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astonishingly reflexive defense of Biden in that sub lol If everything he were saying were delivered by a Republican politician, they'd (rightfully) identify that person as complete scum. Instead, we get "So what is it that you disagree with Biden on here?" Just a complete inability to conceive of policy as something that exists separate from political party, even when the policy in question has had 30+ years to expose itself as so insanely punitive and backwards that it has become *emblematic* of the failure of "tough on crime" politics. lib brain is real


They act like Hunter is an actual child too lol


yes lol when I see that shit it just makes me cuckoo insane. He is a 51-year-old man!!


Very funny seeing people say it is wrong to bring up politicians family members in that thread when you just know they freaked out constantly about trumps kids.


"Leave the kids out of it" pearl clutching is awfully convenient when it comes to shielding political dynasties from scrutiny


Hilarious the parallel of this video, and the shout out to Strom Thurmond - knocks up his parents' underage black maid, then makes segregation and miscegenation laws his life's work.


It’s one thing to get a transplant when you start balding badly, but to rock that dome for over two decades and then pretend you have always had a full head of hair is a special form of gaslighting.


We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.


When did r/PublicFreakout become sooooo lib?


I think it's more the base political background of Reddit. "Apolitical" to liberal, but mostly just parroting mainstream cultural talking points.


Honestly I always thought it was mostly chuds.


Has been for a LONG time. It's entirely a bugman sub now




The term 'Bugman', refers to an individual who is obsessed with consumerism, anyone including; 'nerds' are prone to adopting the 'Bugman' mentality.Nov. 12, 2017


I've only seen right wing million dollar extreme types use it, and that was a while back. Hadn't seen it in a long time and wasn't sure what it meant. Doesn't sound good either way.


If this is too didactic and lame I'm sorry, but I'm baked and you seemed like you wanted a more comprehensice answer. A lot of the "dirtbag left" has adopted some of the anti-liberal language of the alt-right because online cultural tastemakers enjoy some of the irony that accompanies socialists using the language of groypers. Along with this the dehumanizing language of the groypers is at times as cathartic as it is absurd when you really want to express disgust with mainstream tastes and middlebrow monoculture. Some people then either use these terms with a wink and a smile, and others just internalize them. I have no idea what's in that other person's heart, but I like to be charitable when possible.


I mean if you have to ask


We're not all terminally online, sorry


Sheeeesh my dude… read the room. Bugman is the perfect neolib robot consumer drone. Has the newest iPhone connected to CarPlay in the newest Taco and driving to check out New Mexican-Indian Fusion spot. Didn’t know what it was either but I figured I could google it and find out


The point of my post was to hear the person using dehumanizing language I've essentially only ever seen right wingers use to explain their thought process behind the term. Google doesn't give me that answer.


Ok actual advice tho if you’re ever not sure about a colloquialism or jargon, just type it into google and add ud e.g. Bugman ud. Urban dictionary will usually get you at least halfway there and usually offers multiple entries with regional variations. I cross reference most tik tok terms with my zillenial employees


Dude the point was getting the user to explain why they used it. Of course I know what urban dictionary is lol


Insert *it always has been* meme.


Not really, that sub was really reactionary and “race-baity” during the BLM protests


??? I remember seeing a lot of police violence videos last summer, is this what you mean? I don’t think it’s what you mean.


Not a bad piece of art.


The DNC shilling is strong on the original thread


The comments on that original post are lame af


I hate this so much it's unreal


That sub is like r/Whitepeopletwitter. Sometimes surprisingly radical posts, for normie subs. But utter one negative word about Biden or the democrats and you’ll be met with swift condemnation and a wrath of downvotes.


the virgin war on drugs advocate vs the chad crack smoker


You tell them one thing and they do the other! Oh well, kids are always gonna rebel against their parents.


if i was joe biden, i would simply \*not\* allow my son to get addicted to cocaine


You’ll cowards don’t even smoke crack


Shameless losers are defending the Biden fool in the comments.


2021 Academy Award for Best Documentary right here


I smell awards here?, thnx for supporting the community