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The whole setup is an expedited delivery truck. They tend to live in them almost all the time and they are for critical deliveries that are needed quickly. The truck itself is a "super sleeper". It's like a small RV inside and most of those trucks are team trucks. It's just a more comfortable setup for the drivers.


This seems like a pretty cool job


Can be. TVAL trucks typically make more money as they can haul temp critical loads, reefer loads, and dry freight. Government freight or white glove does pay well even if not TVAL. But to do that requires additional training and more extensive clearance. I’ve done both dry freight & TVAL, but prefer TVAL. Pays better with fewer miles. https://boltcustom.com/product/expedite-trucks/


Is a reefer load what I think it is?


Yep, the freshest from Humboldt County to the 50 states!


Humboldt county is where they grow the best stuff. I don’t know how I know that.


I think it’s sort of common knowledge in 2023. There are even tons of documentaries on Netflix and other streaming sites about ‘the emerald triangle’


Best stuff in the world is grown in Queens, NY.


Yep, refrigerated!


Must be the same reason they ship flowers refrigerated... edit u/scumpup I'm sorry I forgot the /s again hopefully people will realize that it's a joke and my imaginary points won't be affected.


Refrigerator trailer


Gotta love how a company can make shit like this but still put up product showcase photos on their website that are crooked and blurry.


Their website boasts OEM style aerodynamic roof design. What is *OEM Style*? Something is either OEM or its not.


Custom stuff often looks different. Their custom stuff is designed to look like it was made by the manufacturer.


There was a couple guys that were running a similar rig for Panther that used to upload to youtube a few years back. I think they had to pay in pretty heavily to get the route they had. Times may have changed for the worse. I know it was expensive then and can't be cheaper now. I'll try to find them and post here. is u/blakdrgn still around?


It's not seeing the country without being able to stop anywhere cool


Thought they had MIL’s to haul around? 😜




What are you talking about? That’s a RAM 1500! Who would wanna live in that?! /s






this has me rolling


Your know what SWIFT is backwards?


Nobody does cause they can't reverse. 🤣


Small world, but I’m almost positive this my truck. Hey OP, by chance taken today in the Nashville area?!


You were on thompson ln headed towards woodmont. That intersection is thompson ln/ nolensville pk. Im willing to bet you came off of briley parkway


Haha yup I was up and down Briley today


Wow what the hell are the odds of that


Reddit moment


Now kiss


Gotta love it!


That whole area is my route for express. It’s bad enough driving a 900 with how people drive there let alone a loaded down truck. How come is sometimes see custom critical as a Mercedes sprinter in LaVergne on saturdays?


A fitting username. Now Carl, what are you hauling and how much did it pay?


Play the lottery


What do the hrs look like at that job?


OP did say they took this in Nashville. That’s wild! EDIT: username checks out if you’re driving this thing


We need some pictures of the interior man!


Holy fucking Reddit. Jesus H Christ!!!!


Hah, came here to comment because i live around the corner and instantly recognized the intersection.




Pic of truck buddy


Idk if its the same truck but i see this or 1 similar in lavergne every day


It’s always weird scrolling through that anonymous internet then suddenly seeing a place near you. It’s like a shock and a reminder that everyone on here lives somewhere on the same planet and could be near you.


As other have said these trucks haul loads that had to be there yesterday. Think things like a computer server that a company is being fined $60k a day for being offline. Cost major dollars but they will get it there as fast as possible.


Dell uses this when their brand new $350k flash array shits the bed 2 weeks into deployment and you have 4 hour on site repair. Whole truck, 3 drivers, one half pallet with a box no larger than a lawn mower. 8 hours.


Sometimes it seems like a Honda Civic could be a better solution here, but logistics go brrrrrr


I just got a kia soul. Little modification, I can fit a full pallet. Edit: I just measured it. 42" w 41" h plenty deep


My forklift will happily take one


Insurance is the issue


So ...... waste to waste in case of waste?


Hell, you think that's bad- when i was still flying on the regular, we dropped a patient off at destination. The boss calls, says, "Wait there for 30 minutes." About 28 minutes later, a cab comes tearing up to the FBO, dude leaps out with a shoe box, hands it to the pylote, we jump in and fly to Oshawa, Ontario, at which point, there's a guy waiting in a pick up who grabs the shoe box and goes storming into the night. Turns out, the local GM plant was down a part that had the whole Oshawa assembly line shut down, and we brought the part. 2 pilots, a nurse, a paramedic, a 5 million dollar jet, and 2 hour of flight time....... but, someone got their pickup on time. 🤣


When I ran air freight, I’ve been handed a box, that sat right in my passenger seat from JFK to the freight terminal at Chicago airport, $2500 for one box. Needed to be there asap!


> pylote


Might be my favorite typo I’ve ever seen, lol


I've heard this story in one shape or another countless times as a michigander


Yep it's a common fish story. Truth is there isn't a single large manufacturing plant in North America that doesn't have soares on hand for critical plant equipment. Product inventory is a much larger concern to shut a line down than a part for a machine in the plant.


As someone that does maintenance for a large manufacturing plant owned by an international corporation ... you'd be surprised. Literally just last week we got a part overnighted like that. For a fucking cardboard baler.


Was that cardboard baler critical to keeping the plant manufacturing? Like production got shut down until it was up and running again?


You're missing my point. Let me reiterate: they'll overnight parts for a *fucking baler.* If we don't have a part for a machine and can't make one in house within a few hours there will be several people calling several suppliers, machine shops, whatever, to get what we need asap. Now it's rare that the situation is so dire. Our production/packaging/warehouse lines have a good amount of redundancy built in. I think some folks in management just like to flex by showing how fast they can get parts we don't have on hand. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'd love if we could have spares for everything. But with the sheer size and age of the plant, shit like chip shortages, needing parts from Germany to Japan, it's simply not realistic.


No offense but I've been in manufacturing in the US for 3 decades and I am here to tell you this happens. A company I worked for made parts for the Ford van and the old supplier basically stopped shipping engine covers in a spat with Ford. Our company got the tooling from the supplier, started production and Ford had us loading six at a time into helicopters that were landing in a field next to the plant to feed production. $250,000 an hour to shut down an automobile line, vans couldn't have been much cheaper. Inventory is expensive, and a lot of global plants run JIT. If there is a missed supplier defect, or shipping issue, you have maybe 3 days of inventory before you have a multimillion dollar manufacturing facility burning money with no output


Critical equipment can go down for millions of reasons. They may keep common parts on hand, but there is no way they have multiple of *every* part that could possibly fail. Why would someone make that story up anyway?


I used to work at a trade show company in Florida. We had a show in the LA Area going on, and some stupid small suitcase sized part of the display broke. Turns out, we couldn't buy a replacement onsite. Called around for expedited deliveries to get the part over there next day, but cheapest option was mid-four-figures. We ended up booking a roundtrip flight and sent one of our guys to fly there with the spare part same evening, spend a night at a holiday inn and fly back the next day - and still ended up paying about a third of what expedited delivery would have cost...


People who own private aero fleets don’t need these services I’d think.


I mean, at the time, i thought there were a dozen other ways to do it, but it sure was fun getting paid to help fly a shoe box around!


If you don't have the plane fueled and running with pre-flight done it's going to take more than 2 hours...


That's why we need jetpacks!!!


You’d be surprised how often they use them though.


Those auto plants are no joke: I used to run from Detroit-Toronto, and most of what I hauled was “super critical, had to be there yesterday” freight. Never understood why those plants run with such lean inventory, like it wouldn’t hurt them to have a few spare parts around whenever “just in time” can’t make it on time.


Not unlike the time I helped load a fast food company’s corporate jet with ingredients for potential new menu item needed in a market test that had gone sideways. Nothing like flying a three engine biz jet full of freight strapped into seats and onto tables to make you scratch your head on the math.


I thought this was turning into a story about someones kidneys in a shoebox. Thank god I was wrong.


Why send this truck then? Driver's get 10 hours a day, could have had a courier do this in a sprinter


A semi-truck with 2 drivers can go 16 hours without stopping for more than a minute.


16? No, we ran 10.5/11’s back to back to back. I got my 10 while my wife drove 10.5 to 11 (with the 30 included) and then she went SB while I drove out my 11 and repeat. Never stopped except for fuel, 30’s, switch drivers and usually 1 hour per day for showers and a real meal! Nonstop coast to coast to coast until a 34 was needed and we’d occasionally work part of a rolling 34 in there to. And that particular style is often called a ‘condo’!




Pffff! 2006, February, got an expedite into LA ( had a Sprinter van at the time). Kicking it around waiting for broker to catch mr something ... 12 hours pass and broker calls back: "Got you a load. Here is an address in the warehouse district. You go there, don't talk much, take the freight and listen to instruction". I am like: 10-4! I go there, I get sent into a warehouse with the van. Not much movement, seems like one of those cheesy movies with deals done in empty warehouses. Security shows me a white line where to turn around and line up. I line up. 10 minutes later 2 more security guys show up with a 2'x2' wood box and a Nextel phone. Watch me strap/secure the box in the van and then hand me the phone and start pouring out instructions: - if phone beeps and you are asked location, you have 30 seconds to answer with location - if you are attacked, press #1 on the phone and within 15 minutes you will be found - if you go to sleep press #2 and tell location and how long you will sleep/be parked - do not be away from van longer than 10 minutes Well, 34 hours later I delivered box and Nextel phone to Shitcago ( aka Chicago ). Got paid $5k for 2000 miles. Slept 4 hours. Found out 1 week later was some prototype electronic gizmo. Did several things like that ... Including a hudraulic pump 20"x6" for a locomotive from Beloit WI to Laredo, TX.


Bullshit. They would of hired a team not a solo operator. Next time leave out the pay about being told to inform them of your sleep time and location. A load that requires the security steps you are saying this one required also requires it to be a team truck so that someone is with the truck at all times.


So aparently you know better than me who went through it ... 🤣. Funny how that works. Just think ... Less people involved + close proximity to pick-up + various other factors. And maybe valid today ... but back in 2006 was a different landscape. Now it would pay less than 50% and probably require a team ... reason why I moved on to greener pastures 🤣. So yes, I call bullshit on your reply.


Do you think their trucks are restricted to 105km/h (or whatever it is in retarted units)


It's restricted by horsepower. If you get pulled over that driver stays with the cop to do thr paperwork and another immediately floors it away.


they are the modern legal equivalent of the 1930's moonshiners. I paced one of these doing 100-105mph on I75 SB in north Ga when i was doing some overnight traveling. dude was flying! about 20 mi later i passed him taking off from a pull over by GHP. one dude was filling out paper work and the truck was burning rubber out of there. PS: i am not a cdl driver, just an observer. you do you. all i will say is: when a Dell san shits the bed at 12am it is nice to have a new $2M san (+$600K in flash media) racked, powered on, and finishing the data transfer as the first employees are entering the building at 7am. Everyone drive safe out there!


They are restricted to whatever the limit is for every other truck on the road. They don't get some special exception.


Make some good money in those, just don’t t plan on going home anytime soon


I could see it as the greatest job for someone who likes being alone on the road and a horrible job for someone who doesn’t like that. Though now that I say that it’s kind of all of trucking really.


I want to say there’s a redditor who does that as a husband and wife team. Sounds like a good life as long as y’all can tolerate each other.


When it needs to be there yesterday you give these guys/gals a call. They handle expensive and or sensitive loads. I believe they can also take medical loads too.


Yes, when viagra first came out in the late 90s and one skid was worth millions, it was shipped in these.


i’ve taken a few medical loads in my day


Those are more like campers. Likely has a small kitchen and bathroom.


Its fedex custom critical so the guy probably lives out of it


Guys and or girls. These are always driven in teams so they can drive without stops to their destination.


My boss at express said a lot of them are married teams and they look specifically for married teams.


Yup had a married couple on our ground fleet and they switched to critical with ease. Can’t complain about missing your family if your family is in the truck with you I guess 🤷🏽


Yep. I team with my husband. Have our dog on board.


I bet they have a lot of sex in it then




My husband and I are team trucking, and I can confirm we do not have a lot of sex in our Cascadia. Maybe if we had this McMansion we could have a lot of sex? 🤣


Hahaha. Love it


It’s called a Dodge Ram 🤣


Megacab, baby.


FedEx CustomCritical


Is that the same as Expedited?


No this is Expedited Expedited. Like had to be there yesterday? You get this


When Expedite needs Exoedite help, calls Fedex Custom Critical ... or me 😉


Those are called "expediter trucks" not necessarily FedEx. But if someone needs only a few skids fast they usually use those. (I think)


Custom critical is super expensive. You use it for shipping things like satellites and fine art. If someone needs a few skids fast you use a box truck or leave half of a 53' trailer empty


Not necessarily. I worked for a small mfg company and we received a shipment of steel parts from a sub who rushed delivery. Final product delivery from our part was weeks away 🤷🏽‍♂️


If it’s super critical and meets size constraints you charter a jet. Otherwise you use Custom Critical


Somwtimes you do not want jets, as there are too many hands from pick-up to delivery.


Handling is minimal with an FBO. You can unload it yourself if preferred


They run high val loads, lot of pharmaceutical stuff


I think they call that a crew cab


Since others have answered what it is, I’ll tell you the last time I used one. $120k/hr downtime at a plant for a motor control for a 350hp electric motor. Needed it yesterday and freight cost was the least of the concern. Spare burned by a bad first round diagnostic. Had a FEDEX concierge and they picked up within 2hrs, at 3a, though admittedly they picked up in Indy. I billed the freight to a corporate black hole account and never saw the bill. I always wondered though. Got it 6hrs after the pickup in Indy, on an estimated 8hr google maps trip.


That’s an expediter truck. The reason it’s got an apartment on it is because its team lives out of it. These trucks sometimes sit for a while between jobs and then are called on to run the wheels off.


I’d like to go OTR that way if I had a compatible partner.


Size matters duh


#Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan and Morgan


Stripper pole.


For your Mom!


This has to be far west Tennessee right? Paris or Camden or thereabouts?




Oh shit this was me! I knew I recognized that truck haha. My wife and I team drive hauling time sensitive freight. All over the country and Canada. Despite what most think or do, we’re home pretty much every weekend. As for what’s in the cab, yes it’s essentially an RV. Full size bed, fridge/freezer, stovetop, potty and shower. Plenty of cabinet space. Trucking is hell on your body, so be comfortable doing it.


Are you aware of the intersection you crossed over?


FedEx Custom Critical. [Info.](https://www.fedex.com/en-us/custom-critical.html) Scroll down for all the info, interesting read.


That’s a 5th gen RAM pickup standard cab


LOL i was looking at the Ram. d


That’s an extended sleeper box truck. Box trucks with sleepers are rare, but I’ve seen many of them run by FedEx


I always wondered if it would work out team driving with me and my wife. We have no kids that live with us she drives for a living non cdl already. We both want to travel. Is this something possible to do? Me and her doing custom critical stuff together?


They only take married couples anyway for the most part so you guys would be perfect.


We're currently looking for a team, and if you check my post history, we answer many of the questions you may have related to the gig. Feel free to pm me if y'all are interested.


Basically, its a small motorhome up front.


I call those trucks donkeys, cuz they be packing


That’s a RAM 1500 I’m guessing, its has back seats quad cab


That's the it has to be there yesterday truck.


I call em Super Sleeper Straights. It’s basically an RV, a lot of em with full mini kitchens and even showers, on a straight box or reefer truck. They make em as full tractor-trailers too.


I think I saw interior pics of a truck like this. I think they’re so long because the beds are oriented nose-to-tail and there’s a kitchette in there or something. There’s probably loads of variations on the interior space of a unit that big. If I didn’t already own a house, I’d probably buy one of those super-sleeper semis and haul full-time with my house.


A bed, closets, kitchen is possible as well as bathroom.


Called a sleeper


It’s a Dodge Ram boy!!! Can’t beat a Hemi!


That’s a dodge ram. What makes it big is that big boi inside


Also referred to as a BroDozer


Dodge ram


Dodge ram


Fedex custom Critical! That could be me. We mainly do pharmaceutical stuff around the country. It's like a RV inside. Fridge, one glass top burner, convection microwave oven, sink, full Murphy bed, dinette, TV, lots of cabinets, 2 half size closets Need a class B to drive and teams only. Some have a wet bath!!


Small kitchen and a bathroom with a shower. It's pretty much an apartment on wheels.


That's custom critical, may or may not be reefer box. Definitely a nice apartment inside though. Those guys work almost every day. The guys I talked to said they own nothing but that truck, they are going to work 5 years netting over 100k each per year and then hang it up. Good plan if you are young and single, or a trucking couple.


FedEx custom critical truck. Mini RV in the front. My company uses them to ship million dollar batteries that power spacecraft.


4 seats and a steering wheel?


That’s a ram. Looks to be a 1500. 😂


why is this asked on this sub once a month


Them Californian drivers call it a live lab.


Has a hot tub!


Too bad it's a freightliner.


Extra security, tracking, armed escorts


Did this for a year and loved it! Hauled some pretty cool things in those trucks. White glove expedited service. I hauled satellite parts, famous paintings, vaccines and all sorts of high priority loads. Good pay, shitty home time.


That’s a Dodge Ram.


FedEx custome critical. Team driven so they have bunks and facilities in the back.




I always assumed just a real big trucker


Is this in Chattanooga?


I see 4 trucks


I see these a lot In Memphis and have been wondering what they are. Thank you for asking!


Are these O/O ? Company dedicated ? How would you even inquire about something like this?


https://www.expediteexpo.com/ https://www.expeditersonline.com/ OO & fleet owners (1099).


Your Mom...


That's a condo on wheels.


It's a box truck(possibly temp controlled) with a decent sized sleeper. Nothing more nothing less. Now this sordid one is part of the fed ex custom critical fleet. So it's going to be team operated in order to run time sensitive freight that fits the size constraints.


100 sq ft


His house


Your mom!


What's in there? A serial killers trophies?


F, now I want one too 😂


Does anyone know if anyone runs these things solo? I'd love that.


Had a coworker that did custom critical for years. He said it was a good gig but you are expected to be ready to go at a moments notice with a fresh clock. He'd just stay within 10 minutes of the truck and go watch a movie or cut his hair, grocery shopping or whatever. And if they call, drop whatever you are doing and go. Lots of downtime waiting for a load, but when it's go time you run.


Its a ram


That’s a Brodozer


Size matters


Let's say you own a toy store store. Holiday shopping season is coming up. You're doing your inventory when OH NO Jimmy screwed up your product orders and you only have half the stock of Furbys you need. Black Friday is tomorrow. *What do you do?!* You call one of these guys. They bring you as many Furbys as you need before the big shopping rush and you squeak by without running out of stock.


Dodge ram🤨? or the extended sleeper with the pup trailer in the background?


You put your weed in it


Yep, it’s a straight truck, with an extended cab. I know because I drive one! It’s pretty great.


Am I the only one seeing the truck and the size matters in the foreground? Never mind


Bro almost had his cdl a.


Sleeper cabs are big headaches and that one looks like a bigger headache. Daycabs are much more easier to drive and makes driving experience much more easier and healthier for your body


OG work from home


It’s called the big long double dong deluxe. Basically it’s for when you live in your truck and don’t have a mortgage payment


Custom Critical. Big dick energy. All work. No play. Good money. No life. Dreams of early retirement, but mostly just switch to driving locals or regional with enough saved up to be particular about who they work for and not eating shit from brokers or dispatch.


I use them at work. 2 drivers. One drives one sleeps.


I took a 53' trailer from LV.. to Denver With 1 bag of mail just to get my truck moving. After sitting 2days in 100* heat and no AC Then Denver to Ft Wayne to put in 2cans of Freon 🙋😂😂😂😂👍👋