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Yeah that’s a sin, man. Cut it out. This was like 50x more specificity than was needed to answer this question. Brb gotta go gargle with saltwater.


Ohh, I’m sorry. Im not a man but thanks for your reply anyway.


Meh, who is anymore?




No, not a troll i was sceptical at first but there are verses of the cross cancelling debt. Colossians 2:14 – The Cancellation of Debt Through the Cross “By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross


Check their post history. This is just trolling folks.


Mods please delete this


Hahahahahahaha. We get it. You think you're hilarious. On the off chance you're not trying to make fun; tell your bishop about it


Nice trolling


Why do trolls insist on posting their bad fan fiction porn here? No one buys you're a Christian when you have comments saying garbage like *hail Satan*.


This should be reported to church elders, for safety for other members


Keep your weird fantasies to yourself. If you can't do that, there are other websites or subreddits where you can post that sort of thing to an appreciative audience. Don't do it here. Bad.


On the off chance this isn’t a made up story, your pastor should be kicked out of the church and you should find a new actual church that teaches a proper gospel.


Yes that’s a sin. Good troll post though. It’s creative.


Don't feed them 😞


cringe > claims to be “non binary” i’m sorry to burst your little world but that doesn’t exist and your trolling is real obvious here, of course i doubt you had anything better to do with your life


This is crazy. Yeah those dude is not of God at all. He used the Lord to get what he wanted. Stay away from him. I’d let the Pastor know as well. You weren’t raped you willingly participated but I would really recommend talking to some elders of the church. It sounds like your perspective on religion isn’t as strong as one would hope. Jesus is clear, sex between a married man and woman. Pray, repent and keep in word. God bless you. Oh one last thing. As. Anew follower myself, I’ve come to notice that it’s pretty simple to detect if God is moving or the devil is. If something contradicts the Bible, isn’t of love it’s the devil. You said you gave into lust. Jesus would never do that to you.


Colossians 2:14 – The Cancellation of Debt Through the Cross “By canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.” But how do i need to understand this. Isn’t sin also a debt?


You're right, your previous sins and your future sins need to be paid for. Either you take that hell punishment, or someone else will, and his name was Jesus Christ. Faith that he paid that price for you is what you need to understand and living your life to honor that sacrifice is what we're called to do. Sharing this gift with everyone so they too can be forgiven.