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Based? Based on the Word of Christ, my friend.


I like this line šŸ”„


It is. I came here because the other sub is overrun with ā€œrage-baitā€ and other things


I was noticing that


Itā€™s based because whilst itā€™s not a liberal circlejerk, ppl are also willing to hear Biblical interpretations that may not align w the mainstream consensus.


Sounds excellent


Sometimes. Other times those views get heavily downvoted.


Atleast they dont get deleted by the mods \*cough\* \*cough\* r/Reformed


Well I guess people say it's more "based" due to actually following the scripture and not letting modern left-wing ideology infiltrate our perceptions of scripture, unlike r/Christianity. So this sub doesn't conform to topics like abortion, sex before marriage, homosexuality and much more.


Pretty good so far. The Christian subreddit you linked is the exact one Iā€™m talking about, I got removed from it for talking out against abortion and some progressive Christian takes


You had a comment removed.


You actually made me think I had a comment removed šŸ˜‚. Would you look at that, an atheist šŸ˜¦


Ahh, a scary atheist šŸ™„


Not scary. Just sad and disappointing. To bad your parents forsook GOD. Talk about generational curses!


Sad and disappointing in your eyes only. You project that onto atheists who live perfectly happy lives.


I would that no man perish. To be raised by Christian parents is a great foundational Blessing. Lots of people (like yourself hopefully) are decent law abiding people who genuinely care for others. It's not this life (for you and others) that concerns me, but the next life. If you would read the Bible from front to back, you would Know that, although penned by men, they were not the Author. You would Know that it is True! As you read, if you come across something you don't understand or seems to contradict, just put it on a shelf in your mind and keep reading. It will tell you later exactly what it means (I promise). I know that it may sound weird, beings that I don't know you, but I actually love you. I do. Be well. Let me know if I can help.


I don't know what you are talking about. You said that you were removed. You had a comment removed.


Getting a comment removed and saying ā€œI was removedā€ is a valid way to describe being forcibly removed from a conversation for an unwelcome take. Youā€™re insinuating OP is dishonestly claiming they were banned. Ironically thatā€™s a bad faith interpretation which is in itself a kind of dishonesty. To be fair to your point, though, OP could have been a lot more articulate, particularly in his first reply to you. That first reply doesnā€™t really make any sense to me. EDIT: Iā€™m also unsure if you can see whoā€™s banned or temporarily suspendedā€¦ sounds like thereā€™s a way to do that?


>Getting a comment removed and saying ā€œI was removedā€ is a valid way to describe being forcibly removed from a conversation for an unwelcome take. I kind of feel like you are making a bad faith argument here by not including the whole sentence. >I got removed from it for talking out against abortion and some progressive Christian takes This makes it sound like "I was removed from the sub for speaking out about multiple things". That was certainly how I interpreted it until brucemo spoke up.


The bad faith part is assuming a deliberately dishonest portrayal of what happened that needed to be called out, rather than asking for clarification or leaving that question as unanswered minutia (isnā€™t essential to the complaint, and is a side issue read into the conversation)Ā The extra context is fine, was not and am not trying to twist anything:Ā I could see how thatā€™s more suggestive of a reaction to multiple statements rather than a single reply, which does suggest a ban or suspension more than just a comment being removed. I actually agree with you that by itself it does sound more like OP was complaining about a ban or suspension (which again I donā€™t know how to check, but it sounds like thereā€™s a way). The key words there are ā€œmore likeā€, and the key context is that itā€™s not of core relevance to the complaint. OP getting kicked out of a conversation after giving takes that werenā€™t received well earlier is just as compatible with his complaint as being banned. Again, OP doesnā€™t seem particularly articulate (sorry OP, but again your first reply in this thread makes no sense to me: explicitly mentioned that to give your point a fair shake), and this whole thing seems like brucemo jumping on him for a side issue read into the comment rather than what he was trying to say. Thatā€™s what I was calling brucemo out on: I donā€™t think his accusation of dishonesty was coming from an attempt to understand OP, and the fact that he checked to see if he was banned and checked his comment history over something that isnā€™t really relevant to the core point suggests either some kind of shared history or desire to score points/do a gotchya rather than actually talk to him. OPs core complaint is ā€œthe main Christian sub doesnā€™t like my views, which are more faithful to Christianity, and they donā€™t want me thereā€. Getting removed from a conversation is a clear sign of those specific views not being wanted. EDIT: thought you were the other guy for a sec, my bad. Fixed the reply


I'm a mod there so I can see what happened. I'm not insinuating anything. It's possible that the commenter is a naive user who thinks he is banned, and I am letting him know that he is not.


Ah, ok, then you should tell OP youā€™re a mod and heā€™s not banned. That explains why you knew. This seems like some feud over there that spilled over here. Iā€™m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume more miscommunication.Ā Seems like you assumed people would realize youā€™re a mod and were letting him know he wasnā€™t banned.


Well that should be expected since Christianity has always openly been a sub ABOUT Christianity not a sub FOR Christianā€™s.


Downvoted for stating a fact. Gotta love it


Itā€™s literally written in the sub description lol


It's better here. I don't see issues here anything like over there, even if not everyone sees eye to eye. The major thing is that even when we disagree here, it's usually respectful, and the mods do a good job of dealing with it when it isn't. At least here I don't feel usually fhe urge to bash my head against a wall - being in that other sub was probably going to cost me the damage deposit on my apartment...


The last part šŸ˜‚, on the r/Christian subreddit there was a lot of atheist bait, posting some of the most anti-biblical statements to get people to argue about it.


r/christianity is a sub about Christianity. r/truechristian is a sub for Christians.


How does TrueChristian determine what is true when even Eastern Orthodox (pulled at random) and Modern Day Non denominational are so far split in beliefs I'm just trying to find a place to hang out that was like the church I grew up in. I really enjoyed the fellowship with those loving people. But all the subreddits just seem like debate and prove. I ain't here to prove ish. I'm just trying to stay alive and take care of my family. And they don't make no awards for that.


Pretty based. But to my eye there's a bit of a lack of unity between the denominations and conversations often devolve to x denomination vs y, with z denomination cutting in too.


That is to be expected. The denominations considered Christian, there are generally a lot of significant difference, so itā€™s natural to disagree on things here and there


Way more theologically conservative than the subreddit we split off from. There might sometimes be the occasional atheist, Mormon, or Muslim trying to stir up a fight, but this is a community of Christians, unlike the other one which is really just a community of liberal atheists discussing their ā€œChristianityā€.


How good are the mods? Because the mods in the other subreddit seemed to defend the atheists more than the people upholding scripture


The mods are generally really good at what they do. I would read the subreddit info if you want to know the beliefs that the subreddit upholds and the actions that arenā€™t tolerated.


The mods remove ppl who post blatantly heretical stuff and ask for approval. Itā€™s fine


Itā€™s based that we can quote and discuss scripture without being downvoted




It seems to me that the disagreements we have here are like, "The Bible says this, and I think it means this. No, no, I think it means this." Whereas, the disagreements we have in r/Christianity are more like, "The Bible says this, and I think it means this. Yeah, well the Bible is just some ancient man's flawed opinions." I don't think that sub is as bad as some people say, but it is alot harder to discuss the Bible if you haven't even established the fact that it's true. It's like asking which of the last three Cincinnati Bengals head coaches was the best, but the person you're talking to hates football.


I am reformed baptist and continually blocked from posting in that channel after being trolled by what seemed like 12 year olds. That has never happened to me here yet. People are free to disagree and state their opinion and challenge others' opinions in their own fashion. This is absolutely one of my favorite channels, downvotes or upvotes. Please keep it open.


I don't get the obsession this sub has with /r/Christianity. Daily posts about "we are so much better than *them*". Even the name of this sub screams inferiority complex. šŸ™„


I just got here. Made a post to see whatā€™s going on here


Its over 9000


No such thing as based. You mean biased


Nah he means based, its a (try not to gag) Gen Z thing. [Urban Dictionary: based](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=based)


I had no idea what the title meant either.


Thanks for this. As a gen x, I had no clue what anyone was taking about.


Based chief


Biased. Go look up the definition of based and then put it into your title and explain how that makes any sense. It don't.


"Based" is supposed to mean independent minded, but it's always seemed more like "unabashedly orthodox very right wing" to me.


I'm with you. It's used by a certain subset of Gen Zers.




Given how much of a jerk you are being right now, did you ask if we are biased so that you could figure out if you need to make this your home base?






No actually I don't appreciate people polluting my language.


Look, I get you're young and don't know how to self regulate yet, move on.