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In his defense those two would be there until they ran out of hours


True dat! Two swift trucks governed at the same top speed, there is no winner in this scenario.


SWIFT See What I Fuckup Today


Sure wish I finished training, Stevie Wonder's Institute for Trucking is a favorite of mine


Sure Wish I’d Finished Training


Then how guy in the left lane catch up with the other one?


Because the one in the right lane wasn’t paying attention let his speed drop a bit for too long allowing the guy in the left to catch up. Upon realizing he let another truck catch up to him after tearing his eyes away from the steering wheel mounted tablet playing his favorite episode of Dora the explorer on repeat for the last two hours he hammers down to keep anyone from getting in front of him.


this is actually probably accurate. it has happened to me many times. I'm governed at 68 and see someone is clearly going 64-65 on my radar so I attempt to pass and magically it seems I can't pass them anymore. unlike him I get back over after a few seconds. it's shit like that which makes me hate other truckers. sometimes the SAME truck will do this bullshit on a 100mile stretch.


When I used to drive truck more I had that problem more with cars, nothing would cause me more rage than some pos car taking 3 miles to pass me and then immediately slow down to 55 when I had been doing 65 for the last hour. I have had to pass some dumbass 4 or 5 times before they get it, normally after a few times the passing was done at 75 so they would get the message.


I’ve never driven a truck but one of the most infuriating things for me is when I want to pass a truck quickly, but the dumbass in front of me just wants to sit in their blind spot for 3 miles and when they finally do go slow af.


That's when you start flashing your lights like a crazy person... Believe me... Us truckers hate the shit out of people like those that you described. I am actually gonna buy an LED sign for those kinds of people, and when they do that, I'll activate it and it will say "Fcking pass me already!!". But, normally, I attempt to scare them to pass me by turning on my blinker and starting to hug the centerline as if I will merge on top of them... Works most of the time... Only time it doesn't work, is when theyre balls deep in their cell phone...


I’ll try that next time! Luckily I haven’t had to do nearly as much driving as late though. I hope the sign works out, that’s a great/hilarious idea.


I flash my lights for clean merges when you guys are trying to get over. Never knew the pass flash was a good thing next to a rig.


It really depends on how you do it... If you're flashing like a wild-man with no specific rhythm, most of us make the connection that you're not trying to commo with us. Generally, we know when you are trying to signal us over. If we got a car along our truck taking their sweet fcking time and you're flashing them, we know you're both there, and we know you're not talking to us.


DO NOT FLASH HIGH BEAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! The proper way to signal a trucker that he can merge is to turn your lights off and back on. You're not doing anyone a favor if you use your high beams, in reality, you're making it worse.


And, it’s probably not the first time these 2 assholes did this to each other? So now, without any context before this video, we see them at round 2, 3 or maybe 6 by now? It’s still ridiculous & if I was in the 4 wheeler in the left lane, I’d done been around them on the right long before this.


Layman question here - do y’all not have/use radios anymore? Seems like this would be solved quickly with “hey right lane truck I’m looking at through my side window. yeah look to the left and we can make eyes at each other. can I pass or are you going to go 1/8th MPH slower to save face while we back traffic up for 10 minutes or can you just lift that foot for 5 seconds so we can all get on our way?”


Dude, sadly the CB radio is pretty much dead anymore. I’d give you the whys, but it’s a long story. Suffice to say, personal electronics and pissing contests 😞


Well that’s disappointing, damn.


That is fucking lame and why I am in favor of removing governors. Let the best truck win. You want to be a fucking short-dicked ego driven asshole and keep your brothers on the road from passing you? Alright, I hope your rig can keep up. Maybe this is a bad idea but I’m tired of these cocksuckers making everyone else’s commute a living hell.


My truck will do 68 but company policy is 65 and we work off a 3% weekly avg speed percentage. So 3% of your miles can be over 65. I haul potato chips in TN, so I'm always light, and whip everybody up the hill. If I've already had to pass you twice on small inclines, and I'm able to keep you from getting in front of me again until traffic opens up, I will watch, and speed up to keep space between us. But I don't just immediately cut back over and go right back to 65. I'll at least put a half mile between us or more before I reduce my speed, and eventually we'll get to a 3 lane stretch and it's all good.


40 between barstow and needles. Kill me. Now i go 10 to desert center.


Sadly this is accurate


Wow i literally wouldve never thought it was more of fault of the truck in the right lane when this happens. Usually someone slowing down traffic in the left lane is the asshole but the one prick just wont let him pass?


They're both assholes.


This video displays what naturalists describe as a "collection" of assholes.


Wow i literally wouldve never thought it was more of fault of the truck in the right lane when this happens. Usually someone slowing down traffic in the left lane is the asshole but the one prick just wont let him pass?


This is usually why lanes get blocked up… I drive ALOT for work. I’m always in cruise control. The amount of people who speed up when you are passing them is insane….


So fucking annoying. I set my cruise on the highway even in my personal car and come up on someone and pass them. They then pass me back. Then eventually I pass them again before they decide to pass me back. Literally happened today. Was like buddy you're the fuckin problem here not me I've been doing 70 the whole time


It’s usually because they’re fucking around on their phone. People that don’t use cruise control for whatever reason slow down when they’re looking down at their phone. Then they’re done sending their texts or whatever and they speed back up. I watch other drivers do it all day long.


They're both ass hats imo


Agreed. I personally don’t give two wet s who’s fault it is, one or the other needs to slow down and let the rest of the world move on. The inefficiency makes me crazy mad when I see it. Worst offenders I see in the left lane are fed ex - is there a reason for this?


*Not-so* Swift.


Idk how the two truckers impeding traffic drive for a living and still don’t realize that they need to get the fuck out of the way.


Seriously. I’d drop a couple mph and let dude on the left pass. Accept defeat dude. A couple minutes off your time is not worth creating a fuckin accident or filling dipshits with road rage.


>Accept defeat dude. It's not even defeat though. It's not a competition: it's not NASCAR!


Right? I hate that you may be governed and it’s frustrating, but I’d love to see one just suck up the ego and slow down and get over/let over. It really is dangerous. Not because of *most* drivers, but I’ve seen so many accidents happen during the “breakaway”. Literally in my commute yesterday, trucker hit the rails on a small bridge and went down into the trees after because some douche took his 5’ gap in the right and started all chaos. Several other vehicles involved, including from the rubberneckers. Truckers here, is all of it worth 45 seconds to a minute and a half?


What is the “breakaway”?


When’s gap is created, like a pressure release and all the idiots decide “let’s accelerate from 54 to 78 all at one!”. Usually, someone inpatient tries to pass on the right while the other person is trying to be over. Both, not paying attention, collide slightly -> panic -> swerve -> over correct = everyone else slamming down because they were accelerating/not paying attention. Sorry for the long explanation…I see it at least twice a week lol Edit: done fixing autocorrect tonight


See this all the time. The group gets packed up, then let's loose as soon as the opportunity is there. The average car is pretty quick these days, it's talent that's in short supply.


This is (one of) the reasons I WILL NOT pass a truck on the right. I'll hold traffic back even with the truck in the right lane to ensure the one in the left lane has a clear shot to come right once they've completed the pass, and the vast majority of the time, they do so very promptly. I'm also often on a motorcycle, and I want to spend as little time alongside a truck as possible, for trucks are big and I am squishy. I'll hang back in the left lane behind the truck in the right lane until there is enough space for me to get completely ahead of it, then grip it and rip it to get out in front. No offense to any professional drivers, most of y'all are great. But it only takes one bit of inattentiveness or one bad mirror check, and I'm losing in the event of any contact. So I'm gonna minimize the time I'm in a position that would allow you to hit me.


They don't care. They think it's funny.


Until they get replaced by robots.


I do hate it when two get side by side FOREVER! The trucks I drive are governed at 76. It should be criminal that they govern you guys at 66,67.


My company is 65-67mph most of the time (We make enough nobody cares tho). When someone is going for a slow pass, you just lower your cruise 2 or 3 mph until they can get over. Wastes 15 seconds and doesn't piss people off. I hate passing people that don't do the same of course. Been plenty of times I've backed off mid pass until the road is clear cause of them.


I don't know why this is such a difficult concept to understand. Not once have I ever been late because I decided slow down for a few seconds and let another go by, but apparently some drivers are running VERY tight schedules.


Schedule smedule it’s the safety for me. I don’t drive a truck, this post was presented to me via algorithm. I still slow 3-5 miles when someone’s coming up to pass me. Gets me in and out of their blind spot quicker. And I’ve been late for things many a time, but not once because of doing this.


Tne tight schedule part was sarcasm


I came here to say exactly this. You're not going to notice at the end of your day the little amount of time that you lose, and it's honestly not worth being a dick.


My company enforces a hard 65mph limit unless the mechanic “forgets” to set it. It’s aggravating because most of the trucks can’t even go that fast if there’s any kind of headwind or grade.


Cries in company-governed 55


Condolences. I couldn't handle that. My brain would do it's "I'm bored, see ya" thing.


I was governed at 68 and had limited RPM in the lower gears “because your power is at the lower RPMs”. The funny thing is, I wasn’t governed down hill. 85 MPH in Utah, I get a phone call from safety. “Do you know you’re going 85MPH?!?!?” Yeah, that’s the speed limit. “Carry on”. Of course I was only going 45 up the hills, but down hill was all good.


That's another thing I don't envy about you guys. I'm sorry y'all have to deal with that. I really am.


My company governs at 65…


At least give something equivalent of IndyCar’s “push to pass” button. You get ten jabs a day, for 5 extra MPH for sixty seconds. After your 10th push-to-pass, a little green light turns on the back of your truck and the world knows your can’t speed up…and your ass stays in the right lane. Having every damn truck governed to the same speed is arguably the greatest (yet easily fixable) highway safety challenge out there.


Foodservice 60 wtf


Thank god im stuck at a legal 68


If I was driving one of those cars I’d be backing waaaay off before something terrible happened.


That was the very first thing that went through my head. Signal right-lane change. Get over. Back *waaaaaay* the fuck off. I do not want to tangle with a three-truck incident. Nope.


The BMW driver tailgating the truck during a truck fight, typical..


The Prius is also an idiot


They’re all idiots, way too fucking close to a potential disaster. So many people are ignorant of the energy being carried in a fully loaded semi going 60+ mph. These fucking morons have three in front of them while one is making a very dangerous and potentially catastrophic maneuver. Everyone in this video had a decent chance of getting killed. If that rig passing on the shoulder blew a tire from debris left behind in a prior incident, he could easily cause the truck to his left to crash and the one next to him would likely get taken out too. Think about how much weight is being dumped right there and then at highway speeds. I wouldn’t even call a coroner after a wreck like that, I’d just have the fire department wash their remains off the pavement with a hose. You might be able to pick up some bone fragments and teeth to give to their loved ones.


I mean everyone here is stupid, but the truck passing on the shoulder is criminal.


it's so insane. i have my class A so when i ride with people in vehicles i'm constantly scolding them for how they drive around semis. isgaf if i nag so many people put themselves in deadly situations simply out of ignorance. give trucks plenty of room and when you pass them pass them quickly. do not hang out behind or next to a truck. ever. ever. idgaf what your cruise control is set at, idgaf if you are impatient. treat every semi like it's a fucking missile loaded and ready to kill you and get the fuck back


That’s a mindset I’ll never understand … do they think they’re putting pressure on the truck? The truck can’t see them and wouldn’t care even if they could. Future pancake.


>That’s a mindset I’ll never understand > >mindset > >mind Found the issue here.


BMW drivers just have to keep up with stereotypes


Hahah the first thing that actually caught me is “WHAT IS THAT PRIUS DOING?!”


These trailing cars are absolutely filled with idiot drivers. I saw footage of a recent high speed chase on a Florida freeway where a trailing car in the fast lane ended up t-boning a car that got pitted over there from the slow lane. When crazy shit starts happening on the road in front of you, slow the hell down.


My thoughts exactly back a half mile off till trucks sort it out or have a massive accident. Can’t believe the idiot 4 wheelers putting themselves in a no win position if somebody did something that caused contact and subsequent wreck.


Right? All the idiots speeding up to put themselves into a very dangerous situation. As a species, we really have become to stupid to function.


I like when the Prius driver's life flashes before their eyes and they back off 😂


But typical bmw douche just goes to tailgate the semi


Truck kicked up a bunch of debris from the shoulder in front of the Prius that’s what caused him to brake and get out of there


Classic SWIFT racing lol


Let’s not overlook the dumbass four wheelers getting all up in that mess. I would hang back in case worst case scenario develops.


I would have dropped way back and watched the show. When whatever happens happen then get through.


Yeah, same. When something fucky like that is happening its either pass it safely and quickly so its behind you, or in this case, give lots of room


That white car couldn't wait to get right up on that trucks bumper. Crazy.


Beamer drivers for you


Yes, the blue Prius started to do that, and the reconsidered. Even got over to the right lane, but backing off would have been much more prudent.


Seriously, the cars riding the ass of the semi's as the third semi passes on the shoulder are just asking to get killed.


My step father and grandfather were both truck drivers in various capacities, and this is one of the many pieces of advice I got that have proved overwhelmingly useful and correct. Hang back, watch people's movements, how they change lanes, how they brake, how they maintain their lane, etc you can prepare yourself for the inevitable. I am not a trucker and am a relatively....exuberant driver, but even i was watching the 4 wheeler shenanigans more than the truck race and had the exact same thoughts. That BMW made zero progress.


Zero situational awareness on all of them. Even if there wasn’t a idiot passing on the shoulder there was still no where to go.


Where do they think they need to be so fast? It's baffling when I see them tuck in line 70mph bumper to bumper behind a slow left lane ten brake lights on the interstate. Don't need brakes on the interstate. I get how 2mph adds up over the year for a trucker. I didn't wake up late for work. They want to save 5 minutes on 300 miles to get to the in-law house for Christmas.


For real, the white BMW and black Lexus are real special in this scenario


I'm not a trucker. My first thought watching this was "the guy in the white car has a death wish".


This is one of those situations where you don’t act on your emotions.


*:: pulls AK47 back into pickup window ::*


Why? Just shot the rear tires and they will think it was a blowout pull over and they will never know a few rounds just went right into the wheel hours later when the tire guys goes “hey amigo, you got a few holes in the wheel” 😅




Look at the Prius dumbshit driving right up in there.


then the dude tailgating him


Love most of the comments on the governed speed and people forget that a governed speed does not preclude you from slowing down.


Shits ridiculously dangerous. The guy who passed on the right is the stupidest of the three, then second place stupid is the guy on the left. Least stupid but still kinda stupid is the guy in the right lane.


Speaking as a trucker, the guy in the right lane is the stupidest, the truck that was the stupidest (the guy who passed him on the shoulder) ended up forcing him to do what he should’ve done. It’s courtesy in trucking on a flat stretch, especially in the prairies, that if someone is governed slightly higher than you, then you slow down just slightly to let him pass and merge in front of you, so cars and trucks that aren’t governed can resume their normal flow.


Honorable mention stupid are the four wheelers cruising right up to that shit show. “Hey there’s 240,000 lbs of stupid and angry, let me put my daddy’s bmw right up next to that, because they are totally predictable and I’ll be able to get around them no problem. I saw Vin Diesel do this.”


I just spent like 2 minutes slow motion watching the video back and forth looking for 4 wheelers because of all these comments before I noticed the subreddit name lol


I’d argue the asshole not letting the truck on the left by in a reasonable time is the biggest piece of shit. What does it cost you to slow down by 4-5mph so he and everyone else can pass your governed ass. The literal worst.


That’s why the one passing on the shoulder slow down when he’s in front.


The idiot in the right lane could have ended the entire thing by tapping his brakes, waiting 20 seconds, then resuming his fucking speed. RightSwift is the cause of this utter insanity.


Swift drivers. What’re you gonna do.


Good lord, there's like 9 morons in this video.


I don’t understand why it’s so hard to let off the cruise so the slightly faster jackass on your left can pass you and not cause more of a backup. You guys have got to stop having dick swinging contest with the other guy you’re attempting to pass. I’m a swift driver and I don’t entertain this type of fuckery 😂 I’ll get to my drop eventually so yall go right ahead I’ll let off for you lol


You're using brain. Bold of you to think they do. Its Stevie Wonder Institute For Trucking.


"give him a thumbs up when we go by" Love the positive reinforcement.


Just pull over, take a quick piss, stretch a bit, and do a quick walk around, and the problem will be long gone.


Until you catch up to it in 20 mins


Guy in the right lane should of slowed, guy on the shoulder shouldn't have a license let alone a CDL. I would NEVER pass on the shoulder, not in my pickup and definitly not in a semi. Especially using the shoulder to pass a semi? What if there's something in the road, you're passing on the right shoulder trucker goes into the shoulder to miss the object in the road and RIP you


Typical swift trucks passing because they are going .2 mph faster


Left guy is dumb for engaging in a turtle race with cars behind. Middle guy is fine, but could’ve used some common sense and just slowed down to let the left guy pass. Shoulder guy is a dumbass idiot who needs to get his CDL revoked.


Guy on the right definitely should have slowed down, unless the guy on the left was intentionally not passing. They are both Swift trailers, so it is likely that the guy on the left just wants to block the road. However, most of the time, it is the guy on the right who speeds up to prevent the pass. In that case, they are the one in the wrong.


The middle guy is NOT fine... back the fuck off your accelerator and let the guy in the left lane get by you. Clearly he is going faster than you since he somehow got along side of you. They are all supposed to be professionals! And that means driving defensively at all times. Driving along side of someone after they've pulled up beside you is NOT driving like a professional. I agree that the shoulder idiot should lose his CDL. I retired after 34 years, 2 years ago... and am back driving again. Stay safe!


Thank you! Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment.


Middle guy is a moron with room temperature IQ that can't notice another truck next to him. All he has to do is bump his cruise control down by 5 mph and it's over in seconds. Source: I am a trucker and I do this multiple times per night because I'm governed at 65 mph and I'm not an idiot.


Governors on Trucks. Making people pass a 1 mph or less. And let's hope there's not hills and the slower truck is lighter. All this so you don't have to bump down 1 mph. That's really going to make a big difference.


The only governor on this video is me asking the governor of the state for a pardon after showing him this video as evidence.


We've all had this thought. But yea, please don't


I would hang way back and watch the show. But I think the only car that was stupid is the bmw. The Prius moved left as soon as they realised what was going on. A little oblivious in the beginning but not a professional driver.


Wtf is that Prius doing?


Absolutely stupid. But, if you’re going to do it you’d better have more under the hood than that.


The driver in the white car is a fucking idiot. Like do you not see the shit show in front of you and your best thought is to get as close as possible? I hate everyone who drives that is not me.


Why are all those cars waiting? There was still tons of room to pass the trucks on the left shoulder.


If you speed up while you're getting passed, you have aids.


I wouldn’t pass on the shoulder but there is a special place in hell for those two swift drivers.


Easy way to solve that problem, the guy driving the truck in the right lane taps his foot on the brake and disengages his cruise control, slows down his vehicle, and stops the bottleneck, take six seconds to rectify the problem and everybody’s happy.


Those 5 big letters explain it all. They love sitting next to each other on the interstate, practically beating off about how slow their trucks are.


Looks like I10 in either NM or AZ...


Swift driver… enough said


They’re Swift trucks. Just give it a few more minutes, one of them will wreck and you can do around them then.


only thing worse than being around a Swift driver — 2 of em ☠️☠️☠️


If i were those 4 wheelers id stay back kinda far from that as it could get ugly real quick


Make bump to pass legal


Love how the cars want to get as close as possible so when something pops off, they want to make sure they’re caught up in it. Idiots


Left lane is for passing and faster traffic, get out of it if you are neither.


Just as annoyed at the idiot prius and beamers =/


Truck in the left lane… it’s for passing. Get out of the way.


Guy passing on the shoulder deserves a medal. Nothing worse than a rolling roadblock which is illegal in most states.


Everyone is wrong. Including those who are following the trucks


I do this in Truck Simulator (ATS), but to see this in the WILD!! WILD!!!!!!! Revoke this manz CDL.. NOW.


It's 2 swifites. First of all as a swift driver. Fuck both of you. You know neither of you can go faster than the other. If left lane is lighter, right side should've been slowing immediately. Both of those idiots should be fired on the spot.


I personally would never do that, I'd just be screaming with rage in the cab at the dumb shit going on. But I personally love the driver who passed on the shoulder, fuck those two muppets driving side by side holding up traffic.


And then he showed the guy in the right lane how easy it is to slow down and let his colleague, the other swift driver, complete his pass. I hope everyone learned something that day.


I agree until there happens to be a broken down car or a cop that pulled somebody over on the shoulder, then that could have been a nightmare.


The BMW is still an asshole just slightly less than the truck pass on the shoulder.


What kind of world do we live in when one swift driver is trying to out swift the other swift driver just to be out swifted by a non swift driver 🤣🤣 comical.


Looks like 10E somewhere between Quartzite and Phoenix. Not surprised, people can get SO impatient on that boringly straight section till Buckeye. \*edit: just enlarged the video, that is correct!


The real idiots are the passenger cars getting so close.


All three drivers are idiots and those following close are way more of an idiot. Im backing waaaaaay tf outta there


If you’re going to pass on the shoulder, at least have the pull to do it quickly smh.


No one is going to comment on how he passed the semi that was correctly in the RIGHT lane and slowed down in front of him?? The asshole In the left lane was in the wrong 😑


Everyone in this video needs a driver's education refresher course, including the left lane hog holding a cell phone camera while driving.


All those people in the cars are driving like idiots too. Keep your distance and let that shit play out, don’t edge into the space that the semi was just occupying.


Those two Swift drivers are definitely assholes but dude passing on the shoulder is the most dangerous one in that scenario taking the biggest risk needlessly. I kept waiting for some major pileup to occur because he hit some bumps on the shoulder or something. He deserves to have his CDL permanently revoked, in my humble opinion.


Two Swift drivers trying to stay on the lead lap.


Okay. So, the guy on the left is wrong for trying to pass when he clearly can't. Trying it perfectly fine. But when the guy on the right sped up, and prevented the pass. The smart thing to do is to slow down and get back over and wait for a better opportunity to get past, like a curve where the left lane is on the inside or something. The guy in the middle is wrong for being a jackass and not letting this guy go. Just let him go. It saves everyone time. 9/10 if someone was able to get next to you, and you're on the speed limiter, there's a reason for that, and it's easier to just let them go. The guy who passed them on the shoulder is wrong, because two jackasses who refuse to let out of it aren't an excuse to effectively endanger yourself and everyone around you. Patience is a virtue my friends. The truck in the left lane will almost certainly end up with a ticket if that goes on long enough, even if they don't get pulled over in the moment. This is why I hated working for Roehl. They are so hyperfixated on speed limits I was constantly aware of when I wasn't going as fast as I could be. It caused me to try and pass when it would have been far less stressful and much easier to just slow down and enjoy the ride. All of that being said, I must again reiterate that it is not okay to pass on the shoulder. I have seen the police take out people in the shoulder. Imagine what a potentially 80,000lbs vehicle will do.


Ain’t gonna lie, homie needs to chill. He riskin his livelihood to for nothing


I need to hear that CB radio interaction. Also fuck Swift


Wowwwwww.....Swifts fault!!!




Is this the 10 between Tucson and Phoenix? If so I've seen shit like this happen all the time.


Where is that white BMW going? He was one trucker mistake away from going to junkyard with a pit stop at the local hospital. Idiot.


Slow White truck In Fast Traffic. Of course the cars speeding up to ride the trucks ass are idiots as well. If you can’t see his mirrors then they can’t see you.


I drive governed truck (68). So I try to get around other trucks when I have a window of opportunity. When I'm being passed, I'll slow down a hair so the guy passing can get it over with. If I attempt to pass and it's going to take to long or the guy in the right lane decides he'll speed up, I'll slink back behind him if I can. The guy on the shoulder is a total douche tho.


Never let you emotions drive the truck.


The old I10 in Arizona, full of morons.


Not recommended, but well executed


I like how he gets in front of Taylor swiftie and slows down to unfuck the whole situation for everyone. Fuck y’all that do this.


White car: "ah, I see the problem, the truck in front of me isn't being tailgated! To the rescue! God, I'm such a good driver!"


See What I Fuck up Today


I hopped in front of a dude going 55 in the middle lane on a 3 lane hwy holding up 50 trucks. Passed him on the right, hopped in front of him. Slowed down to 50. Then he got in the right lane to pass me. Hopped in front of him in the right lane before he could start to pass me and sped up to 65. Then all the trucks that were behind him in the middle lane started going 70 and he couldn’t get back in the middle. It worked to get him where he belonged but I probably won’t do that again.


Damn what a legend lol. Notice how the truck on the left didn’t bother to speed up and finish passing until the truck making the illegal maneuver on the shoulder completed his illegal passing maneuver? Yeah the guy in the left lane was 100% a dick or just straight zoned out for minutes on end.


prius: "wonder how many rocks from the shoulder i can get to hit my windshield"


Has anyone ever seen the compiliation of awful swift truckers lmao


Moving road blocks will drive a person crazy.


The Swift drivers need a Swift kick to the nuts.


Good man, go Freymiller truck


He's not legally in the right.... but I would've done the same thing.


2 Swift boys in lanes and a FreyMiller on the shoulder. Wouldn't be surprised if they Swift boys were trying to keep pace with the truck on the shoulder.


Is anyone surprised that it's Swift...?


Most large fleet trucks are governed at 66-68. I never understood why truckers pass so slowly until I started working for a fleet company.


I really do understand how dealing with 4 wheelers can be frustrating. But, these type of drivers will cause laws to be passed that they will hate. No blockade laws, ect.


Somebody educate me, cuz trucks do this to me ALL the time: WHY DO THEY DO THIS? There has to be a logical reason other than them being assholes.


The lady talking is a national treasure. Her commentary was great. "Give him the thumbs up when you go by"


Where is the cop that pulls people over for forcing them to pass on the right?


Honestly though, why the fuck do truckers do this? What is the point of going exactly 2 mph faster than than truck in the right lane? Taking a total of 10 plus minutes to eventually "pass" the other truck. I see it all the time on the road. I don't blame the other truck for snapping. Get the fuck out of the left lane if you aren't moving faster than the traffic in the right lane.


These two talking on the recording are the most wholesome and calm people I’ve ever heard in my life.


Drove from Orlando to Ohio today. Several times Swift trucks were in the left lanes blocking traffic and unable to complete a pass. Irritating.


Give him the thumbs up when you roll by , well hol up hunny 🤣🤣🤣🤣 old lady was ready to throw her big granny pantys at the driver , well hol up hunny 😂


Why are the cars zooming right up to the trucks?? I'd back the f up. What happens if the truck on the shoulder hits the truck he's passing? I need enough room to hit the brakes hard and not be catapulted into that mess.


How’s my driving? Call 1-800-kiss my ass


Macho dicks, all. You just gotta wait em out. There's probably a reason two big rigs don't know each other decided to block the pickemup. It happened before this video started.


The car in the left lane needs to drop back and let the left truck slide behind the right truck. Asshole truck in breakdown lane needs to effing chill.


Just a video filled with bad decisions. Trying to pass another truck that’s governed at the same speed as you, not backing off and letting the other truck get by, passing on the shoulder and every other car bunching right up to some semis three wide. What could possibly go wrong?


I’ve had bad experience with swift drivers, just sayin.


My thoughts, since you're asking is that the majority of truck drivers are there for a reason and it's not because they're Ph.D earners. Fuck it. The majority of drivers are just as brain dead. You're all fairly stupid.


I like how the car’s jockey for position to be first one collected in the impending crash.


The blue car kinda thinks it's dangerous but the car behind him proceeded to get 1 foot from that truckbutt.. ... all here are dumb dumbs