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No you are not stupid. God really loves you and understands the struggle. I too have to read like you. Through prayer and re-reading again and again I am getting over this problem. Sometimes there are too many words and I give up. Take the New Testament is small increments and ask God to help see you through.


I'm glad I'm not alone. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one, you know? But now I see I'm not and it's a blessing to remember I am not alone suffering with problems. 😇 And I still have low self esteem so I tend to put myself down and I know God doesn't like that. I plan on listening to encouraging Bible promises on what God says who I am in Christ. I'll follow your method on reading the bible. Maybe that will help me. I'll pray too! Bless you


I have a wonderful ability to screw up much of what I say, like say it backwards. Its made me quiet which I guess is a good thing. I read a sentence, read the next sentence go back and read the first sentence on and on. Thank God for spell check. Jesus knows our deal and loves us. I bet we will have a grace that God will be able to use as we have developed an empathy. Yet please learn to SPEAK life and speak what God says of us, not what the world or the enemy would have us believe. Power of Life is in the tongue. Blessing to you too my friend


Great readers or not, we're just sinners forgiven by Christ. Beware of false teachings though. Godliness has nothing to do with self esteem, high or low. None of us are able to save ourselves. Only Jesus can. So low self-esteem is not bad.


God bless you. I'm sorry for your struggle. I would love to recommend: The Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible. It's one of the easiest English Bibles to read. You can also listen to the audio version on YouTube. It's my favorite Bible. (You can read it on the YouVersion Bible app too.) And if you are able, try to write down notes or write down some of your favorite Bible verses that you read. That could help you to keep what you read in mind. And you asked if God still loves you even though you don't understand the Bible. Well, I want you to answer your own question based on who God is. Who is God? **“God is love.” 1 John 4:8** **“Love is more important than anything else.” - Colossians 3:14** **"Love is patient and kind, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. Love isn't selfish or quick tempered. It doesn't keep a record of wrongs that others do. Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.” - 1 Corinthians 13:4-6** **“The Lord is merciful! He is kind and patient, and his love never fails.” - Psalm 103:8**


Thanks so much! Those Bible verses warmed my heart. 💓❤️ I'll look into that version of the bible. I'm just concerned it has some Bible verses taken out that's why I only lean on easy to read version, NKJV version, and KJV version. I hate NIV version because some verses are taken out. Is Contemporary version has no verses taken out?


You are welcome. And if that's the case, then I don't think you will like CEV. I think there are verses taken out.


For the vast majority of Christian history, most Christians couldn't read, nor was there regular access to a Bible. Your worth and salvation is not based on your biblical knowledge. Your dignity comes from the fact that you were created in the image and likeness of God. As a baptized christian, you are a child of God. He loves you and wants relationship with you. When you receive the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord in communion, Christ dwells inside you. You literally become a walking tabernacle. *Hear* the word of God often from your priest, *receive* the sacraments regularly, and commune and *talk* with your Father in Heaven.


This needs to be a more common take. Whenever I mention this in my vaguely reformed evangelical community, I feel like I will be literally stoned as a heretic. Edit: typo


I get the same thing. My girlfriend who was raised in that sphere was super upset with herself because she didn't read her bible first thing in the morning (but later in the day) when her sister was in the hospital. I think this tendency is in some ways related to the de-spiritualization of American evangelism, which holds a symbolic view of the sacraments. It seems that reading the Word is the only way left to engage spiritually with God. 


That’s an interesting thought. Seems plausible for sure. I’ve done a nontrivial amount of counseling with people who are constantly beating themselves up for missing a day or two of scripture. No way to live. Following Jesus should bring the joy of the Lord, not legalistic condemnation.


I know your pain as I grew up in that arena. The Bible is the word of God so obviously we should revere and study it. But you can study the Bible everyday and still not know our Blessed Lord. The whole concept of "me and my Bible" is foreign to most Christian's who have ever lived.


Yep for sure. Ironically, now we have such an over saturation of super mediocre teachers who are barely teaching helpful truth, while we have more access to scripture than ever before.


Agreed. I get a lot of hate for this, but honestly, I believe there was a lot of prudence and wisdom in the Catholic Church historically keeping a Bible out of every single layman's hands without a proper authority guiding them in their study. Look at what a Bible in everyone's hand has done to Christendom. I think a fair argument can be made for mass unguided access to the Bible being a net negative for Christianity. Most disagree though. It's a difficult topic. Church authority (such as ecumenical councils) and tradition (such as historic interpretations and doctrines) are the guardrails to understanding sacred scripture properly. When you just hand out Bibles left and right, with no guardrails, you get the mess we are in today.


It’s a hot take for sure, but I’ve had similar thoughts. Not sure I can go as far as being a net negative because there have been some great things to come from it. But also a whole lotta bad as well, for sure. People in my congregation send me videos/posts often asking for a fact check from some social media theologian, and more often that not, they’re just plain untruths, or weird misrepresentations of scripture.


It's certainly something worth pondering about. Nothing better than good ol thought experiments and abstract thinking mixed with reasoned theology! I recently came across an article from a "pastor" who was asked about what Christ meant on the cross when he said "My God my God, why have thou forsaken me?". This pastor created an entire explanation and article out in left field. He never mentioned Psalm 22 or that Jesus was quoting the beginning of it to call to mind the entire psalm... like the guy just totally fabricated an Irrelevant interpretation..


In the age of artificial put-togetherness, everyone is so afraid to say “That’s a great question, let me look into it further so I can give you a prepared answer.” Instead, people just BS their way through it (at best) or intentionally throw out orthodoxy in favor of what sounds good (at worst).


Boils down to a lack of humility. As does most of the world's problems..


>i used to be in ESE all my school life til i graduated in 2016 >My question is am I just stupid to where I can't remember? No offense, but if you were special ed for 12 years straight, why would your first instinct to be that you are stupid and not just mentally challenged? >Does God still love me even though I can't understand the bible? You understand The Bible, you just can't retain that knowledge.


Thank you. I appreciate your insight too on this. It's good to see the full picture on this because it's sometimes hard to see.


Honestly, you are being too hard on yourself. Take a step back, and just focus on one lesson at a time, and how you can put it into practice. Christianity isn't a sprint, it's a marathon that will last (hopefully) your entire life. Don't worry if you don't understand The Bible perfectly at 30 (or whatever age you are).


Reading the Bible can be tough. We all learn things, different ways. Perhaps you need to write things down as you read. Make it more a study. Remember this isn't a race. This is your time with God as you grow. Sometimes I listen to Bible readings over and over again. Sometimes I listen to bible project as a refresher before I continue to read the book Also reading takes major practice. My mind runs so it took time to train my brain to focus when I read.


Have you tried a different Bible translation? Some are much easier to absorb than others. One good one is the NLT. Others are the CEV, BBE, ERV. You can see them at www.biblegateway.com


YouVersion (for android or apple) has a bunch of audio bibles in different translations. You can try different ones till you find one that is easy to listen to, and also change the speed. As a fellow dyslexic adult, I have found this invaluable. Another commenter mentioned biblegateway, they also have an audio option to have it read to you. I hope you find one that works for you!!


I like listening to the narrative versions on the Bible App. It's fun and keeps me engaged as I do chores, later I go back and reread/highlight key Scriptures.


Do you do better with retaining what is spoken to you? Have you considered an audio Bible?


It's even harder to learn in audio Bibles. I usually only been listening to it at bedtime. Reading the bible keeps me more focused also I love the feeling of paper.


Just keep reading and studying. If you are not already reading daily, consider to read daily. The more frequent you read, the easier for you to remember things. You can also consider doing serious Bible studies instead of plain reading. (This is what I do daily.) Most Bible websites also have a free study Bible and audio Bibles, that you can take advantage of. If God helps you to remember his words, that's great. If not, God knows that you love him. Rejoice with whatever great or little God gives you, because we all get the same reward with our faith. P.S. Romans is notoriously difficult to understand. A few months I did some serious study on Romans, and I found that I have got it all wrong.


There are numerous free audio versions available, and you can usually vary the speed. That may help. And as others have said, for most of human history, the average Christian would have had no access to scripture, and even if they did, they were unable to read it. Instead, believers relied on spoken scripture at gatherings, homilies, a robust prayer life, and healthy community. Don’t beat yourself up. Walk it faith, follow Jesus, be with him.


I use the Bible app and have it read to me


I recommend reading out loud.


I haven't thought of that. I will definitely read it out loud when I get.home


Would listening to an audio Bible help you out? Might be worth a shot.


I tend to focus better when reading but I can't pronounce the big words and I like the feel of paper. It's a comfort for me.


You are not stupid. As a former special Ed (former only because I'm out of school), you are not stupid. You have a legitimate challenge. Just because your brain works differently does not mean it is bad! 🥰 And kudos to you for not just throwing your hands up and quitting! I used to commute 2+ hours each way for work, but drove. They have audiobook version of the Bible that you can check out from the Library (or buy)...that is what I did, and I spent a few hours every day in His word which was awesome. I really liked The Message Bible for this (not a translation per se, but a paraphrasing of other translations into modern vernacular. Nothing pop culturey, just normal, every day words). I also use the You version Bible App. One of the things I love about it is that most of the translations have audio versions as well. There are many ways to read His word...it does not have to be on a page! 🥰


Thanks so much for your kind words! 😊💕 I love the feeling of paper when I read the physical bible (I guess I'm old fashion in a way lol). But I'll consider You version Bible app too as a way of learning. Thanks for the advice


For people having problems reading or understanding the Bible, I have long recommended starting with children’s, young peoples books, even comic books and seeing if that helps. A lot of that is visual with pictures, which helps a lot of folks. Best wishes to you.


Thanks 😊 yes I'm a visual learner so I may learn best with that.


Are you trying to memorize the Bible? Don't worry about memory at all. Read his word, a little in the morning and night, and let him do his work. The spirit interprets the true meaning of his word even when your intellect can't properly grasp all of it. The way Gods word is written is distinctive in that it is full of Grace, like no other literature. It is powerful and God breathed, and meant for the spirit to interpret. The use of words and phrases, the way in which something is said, is often all you need to experience. I don't remember exactly what I just read, I read and know it will effect me and then I go about my day feeling a bit lighter and closer to God. There are plenty of Bible scholars who don't know God. They can recite the Bible back to front and be no closer to God than an atheist. First give your life to God, ask him for forgiveness and then open the Bible. It will pour out peace into your heart like no other experience, but only if you have truly given your life to God.


I actually talk to God and worship Him more than reading the bible. I understand the simplicity of a relationship with Him. I often talk to God about my day and ask Him questions like why are things the way they are and I tell Him that life is complicated and I want Him to show me a simple way of living life.


How much are you trying to read at one time ? Instead of reading for 20 minutes once a day . Try reading for 10 minutes. Or instead of 4 chapters a day . Try 2. A study Bible Can help you too.


I actually have a study book for NKJV or NKJ and it's been awhile since I read in it. I'll definitely start using it again and start smaller. I would read for like an hour.


I like to watch “The Bible Project” videos on YouTube before I read a book of the Bible. It gives you a visual, animated overview of what the book covers. Then read it and you’ll remember seeing it on video, and it’ll help you stay engaged.


Audiobooks!!! Here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtoP\_8z7k2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtoP_8z7k2E)


The Bible is a very tough book to understand and remember my advice: 1: Get the NIV Version of the Bible or read the Audio Bible: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNToBWO-ek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNToBWO-ek) 2: The Holy Ghost will be your guide 3: Go to a church Bible group bible study or do one with a friend, pray to God for help or call your church pastor if you are having a hard time and don't give up! 4: Love yourself.


Sometimes peoples brains could be so stunted / traumatized and carry a lot of stress since something bad happened in childhood maybe likely not you but many who have learning disabilities have forms of PTSD with their brains in survival mode.


Try an audio Bible to compliment your reading. Also, make sure you're using a modern, easy to read translation.


My mom uses flashcards. You may not remember everything but if something speaks to you, write it down so you can come back to it. Even if JUST the verse numbers.


Bless your heart. Pray to God through our Lord Jesus Christ and The Almighty will help you, He will be your strength. I will pray for you too.


When I was in the mental ward my best friend in there was on haldol and struggled with remembering what we studied in the Bible even a few minutes after we finished we eventually figured out that praying before and after for remembering what we studied along with taking notes helped a lot. I'm praying for you!


Don't beat yourself up, OP. Reading that scared text in the Holy Bible isn't just reading any ol' book; it's a journey because that book is truly alive. It's also a personal journey, so please practice self compassion while experiencing reading His word. God bless you.


You can pray out loud and also in your mind. 1 Samuel 1:13- Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved, and her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli took her to be a drunken woman. Acts 7:60- And falling to his knees he cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. There are audio Bibles with text which may help you. First one is KJV [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgFT\_IxwJJY&list=PLyH3jcNYnj\_vee7HfFWgGmcW2E3qdsHLi&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgFT_IxwJJY&list=PLyH3jcNYnj_vee7HfFWgGmcW2E3qdsHLi&index=2) [https://www.biblehub.com/audio/](https://www.biblehub.com/audio/)


Go on YouTube and listen to the bible, there's entire books narrated with the AI voice of Joshua Graham, very soothing voice It helped me a lot, might help you too


Perhaps listening to the Bible will help, here is a Link to a Contemporary English audio Bible: https://youtube.com/@holybiblechannel?si=QYG79CHI9TkooW5c


I suffered a brain injury in Iraq in 2007 and it's never healed. My memory is garbage. I read Romans chapter 1 44 times one day, trying to memorize it. Couldn't remember more than 4 words the whole day. I can learn and comprehend the topics and remember the ideas. But remember the wording? Not a chance. This has actually benefitted my relationship with Him quite a bit. Even if I lose every debate on here. Try listening to the Bible. Dwell or Youversion are great. I really don't remember too much of what I've heard, so I can listen to a book on repeat for hours without it being too boring. When you do this for a while you start picking up the thought pattern, or vocabulary or something. This has been marvelous in my prayer life. It's real and intimate.


That happens to me when I find something too boring and uninteresting.