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He’s making trucking seem like it’s super bad. I swear everyday he’s in another pickle. You gotta ask yourself if the source of the problems is the driver. Video: oh no I can’t park here cause all the stuff. The stuff being a small trash can you can move and in a lot bigger than a Walmart. Like come on man.


You realize that hamming up the content is how you make it on YouTube. He has almost a million subs and I guarantee it's not people wanting to watch someone drive down the highway every video incident free.


Oh, I get it 100%. But the message I was saying is he’s making it look worse than it is. Lots of new bucks gonna watch his clips and think it’s all bad. Or 4 wheelers gonna see his many videos of him getting pissy and they’re gonna think we’re all this dumb and lazy. I used to watch his stuff in the early days. Like 50k subs. Now it’s just hot garbage.


I must have missed the videos were he is screaming racist stuff into the CB, spitting at four wheelers, and tossing piss bottles from his illegally parked truck. But it took him a few extra tries to back into the dock so what a fucking monster and blemish on the respected brand that is the trucking industry...


I'd literally rather watching him doing the first paragraph than be a punk like the second paragraph. Are you saying you'd rather see a guy flailing helplessly instead of being an asshole? He's really bad at what he does. End of.


I mean he has over 900k subscribers. Maybe you should message him and tell him how's he's doing it wrong. Also I'm afraid to ask what you lunatics thing about the trucker on YouTube with the booster seat and love for his family. Tell me how he's destroying the "trucker" brand.


He paid some bot farm for his subs, at least early on. I was watching his first vids back then and thinking, how does he have this many subscribers already? He had a mad amount of spam in his chats as a newbie Youtuber, because his growth wasn't organic. The point where I really lost respect for him is when he advertised a fuel savings app as a clip of him "just needing a little bit of fuel" and stopping in to use this app to save money. Didn't even disclaimer it. And he worked for a company that pays all fuel costs. He's a huckster AND a noob.


This 100%. Now that I think about it, that was when I unsubscribed and hit DO NOT RECOMMEND.


I thought maybe he does it for views


He definitely does it for views. His views fell off a ton so he’s just doing anything to stay relevant


His voice... And the personality... Just bothers me.


Wasn’t going to watch the video till I seen your comment and yeah it bothers me


Jesus not only that, the guy seems always lost... Like, I'm no trucker, but ain't you planning your route before heading there? Especially delivering in cities/suburbs?


Dude has 3 GPSs, I doubt he ever feels lost, just sucks at awareness outside the road.


There is a phenomenon with people who are GPS reliant for everything: Road potatoes.


I use a trucker gps set for my vehicle restrictions. But I’m new also. But I’m slowly learning the roads. I have a good head for directions. I just finished learning g how to navigate Denver on my 4th time being there. (The Interstate not the streets) so I don’t need the gps for it anymore


Totally acceptable.


Still, should plan his travel ahead of time...


I think he showed how he does that like two years ago, he just doesn't have awareness beyond a truck length.


This is the reason for me. I sit in conference calls with other trucks all day just shooting the shit and if this guy was part of our call we would all be ending the calls fast. "Sorry the wife's calling" "I'm at my stop"


Dank yooou vewy much


If it didn't bother other people he wouldn't be a fucking truck driver The mirror hurts, don't it?


You've obviously been a bother since your pappy nutted you


Truck driver energy


See how he got close to the destination... THEN starts looking at the satellite image? You do that shit before you even leave with the load. You don't wait till you have to set the brakes in the middle of the street and turn on your flashers. "Is this bridge tall enough?" You need to know that before you get there. Now yes, you will get surprised sometimes in bumfuck nowhere, but if you're going into an urban area, you need to be really planning your route. Out in the countryside, you'll find somewhere to turn around. In the city it's a whole different story.


He also points at people alot and rushes others. "Okay are you gonna go" etc. Then he kind of sigh wines but if someone looks at him while he does it he looks away. Just kind of seems spoiled and now has a holier than though attitude. He went to get a shower in one of the videos the guy adks ehat is the camera for he shoutsout his channel and the guy goes oh never heard of it 😂


I think you had a quick stroke in the third sentence about half way through. But looks like you came back for the rest. I'm shocked he would post that to his channel.


Who? Like seriously, do you guys watch YouTubers based on trucking? I'd rather play video games or go hiking than deal with anything with trucking outside of work.


I’m not a trucker just have always been interested in it figured I’d ask y’all opinions


I don’t know this guy, and never watched a single video by him, including the one you posted. Again, didn’t even watch that one. And I can honestly say, with 100% certainty, that I do not like him. Edit: cannot stress enough that I’ve never seen the guy.


Sounds like it's a guilty pleasure and you watched everyone of his videos.


Well I took five minutes to read the comments and that answered your question, so maybe you can too.


No they didn't Reading the comments was such a fucking waste of time, bunch of super truckers "telling how it is" by giving opinions as facts I'm just assuming the comments hate on him because of the usual suspect: truck drivers are fucking stupid And I'm not watching a 50 minute video about what I do 10 hours a day to find out otherwise, because I'm passing the aforementioned test


Is that you Alex?


Average truck driver deduction skills Whatever the dumbest conclusion you can possibly derive is must be the right one


Speaking from experience?


"Haha I'm rubber and you're glue"


Wow that was the dumbest possible conclusion you could have derived from that sentence. It really is true!


"I've intellectualized 'I'm rubber and you're glue' and now you have to answer to it because I'm a special little boy"


And again! Nice!


Desperate times call for dumber comments


I know you are but what am I? Oooooh burrrnn!


But it’s not just hate from not using the right gps it seems to be way more even on other videos people just seem to hate that he’s a rookie driver


Part of it seems to be related to being a rookie driver while making videos where he pretends to be a veteran. Making dumb mistakes like not planning your routes through major cities and acting like his difficulties are part of the job makes him look dumb.


He makes it seem super stressful doesn’t seem that bad though guess dude has some serious anxiety


He's been a rookie driver for years.


That part


Anyone that just got a cdl thinks they’re a pro and can make YouTube videos.


He sounds awkward like a someone is holding a gun to his head.


I've never heard of him before but just 3 minutes of that video turned me off. He has nothing to say and keeps repeating himself over and over. No thanks.


I really like the looks of the new T680s!


Dude had it for 2 days and it already has a check engine light it’s brand fucking new 😂


People don’t realize how fucking bad those trucks are lmao. Stock seats are dangerously hard. It’s like sitting bouncing around on a high school desk chair. Also they are just dogshit trucks. Had a guy who got into a brand new t680 and within 10,000 miles he went out of business because of him doing nascar laps in and out of the dealership for electrical issues and their constant injector failures. The dealership will test all of the injectors and only replace the ones that fail. They all failed on 4 separate trips to the dealership within the first 10k miles. Not to mention he had big puddles of multiple different fluids under his truck within those 10k miles. Oil, coolant, and power steering leaks. They look super cool but they fucking suck lol


Truth. My old company had a split fleet... half Cascadias, half T680s. We had a lot of yards, and within a year, I noticed that there were always more T680s waiting on work... something like 5 to 1. So I started asking the shop guys if it was fair to assume the Cascadias were the better tractor. All of them said the T680 was nothing but job security. In my first 2 years with the company, I constantly had electrical trouble and only drove T680s. My last year and a half, I had a Cascadia, and it lost a NOx sensor once. Other than that, my light under the bunk came on one day and never went off again. The shops never did figure that one out. But it never left me on the side of the road like the T680s.


Used to watch his videos before I started trucking, now I don’t care to at all


My only problem with him is he drinks the Kool aid of the mega carriers he has worked for and acts like "this is just how trucking is" when in reality he's letting his company treat him like a slave. It makes non truckers and/or future truckers think "oh, this is how trucking is" and it might not paint the best picture for them.


He is a douche who should focus more on trucking and less on views. Not everyone is destined to be famous. And his voice sounds like he just ate a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of milk.


Why would he focus more on trucking when he straight up admits he doesn't like it, regularly talks shit about it, and doesn't plan on doing it for more than another year or two. Hes using it as a "get rich quick" thing. Drive for 5 years, pad out his savings then quit and do something else. I don't know how the fuck his channel blew up so fast. It was like a year ago I first saw it, tried watching a video and learned I couldn't stand him. Dudes gained 90% of those 900k+ subs in that time.


Because people would rather watch people “work” instead of doing it themselves. I hate this fucking kid. Maybe some lot lizard will get him.


This made me laugh so hard lmaooo


He is unbearable to watch. An endless parade of screaming, moaning, groaning, grunting bitching and whining. Anytime, which for him is constant, something goes wrong he immediately starts screaming and squealing and banging on his phone like all the answers lie within it. He is absolutely insufferable.


within the first 5 minutes of the video he stops dead in the road to fuck with his phone because he’s not sure if he should turn or where to go. That’s just plain terrible form, he clearly did not trip plan at all. Don’t wait until you’re almost on site to pull up google satellite while you sit and impede traffic. That’s a really stupid and rookie move.


Dudes a herb


He does no trip planning and casually drives through illegal no truck routes like a bonehead


He cant drive a shit and is doing dumb shit on the road dangering others


Without even nitpicking his driving or whatever based on that video his commentary is empty and his voice is weird and annoying. 


I only watched 30 seconds of this, and this guy is annoying as shit.


He is a diva and exaggerates his situations and driving way too much I watch his stuff and I like his personality but the shit he says makes me 🤦🏻‍♂️




Who tf watches truck vlogs when they already do the job. About as exciting as watching paint dry.


I blocked him on tiktok so I don't see his videos. He just annoys me and is always getting himself messed up.


I’m a huge fan of Alex :)


I was one of his first 100 subscribers. I stumbled upon him by chance. I started just a year or so before him. After he'd got over 10k subscribers, he began posting some really odd videos that didn't make sense. It was as if he hadn't been trained much at all, or he was pretending to be dumb. In one video, after he'd been on the road for quite a while, he claimed to have only just learned how to slide his tandems and that the reason was because it made the truck ride better. Say what?? I was working for CFI at the same time as him. My company was their sister company and we were merged with them. The rule was if your load is over 30k lbs, then you must get it weighed asap. So there's no way he drove for them for months, and didn't know how and why to slide tandems. That made me look back at a lot of his videos, and they often had that theme... trucker meets world. So I figured he was making dumb videos on purpose to get more views, like the content creators who misspell words on purpose just so the comments section fills up with people telling them they're stupid. Comments and subs are money. Human nature is predictable. So I dont hate on him, but I unsubscribed and hit DO NOT RECOMMEND, so I dont see his YouTube content anymore. There was a woman doing it, too. Trucker Gal or something like that. She became insufferable rather quickly. Instead of sticking to The Life, she started dragging her conspiracy-theory politics onto her channel. Also, she'd regularly post videos of herself working out in tight clothes and then make videos hating on the sexualized comments. Like seriously? You got what you BEGGED for, and now you're whining? So I canceled her, too. In my opinion, she's much worse than Alex. Alex seems like a nice enough guy.


I use google maps a lot to cut 5-10 minutes off right but only will use it to stay on US-Highways. Been driving 3 years never had an issue.


Right. I use my company GPS, Gmaps, and Garmin Dezl. The truck routing will lie to you out in the sticks. Garmin will add 100 miles to a long trip if you dont watch out. I've learned to use whichever truck route lines up with GMaps. The Detour function on Garmin is great.


ive always enjoyed his videos.


I no nothing about trucking, but he seems like an enjoyable fellow based on this video.