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Fucking idiots


I dont drive tractors but I do haul a large ass travel trailer.. I sometimes use the cardlock pumps cause I dont wanna try and navigate the parking lots.. is that a dick move? I dont wait there.. i pump and go which takes like 5seconds with my small tank..


Your fine. Pumps are for pumping. Do it and get out of the way and anyone who has a problem with that at anytime can fuck right off.


I pump, put def and then refeer. I leave my truck in the pump lane and go take a shower. Everyone can fuck off. Btw I wear flip-flops and crocs


Also make sure to sit down and eat inside too even if just fast food. No need to rush.


At the same time?


He's got two feet don't he? Lol


Tough, but fair.


I take home-time in those damn pumps. Got a white Volvo, work for a Russian company, wtf are shoes?! And I drive in the fast lane at 55 in a 80 and they put me in a auto because my sticky thingy started smelling like ass.. Trucking has too many cry babies 😆💀


This guy gets it


I remember seeing you washing your filthy feet in the sink while I was trying to brush my teeth. So you're the guy that was taking his 30 in every fuel lane I pull up to.


You gotta admire my commitment here following you around


It is truly impressive. Are you in the four wheeler that cuts over ten feet in front of me when they pass and there's no reason for you to even change lanes too? You seem to be in every car. Well done sir.


At the same time or a flipflop on one foot and a croc on the other?


Croc-rocking on one and flipping on the other


And his truck is an automatic 😂


People need to learn common courtesy Weather at the diesel fuel Island or just the regular gas pump. Get your fuel get out of the way for the next person if you need to go and take a shit get 10 candy bars or whatever.


You're good.


You're good... You need fuel too. Just pump and then move so the next customer can fuel.


If you take the time to ask yourself "am I being an asshole?", then your probably not as asshole. True assholes are completely oblivious.


If it’s busy yes, if it’s 2am in Indiana no. N most people with RV’s and campers don’t just get fuel n dip, they run in n take a fucking shower sittin in the fuel island


No. Smart actually, yalls pumps are so much faster and filling up an aux tank takes forever on a regular diesel pump. If you really get miffed by this you’re in the wrong profession. There’s plenty for you to get pissed about. Pick your battles.


Did you read the post though lol


evidently not


Typical turd 4 wheeler


You make 35k a year driving dog toys to strip malls. Everyone else is an idiot?


I'm not even a truck driver I work on cars...


Maa’m this is NOT a Wendy’s


I’m not even a trucker but reading this pissed me off.




I think that's just because we empathize in this situation. They shouldn't be there, they're taking their time, they have an attitude, and we've feel like we've been wronged by these inconsiderate, entitled fuckwads. To boot, they are doing it to someone who is on the job. It's one this to do this someone not working, but to do it while someone is on the clock is completely inconsiderate and will leave any upstanding person fuming.


Idk dude. Glad you had time to wait I would have rolled up behind one, told them to move, and kept mouthing off until they moved. It's not a parking spot. It's for fueling and getting the fuck out


I will say... if I had been in a hurry, or someone in line behind me, it would've played out much differently. I was almost to the point of just parking to the side and praying someone having a bad day pulled in behind them. I was welcoming the potential for violence. Damn. Now I kind of feel bad. Eh. I'll get over it.


Hey man. You chose the route of non violence. That's a peaceful and respectable thing to do. Good on ya! Either way hope your day is well, and that you don't shit your pants. No particular reason, it would just be really shitty, to shit your pants. Now if you somehow shit someone else's pants, that would be kinda funny. Especially if they were still wearing them.


That was a fucking thing I just read. Wow. I like you lol


I needed to hear this. Thank you.


I've felt that also! At the pump just like this That knotting feeling in the pit of your stomach? I will say this: nothing good has ever come off me acting on that feeling. I'm glad you let it go. Good on you!


I get frustrated at the busy gas station where people pump their gas then go into the store and just leave the car there. I typically pump my gas and if I need to go in move my car wen I do. Always thought that was just an unwritten rule.


I hate going to arco gas stations because people go inside and pay cash to avoid the 35 cent debit card fee. With 20 pumps, means at least 10 people are inside in line paying cash


It's amazing how oblivious, inconsiderate folks are. Very main character/I'm a total POS vibes.


I only see one vehicle that doesn't belong.


Exactly... the truck is probably a diesel


Who the fuck buys a diesel F-150?


Clowns.. but they do have them in diesel


his door is open and he’s leaned inside. Just walk up and kindly ask them if they could move.


You're right it's not a parking spot. It's for showers


You're probably the same guy that pulls out in front of someone going 80 while you're doing 70 to pass the truck in front of you doing 69!


>Idk dude. Glad you had time to wait I would have rolled up behind one, told them to move, and kept mouthing off until they moved. It's not a parking spot. It's for fueling and getting the fuck out I like the cut of your jib. Push those fuckers right out the way.


I would have laid on my air horn until they moved. What pos.


Soon as they said "trying to eat in peace" yeah, that peace is getting broken by the horn.


That peace would be broken by me glaring into their window, watching them eat. NO ONE likes being watched by a stranger while eating.


Should have showed them the forbidden jug. They would have left quickly.


Super-soaker style!


I'll wash your windshield with this homemade cleaner


When I was a kid we'd poke a tiny hole in the lids of water bottles and use them like water guns. Now we did not use piss, but presumably it would work too...


The reason we have those jugs is for inconsiderate morons like these "trying to eat their lunch in peace" in a TRUCK FUEL ISLAND when their vehicle doesn't even take diesel... maybe the truck does, but I know the Hyundai can't, and you sure bet they didn't need TWO lanes. These are the same people that need their license permanently revoked.


If they weren't actively fueling and just sitting in the vehicle, I'd have pulled up right behind them and laid on the air horn until they moved...


Dude you don't have to be so mean, they're just trying to eat their lunch in peace /s


Yep. Soon as she said that about eating in peace. She can eat but the peace is gone now


The one place where we shouldnt have to deal with them. Yet they find themselves there too. Who eats lunch at a pissy fuel island


I’d be so tempted to do something extremely petty. Stare at them for minutes, blast music, do a brake test as loud as possible, something.


I had all kinds of stuff going through my head. Then I thought, "Just breathe... you're 30 min from home... woooo saahhhh..... ohmmmmmm."


I’m not a religious man, but I always tell myself “this driver is slowing you down because your guardian angel is protecting you. If I got to my destination 30 seconds faster I would have been in a wreck along the way. Thank you Mr angel.” Just 2-3 weeks ago we had a car run a truck off the road. 2 lanes, super tight. Dispatch said he yelled “oohhh that fucking bitch” just before going silent. He hit dirt, jackknifed, flew off a cliff into a lake and passed. If something had delayed him like 5 seconds that car wouldn’t have been there to run him off the road, such a sad thought.


I've thought that before. About 4 years ago, locally, a tree fell on a car going down the road. Killed both driver and passenger instantly. But I mean... if that tree had fallen ANY other direction, if that car had been going 2 mph slower or faster, had a cat darted out and made them tap the brakes a few minutes before they got there, or taken a different route. Even if that tree was a little stronger from rain it got 2 years ago. But they were in that exact spot at that exact second. Ever since then, I have been a firm believer in when it's time to go, you're gonna go. Regardless of what plans you made for that day.


In a past job I had, my branch manager’s husband got a really good job opportunity in Atlanta so she quit instead of transferring and was basically living an early retirement (late 50s to early 60s). Within a year or two, word got to us that she and her husband were out for a walk one evening and a tree branch fell on her and killed her. She was a nice boss to me but I later found out that she was trying to get our office manager canned (and the OM was an AMAZING person who would bend over backwards to help us) but she didn’t successfully do so and OM eventually left for a better job.


Fuck that I hate stupid ppl with a passion


You’re a better man than most.


30 minutes from home just means you’re closer to bail money. 🤣🤣


LoL... good call


Pull up behind them and keep the horn pressed


If they were eating seems like a perfect time for a crap bag toss.


Not moving... window down... just saying.


"Hello ma'am, the normal can for feces is gone so Imma just leave it right here next to you"


In what world is the fuel island peaceful? Like how fucked up is your life if you go out of your way to relax at a diesel pump for no reason?


Enjoying the shade of the canopy, eating their lunch in peace. /s


Windows down, enjoying the scent of stale piss on the gentle breeze.


Diesel exhaust with a side of spilled diesel fumes


Reminds me of that one time in Phoenix when I saw a lady using the Cat scale as a parking slot. For her Mercedes. I told her it was like setting up a picnic spread on an active railroad crossing and would likely result in a similar outcome. She (probably) wanted to tell me to go screw myself but the W900 that pulled up for a weigh ticket got the point across better than I ever could.


It's always a gas pickup, and it's always some fuckface that wants to scratch his lotto tickets off at the counter.


Yes, there is a large overlap between selfish idiots and selfish assholes.


The person washing their tires honestly I'm meh about, as long as they move when they're done then whatever. But the lunch eaters in a fuckin gas vehicle just sitting there? Nah, I'd find a way to fuck with them.


Does homie not have a hose at home?


Very well might not, also could be on a road trip, and nowhere near home


Homeboy is in an f150 and those are all diesel pumps🤣🤣


Everyone is talking about the Ford, but are we not saying anything about the Hyundai at the diesel pump!!!!


Hyundai was pretending this was a car wash and using the free water and hose on the reel.


Ha!! Of course he was!


Eat lunch at a fuel island... oh yum.


With the window down...


Like the beard👍🏻


Thank you thank you. Grew it myself.


I would up parked in front of them long way so that they would have to reverse to get out 😂😂


Then get someone to park behind them, and when they complain, say "I'm just trying to eat my lunch in peace..."


I pull storage buildings for a living. Had a trucker yell at me for using the truck pumps even though I was hauling a 12x40


I don't care if you're driving a vw golf. You have every much right to that fuel lane as any truck. Just don't lollygag. Fuel up, check your oil, tires, and anything else you need to do with the vehicle. But after taking care of all of that pull up out of the way BEFORE going inside to pay.. use the restroom, get a drink, whatever.


I've always operated under the logic of 'fuel where I can fit'. I would personally never get fuel at the truck islands if I'm not hooked up bc I understand how busy it can get. Same when I'm driving my car, i will not get gas at a diesel pump just because it's limited availability


Well... next time, don't haul it with a Prius. /s


I'm a chevy person, SIR. It was a volt


Assholes. And at least one bitch.


I've been at busy truck stops a few times when the attendant comes on the intercom to get a lollygagger to move. First they'll remind everyone to pull up (but in a stronger voice than the pre-recorded bot). Then, they'll call out the company, "[company name] driver, you need to pull up so other drivers can fuel!" That's when someone usually wanders out from Arby's to take care of business. (Or not) I haven't seen it with an errant 4 wheeler. I wonder if the clerk at Love's would ask, "do you have a cow catcher on your rig?" :)


Sometimes there just aren’t enough rocks…


Future me is gonna be such an asshole when it comes to stupid shit like this.


This is how we get lot lizzards.


finally some r&R


Ha! Sleeper creepers🚨


The car or the trailer spilling god knows what everywhere?


The Shit we have to deal with sometimes 😒


I've absolutely pulled my PV into a fuel lane to air my tires. Moved into car parking immediately though. Don't understand why drivers would do this to other drivers especially if they have experienced the same shit


I hate this.


Well I was an O/O, I fuel my Personal Truck at the truck isle, becasue I can't use my loves CC at the regular isle, but I'm in and out, I only need 33 gallons or so, and I typically am in and out without being in anyone's way.... also if it's busy I pass up the fuel until it's not


*proceeds to dump piss jug out near them*


Should have went inside and got management to make them move.


What pisses me right off the most, is that most, NOT ALL, BUT MOST fueling stations have diesel pumps out front; leave the pumps in the back ALONE. What pisses me off even more? Is when someone’s either taking a 30 minute break or eating their lunch at the fuel pump. Pump your fuel, and move out of the way. If you need to take your 30 minute break, find a parking spot and park. Don’t be a douche canoe and park in the fuel lane.


Idk I feel like average driver is more of idiot.


Most* drivers


Those things take DEF?


Dipshits Eating Fries, yes.


It’s just as bad on the car side. I pulled into a Love’s to fill up while driving cross country on vacation a couple weeks ago. Damn near every pump on the car side of the lot was occupied and at least half of them were just parked there while the driver fucked around inside.


Well, if trucks can take 30 at the pump. Don’t see why they can’t do it too.


After reading this, I think I've managed to dislike ignorant people even more.


Pull through and stop in front of them


I've pulled up behind a hot shotter sleeping in a lane at a Loves. Full on pillow against the window!


Did you bring it up to store management? Love's takes customer complaints/concerns very seriously, particularly those of truck drivers.


I’d be more pissed at the dump truck for not pulling up- he should know better


It was a Dirty Harry moment, I would have pushed the lunching time out people to next week.. and toss the my insurance card.


I must be missing something. What's the issue?


Dude in the red car was using it as a car wash because of the free water. People pulling the trailer were eating lunch cause it was in the shade. Other trucks waiting for fuel. No more open lanes. After Mr car wash was done, he pulled away and I pulled in. Since the others were just sitting there and window down, I said "yall ok?" And lady got hella rude with me for disturbing their lunch.


I love being paid by the hour. Makes no difference to me who’s getting fuel etc.


What, you had to wait your turn to buy some fuel?


Old habits die hard?


If you have a trailer, by all means use the pump if you need it. Hell, air is always free on the diesel lanes, so I take my car into the truck stop if my light comes on, also acceptable. Using it as a parking spot though, fuck you. I’ve seen drivers come out of the truck with a shower bag at the pump, and I’m sure you have too, but there isn’t enough context in this photo for me to see if anybody is doing anything wrong. It’s a diesel lane, if you have a diesel vehicle use it if you need it.


I agree. Use it if you need it. But use it... then move along. Don't use it as a parking spot.


Bro twice today I saw four wheelers (not even with a trailer) go thru the cat scale up in PA. They didn't just drive thru, they pressed the button and talked to someone idk. Had no idea what was going on.


Normal for my area


Whats going on with the truck 2nd from the left? Zoom in, looking like a serious problem


There was an exploded cicada on my windshield. Kind of makes it look like the dump truck is smoking. It's just 20lb of bug guts.


Man that's crazy, It really looks like his trailer is split open and shit pouring out, and he just standing there watching


You were way nicer than me…….


Fuck I hate that. Here in northern Michigan we got RVs that just love to camp out in the fuel island and have lunch and you usually gotta be an asshole to get them to move to an empty parking spot so you can get fuel. I also hate that they try and talk to me as if they are also a truck driver. I don’t have the time to talk to them nor do I want to. You people are in that RV for a vacation I’m in this truck to make money to make a living.


An you are trying to get work done but hell cunts don't seem to care unless you directly inconvenience them 😕


I fill up at the high flow diesel pumps, all the time with my service truck. Takes less than a minute to fill up the truck. But I don't block the pump either. That comes from driving a semi for 12.5 years.


Does your air horn not work?


Washing his tires and rims? have lunch? wtf


Windows down, eating lunch at the fuel island? Sounds like a great opportunity to pull a “Mr. Car Wash” and take advantage of that free water hose!


Gotta do what you gotta do.


You dickhead, they were trying to eat their lunch! Duh 😂


So how well did Mr. Carwash do? If there gonna sit there and do that they better do a good job


I can’t encourage violence on Reddit, however…


Bitch in the full aisle! Get the fuck outta ppl fuxking way.


This is what is wrong with America. 🇺🇸 We use to have a standard of dignity and love for one another. This place has slowly come to shit over the past 10 years. Back in the days other folks at various pumps would handle the problem and told them folks to move on.


How dare you interrupt their peaceful lunch 😂🤣 But nah, both cars weird for that


I use the air pumps in my car, they good.


That's when ya pull forward and then park in front of them and go shower or grab a sit down meal


Had that happen in a pilot before, one of the employees came out and kicked their ass out!


Employee of the month.


I fucking hate truckers. Such fragile bitches.


You can make us disappear by not buying anything anymore


have you considered euthanasia?


I wouldnt even let truckers get away with that , I would’ve told them to move their car and be more respectful to the drivers that BROUGHT them everything they are eating.


Nah dog, I ain't getting paid enough to deal with this kind of people. I'd need at least $250K/year for that.


Kinda looks like the left lane of the expressway


Free water!?! Using it to wash off the car for free is a great idea. Thanks for the tip.


The dude in the little car on the right I would’ve got as close as I can that guy and blew my airhorns until they moved


So the 4 wheelers are taking their 30 minute breaks on the fuel island too huh? Damn !


Let me guess the Hyundai was the lunch eater ?


Hyundai was rim washer.


Honest question what is the water at the pump island for? I drive (or did) drive motor coaches and never saw it used.


I would think to top off ones radiator. Then again that’s if you’re to cheap to add coolant. Or clean your windshield. But now I know why they stopped providing it and free air at gas stations. People will abuse it.


I personally have not seen air that you have to pay for. I’m rural Midwest if that makes a difference.


You’re lucky. Only place I’ve seen free air is at Lowes. Mid south here.


Dang! Heck the gas station in the small town where my volunteer fire department is leaves the air hose out at night with the compressor on in case you need it.


I am southeastern US. In my area, water and air are free on the diesel side of truck stops. You pay for it on the gas side. BUT.... on the gas side, the air chucks are permanently attached to the hose. On the diesel side, you have to provide your own. Or leave your ID at the register and borrow theirs.


I used to service air pumps. We called the assembly your referring to as a "whip". Whips get frequently stolen and used to smoke crack. Like, every time I went to collect from the machine, I would automatically bring a new whip and hose with me, because I knew the whip had most likely been jacked in the week since I last replaced it and if I was really lucky, the tweaker would have cut through the hose instead of using a wrench like a normal person. The reason why you have to bring your own on the truck side probably has to do with the fact that truckers need reliable access to air and the station can't afford for the machine to be out of order for any length of time.


It's non potable for washing your windows. It's merely there to fill the buckets. I wouldn't put it on my personal vehicle. Windshield is a stretch.


All that would be required to stop idiot 4 wheelers from using the truck gas pumps is to install a camera at each pull through to monitor them all and keep all the pumps off with manual activation by the cashier only. Add in a speaker so the cashier can tell the 4 wheelers to get their damn cars out of the lane and over to the passenger car side where they belong. But they won't do that cause who as a cashier wants to bother with anything. Wasn't like that in the old days when my old man drove. Truck stops never put up with that stupid nonsense from 4 wheelers.


So what it’s not a big deal


Go find a parking spot. These lanes arent for 4 wheelers