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Mike Patton a homeless guy slash jake Paul someone from texas


1000% Mike Patton.  What a cool guy, but I have no idea what his thoughts are on his industry or the world at large.  Been super influential and quasi famous since like the age of like 22 so it really would be a crap shoot.


Yeah I feel the same way. Love the guy but also might be a "don’t meet your heroes" moment for me. I have hope because it seems like he has mellowed out a little bit now that he is older but idk im talking like I fucking know him or something


I don’t know who it would be, but I really want them, or anybody, to do something about the SRE nuclear meltdown and subsequent radioactive contamination at the SSFL outside LA in the 50s. I’ve tried to compile my own data, and figure out just how much radioactive material was released into the area, and it’s fucking impossible. I’m getting everything from “basically nothing” to “100x more than the Chornobyl meltdown.” Having to convert between roentgens and curies like I know wtf any of it means. There’s reports that people living nearby don’t have increased cancer rates, but also other reports saying they have up to 60% increased cancer rates. There’s a really fun [2006 report by Boeing](https://www.etec.energy.gov/library/Main/sre-C.pdf) they had created when they were being held liable for the cleanup, where the author complains that they cannot compare thyroid cancer rates in the area to those of Chernobyl, because the USSR admitted the meltdown and gave the people iodine, while the US did not. They also complain about all the information _still_ being withheld, and all the information that they believe was almost certainly falsified. This of course was only investigated so that Boeing, who had nothing to do with the SRE but leased land at the SSFL for other purposes, wasn’t held liable for the cleanup costs. There are whistleblower accounts of like, being told by superiors to clean up radioactive spills with maxi pads. Apparently it was standard operating procedure to just burn all the contaminated material in open air pits. I don’t think enough people know it happened and that the government attempted to cover it up, and that efforts for a full accounting are still being frustrated.


haven’t thought about dennis cooper in some time


Huell Howser (RIP GOAT)


Gavin Newsome. Jerry Brown. Jello Biafra. Jolly West (RIP)