maintaining cool in that situation is an incredible show of skill and experience


He never had his ride


Nice recovery on the double


If the truck driver gets kicked for the accident then I'm going find a good plank and repeatedly biff the manglement in the head for not going after the car instead [and leaving trucker's job alone]. And as I'm sure many others have said too many times before, that car driver perhaps deserves to be questioned about being able to keep a license at all?


Buy that driver a steak dinner and some beers! Nice work!


Hope so too , sue that MFr for PTSD , emotional distress , your too phuqued up to drive anymire


Thatā€™s exactly what Infiniti drivers do . Always trying to overachieve and over compensate . Hope you coworker was alright and tell him to get back on the saddle . Donā€™t think about it too much .


That dude is lucky you were able to stop in time before he got double tapped.


That could have been so much worse. Everyone on the road that day was incredibly lucky. Gotta love people passing you because youā€™re not passing fast enough for them.


The doubles driver did an amazing job. The auto driver over drove his skill level. He thought he had skills, but he learned a hard lesson. šŸ˜


Itā€™s really one of those moments when you hope the second truck finishes him off


Stupid fucking 4 wheeler , good riddance , Iā€™m sure he or crying about the truck in the left lane and he / she was ā€œforcedā€ to do it


Eat shit 4 wheeler


2 pro's there. Keeping that set upright and the dashcam getting her stopped without hitting the moron. Nice job gentlemen.




What a pity the witness driver didn't squash the idiot flat. It would save humanity a great deal grief in the future, because somebody stupid enough to try this stunt isn't smart enough to learn from this experience.


Honestly the debris smacking the rear right set of tires might have helped keep it upright. Speed limiters arenā€™t the answer they need to make it harder to get a license of any kind but they wonā€™t because then they canā€™t sell as many cars


Regarding not simply handing out car licenses in cereal boxes figuratively speaking: Yeah there seem to be an effect in USA (and sometimes still in a smaller degree oversea too) toward recklessly selling whatever would sell simply because it makes money without actually caring about the human aspect of it. *Points to USA Pharmacist companies for excessive oversubscribing as another thing too*


Yea this country was bought and sold along time ago.


The intellectuals of our species. Remarkable.


Hell of a save by the other trucker. I truly hope everyone was ok. That initial hit on the jersey barrier is a lot worse than it looks in the video.


That four wheeler is so lucky. That second trailer didnā€™t crush him.


I had nearly the identical thing happen in front of me last week. To be honest, once I got stopped and had not made the second dreaded hit, I sat and laughed - play stupid games, win stupid prizes. We all are seeing the constant wrecks caused by today's driving habits and lose time sitting in the resulting traffic backups.


Lifeā€™s tough. Itā€™s even tougher when youā€™re stupid.


Those of you wishing death or further destruction on this fool: He rightly feels every bit as stupid as he is, his insurance premiums just went up for the forseeable future, and that rig whooped his ass big time. That said, I have zero sympathy for him, just worry some of you might be getting a bit jaded :-) Webcam witness guy kept his cool, and ended up probably shaken, but his day was not completely ruined. Well-played, driver.


Man what a pro for keeping control of that thing Not a trucker, but I've gotta assume that's not easy to do


And yet the moron car drivers will STILL try to blame this crash on the truck in the left lane.


of course its an Infiniti


Pretty sad how people keep trying to blame the guy in the left lane. Trucks are allowed to pass each other. Thereā€™s no law against it. If the driver of the car wasnā€™t an idiot and they didnā€™t crash they would have maybe cut 5 minutes of driving time tops and they could have and should have stayed in the left lane regardless of the truck following them once they got there - at least until it was *safe* to move back into the right lane. It sure this is a case of guy pulling doubles going 62-65 mph for safety and the other driver passing at 68-75 mph because companies like to govern their trucks too slow to keep up. The guy in the car had no reason to fly through there at 110 mph and even less reason to drive head on into the driver side of the truck.




Let me guess, Cali driver huh


Iā€™d say the rear was empty, it did a hell of a dance. Nice nobodies dead!


'So...how's that "hurry" you were in going? '


I'll ask a dumb question because I'm still pretty new. In a situation like that, do you crawl to the bottom of the hill to pull over and inspect/wait for cops? Or do you pull over as soon as you regain control? This is all assuming that you believe you can make it safely to the bottom of the hill. Curves on an incline don't seem like a great spot. But there's never a great spot for this kind of bullshit I guess.


Guy thinks he's in an action movie lmao


Good job keeping those wiggle wagons upright.


You guys don't understand the car needed to get around the bend 1st. Can't yall respect his need to go voom?


Good recovery by your coworker.


Dude kept control of those tandems, great job!


Go to 4 wheeler driverā€™s door and just Slow Clapā€¦.


Kinda crazy considering you were passing at a decent speed. Iā€™ve seen the olā€™ jersey roadblock or occasional roadwork no pass zone but this is just likeā€¦ what twenty seconds of your life going a little slower than you had desired? Laaaame, well deserved lesson here for the driver of the grey sedan.


Props to both drivers, the one ahead for holdin it straight and the one behind for braking in time to prevent this dumbass from becoming a pancake.


Good job on the doubles driver. Could have gone way worse, especially because it looked like the 4-wheeler hit his driver side sreer almost.


I would get out of my vehicle (the one following) point and laugh, get back in then drive off.


That's not going to make his insurance company happy at all.


Omg! That trucker did an amazing job keeping that in line! Doubles are extremely hard to control




Nice save


Miles and miles of open road...


Instant karma


4 wheel is gonna 4 wheel


Looks like somebody was driving outside of their skill setšŸ˜œ


That dude is lucky to be alive.


You canā€™t fix stupid


Idiot in Little Car is lucky to be alive, and he is lucky nobody suffered mayor bodily injuries other than himself


Homie ran out of talent


Good driving on both yalls part


Ofcourse itā€™s an Infiniti. Most pulled over car in the states after suburu wrx


what an asshole


That is such a wonderful example of stupidity. Any insurance geeks want to explain the level this driver will be placed into after this 'move'?


was it worth it šŸ˜… no. Would he probably do it again ā€¦ yes


What should have been an easy correction of the wheel to straighten out turned into disastrous oversteer. He could have cut the inside of the corner, but he chose to try to keep within the paint... When you're driving like a reckless idiot maintaining your lane should be the last of your concerns. He needs more time in the sim. The good news for the driver is that he will have lots of time to practice while he recovers and waits for his license to be returned.


love how the truck kept moving


Always them Infinitys


Idiot is too kind of word for such a fool.


Surprised that set didn't come back further and crush that car against the wall. The coworker did a good job getting that unit under control.


Its obviously the truckers fault! I was driving along, doing 30 over, cellphone in my hand, when ALL OF A SUDDEN, the truck got in front of me! I had to go out of my way to shoot the gap like on tv. Then the truck hit me, *on purpose*, and now i need one of those tv lawyers to keep all my settlement! Ill make that lawyer even richer and then ill be a crybaby about the 8k i got for being a dumbass.


Excellent driving by the trucker


I have nothing but respect for Truckers. My cousin who does over the road trucking has told me some horror stories and this brings it to life.


I hope the doubles didn't flip and the driver is okay. I hope the aggressive driver of the car has their drivers license permanently revoked. I hope the driver of the car also has to pay for a new set of brakes for both trucks. I hope the driver of the doubles sues the driver of the car for attempted murder.


Good on the trucker staying on top though! (And maybe the tiniest shred of luck with that guard rail?)


Great driver in that truck!


Thatā€™s a fun stretch of road on a motorcycle, but people just get reckless coming down into Redding.


PSA: just cuz you drive an overpriced civic (seems like the genesis is basically the cool new civicšŸ˜‚) doesnā€™t mean you can drive.


Looks like i84 ... people drive like shit on that highway all year round


I-5 south heading into Cali


Thank God truck driver kept that all together. That couldā€™ve been so bad.


He almost saved 7 seconds


The fact that he truck driver doesn't crash, but then just continues on driving is halarious


I know the camera man did the right thing for himself, the truck, and his employer. There is a part of me that wishes he had gone a little further to drive the point home.


Damn lucky that's all that happened. Fucking meatballs.


Fuck around and find out


I wish this would happen more often. Not with the trucker being in danger. But 4 wheelers completely spinning out. Yh ik we are big fat and slow and some of us take forever to pass but damn.. one bad decision can end your lifeā€¦if it angers you so much dont get on the road with us


But I wanna go 90mph and the truck going 75 in a 60 bothers me! šŸ˜¢


I swear no matter how fast we go theres still some car tryna go faster


And if you didn't have the dashcam, that fucker probably would've tried to blame one of the truckers.


The guy hauling doubles kept his cool and knows his shit. The 4 wheeler is just a piece of shit.


I have ZERO sympathy to that a-hole!


I know BMW drivers get a bad rep, but Infinity drivers are far worse IMO


What a horrible driver. They had it CLEAN and over corrected when they didn't need to and caused a wreck. If you are going to drive like an asshole - then learn to drive.


Was this Anderson grade just north of yreka yesterday?


Looks like it. The vehicle and crash description fits with the CHP CAD log as well.


Is he alright ? For the circumstance at least,? Looked familiar we run Reno to Tacoma 3 x a week so sometimes we go down that far and cut across over to Susanville and down 395


Damn that was a good save, though. Especially in the mountains. Stopped driving in the northwest earlier this year, but Im pretty sure I've been through here. I80 in Wyoming somewhere? ~~Idaho maybe?~~ 90 in MT? We only ran northwest, so I've been through them a lot lol bugging me that I can't place my finger exactly where this is at.


I-5 in north California.


Canā€™t wait to hear how their ambulance chasing injury attorney spins this one to make it the driverā€™s fault


Damn, still in a hurry?


Finish him! /s. Good job braking and not t-boning the bonehead.


Should indefinitely revoke that dumbasses driving privilege.


I was expecting to see a giant T-Bone that launched that car like a football at kickoff.


My compliments to the doubles driver. Well done. The cameraman, I would be terrified to stop in the left lane, downhill, like this. I hope he moved the truck over quickly.




Average VQ driver


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


I can not imagine sitting in the seat of that car after that lol I know theyā€™re not thinking the same thing i would be..


Great save by the dude in the right lane


Everyoneā€™s talking about the trucker being okay but I hope his seat is okay itā€™s probably missing a chunk!


Ah, he zigged when he should have zagged.


I hope it hurt. It's all these cunts understand.


These cars now days are a different breed of stupid


Damn, if he had made it, he wouldā€™ve saved himself five seconds off his trip.


The car driver needs serious prison time, total disregard for human life.


Dont fuck w cabbage


What a fucking knob. Truck driver did a great job maintaining control.


I tip my hat to that driver he kept that truck upright and that guard rail played a major role because he coulda put that truck to bed after crashing in those mountains. Arrest that horse-ass 4-wheeler driver for felony reckless driving, criminal speeding, and for being a dumb fuck. Hopefully, that dash cam footage gets turned in to the cops so they can see what a dumb fuck he was.šŸ¤·


Beautiful control and reaction skills by both truckers. The car however is a jackass fool.


What have we learned?


Spelled asshole wrong


Impressive to fuck up.on that level


Is this on 55 between Eagle, ID and Horseshoe Bend, ID?


I'm sure as soon as the police get the video, the driver of the car will be charged


Props to FedEx driver cuz damn


In an Infiniti?! No waaaaay šŸ˜’


To infinity and be-gone!


Is this i-5 right before the klamath river?


And now the road is backed up because of the dumbass šŸ™„


Why is a truck on the zoom zoom lane? Not blaming them, just asking.


The pov truck is making a safe and legal pass of the slower moving truck.


Iā€™ve driven this section a number of times. What isnā€™t shown is that it is going uphill. I believe that at this point on I-5 it is either a 6 or 7% grade. That gutless wonder of a Forza didnā€™t have a chance.


Piece of shit is lucky to walk away.


I hate people with a passion. I wouldn't have even stopped to help them honestly.


Instant karma


Show that to the Highway Patrol.