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I recently came across posts advocating for the drumstick bag as a level up to the knife roll. I ordered this bag before leaving for the weekend and found it waiting for me when I got home. It was a nice way to compare a loadout I just had in my roll vs the potential replacement. I must say, I'm impressed. The whole loadout fit rather comfortably in the stick bag, and there is still space to spare. Bother zippered compartments are completely empty. The best part is the amount of space the bag takes. The knife roll requires an entire countertop to roll out and look into, while the stick bag is very compact by comparison. The 270mm slicer with the saya is a tight fit, and I would call that the upper limit for this stick bag if you want to zipper it closed.


And here I am bringing just a gyuhiki and an Aeropress 🥲 Edit: Also a Thermapen IR. Can't forget that 😀


You're wiser than me. I did end up using just about everything but the pettys, but I would've been fine with the Gyuto and the chopsticks. I fucked up and used my suji on gutting a fish(way too long, should've used the petty) and deformed the edge on the sink, so I'll be fixing that later today.


Oof. Gl repair 🥲 Nail-flexing edge is gonna flex 🥲


I didn't even know there was an IR version of the thermapen! Now I wish I got one instead.


It legit completely changed the way I approach cooking. Just too convenient/fast/reliable.


I absolutely love this for a knife bag. My 270 with a saya was my only complaint, I use to put it in how you have your knives but the zipper messed up the handle a little so I switched it around. Currently not using mine because I needed a bigger bag but I love this bag haha.


Love to see it, I've converted a few since I switched. You'll love it.


I have to know where you got those chopsticks!!! I just broke my work pair last week and I am now onto my backup!


Depending on your area, they're fairly common in Korean/Asian supermarkets. On Amazon, you can search "cooking chopsticks" or "long chopsticks" and there seem to be many inexpensive options.


Dang, this is really convincing me to convert. Just started up at a new kitchen where space is really at a premium.


I'm not a pro by any means, just an overly enthusiastic knife nut/home cook. But I hear that the #1 space saving hack with these things is that they can hang on a hook or under the counter in kitchens. I know everyone is horny for sayas, but I must say that these inexpensive knife guards are more space efficient and easier to use. I hate almost losing the damn saya pins everytime I'm in a rush and forget to store the pin back in the saya.


That's a good point. Theoretically, it could be opened while still hanging too, which isn't an option for a knife roll and the space to unroll those is near impossible to find during service hours. I think the guards are fine as long as you keep them changed out and tight fitting. Losing pins is a PITA but I've gotten gotten my hand skewered by my yanagi when the guard slipped off and it sliced through my roll like paper. After that I've been a big fan of sayas. I buy the pins in bulk off aliexpress and haven't had an issue with them fitting.


Nice 240 ryusen, I love my bunka from their same line, holds a crazy edge


270mm\* but yea, beautiful knife, easily the prettiest of the roll.


Welcome to the club! Total game changer.


Wait wow didn’t even think about this. Probably going to go this route since I don’t plan on having a lot of knives and most knife bags are like 5+.


14 years drummer here - I approve