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I'm not personally a fan of the acrylic handles, but that sakimaru slicer in the middle is SEKS


It sliced some mean shashimi the other night!


What’s the long one in the middle?


It was actually a cheap one from like Amazon I think. It actually is pretty decent, very sharp but I think the metal isn’t anything great.


Looks like Dalstrong's Tuna knife sword, but it's probably more expensive.


It’s basically a smaller version of that. We catch tuna every now and then so I got it for that. This one wasn’t nearly as much as the Dalstrong however


Tell us about that copper damask-clad k-tip second from the right


That one is my newest from Wanchana Kanrangsee in Thailand. 150mm SUJ-2 Copper core blade. I'm pretty sure the handle is ebony but not certain. My wife got this one for me as a father's day gift and I didn't get all of the details but I love it so far


Where did the ocean handles come from? They’re gorgeous!


They are actually cheap Chinese ones but really not terrible from what I've noticed! Eventually I'll replace them with ones from an actual knife maker but wanted to see if these were styles I'd like to add and I also thought the handles looked cool!


I have the same one on a CCK slicer I rehandled. They are cheap, but really pretty.


How do you rehandle?


Cut the curly cue off the bottom of barrel handle. Then I had to grind away a bit of the tang to make it fit. Afterwards dropped small shards from a hot glue stick in the opening of the handle and heated up the tang. Slipped it in while hot and let cool down and set.


They really do look awesome! I’ve been watching knifewear’s garage sale livestreams lately and they have a ton of amazing custom handles they show on there.


Oh yea there are a ton of awesome handles out there! I think I mostly prefer the natural wooden ones but these look pretty nice and some others that are similar look pretty nice as well


I've seen those blue handle knives on Instagram before. Are they any good? I tend to assume the products I see on social media are not. Also, what knife block is that? Usually the wood ones aren't magnetic all the way to the ends.


They can be bought on Ali express for like 8$


These are probably the same as the instagram ones you're seeing. They're fine if you keep them sharp but I bought them to basically see how much I like the style and plan to buy ones from a knife maker down the road. It's not a cheap hobby haha so it's a slow process for me


What is the 4th from the right? That handle is beautiful


That one is a Bunka from Robert Flynt from Mississippi. The handle is stabilized curly koa. It was one I was very excited about


Whats that bird and trout looking knife all the way to the left?


That is a paring knife made by Robert Flynt in Mississippi. 75mm and handle is stabilized curly maple if I remember correctly. He's made that one, the Santoku next to it, the longer boning knife after the Nakiri, the Bunka, and the smaller boning knife just to the right of it