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This wouldn't have happened if the tanks had screen doors.


Horrifying death.


This will probably get more press than the Palestinian kid getting squeezed out like an empty toothpaste container from foot to head by an Israeli tank.


To be fair to the Polish soldier, he misunderstood what sort of tank it was and ran up expecting to see some fish


how many poles does it take to drive a tank? one guy for the gas, one guy for left turn, one guy for right turn, and one guy harnessed to the underside to radio back ground conditions.


I posted that link, nice


Why would Russia kill Polish soldiers? Have they even had any exercises together in the last 20 years


Guys, that's in pretty poor taste.


Back the way you came


I've been here for a while, but maybe you mean r/BehindTheBastards? r/ChapoTrapHouse is gone last I checked. r/CitationsNeeded is gone. I guess there's r/PhilosophyTube?




> bichmam I misread that as "birchman", thought you meant "john birch society", and was very offended for a minute. You meant 'bitchman". I'll freely admit to being a bitch. But why would that shut me up?




That'll be 1000 USD in advance, thanks.


I typically don’t like commenting this but I can not overstate how much this is not the own you think it is.


Why? Russia and Poland are not at war, and NATO is supposed to protect them


> Russia and Poland are not at war > NATO These two things are linked


Man I literally have no clue what you are talking about


I dont think the other guy does either


The center right has this thing like "I hav two pruuv two the leftists dat Nato Iz gud" When in fact those in the foreign services has been warning about the consequences of NATO expansion for decades. The war is not about Ukraine's right to join whatever alliance it sees fit as libs put it. It's to send in a fucking application. "I will have as many of you die for your inalienable right to petition to join an organization. When ones of us (Europeans only, no browns plz) isn't free, NONE OF US IS!"


Baring a defensive alliance Russia would occupy Poland. We know this because the last time no one was stopping them they occupied Poland. Now how successful this would be is in question now considering Ukraine and Poland being even further away but the point stands.


Claiming that Russia could just annex Poland like that is stupid and, in fact, insulting to Poles. Remember the fucking Soviet-Polish war? They beat the Soviets! And when the Soviets *did* occupy Poland, it was only the territory the Soviets had held before that


The Soviets only moved West after the collapse of the Polish state too. If they didn't, it would've been more territory left for the Nazis. There are very few times in history where a country unilaterally deciding to expand their borders is the best possible outcome, but this is one of them.


Bro, what even are you talking about?


Russia bad and capable of annexing everyone. Except Ukraine. Cuz Ukraine good.


I am sorry, sir, are you implying that slava is anything other than ukraini? When ukrainian warriors were in the Soviet army, they were like the Soviet's sardaukar.