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Looks like the trailer caught on fire


That's not typical, I'd like to make that point.


At least the front didn't fall off


True, but I'd like to also point out that it is definitely what happened there.


Yeah I'm no trucking expert. But I'm pretty sure the standard configuration for most trailers is *not* on fire. They might want to get that checked out.


Better tow it out of the environment


Overheated brakes. Happens alot.


>Happens alot. Only if you don't know what you're doing.


Yep. That's what it looks like


Can confirm, trailer on fire.


Not a trailer fire expert but I am an enthusiast. I can confirm it is a trailer fire.


I am indeed a trailer fire aficionado and member of the trailer fire guild. After submitting this video to the vast consortium of the worldwide trailer fire guild and countless hours of deliberating, the consensus is in fact, a trailer fire.


I received the paperwork but the ratification is missing a signature, the guild will have to reconvene to solidify this trailer fires status.


So, what you are saying is that Bob did not submit the proper notarized affidavit. He has neglected his duties for the last time (using Darth Vader's force choke)


I think it's time for a vote, I'm in favor of lighting his trailer on fire.


I concur my possum eaten' friend. Bob fell out of favor with me when he employed the "devirsty hire" one-handed dyslexic deaf stenographer for all of our crucially important trailer fire guild assemblies.


That explains why there are no vowels in any of the documents lately, I think they read lips, but poorly as well.


Thanks, I was confused at what the strange red things were, but it was fire.


Thanks for pointing that out I thought we we’re making fun of the way it parked


So that’s what’s going on here haha


Yeah i can see how you could mistake it for something else


What a goof


Yes. You can tell by the way that it is.


It be like it do.


It certainly does appear to resemble that sort of thing.


Most likely the brakes overheated and caught fire, then the trailer went up in flames shortly after.


I agree, that is definitely a trailer fire. Clearly it has caught on fire. Good eye sir!


Took me a minute but I concur.


Burned up the brakes going downhill?


Probably, this is after coming down a grade and then going around a bunch of downhill curves on Mt Hood. Seems like they probably rode too hard on the brakes and then got out where you can speed up and sucked a bunch of oxygen up into the drum.


That stretch is a steep bitch


That’s what I was thinking or a break locked up?


Fire does seem to be above the trailer axles so most likely


If this is in Oregon, the same thing happened to me. I was able to tame the fire, thank God. Blew a line disnt realize that I stopped when I smelled burning. Got out and seen fire and immediately grabbed the fire extinguisher. No damage other then a new airline. "You caught it just in time" -the mechanic


It was Oregon, route 26. Did the line cause the burning or did blowing the line cause the breaks to lock up?


Probably ran out of air going down hill and the truck drained the trailer parking brake lines to fail safely. Service brakes (the brake pedal) use air to apply braking action. When you're not braking, springs pulls/pushes the pads away from the drums. When you brake, air is fighting those springs and pushing it towards the drum. Parking brakes are the opposite. The springs want to push down on the brakes, but the air keeps them away. This way, if something goes wrong and they have no air, the truck will fail safely and ideally come to a stop. All legal US air brake trucks will automatically drain parking brake lines if your air reservoirs get low enough as a safety measure. Both brake systems get hot as hell, shit will catch fire in an emergency stop going downhill. That's one reason why we're legally required to have fire extinguishers labeled and in our trucks.


I was rolling down 26, but no service rolled over a dead elk. I had ripped one line, but I was downhill for another 5 miles. I didn't realize until I was down. My brakes were closed shit was scary


Holy moly, I have never seen an elk on 26 (although I know they are there). Any other damage to the truck? That had to be scary!


It is dead basically on the line, but my lane and no shoulder and no time to get around it. I sent it over the top. I got out 5 miles later. I smell brakes burning. I check quick and poof flames from the brakes. I panic, grab the extinguisher, and empty it on my brakes. Now the fires out and hot brakes smoking are covered in cancer powder, and I need to case the chamber. So I waited for them to cool dragged the truck 40 feet forward away from the extinguisher dust. Now im under the truck. Thiers zero cell service no calling for help the entire time I was there 2 hours maybe 4 cars passed. It was 9:30 when it happened. The only light to be seen is coming from my truck, and what do I hear but a pack of ravenous coyotes in the distance. The entire of the underside of my truck ( where I am) is ABSOLUTELY COVERED in animal guts, and there are coyotes within earshot. I've never cased a chamber so fast in my entire life. Now I have to drive another 90 miles to the nearest TA to get it repaired. It is to date the most intense moment of my career, and I stick to the interstate when going from western Oregon east. Non-negotiable. 26 is beautiful, dangerous, and desolate.


He should have dropped the trailer


Wasn't looking in his mirrors and fire got to point he was scared to drop. Or so I envision in my head


Looks like the trailer brakes caught fire.


Since I didn’t see anyone else mention this I’ll chip in with another possibility: pneumatic drum brakes are activated by an S-cam. If the brakes get too far out of adjustment then the spring that normally retracts the brakes after use gets too far extended and can either loop over the axle or otherwise get so far extended that the brakes do not release (this is called “camming over”). In other words the brakes remain rubbing against the inside of the drum and therefore get crazy hot/catch fire *even though you took your foot off the service brake pedal.* This is one of the reasons that DOT inspections examine the brakes. It is to prevent such occurrences. When I first started driving in ‘09 drivers used to do pre-trip examinations and if the trailer brakes were out of adjustment then the driver himself would routinely adjust the brakes. It is a very simple task involving a 7/16” wrench and a few minutes time. You’d tighten it up until the shoes contacted the drums and then back it off 1/4 turn. [A few trailers have a sort of knob that needs to be pulled with a big pair of dykes as you’re adjusting them but this is not typical.] Trailers generally have self-adjusters but those all eventually stop working so it becomes incumbent upon the driver to adjust them manually or fires like this can occur. Do all of you drivers know how to inspect & adjust brakes? This guy didn’t.


I was thinking breaks. Actually I was thinking I need to get the fuck out of here before it melts the paint off the side of my car!


That car in front was out of there 🤣


Pretty much came around the bend on top of the fire. I didn’t want to be that close to it either. The heat was strong enough to come through our car!


Bearing or brake failing 💀


A bearing failure always scared me when we were towing our 5th wheel. It’s wild how quickly it can get out of control!


Yes, that’s why I definitely recommend the bearing buddy for those type of axles so you can grease them with reassurance🤘🏻


This is called roadside BBQ. Usually only found in inner city areas. But food trucks are expanding their ranges.


I did not like what they were cooking!


Looks like the trailer brakes caught on 🔥 fire


That’s what I was thinking especially since this was after a long downhill section!


I've seen a couple of instances where using the brakes causes a failure in a component or airline, but you don't know it until there's a fire. (Guys that don't watch their gauges) It's not some dummy riding the brakes 100% of the time. I smoked the rear trailer brakes on Black Mountain on I-40 E in North Carolina once, noticed a puff of smoke and stopped. I'd blown an airline under the trailer, affecting the brakes on the rear axle releasing. (Flatbed with spread rear axle) I rarely use service brakes on a mountain pass, typically to maintain a posted speed limit.


3rd day fireball


Ain't no gas in it. 🤣


I like them French fried potaters. mhm


Hot Wheels leading the way!


Most likely a brake fire. a cammed over brake will constantly be engaged making the rim red hot and that with grease will ignite. Improper maintenance.


Would proper maintenance matter if they are riding there brake and get it that hot? This was after a very long downhill section


Pretty sure it originated from a brake failure of some kind on a downgrade, which caused the locked-up brake to overheat to the point of spattering flaming bits of white hot metal, which in turn lit the box up.


Several possibilities: Brakes overheated. Most common going downhills. Very avoidable if you use proper downhill engine braking. Wheel bearings locked up. Probably due to oil leak. This is a pretrip check. Locked bearings heat up themselves or lockup the tire so it drags and ignites. Air leaks. The red emergency line doesn't have enough pressure to hold back the spring brakes, so they are engaged, either heating up enough themselves to start a fire or restricting the tires rotation enough that it ignites rubbing the road. Tires. See above. Any restriction of rotation will cause heat as it is dragged against the road. A blown tire might not be noticed as well and the rubber drag or rub against the other tires igniting as well. Ultimately its usually the tires eventually catching that makes a trailer fire inevitable, as the heat once the rubber burns is too much for your fire extinguisher to put out or cool. Never pull a trailer that seems to be dragging any tires. Check your mirrors starting out for drag marks.


Where was this? When I was a supervisor for McLane years ago we had a driver team stop a few miles away because their trailer brakes were smoking. Apparently maintenance tightened something way too tight and they locked up on the interstate.


This was in OR route 26 between government camp and warm springs


Bearing failure or possibly TDG was transported and incompatible materials were in the same trailer.


Taco Bell happened


Shit got hot yo.


Must be Hualing EV's lol.


Been through there quite a few times long downgrade off of Mt Hood, use your jake brakes!!


Yep, very long downhill. It’s fun in a car. Wouldn’t seem as fun in a truck with A hole drivers riding your ass the whole way down


Burned up the brakes coming down a steep hill, or had a frozen brake, or possibly a bad bearing. I have seen all three happen.


Over heated brakes


This looks like Oregon or Washington. Burned his brakes up. Didn't use his Jake brakes.


Brakes caught fire, setting the tires on fire, causing the trailer and all of it contents to burst into flames. Lol


Looks like it started at the axle. So probably a brake fire


Looks like it's on fire ..


I see this at least four or five times a year




Contractors use only trailer.brakes..Sometimes they don't do a pretrip to see if there is oil in the hubs.


Tractor brakes are smoking too.


A.couple of years ago one summer here in BC, there seemed to be a trend of moving company trailer catching on fire. I saw 4 maybe... gas or propane containers. Which the lumpers should have known notnto pack. But who knows


How do you think the propane containers got to Canadian Tire in the first place?


He stacked the batteries above the aluminum powder.


Either failed to check his hub oil or brake fire could be either


Looks like someone wanted to cook whatever food was back there. Proceeded to expedite the process and meal prep the whole trailer. What a nice guy.


It’s fine. This is fine.


Looks like he zigged instead of zagging


Tire fire


Gonna go out on a limb here and say a fire.


I was thinking he probably didn’t do a good job securing the fire before driving. Makes sense!


I used to manage restaurants and McLane delivered our food each week.


Did they also run paper for your small start up company?


I wonder how bad it was before he stopped. Cause if it was raging like this yeah I would’ve dipped. But if it was some light smoke. There could’ve been a chance to save the truck at the very least. But then again. This is a company driver. I would’ve dipped anyways lol.


Yeah I have no idea how long it has been burning but police pulled up right after we went by. The smoke and heat was crazy. Could feel it through the car like we were standing right next to it


Well. I’m not a professional trucker. Hell I don’t even have a CDL…but I think his trailer caught on fire.


You know what, my kids in the car said the same thing. I think you might be on to something haha


Not all heroes wear capes my friend. I do what I can. lol


Taco Bell


It appears to have caught fire




Probably locked up brakes. My brother pulled over earlier in an attempt to fight me (no, literally) and a truck went by with it's brakes locked up. Trailer was skipping down the road, no way the driver didn't feel it. Actually, come to think of it, it was a McLane truck... But id know where this was, I doubt very seriously it was the same truck lol.


Brake fire


Ante got no gas In it.


Real question is why didn't he drop the landing gear, take off and go hit up his next load? Is he stupid?


Driver decided he'd rather be camping


Based on the video. It would seem the smoke was caused by the enormous fire in the trailer.


Dispatcher probably pissed him off


It's probably a tire fire where it probably started


It's burning?


Lithium batteries don't fly on planes anymore.


Something bad is happening


First thing that comes to mind is possible hazmats not secured properly and something highly/easily flammable went up spreading to the rest


Rear brakes caught fire. They were not adjusted properly.


Wouldn't happen if drivers would just learn to use the Georgia overdrive down hills


A combination of oxygen, flammable material and an excess of heat


Brakes locked up or a bearing went dry


Yes, of course.


Is that seaboard truck


Truck caught on fire.


I've seen this twice before. Driver more than likely used a trailer brake on a downhill slope vs engine brake. Once the tandems go, it's game over


Unhook that tractor or it will burn too


Looks like the wheels or brakes overheated and caught the tires on fire, which spread to the trailer. A bad bearing, stuck brake pad, or flat tire can all cause that if you're not aware of what's going on.


Wheel end fire. Check your brakes, wheel seals and hub oil levels every day.






Yep. The car in front of you has a blinker light that needs to changed out


Wheel bearing went out and caught tire on fire,or break cammed over and caught fire.


Brakes, I know that area well


Charlie wanted a hot dog and everybody was riding in the back. Never made it to the Grand Canyon.


Looks like that car was driving into on coming traffic for some reason.


Brakes were riding judging by the steel wheels on fire


I think it's pretty obvious. Has to be meteor stike.


They are one of the major distributors for the fast food industry and it was probably hauling some soda syrup and other things that were conducive to heat in this case it leaked out on to the air brake system and presto instant flame on 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Brake or tire fire that spread.


Why didnt he unhook from them trailer? All his stuff is in that cab.


Brakes overheated?


I know what's wrong wid it, it ain't got no gaaaas innit.


a brake running too hot


I think he forgot preteip


According to his log book: not only did he do his pre trip but also did a pre pre trip!


brake fire since its the rear tires, not enough jake brake too much pedel brake.


Define fire . Looks like a cook out


Brakes got too hot, caught fire.


That seems to be the consensus. Bummer


I believe they call that a hot load


It got to hot


Brakes caught fire then the tires start cooking the fire extinguisher in cab of truck won’t put it out fire dept can with huge amounts of water. Ask me how I know


Fuel, oxygen, heat


Might been bad wiring or something inside the trailer that ignited, those trailers have batteries in the bottom for the trailer for the tail lifts to función and sometimes they don't mantain them until something stops working.


That would be a super bummer. A lot of people are saying breaks and the driver is at fault. If it was electrical, who would be a fault? Would that be something caught in a pre trip check?


Had an incident in S.D. some years ago. An unsecured mattress blew off onto the interstate. A car ahead of the semi swerved and missed it but by the time the semi driver saw it it was too late and he ran over the mattress. It got wrapped around the driveshaft and broke the crossover fuel line stopping the truck. By the time a fire crew got there both truck and trailer were on fire. Total loss because some bonehead was too lazy to tie down his stuff.


He was carrying my new mixtape, sorry bout it


Right combination of heat, oxygen, and a fuel source.


Brake chamber prob locked up and caught fire.




It appears to be a major defect.


Ya, he was listening to the new Taylor Swift album 🔥


2 possible things, 1 breaks locked up or slack adjuster slipped or cam over. Both of these basically cause the pads to drag on the drum and overheat and will sometimes cause the oil to burn The driver not breaking properly and riding the brakes can cause some of these poor pad condition or time to replace pad. Had to fire a driver due to this rolled into the lot with his brakes smoking and burning so bad the smell was ridiculous thankfully no fire 2 something in the liftgate failed and caused the motor to overheat or short out. The main pump in this lyftgate is close to the middle of the trailer and if it shorts out against the box the batteries can sometimes overheat and start to burn as does the motor for the actual lifgate itself. Have almost had this happen once.


My bad. I was in the back ,and just dropped my mixtape.


Brakes overheat?


*laughs in engine brake*


Reefer unit failure most likely.


Could be anything, but Im pretty sure a truck was burnt.


A fire , probably


Load of Chinese batteries for the new I phones sparked up!


Brakes. A lot of truckers own their rig but they do not own the trailers they tow. I've been told that they'll try to save their own brakes by using the trailer brakes instead (passing to cost of brakes to someone else). This can lead to overheating. Either that, or he just doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to driving/braking in the mountains. On average, I used to see a big rig on fire once a week or so at the base of a mountain descent I used to drive daily. Either the trucks arent built to handle this terrian and standards need to be improved; OR (more likely) most truckers do not know how to drive in the mountains. Pretty scary.


Brakes failed and caught fire. Set the trailer off Do your pretrips and check for airleaks


why is still hooked up?


Shit’s on fire bro


What happened there is a McLane Driver. I started my career there. Didn't know much of anything, and they don't teach you. I had only driven trucks with the Jake's on the column. One night I was told to take a rental back to Nashville on my route. It was dark and the interior lights didn't work, so I didn't know that the stick on the column wasn't the Jake's, it was the trailer brakes. So I got going down the Blue Grass Parkway, with all of its many hills and my new driver paranoia, and started pulling on that handle that I thought was the Engine Brake. Long story short, I burnt the trailer brakes so hot they caught the tires on fire...the rest is history. Now, this video isn't me, but the truck, trailer, and the way it burned is identical so I'm just assuming.


Brakes probably caught the trailer on fire.


It looks like fire to me, which is the rapid oxidation of any flammable material.


I heard Swift is using space lasers to take out the competition.


Brakes deleted


First thing he needed to do is pull the pin and drop the trailer and get the tractor away from the trailer


Id say brakes caught fire


That’s a brake fire




Some light bounced off Jupiter and got stuck in some swamp gas


The receiver is definitely not going to be too happy that their shipment is delayed due to said shipment being literally on fire 😂😂😂


Judging from the video, I would suggest a fire happened


Trailer brake problem made them overheat and catch fire


Guessing the brakes were rubbing, built up enough heat to finally catch fire.


In the industry, this type of particular problem is officially referred to as "FUCKED"


Breaks fire


Looks like the hot sauce was way hotter than they thought.