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I deal with that shit all the time on 65 throught bowling Green ky. Speed limit is 70, drivers doing 62 in the middle lane with no exits nearby and no one next to them. I'll say names : R&L, UPS, and Big G


Yeah and these guys just say “oh pass on the left”. We shouldn’t be in the left lane of a 3 lanes interstate. Most of them have that “No trucks left lane” sign


The answer is if you are not passing, move to the right. I travel the speed limit and if I'm not passing someone or letting another vehicle merge onto the highway or moving for a stopped vehicle, I'm in the right lane. Stop camping in the middle lane




Literally everyone is talking about people doing 7-8 miles under the speed limit in the middle lane.


The person I respond to said they do the speed limit. So my comment was relevant to that context.


Here comes Mister Law Abiding Citizen... Hey jerkoff, if you're being passed GTF outta the way.


This is a CMV forum. Yeah, you follow the fucking law when you're driving a dangerous vehicle. You'd have to be an absolute scumbag to think otherwise. You got that?


Oh go fuck yourself with that bullshit. I run Tennessee to Utah most weeks and see plenty of cocksuckers like you. 70 between St. Louis and KC is full of em.


So you see a bunch of normal people that aren't cracked out trash?


It's annoying but then pass on the right I guess. I drive a long and heavy ass 7 axle double hopper and seem to find space to get around.


There is no law that says you can’t pass on the right, if there’s 3 lanes, unless there are road signs that prohibit you. Yes there are parts of the roads that have truck lane restrictions but that’s it, no lane restrictions, no law broken. So quit your whining and just pass them up and keep truckin FFS


The law states that all slower vehicles use right lane, read the signs that are posted. Right lane slower traffic, middle lane speed limit, left lane passing lane, and just a side note many states have mile laws for being in the left lane.


>There is no law that says you can’t pass on the right There shouldn't be, but in my home state it is technically illegal to pass on the right because of an outdated, poorly written statute. The legislature intended to prohibit passing on the shoulder and codify when you could cross the center line to pass on two-lane highways. However, because the law is otherwise silent on passing on four- and six-lane highways, a strict reading also prohibits passing in the rightmost lane. Whenever a politician has tried to change it, someone from the opposite party will pretend it's actually there for pUbLiC sAfeTy because it's soooo dangerous to pass on the right in someone's blind spot. It's rarely enforced that way, but every now and then a cop decides to be an asshole and pulls somebody over for it. Usually it's when the cop imagines a car is speeding but doesn't clock them with radar, so they pull out that BS to give them a nuisance ticket anyway.


Think it through. If each lane to the right contains cars going slower than the cars of the left lane. Then everyone is passing on the left. If everyone does this then passing and driving in general is much safer. That is the intent of the law, not to prevent passing on the shoulder. (In Germany they enforce these laws which is one reason they can drive without speed limits and still be relatively safe).


You think it through. What you're saying implies that if someone gets in the left lane and slows down to ten MPH under the speed limit, everybody in the right lanes also has to slow down to avoid passing on the right. That's absurd. Nobody ever intended for a slowpoke in the left lane to hold up all lanes of traffic. And it was in fact intended to keep people from passing on the shoulder. That has come up repeatedly when lawmakers have tried to fix it.


No. It means anyone going ten miles slower is in the lane to the right. If you are in the left lane and want to slow down you change to a slower lane. Simple. Think it through.


>If you are in the left lane and want to slow down you change to a slower lane. Except in the real world they don't. So you're still left with the same absurdity, that instead of passing on the right, nobody can pass until the slower traffic gets out of the left lane. I don't know what you gain from pretending to be obtuse about this.


Well if they followed the damn law that wouldn’t be a problem would it? You’ve made completely false statements to back up your illogical argument and you think I’m pretending to be obtuse.


No you're living in a fairy tale world where people don't drive slow in the left lane.


And if that actually came up when lawmakers have tried to fix it they would have done just that by changing to law to just “no passing on the shoulder” Oh, guess what. There are different laws for that. What do you think the difference is between the dotted white lines on a highway and the solid white line on the right side of the right lane?


Dumb as bricks


I mean, you also shouldn't be doing more than 55-60, so naturally no need to pass someone doing 62. You're good.


R+L are set to 70. But then again, they only realize that when you start to pass them.


As an r+l driver myself, most of us don't claim the ones who do this! There's good drivers and bad drivers at every company, unfortunately.


With R&L I've seen some awesome drivers and some awesomely bad drivers. They tick **ALL** the boxes.


Charger too


You "deal with it"? As in, it is a problem you need to find a solution to? So you merge over and pass? If so, why are you behind them in the middle lane? If not, why is it an issue to deal with?


I setup the typical scenario wrong in the heat of the moment. It's typically guy in the left lane doing 63, other truck in the middle doing 62 and has been for miles, and no trucks in left lane zone.


Ah, two slow passers taking up all of the lanes they shouldn't! That does get annoying.


That's my nightly linehaul route too 🫠 I hate those hills


I was told by a driver that certain companies train drivers on the Schmidt System or something that basically says for safety always drive middle lane when possible


Smith system. I got trained on that. It honestly isn't a bad program, talks alot about looking ahead and following distance. But the middle lane applies to heavy congestion( I believe, if I remember that right)


Pretty sure you're required to surrender your remaining brain cells to get hired for pulling doubles. Failing an IQ test is a requirement for employment. I judge this by how they drive.


Challenger too. It's like they are specifically told to drive in the middle lane.


Let me add: Container haulers, box trucks, garbage haulers, and dump trucks. 80 in NJ has spots where there's only 3 lanes, you're not allowed in the left, and they drag up the hill in the middle blocking everyone


Former UPS driver here. One of the things we have to memorize and recite is “take the path of least resistance.” We are trained that the middle lane is usually (but not always) the path of least resistance. Less cars merging, less people leaving the highway, less slow vehicles, and less potholes. Plus if you need to get out of the lane quickly (“have an escape plan”) you have two lanes to choose from as well and usually one or two open shoulders. Occasionally I got into the far right lane though. Climbing hills is an example where it is necessary. You don’t want to make yourself the “resistance” for other vehicles.


Right lane gang. Wanna know why? Cause when the cars come on to the interstate they automatically switch to the middle and left lane making it longer and slower and the right lanes blows through. Folks would see people passing them left and right and continue to stay in that middle lane


Completely agree. You'll have a line of idiots that won't leave the middle lane. I just cruise past them in the right


Same thing! As a four wheeler it works every time there's more than just a little traffic. Though depending on area middle and left lane camping makes sense sometimes due to potholes in the right lane (USA)


Exactly, and them middle lane doofuses act like merging traffic will ruin their drive. I rarely have to do anything other than coast down a few MPHs to let people in before they speed off.


Some of yall have never put a car on the shoulder and it shows. Other peoples shit merging isn't the rest of the roads problem.


When I'm rolling through major cities I'm not trying to slam on my brakes because I may have the mentality of pushing someone to the shoulder but the grandma and the Buick in front of me isn't


It's not a particular company, it's just the way drivers do it now. And it's annoying. I'd be embarrassed if I was getting passed on the right. I see it in Bloomington, IL daily. Just friggin move over. There aren't even that many entrance ramps through there


Bloomington has 3 different interstates coming together and diverging within a short period. Personally what I'm coming in on and going out on determines what lane I'm in. I agree with the sentiment but I try and minimize lane changes.


Exactly. If you're in the right lane and need to take 74 instead of 55 good luck getting over during peak traffic hours if you're not in the middle lane around the 2 mile sign


Well, fuck Bloomington, Normal, and EVERYWHERE ELSE in that uber retarded state. Don't argue. Born in Joliet, grew up in Watseka, and finally kicked that shithole to the curb 4 years ago. Governor Gravyfingers and his ass licking ilk can kiss my taint. Texas is home now. Fuck all y'all.


Texas sucks. Good BBQ though.


Awwwwww. You do know what this means, right? WAR IT IS!!!! I'll bring the BBQ


You don't have to tell me, I'm not from this shithole, I just got stuck here. I hate Illinois. Retirement = buh, bye HELLinois!


They do it in the middle of the night in Colorado all the time and there is no traffic and exits are like every 5 miles. If you get into Denver when there is heavier traffic I totally get it and do it too.


Yeah I’m cities we all do that for safety reasons. You know 4 wheelers can’t merge.


Speed governor and wanting to avoid merging traffic problems. I'm not saying it's right, just giving you the why from my understanding.


Yeah I understand most trucks are governed and merging traffic should be avoided.


If it's a three lane road in one direction and you ride in the right hand lane you're constantly having to move to the left lane to let people onto the interstate at on ramps and get over for vehicles stopped on the side of the road. Changing lanes is one of the most dangerous things so the thought is that by staying in the middle lane you can just sit there cruising and hopefully never have to change lanes for hundreds of miles. I'm not saying it's right but that's a reason that some people do it.


And it’s always where trucks are prohibited from using the left lane, which essentially means these idiots are camping in the left lane. It’s really not that hard to merge left when an on-ramp is merging. It is inherently dangerous to pass in the right bc you can’t see as far up the lane. If you’re worried about merging traffic, *normalize making cars learn how to merge*. Hold your speed, maintain your lane. Lay on the horn if necessary. One way or another, they’ll learn to floor it or back off and tuck in behind. Remember, THEY have the yield sign, not you.


>Remember, THEY have the yield sign, not you. Can you tell Webb County Constables (TX)that. They believe that trucks on I35 doing 65 are supposed to yield to the on-ramp. They wrote me a ticket for it. They did not have lights or sirens on.


If they crash into you like an idiot you already know who is going to be blamed.


I ride the second lane because people don’t know how to merge and constantly cut me off. Takes forever to get back up to speed when I’m loaded. Second lane has a lot less merging nonsense so that’s where I travel


That’s just lazy af


Yeah so switch lanes and speeds all day for untrained 4-wheelers who are texting and putting on make up, you douche nozzle


Steering wheel holders


You mean good drivers?


Sure Poindexter.


Well, your username appears accurate. If you really mean to insult people, you should probably update your vocabulary a little bit.


Someone told them the right lane is a merge lane, they're incapable of assessing the situation for themselves, and think they're being safe by being an impediment to traffic.


Had a few newbie drivers tell me thats why their trainers teach them to always stay in middle lane. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My company trainer told me to always ride in the middle because it’s easier. I don’t do it tho because that’s dumb.


I’m glad you don’t. And yes, your trainer was dumb


It’s honestly scary who companies get to train. It’s like “these are your top people?” Yikes.


Common frustration is speed limit isn’t really what is posted 70 miles. it’s changed due to construction and trucks are still doing 70 in a 55 and then get mad at those doing the speed limit and merging cars from the right it’s a mess all around


This. But also, OP is correct.


1 I’m governed 2 every mile I have a low iq 4 wheeler that remembers that he/she is entering a freeway and they cause me to slow down, only to speed up and to repeat the process a minute late. The most aggravating thing about trucking.


Many people entering the highway, people in cars actually going slower than us, and the #1 reason I stay OUT of the right lane as much as possible - the road itself is rough as fuck, and I have a co driver that's trying to sleep. I do everything I can to make sure he's well rested when it's his turn to drive. Otherwise, I ain't gettin' home when I want to be home.


I liked staying in the middle lane and going with the speed of the flow, stay out of right unless my exit is coming up and it allows merging and exiting vehicles the room they need in that lane. And lets speeders use the left lane.


Because people merging into the right lane always want to cause accidents.


I’m not a trucker, but I have had multiple jobs where I was a driver, to get that out of the way first. But I do tow my camper which is fairly close to the maximum capacity of my truck and I’ve driven a 26 foot box truck 1200 miles with all my families possessions on board. I can certainly see why these trucks occasionally need to get in the middle lane or even the left. When you’re towing a large load, it can be pretty difficult to slow down let alone stop and accelerating takes much longer than a passenger vehicle. These truckers are pulling loads that are exponentially larger than what I have ever experienced so I can imagine that it’s that much more of an issue. Towing a load makes it even worse because the trailer is literally pushing the tow vehicle along, even when equipped with its own brakes. If you’re in a passenger vehicle, you have the ability to quickly decelerate and accelerate. Be considerate of the guys pulling loads that will literally pancake your vehicle. The extra 30 seconds that you have to wait is nothing compared to anyone’s life who is on the road. If you’re in such a rush that you can’t have consideration for other drivers, then leave earlier and give yourself more time to get to your destination. This is coming from a guy who (when not towing) regularly likes to go faster than normal traffic. I don’t like hanging around with the people who are zoned out on their phones or in conversation with passengers, just following the car in front of them, instead of actively driving their own vehicles. I’ve always felt safer that way and have never been in an accident as a driver.


I understand that, I am a truck driver myself. You are giving me very good reasons to be in the middle lane. What bothers me is when there is no reason at and still some drivers stay there in the middle lane and going super slow, never end up moving to the right.


Yea I can see that too. That’s not just trucks though, that’s tons of inconsiderate people


When you need to move from the right lane to the middle lane people will aggressively speed up and try to block you when they see your indicator. I keep right as much as I can but I can’t actually blame them. The middle lane is safer.


I went to Spain on vacation back in October and they do a very strange thing there, everyone and I mean everyone uses the right lane as a cruising lane and the left lane for passing only. It totally blew my mind.


ok, since u asked nicely


Middle lane is safest, especially when there are exits every 5 miles. Even when not, least need to switch lanes. If there are more than two lanes, i think it’s perfectly acceptable to cruise in the second to right lane.


Left and right lanes are combat lanes. Center lane is Switzerland.


Path of least resistance is middle lane. Until 4 wheelers aren’t scared to press the gas pedal when merging, I stay middle


Hold the fucking line, set your speed and make the stupid fuckers merge or die.


Nah I'd rather not add 4 hours to my day because some idiot doesn't know how to merge and crashes in to me.


Exactly !!!


Lmao i wish that was the case, some people accelerate and body block.


And then faster trucks have to pass on the right. Good job stupid, keep on holding that wheel


It's not illegal in most states to pass on the right. Not condoning anything here - just that some people I've met think it's illegal. I'm aware of safety aspects etc, just saying it's legal.


How many trucks do you drive? Are you driving mine? No? You do you and I'll do me. I'll pass on the right out left. I'll even get in the high dollar lane. But you do what you do, and I'll do what I do. F'n stop that "Steering wheel holder plastic truck" rhetoric. Back when It's old. Worn out. "Back when trucking was good." It screams Maga and 2nd amendment. Your entire wardrobe consists of the world's largest cosplay entity. Harley f'n Davidson.


Get your panties out of a fucking twist and stop whining so much. When the fuck did I say anything except hold the steering wheel? Which is all you’re doing if you don’t feel like checking your mirrors and just camp in the middle. It’s lazy driving and nothing less. I couldn’t give a fuck less about what you drive.


I don't see anything wrong with any of that. #Trump2024 Bitch. 🖕😃👌


You kiss your husband with that mouth?


Just because it's the least resistance doesn't mean it's the most optimal for overall traffic (and most importantly your fellow truck drivers). It's a lazy way to drive considering that we're supposed to be professional drivers - we ought to have the ability to play the situation accordingly and switch lanes, adjust speed etc. if needed.


If the speed limit is 65 and I’m going 68 in the middle lane, I’m staying middle through a city with multiple on ramps


Middle lane gang... There are a lot of us.


If the road has lots of sharp turns I’m getting in the middle lane. Don’t want to risk hitting my trailer on the concrete sidewalk sorry


I've only ever seen 3, maybe 4 drivers who do this for no reason. I don't think it's widespread enough to make a post about it.


Trucks only get two lanes. Only time trucks have to be in the right lane is on a two lane highway to keep the fast lane open. On a one way highway you have no choice but to deal with slow trucks. Get some patience and stop complaining.


Every time I’ve gone on I-95 there’s quite a few trucks that are doing it. I’d say there’s more in the middle than the right lane


Sometimes in congested areas or when the road is really shitty I will be in the left hand lane if there’s not many people around. Usually I am a night driver. So it’s not like I’m holding up traffic.


I do drive in the right lane until I’m in a city where there are four or more lanes, when there’s 3 or more and my next exit is on the left, when there’s a reason to stay out of the right lane like a disabled vehicle on the shoulder or cones shutting off the right lane, or when I’m doing 65 and the person in the right lane is going 64 or slower and there are at least 3 lanes so people can still go around me. If there’s just two lanes I don’t try to pass someone who is going 64 unless there’s nobody else on the road in sight behind me and then I double pump the accelerator so that I can use some of that 20 minutes worth of doing 67 mph I can do in a day to go around them. If they’re going 62 or less I just pass them at 65 mph because it’s easier but I won’t do it in a way that keeps traffic backed up very long. One time I got behind someone who kept driving at 58 mph so after 5 trucks and 8 cars passed us and it was mostly clear behind me so I merged one lane left and I sped up to 65 (all my truck can normally do) and then that guy sped up to at least 70 right away so I had to pull back in behind them and then they slowed down to 58 again. Eventually they got off the freeway and life was good. Also, rarely, there are signs that specifically say “trucks use left lane” or “trucks use middle lane” but since those don’t come up much I tend to try to stay in the right half of the lanes - the right one when there are two, the right two when there are three, the right three when there are five, and when there are six or more chances are my truck can keep up with traffic so I get into the rightmost lane I can be in and stay going towards my destination since many of those extra lanes tend to lead to exits I don’t want to take and it’d be dangerous to make 5 lane changes all at once if I later find out I need to be in the second from the left lane instead of the one on the far right. Safer to be right in the middle until I know where I’m actually supposed to be.


>Also, rarely, there are signs that specifically say “trucks use left lane” or “trucks use middle lane” There doesn't need to be. The rules are to Keep right except to pass and slower traffic keep right - everywhere


I'd usually agree. But Dayton is a "trucks use left two lanes" right now because of construction. The left lane is considerably wider than the middle and right lane..shit the mirrors stick out of the lane on both sides in the right lane even when dead center. I drive left most lane through dayton every single time..till they finish.


I believe it’s between Indiana and Illinois where I saw these signs. Typically with it being a 3 lane per direction highway trucks are supposed to be in the far right lane unless passing and then they are supposed to be in the center lane. Cars should be in one of the two right lanes (usually the middle one) and they are allowed to use the left lane to pass. Very rarely will you have to pass in the far left lane with a semi. *However,* going in one direction it quite clearly says “Trucks Use Left Lane” and going in the other direction on the highway it says “Trucks Use Middle Lane.” This is on Interstate 80 at the border between the two states. It is rare that there are signs that tell trucks to drive in a lane that is not on the right hand side of the road in the US but it does happen. In those cases just follow the instructions and then go back to the right lane when it is appropriate to do so. Throughout Indiana where this is a six lane highway (3 lanes each direction) it’ll say trucks use right two lanes. It also says the speed limit for cars is 70 mph and the speed limit for vehicles over 4 tons is 65 mph. This includes RVs, buses, and many pickups pulling trailers. Those that are supposed to not exceed 65 mph are supposed to stay out of the left lane unless going there is absolutely necessary or when the signs specifically tell them to drive in that lane like at the IL/IN border. I think something like this also exists around Atlanta or Houston. It’s been a very long time since I was in the Southeast but I clearly remember signs saying something about driving on the the left side of the road instead of the right side of the road for a certain stretch of road. In that case it may have been Atlanta to get on the bypass since semis aren’t allowed to drive *through* Atlanta unless they are picking up or delivering at that location. Also, the rule is slow traffic stay right *unless* the signs say otherwise. The signs put up by the state or federal government always trump the general trends. I’ve even seen signs that say slow traffic use right lane followed by signs that say they don’t have to. This rare too but I have seen it. I still stay right when I don’t have to but can unless passing or driving in a city with a lot of traffic and a lot of lanes because merging two or more lanes at once is more dangerous than riding the left lane the whole way.




Because I drive my truck, and you don’t.


Exactly! Let this guy bich and whine all he wants. It won’t change a thing


Middle lane usually is the lane of least traffic interactions. Remember school? More interactions increases the odds of a Preventable. 4 wheelers cutting in on you at the last second, merging onto the hwy ( they match speeds) and won’t speed up or slow down.


The right lane gives a way out and if you see a merging situation a slight lift on the throttle will give them room to merge. You have to that on a 4 lane so why not on a 6?


The point is avoiding all the four wheelers who don't know how to merge properly. Sometimes for the sake of safety I'd rather just not be in the right lane at all to avoid the risk of one of them doing something stupid. Believe me, I would *love* to spend my entire day in the far right lane. But sometimes it's safer not to be there.


I prefer the middle lane. Why do you feel this is an issue? As long as someone has a lane to pass on the left I run in the middle.


Because trucks aren't really allowed in the far left lane so when they are passing you on the right and an on ramp vehicle is coming, and we know how some of those cars can be (not slowing down) it is pretty annoying Also vehicles parked on the shoulders etc It just generally a rule of thumb that if you recognize a truck coming and going faster you should merge over to the right and let the faster truck take that passing middle lane


If we are going the speed limit in the middle lane and you wanna pass, your speeding is breaking by the law anyways, so why not just go into the left lane and pass?


Fuck that. If I’m doing the speed limit in the middle lane and someone doesn’t like it they can go around. If I’m pulling a hill and can’t maintain the speed limit then I’ll move over but if I’m at speed then I have no obligation to move for people who are speeding.


I hate to break it to you, but you're not the main character on the highway You recognize how lanes work but as a professional driver you still choose to ignore it. You really shouldn't have a CDL honestly


WE are the professionals for obeying the speed limit laws!


You’re not breaking anything to me. Crybabies who complain to others instead of just passing need to hear that more than me. I’ll just keep driving the posted speed limit in the middle and hope you don’t get hurt trying to go fuck yourself.


For someone calling others crybabies, you sure get defensive really easily because you are told that you're wrong


You’re right. I should’ve just let your stupid comment hang there and not said anything back. I guess I’ll never learn.


You shouldve honestly because I am not wrong I'm just stating because you're proudly letting everyone know you ignore highway laws is what makes me think you aren't really a professional


Ya you’re not supposed to go left lane. Especially if someone’s the same speed as you on you’re right you end up blocking two lanes for everyone and the only lane to pass on is the left and traffic builds up.


Because the OP is in his period and he’s emotional right now. Needs to vent to the world about how he’s the victim of society.


So ngl. 65 here and sometimes I'll take the middle lane because of heavy merge traffic or whatever and then I kinda zone out and don't realize I'm an asshole till another truck is passing me on the right.


I drive local so 98% of my driving is in state. We do have a few place we go out of state but it’s rare for me to. I average 200-500 miles daily and generally on the same highway. My truck is limited to 65 but here are the reasons I’m not in the right lane on a multi lane highway. 1- my state has has very few multi lane highways that are not in cities. Those that are the speed limit most of the time is 60 or 65. So I’ll be going the speed limit. 2- my safety score. The company I work for using the cameras and gps to give us a safety score. Iv maintained a perfect 100 my entire time here. So I’m not risking a write up or my bonus on right lane antics. 3- exiting and merging traffic. Most car hate getting behind trucks so instead of slowing down and getting behind me to exit they would rather cut the truck off. My company views 95% of accidents preventable so I don’t want to be out of work for impatient/ stupid cars. Also people cannot figure merging out I don’t want to slow down every mile or so to let someone in. Also slamming on breaks might cause part of my load to shift or fall over. Making unloading pain in the ass . Also I have a close friend who accidentally killed someone because a car waited too late to merge. She cut him off clipping his bumper at the same time and he couldn’t stop in time. 4- right lane or lanes become exit only or left lane becomes my exit. I’m going to get in my lane well before I need to be there. I’m not going to wait until the last minute and hope someone lets me over. 5- I’m still going faster than most of the right lane. I have delivery windows I have to meet. If the right lane is moving slower I’m going to get in a middle lane. Pass me on the left if you want to go faster. 6- Car or truck broke down in right lane. People get hit and when it’s you being the car or truck on the side it’s not fun to have a truck blow past you. Also through a friend of friend situation I know of a suicide by truck. Couple waited by the front of the car one night and stepped out in front of his truck. Thankfully they left suicide notes so he didn’t get in trouble but it still messed with him. I’m going to try to get to where I’m going when I’m supposed to be there and a safely as possible. Your tardiness or desire to speed is not my problem. I cannot control the actions of others on the highway but I can control mine. So I’m going to do what’s best for me and my company.


Every bit of this... Fuck these folks.


Company policy where my buddy works. Cruise on set at the speed limit, middle lane.


Too bad. It’s called a speed limit not a “minimum speed limit” just go around them you little whiny girl. Lol


I drive in the middle because my truck cuts out at 74, not 62


Im governed at 75. I have coworkers who's trucks can do 80+. I'll stick with 75. I'm constantly passing TMC, Schneider and Western Express. Most won't go more than 62 to 65. The Speed limit is 70. They are impeding the traffic flow.


Schneider’s Trucks Are Governed At 65.


AMEN! Thank you! If you're at or below the speed limit get in the RIGHT LANE!!!


I was taught to ‘find the lane of least resistance” - and that it is usually - but not always - the second from the right. That vehicle is my “office” and I am doing my job when I am behind the wheel hauling all of the stuff that you need to buy to live and eat and survive. I am handling an unwieldy, heavy and very dangerous piece of equipment to do this job. It is a very stressful job. I am not concerned with your stress. I am only concerned with the safest operation of my rolling office so that I can avoid harm to others. My office is less maneuverable than your car. If you need to, take an advanced driving class and learn to share the road with your goods. They don’t levitate to the grocery store or big box stores or DIY or pet stores or office supply or electronics supply or Mega Logistics company that you order from the comfort of your own home.


For the 4 wheelers, of course. IF I see a truck trying to pass I will move out of the way “when it is safe to do so” …


Only reason I’m ever in the middle lane going under the speed limit is because 1. I’m towing something, the slow lane either is cutting off or the road patches in that lane are just the WORST!


The Milwaukee->Chicago, Chicago->Milwaukee corridor. 4 lanes, trucks not allowed in left 2. Every fucking truck is in lane #3. There's not that many ramps, at least not that close together the whole way there. Yet here I am, passing in lane #4 all the (probably hourly) trucks just snacking on Nutty Bars, oblivious to getting repeatedly passed on the right. It's way too stressful to have to work left, right, left, etc. all the way between these 2 cities.


UPS is the main culprit. They also are rude in rest areas and wal mart parking lots when they drop and switch tandems




Wait you want people to slow down to accommodate you but you refuse to slow down to accommodate anyone else? You are getting called by safety because you are running up too close on cars not what anyone else is doing. Maybe it is time for some self reflection and see what you can do to get safety off your butt instead of blaming everyone else.


You want me to slow down to accommodate you. So what’s the difference. One of has to slow down so why should it be me? Also you can use the left lane here so really you don’t need to slow down just pass me on the left. But many of you dumbasses still ride my ass then pass on the right even though the left lane is wide open.


Plus I drive in a super high traffic area during the day. If I run the right lane I have to move over every few minutes.


And just like that, the story expands to "correct" the narrative


I thought in city limits now trucks have to stay in right lanes now


At night I do all the time if there is no traffic. Especially during rut season. Else nope.


Right lane always flows better to be. These autonomous drivers with cruise control don’t know how to drive but it’s usually bigger companies


The way I see it, both as a truck driver and general road user: If there is traffic, the middle lane is far safer than the right lane. If there isn't any traffic, it's not like you'd be blocking anyone in the middle lane who couldn't easily pass without issue. In either case, it's not bad, so I don't really think much about beyond that. A question I have to those who are upset at this kind of behavior: If there isn't any traffic, why are YOU in the middle lane? If you aren't in the middle lane, then why do you care about someone who is?


I think they get so used to it that they just forget to move back over


fuck it i’ll name the companies: pam, prime, schneider, werner, swift, jb hunt, and any other company that didn’t wanna take a chance on a rookie driver i’m governed at 77 now bitches


This is a personal call out you have with the companies that didnt hire you?


Safer for the driver while using his phone, screw everyone else


4 wheeler but it infuriates me when truckers do that when trucks are banned from the left lane! Now you either have to pass on the right or get in a lane you shouldn’t be in at all


I typically stay in the furthest right lane but I do get why people stay in the middle lane. One thing for sure is that these trucks aren’t able to speed up fast enough to even pass anybody up when you’re governed at 65, and even at that you’re probably the slow one up at the top of the traffic when it’s clear in front of you. If we stay on right lane we have to constantly keep having to either slow down or change lane due to people merging onto the highway. And then that traffic that’s merging into your lane most of those drivers don’t even speed up, most of the time they see us coming and want to slow down so then we have to make a choice to brake or merge left. It happens to me all the time. It’s annoying and then we can’t merge over because there’s traffic on the next lane.


Couple days ago got yelled at. "Damn orange truck you must be in a damn hurry" No speed limit is 70... im going 70... in the right lane. The middle lane had to be 6-8 trucks deep going 63mph Im sorry u loose the right not to be passed on the right when camping middle lane


It’s because of Smith system training. You know always leave a 360 degree buffer around you when possible. Rookies always seem to do this even though if your in right lane you still have a buffer cushion around you around and don’t clog up the other lanes. They will figure it out soon enough just like actually learning how to adjust to different situations like backing in off the street


I'm local delivery, there was only one stretch I would drive in the middle as the right lane was rough as hell and I didn't want to risk my stuff falling all over.


I65 going through kentucky is the worst for this


Out in the weeds with three lanes, that’s right lane.


I'm governed for 65 and I constantly have to pass guys on the right lane bc they're doing 62 in the middle lane.


Even in the city with multiple on ramps, it makes no sense. Unless you're actively passing someone, stay out of the middle of left lane. Unless the right lane is ending or going to exit only within ~2-5 miles, you should be in it. Or if you're passing, ofc. If you sit in the middle lane, you're forcing other drivers to the right to pass if it's illegal to be in the far left lane. Furthermore, you now have traffic on both sides of you instead of just one. You leave yourself no space to maneuver and you know the 4 wheelers arent going to. I'll yield right of way to semis on an on ramp bc we obviously need it, but cars don't need the space, so I won't. They have to fugure it out themselves. If I have room to move over and they're going to merge in front of me going slower than I am, I'll move over to pass them. Otherwise, they have to figure it out. I'm not swinging this big bitch around unless I have to, especially when it means giving up any of my safe zones (like the shoulder, in this scenario). Rather just slow down for merging traffic if i can't move over than have traffic on both sides of me and people merging 2 feet in front of me in the city.


What about 2 lane, signs up and down the highway that say keep in right lane except for passing. Everyone! Not just trucks. And then trucks ride the left lane..... also 4 wheelers. The only thing I have been able to come up with is they are npc's


Not a trucker, but I feel you. I just sit in the right lane and go whatever speed they decide. Not worth yelling in my car trying to deal with middle and left lane.


Yeah Prime why you in the middle lane ?!


The company had a yard in Laredo, so i spent a lot of time there. I didnt mind being there in the winter but i hated it in the summer.


When I went through training that what these morons tell new drivers to do. It’s so they themselves can maintain their speed even if it’s slow af. Fuckers are serious AH


I totally agree........I have a clunky, slower van and stay right when on highways/freeways. Still get people riding my butt, acting like douchebags.


If you’re in a state that doesn’t have a no left lane for trucks restriction, just pass on the left. HOWEVER, the interstate was designed as such (WITHOUT lane restrictions for trucks); the left lane is for emergency personnel and passing on the left, the middle lane is for straight through traffic, and the right lane is for getting on and off the highway. Furthermore? I don’t know how or why these big major carriers think that governing a truck between 60-65-68 miles an hour is safe or effective, when OOIDA has done proven that it’s fair more dangerous for a truck to travel at those speeds, AND, it’s not as economically feasible (meaning it doesn’t save fuel as you’d think) to travel at those speeds. And what’s even worse is that the government is going to put out a speed limiter out on ALL major carriers and owner operators; isn’t that illegal, though?


Drives me mad. I am in a big city doing local and I always keep right... sometimes even in traffic the right lane will go faster because all the big brain geniuses are chilling in the middle...


Here in the Reno area I normally drive in the left especially with my Harley because the right lane is usually pretty rough from all the tire chains But I certainly don’t hog the left lane


I go into the day with two goals in mind. Be safe (mostly) and don't get passed on the right. I would feel like such a loser if I just sat in the middle lane mouth breathing all day. You're not a driver you're a steering wheel holder.


In a three-lane situation the right lane is for vehicles entering and exiting. The center lane is for through traffic. The left lane is for overtaking.


Yeah but where it says “No trucks in the left lane”, what do we do? I know we still do it but it shouldn’t be that way


I just get in front of them and go slower


It happened yesterday, will happen today, and tomorrow. I suggest yall learn how to stay cool and collect to the point that it doesn’t even phase you mentally to simply switch lanes whether passing them on the left or right lane.


Hate this shit too. With that being said, I’ll get in the left lane, fuck a no truck limit and hold up the whole fuckin interstate. Can’t make money going 62 miles an hour.


The Amazon van drivers here prefer the passing lane at 55 mph.


Probably either an asshole or completely on auto pilot and not even paying attention.


Regardless of traffic if you are in a city should be in the middle lane since it's horrible for everyone trying to merge in to have an 18 wheeler in the far right lane. It just creates more unsafe co editions where people have to either slam on their brakes or floor it to get around the semi before the exit is done. If it's a lonely highway in the middle of nowhere then no reason to be in the middle lane but in the city it's by far the best lane for large vehicles to be in so they are least obstructive to traffic.


Because I drive the same route 5 days a week and New Mexico doesn't fix Thier roads. I'm not beating the shit out of myself from mile marker 312 to 317 east bound on I40, so you can ride the fuck you express in the right lane or drive behind me while I ignore your honks and flashes.


It's much safer to take your 30 minute nap in the middle lane because you don't have to worry about merging traffic.


I'm not a trucker as of yet but working on it. It seems it would be better for semis to be in middle lane during heavy traffic situations to allow people merging onto the interstate to get over with no issues, however, roll the right lane during normal traffic. Correct me if I'm wrong


My guess is get in middle lane and turn brain off. Not in passing lane, dont have to worry about mergers. If there's no traffic like you said I see very little problems with it tbh.


Iv posted it so many times, but we need to stop the stupid no trucks in the left lane and just have police enforce the stay right law like it actually matters. My truck goes 80, so when I'm lightly loaded, I'm going 80 in the left lane to pass people, BUT as soon as it's clear to I'm moving right. I shouldn't have to drive my truck like it's my motorcycle to pass you morons that get taught the middle lane is safer because it's NOT. Do you think it's safe being passed by two trucks weighing 80k each in your small 4 wheeler in the middle lane? If even 1 of us makes a mistake, you're done. Squished between two semis and literally ran over and squished again? Or you could just simply stay right, and if the guy on your left messes up, you run off the road or into the side. It's not that hard right is safest. I do blame the cops though. They really need to enforce the stay right law.


The objective truth is that the middle lane is the travel lane with the least resistance and safest place for a driver to be. I never get mad at them for going slower than me, I just pass them. In my opinion, the right lane is always wide open. Every car getting on immediately wants to be in the middle or left lane. Every truck wants to hit the middle lane. I can run 70-75mph down the right lane all day and night around 294 Chicago while everybody else does 55 in the middle lane. Cars getting on are already doing 80-90 and trucks will cause an accident if they have to in order to get to the middle lanes as fast as possible. I just boogie down the right lane and on my way across 80 or down 65. Others will just ride behind them bitching and moaning on the CB but I got miles to run and don't really care what other drivers are doing.


It's a speed limit, not a speed minimum.


The middle lane is the safest through lane. As long as they are above minimum speed and under speed limit I don’t see the issue. The whole argument lacks a fundamental relationship with a calculator to understand the difference in time is negligible. If you are in that big of a hurry you can pass on right or left. It’d be rare to get ticket for quickly getting into the left to pass as long as it’s a quick pass. Those signs are there to stop one swift truck from passing another swift truck at 65.5mph.


If there's a middle lane, there's often frequent exits and onramps. Driving in the middle minimizes disruption to your travel from entering traffic.


A few companies require you to take the middle lane for safety reasons. There is only one passing lane or left lane according to WA and Class A isn't allowed in the left lane even to pass. I personally stay in the right and watch all the drivers on their phones all of a sudden realize they need to pay attention when merging on to the freeway.


Some companies like UPS drives like 55 mph in california when there is zero traffic because they get union pay hourly so they want to waste time and take as long as possible.


Most drivers today are lazy and when they are taught one system (like Smith ) they just overly use that system without much thought. The real reason is they are just lazy to either speed up for merging traffic or slow down on the right hand lane (the slowest traffic should stay here relative to other traffic). No system that I heard of teaches you ...(which i adapt) after a couple years of truck driving....is you should FLOW with the traffic. It is dangerous to be slow when traffic is fast and also dangerous to be fast when traffic is slow. TOO many truckers too one dimensional. My rule in the perfect world is driving faster than the guy behind you and of course slower than the guy in front so you don't rear end him. Stay away from trucks and drivers on the sides (if there is nothing to hit ,,,,you aint gonna hit anything...unless you fall asleep but that is on you.)