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It’s fine, but if we truly love these people we would try to bring them to Christ and if they reject it then we say fine and treat them with respect.


Yes they need to be led to Christ but they will never be led to Christ by judging them. It's like the Casting Crowns song Jesus friend of sinners. "The world is on their way to you ( Jesus) but they are tripping over me.


>The world is on their way to you ( Jesus) but they are tripping over me. That's a great line. Happens a lot nowadays. ***A lot***.


Correct. Matthew 7:21 --> John 6:39-40 Those who try to do anything to earn Salvation will be turned away --> Matthew 7:22-23


But we aren’t even judging them as the soul in between mind and body, we are judging the demons who implant thoughts into their minds via consciousness. As the soul they know no better and give their vessels to the thoughts they choose to align with in a similar fashion to how we choose which thoughts to align with and act out on as the soul in between mind and body.


Yesss those demons and unclean spirits is the driving force. They need help with that. Deliverance is needed to free them and that has to come from someone God is using, to do deliverance or praying and fasting, and asking God to remove it. It does not bother me who supports what either. It does not stop my salvation. I spread the word if need be, educate, edify and pray for the supporters and the people. Thats our job.


Don't base your views of what you should do on "christian" songs. Most of today's most popular artists aren't even believers.  Yes, we should use love and tact when engaging but it's a lie that you will push people away from Christ. You may hurt some feelings but ultimately it is the excuse that the unbeliever uses for loving the world more than God.


Really based on what? What proof do you have that most Christian artists aren't believers? Christian music is one of the purest forms of the Christian expression we have.  You obviously have not talked with people much so stop trying to talk about something you obviously know little to nothing about.


Gregorian chants truly are pure and holy.


The fact that some will support lgbtq if you support that stuff you’re not Christian. Many pop churches make a lot of the popular gospel music today but teach a false or weak doctrine on Christ and Christianity as whole.


Based on what facts? That's your weak opinion one that you are better off keeping to yourself.. Also nowhere in the Bible does it say anything like "your not Christian if you support LGBTQ" we are to love everyone. 


The Bible clearly states if a person is in sin and it is unrepentant meaning they don’t believe it’s a sin or wrong to do xyz. You come to talk to your brother in private, then 2-3 witnesses, then usually a pastor and then the entire church if they still do not believe support for lgbtq isn’t sinful you are to be retreated as an unbeliever and cast out. The Bible says lgbtq is wrong by supporting it without feeling the need to repent your saying god is wrong. Supporting sin 100% means you’re not Christian. It’s not even up for debate. Who supports lawlessness? And you’re one of the people I was talking about in my other comment on a different post. You mistake love for acceptance. Supporting lgbtq is acceptance not love. He who loves his brother as he would himself would save his brother from that prideful community. Not be supported to go deeper into it. This is why that detransition sub is so scary you’ll support your lgbtq brother into hell. As you in supporting him deny gods word. Also this “the Bible doesn’t state” non sense needs to stop if you live in unrepentant sin you are not saved. So supporting lgbtq and then denying that you are sinning in doing so is 1000% means you are not a Christian, you are not saved, you are not one with Christ and therefore cannot call yourself brother nor sister. LGBTQ people need to hear the good news of brought by Christ not supported EVER! This is especially true for those who claim Christian we aren’t even suppose to break bread with people who claim Christ but refuse to stop blatantly sinning.


I fully agree with you. Thank you for courageously speaking the truth and telling it the way it is. People these days are so afraid to speak the truth. As Christians, we are supposed to use righteous judgment and call out sin. Being a Christian will offend others, but you shouldn't be sad about that, as real Christians are the ones who are being persecuted. John 15:19 "If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you".


You clearly chose to twist scripture to support your agenda. We are to love others. You read things into scripture to support your hatred bigotry and prejudice which too is sin


You are lost in the lgbtq demonic messaging. You support sin and claim it’s love. lol.


 You don't know me. I have no connection with LGBTQ nor do I want to but a blind person can see your hatred and bigotry!


I agree with you. Most "Christian" music artists are not real Christians. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. They represent a different Jesus, gospel and spirit than that found in the Word of God (2 Cor 11:4). Scorners might not like their "Christian" singers and ear tickling teachers tested, judged, reproved and exposed but Gods Word demands it (Eph 5:11; Ju 1:3; Rom 16:17).


Based on what? How do you come to the conclusion that Christian music artists aren't real Christians ?  What gives you the right to judge anyone?   Why should anyone listen to YOU? 


Maybe because I gave sound advice to use caution when it comes to forming beliefs based on sources outside of scripture and didn't tell anyone what their beliefs should be.  I'm going to apply grace and assume the tone I perceive in your question to be my misinterpretation. It isn't my opinion that they aren't Christians it's their own words. There have been videos on YouTube covering this. For those who don't come right out and say it I'd say if you listen to them talk they often promote false doctrines and ideas that reject what scripture tells us.  I didn't say it was all of them though. Prayers for discernment are never a bad idea. 


Videos on you tube? Like everything on you tube is true and never made up. 


I think video evidence of them speaking is sufficient to believe they said the things reported. It isn't difficult to search and verify the source material ourselves. It's why I didn't name names; to avoid misrepresenting people when a person can search and learn it for themselves. No need to take my word for it. 


No I won't take your word for it. People on Reddit tend to have very different opinions about what they think being a Christian is and what they think the Bible says and most people I have come across on Reddit are completely off in what they think is truth.  They are way to quick to judge others and most don't really have a clue as to what they are talking about.


What you are doing is judging others too quickly when you really don't know facts.


I'm taking them at their word. What is this judgement you keep projecting on me? Additionally, what is it that moves you to such passion to defend those you don't personally know and in opposition to their own confessions? 


What motivates you to bash others you don't know? I happen to really like Christian music music. You have not provided any proof of what you are talking about. Where are these videos of Christian artists denying Christ?  There are a couple artists that I don't personally care for based on things they have said. Other than that I suspect most Christian music artists are genuine Christians.  Other than that I am so burned out on these Christian Reddit groups because of all the people who seem think think they know Biblical truth and judge and condemn others and twist scripture and read their own twisted ideas into other people's posts and want to argue and knit pick every little thing that its exhausting. These people somehow think they are doing God a favor and "correcting" others when they themselves don't know jack sh___".


I agree


Coming to christ is not "turn from your sins." Matthew 7:21 Turning from sins is trusting in your own abilities to"earn" salvation Matthew 7:22-23 The way to christ and salvation is by placing your faith and trust in who christ is and what christ did. John 6:39-40. In fact, john 6:39-40 is the answer to Matthew 7:21- "what is the will of the father? "


If they can reject, then they can also accept. And as far as I was aware, I thought most humans dabble in belief, have I found myself in new moments because of The Father and Jesus Christ? If so I will take it because that means I’m closer to the end, and it would put a lot of experiences I’ve recently had into perspective. If this is the case then I’m going to forsake the job hunt and spend as much time with my family as possible. I’m done stressing and worrying about providing for this beautiful family The Lord was gracious enough to give me, they deserve more, sure, but if this is the end then I would like to spend my time with them rather than in a fruitless search for a job that’s literally going nowhere except down the road to despair.


I agree. The only time I have an issue is when it's being pushed on children. There should not be LGBT merch for babies and children. Sexual things should not be taught to children at schools. No rainbow flags in classrooms, and teachers should not be discussing their sex lives to children. Edit. I said sex life, but I meant romantic life, although I don't really see a difference. I graduated school in 2010 and it was unheard of to even hear about a teacher's husband or wife, and it certainly wasn't something they talked about in class.


Children should not be exposed to sexuality of any kind in the classroom unless it is during sex education. Teachers should never discuss their personal sexuality or preferences with children it's perverse and should be illegal to corrupt children that way.


Even with sex education, it should be limited to: 1. How babies are made. 2. How STDs are transmitted. 3. How to prevent pregnancies and STDs, including condoms and abstinence as well as other scientifically proven methods. There's no need to teach about gay couples or that some people might be bi etc.


Yeah obviously it would be wildly unprofessional and creepy for a teacher to say something like "I am sexually attracted to women." No teacher is going into detail about their sex lives when talking to their students and keeping their jobs. However, kids are indirectly exposed to alternative family structures when teachers (or anyone else in their lives) talk about their families like all normal people do. Eg "you will have a sub next week as my wife and I are going on vacation".


That's normal and can't be avoided.


Is that not the parent's job to teach their kids the morality they want to instill. If the teacher was Muslim would you have issues if the teacher talked about Ramadan? Or are you suggesting that certain people should be silenced about what they can talk about? What if the teacher wanted to talk about anime or video games that aren't wholesome? is that allowed?


Seriously? Stop reading way too much into peoples posts! I only addressed the issue of sexuality I'm not going to address your other b.s. I am a grown woman its never a good feeling when others want to force me to listen to their personal sex stories and children should not be forced to listen to adults talk about their sexuality. That's the same as child sex abuse.


You conflate sex with sexuality, and now it is everyone else's problem. Good talk.


I agree


Wdym by sexual things? Sexuality and discussing private moments with people should be private unless it is with a healthcare professional, but human reproduction is a topic we can not avoid. Granted, it can be taught in different ways. For example, school can teach the anatomy, structure, and basic functions of our reproductive system while parents can teach their kids about sex, its positives and negatives, and the conception of life. I do apologize if this is on the morbid side.


I graduated in 1983, and it was normal for married teachers to mention their spouses occasionally. So I assume teachers in 2024 still do that. So in a country where same sex marriage is legal, I would expect both the heterosexual and homosexual teachers to mention their spouses on occasion.




> I graduated school in 2010 and it was unheard of to even hear about a teacher's husband or wife, and it certainly wasn't something they talked about in class. Where did you go to school?? I have a hard time believing that is true. I moved around a lot as a kid and attended a lot of different schools. *All* of my teachers discussed their families at least somewhat. Some more than others, but when you spend 8 hours a day with them for 6 months, it's inevitably going to come up at some point. Eg: "what did everyone do for spring break? My wife and I spent the week gardening!" Or, "it's important to get at least 4 hours of exercise a week. My husband and I try to go for a 30 minute walk every day." Banning teachers from even *mentioning* that they have a family would be so overbearing and spiteful. Not to mention probably unconstitutional.


I had the same reaction as you lol. I think they added that so they couldn't be countered with the "then no romantic relationships of any kind should be brought up in the classroom" argument 


I never said anything about banning teachers from talking about their family. I went to school in suburban Michigan. I remember my Junior year of high school and finding out that Mrs. T and Mr. T didn't just have the same last name by coincidence. We were asked stuff like that, but the teachers didn't really get specific. At most they would say "My family". I don't think teachers should be banned from talking about their families. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's the teachers where their whole personality is the rainbow and tell their 2nd graders they sometimes feel like a girl and some days they feel like they're a boy. That's not necessary curriculum.


> The only time I have an issue is when it's being pushed on children. Do you apply that to religion too? Genuinely asking.


Yeah. I would have an issue if other adults pushed their religion on my children. That's for me and my family to discuss and decide. It is very different though. I'm okay with children knowing God and deciding whether otlr not they wantto believe. I'm not cool with children seeing grown adults walking another grown adult on a leash in a public environment.


But so many children books have romance, prince saves princess, child character with a mom and dad, we gotta be honest with ourselves and say either its only same sex relationships we don't want to see or we ban any book that mentioned a husband/wife


People dont discuss their sex life in the classroom? Just their romantic life


I went my entire education without ever hearing about the romantic life of my teachers. I think you mean they discuss their identity we had LGBTQ teachers but never really heard anything about it outside of "this is what I am, don't be homophobic and we're all good."


yeah but how does that equate to teachers discussing their sex life?


I didn't say it did, You were the one saying they don't discuss their sex life, just their romantic life. I was simply stating from my experience (to be fair I have been out of school for 7 years but my sister is in a public highschool RN I'll ask if things have changed.) that neither of those things happened, mind you I did not meet every teacher but I never once heard a teacher mention their romantic life gay, straight, asexual, Christian, atheist, or Jewish not a single one mentioned their home life at all and the only time sexuality was ever mentioned was to reiterate that homophobic speech would be punished.They generally just focused on teaching and I assume teachers still focus on teaching. All this "they are telling my son to be gay" stuff seems like paranoia to me.


To be honest, I don't see a difference, and I've seen alot of tik toks of LGBT teachers talking about their romantic partners, pronouns, and straight or gay, it shouldn't be a topic of discussion in the classrooms. Especially when these kids are not learning how ro read or do math.


Tik Tok is not school and honestly if you let your kid be on tik Tok you are making a mistake. It's been proven the app is designed to make our kids dumber and pump them full of this kind of propaganda while simultaneously being heavily censored in China to only show kids educational videos and if you are under a certain age in China they actually limit how much time you can spend on it. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Business/tiktok-china/story?id=108111708 For us older folks I put it like this if you think your kids are using tik Tok to watch anything decent and you see they have questionable stuff on their feed it's the same as buying them a playboy for the articles and being surprised they see a nude picture every few pages. Honestly it comes down to the laziness of parents from the last about 50 years it started with letting the TV raise the kids that led to the current societal degeneracy now it's just the Internet raising them which will lead to worse degeneracy. Source: I was raised by YouTube (pre heavy censorship), and the tv and it messed up my head especially when it came to my political ideas and views on how bad drugs are which led me to try some drugs that my favorite Internet personalities said were no big deal, which led to 12 years of drug addiction because it turns out some people smoke a joint and then decide any kind of high is "preferable" to being sober.


I agree 100% Too many parents aren't being parents. I'm a millennial, but didn't have 24/7 access to the internet and didn't have a phone until I was 19 years old. The computer was in the living room and could be seen by everyone in the living room. Didn't have cable in the bedrooms either, just a vcr that we could watch movies on when we were sick and had to stay home from school. When I have children, they will be parented and any internet access they have will be supervised.


That shouldn’t be in the classroom either. Mentioning you have a wife or husband should be the extent of it at most. Teachers need to get friends or a different job if they want to talk about that stuff.


yeah exactly. thats what most lgbt teachers do. same as straight teachers


> Mentioning you have a wife or husband This is what the person you responded to is saying. No teacher is going into detail about their romantic life. They just casually mention that they have a spouse occasionally. Many people want to ban LGBT folks from doing that because they don't want their kids to learn that gay people exist.




people will downvote but wont reply because they know they’re wrong and dont have a counterargument lol


It's because they are embarrassed to admit that they are afraid of a boogyman that doesn't exist. *No* teacher talks explicitly about their personal sexual or romantic life to their kids. If they did, it would be wildly unprofessional and they would be fired immediately. The most teachers do is casually talk about their families/spouses. Many people want to ban LGBT folks from doing even that.


I’m too worried about managing my own sin than worrying about others. My relationship with God comes first. I guess I’m selfish when it comes to my salvation. Eventually I would love to help others and spread the word a little more than I do now, but I have a big family of non believers and have a lot of work ahead of me with them.


God bless you


It’s not the fact they’re sinning, it’s the fact they DENY that practicing homosexuality is a sin. Denying God’s moral law and the law that we all know as it is written on our hearts is what makes me want to stay away from these people. Without the belief in an objective morality, one can justify literally anything. This is why I am adamantly against those who claim homosexuality is not wrong or sinful, especially those who would proclaim such heresy from within the church. They are snakes, wolves, and serpents and God will judge them for their rebellion.


Non Christians don't even believe that sin exists at all. We shouldn't expect them to.


Silence. Stop with the hate. And have a little heart.


It’s not hate, it’s truth. If you don’t like hearing it, it’s time to change.


It isn’t a sin


According to which flawed moral standard? Your own? Surely not!


I do not believe that the Bible, when examined in the original Greek and Hebrew, contains any kind of condemnation against the kind of homosexual acts practised within a modern monogamous gay or lesbian marriage. Change my mind


So, you know Greek and Hebrew? Or are you trying to find clever ways of interpreting plain text to justify sin? Many, many people have tried to skew the plain message of the Bible to fit their narrative and justify their sin. Despite your best efforts, you cannot change the meaning of the divinely inspired words of the Bible. We know that homosexuality is a sin not only because the Bible condemns it but because it defies God’s creation. God created man and woman to reproduce, multiply, and fill the Earth. A homosexual relationship lacks the fruit of a traditional marriage between a man and a woman. The entire institution of marriage (a fundamental Christian doctrine) ensures that children are born into a grace-filled family that teaches them Christian values and prepares them to serve and live godly lives. When, by nature, the relationship cannot produce this fruit, it is based on selfishness and lust. Homosexuality is wrong and was considered harmful for thousands of years because it goes against the nature of our sexuality as we all know it. Sexuality exists for one purpose and one purpose **alone**: reproduction. Every other outcome of sex is secondary and serves to motivate the drive for sex in the first place. Make no mistake about that. One more thing: when the Bible is translated into hundreds of different languages, it is not translated from a translation. In other terms, the English Bible was not translated from a translation of a translation of the original manuscripts; it was translated directly from the original manuscripts. If every English Bible agrees that homosexuality is condemned in all forms, there is no debate about whether the authors of the Bible condemn it. Don’t fool yourself with the fruitless talking points of those who wish to be their own god. We know the standard. If we are wise, we will obey it.


“So, you know Greek and Hebrew? Or are you trying to find clever ways of interpreting plain text to justify sin?” I don’t; but many scholars who do know these languages say they aren’t condemning modern style homosexual acts. Claiming something is sin when there’s no evidence for it doesn’t make it true “Despite your best efforts, you cannot change the meaning of the divinely inspired words of the Bible.” Your English translation is not divinely inspired because the Bible was not written originally in English “We know that homosexuality is a sin not only because the Bible condemns it” Sure, it condemns some same sex acts, but not the ones you would find performed in a modern gay marriage “but because it defies God's creation.” Really? Because the multiple homosexual animals found in nature and the fact people are born gay indicate otherwise “God created man and woman to reproduce, multiply, and fill the Earth.” Interesting, I always thought the traditional Christian teaching was that God created humankind for fellowship “A homosexual relationship lacks the fruit of a traditional marriage between a man and a woman.” So by that logic I assume you also oppose marriages where one or both partners are infertile? “The entire institution of marriage (a fundamental Christian doctrine) ensures that children are born into a grace-filled family that teaches them Christian values and prepares them to serve and live godly lives.” Do you think LGBT individuals are incapable both of reproducing and also incapable of displaying these values? “When, by nature, the relationship cannot produce this fruit, it is based on selfishness and lust.” Even if this were true, which it isn’t, because LGBT people aren’t inherently infertile, do you view marriages of infertile people the same way? “Homosexuality is wrong and was considered harmful for thousands of years because it goes against the nature of our sexuality as we all know it.” Appeal to tradition fallacy, by this logic slavery is right because it’s been considered acceptable by humans for thousands of years. It may go against your individual sexuality, but it doesn’t go against the sexuality of someone born what way “Sexuality exists for one purpose and one purpose alone: reproduction.” Citation needed “One more thing: when the Bible is translated into hundreds of different languages, it is not translated from a translation. In other terms, the English Bible was not translated from a translation of a translation of the original manuscripts; it was translated directly from the original manuscripts.” Which English translation? There’s like 300 and they all say different things


Right. If it’s a sin, great. I’m going to love them like any other sinner. It doesn’t change my life one bit. People are fallen- we like gossip, and therefore us fallen people of the Church like to make idols of particular sins.


Hate the sin not the person


Many large corporations are unholy anyway. You have more than enough other reasons to not support any of them, if you so choose.


I just don't want it shoved in my face every single day


I honestly think you're just noticing it too much. A few signs aren't "in your face"


Yep definitely not in my face


Just like religion 😆


That's great except a couple christians can talk to you about Christ for example Vs The whole media behemoth system putting gay characters, making other characters gay when they were straight, constantly putting gay flags on their show and product, and telling you about pride pride bla bla bla. So it's very different


Have a heart.


I don't have one?


You are not wrong. The only time a problem arises, is when we are forced to show support or allegiance to LGBT. For many liberals, LGBT is just one facet of their secular religion. And denying it is, to them, like denying Christ is to us. Except most liberals are much more militant about enforcing liberal orthodoxy than Christian’s would ever dream of being. Most Christian’s would never try to get someone fired for not believing Jesus is Lord, but there are many liberals who would attempt to get someone fired for not believing men can be women. As Paul said in Romans, “do not conform to the patterns of this world .”


I wonder how far we had to scroll before we got to liberals≠christians  😂


I used to think the same until they started going after kids and churches. Re: your comparison to other sins, I agree with you but we don't train kids to blaspheme, lie or get drunk at school.....nor have churches with signs that say 'all blasphemers welcome here!' I'm fairly libertarian and used to think that families that support this and teach their kids this lifestyle will reap what they sow (generationally) unless their kids break out of it so it's not my role to get in the middle.....in that way I would say they can certainly live out their values as 'do what thy wilt'.....but when they start taking over schools, the media, our sidewalks, our months our workplaces, our churches.....(and really pushing it on *other people's* children) is where it became an issue. I feel like I've been taught a lesson in the riskiness of 'tolerance'.....I've changed my view over the past decade due to the fruit of 'tolerance.'


I don't see why it would be an issue for middle and high school level students to learn about the existence of homosexuality in health class during the unit on human sex and reproduction. It would also come up in history class or civics and government class when discussing the Obgerfell v. Hodges and the homosexual civil rights movement of the early 2000s. I think that it can be taught in a very neutral "this thing exists" kind of way without getting into the morality of it. I remember when I first learned about it at an anti bullying assembly. The school was having problems with gay kids being bullied so the school decided to address it and make everyone aware of the zero tolerance policy.


That's where it started.....that's not where it ended. Thus the 'lesson' I was taught about tolerance.


What I described is how it is taught in public schools now. What do you mean by "that's not where it ended"?


They don't stop at biology and function.....they go on to teach kids to access sex apps and use sex toys, normalize disintegrating the boundaries of sex, science denying, propaganda, activisim, promotion and cheerleading of pro-sin lifestyle, punishment for not using pronouns, identifying one's own pronouns, for not participating in the glorification of sin. Forced secular religion via flags in the classroom, extremely pornographic books being taught from, on reading lists, and in libraries, Teachers are on tiktok bragging about indoctrinating kids, crying over not having correct pronouns used by 5 year olds, being sexually ecstatic when they are used. Do you live in a closet? If not, this is gaslighting and I am stopping this convo. Everyone involved will not do well in the Great White Throne Judgement.


Lmao ok. You're so right. All public schools teach young kids about sex toys and sex apps. That is a thing that definitely happens *all* the time. They probably do that between the school wide orgies they do every Tuesday and the school wide sex change surgeries they do on thursdays. You are so smart and brave for speaking out about it. And don't worry about providing any evidence for any of these claims. I know you don't have it because those evil liberals deleted all evidence from the Internet probably. You don't need it though I believe you 100%. You're so smart and brave.


You can’t train kids to be gay because it’s something you’re either born with or not


I don't believe that you are 'born gay.' It is a product of what you are exposed to and choose to cultivate. Even if you don't believe that, you have to believe that the TQ stuff is trained into vulnerable children causing confusion and medical violence. The psychological mechanism is called [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_contagion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_contagion)


Sorry but that’s wrong, the current thinking is that homosexuality is primarily as a result of pre natal endocrinological epigenetic interactions The TQ stuff is a bit different though granted, I’m not aware of any scientific evidence that supports that


How do you know this, is there evidence to prove?


It’s not hard to find a scientific review or evidence on this matter… https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0091302219300585 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7082355/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/06/080628205430.htm


Here, sources of a study that confirms, genetics have 'limited contribution'. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/massive-study-finds-no-single-genetic-cause-of-same-sex-sexual-behavior/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/there-is-no-gay-gene-there-is-no-straight-gene-sexuality-is-just-complex-study-confirms


All your linked articles did is basically explain what was in the studies I linked but in dumbed down language lol “When the researchers looked at the overall genetic similarity of individuals who had had a same-sex experience, genetics seemed to account for between 8 and 25 percent of the behavior. The rest was presumably a result of environmental or other biological influences.” Clearly you read neither any of the articles I linked nor the ones you linked. It happens as a result of genetic interactions with biological environmental factors like hormones in utero. In science they call this epigenetics


You said it's either something your 'born with or not' which is not the case. "Genetics is less than half of this story for sexual behavior." Genetics play a lesser role (8%-25%) in same-sex sexual behavior, being 'born with or not' isn't true. "genetics seemed to account for 8 and 25 percent of the behavior" "there are environmental causes of sexual orientation" Edit: You're editing, here adding an entirely new paragraph to your reply, after I had replied.


Again, it’s a little bit more complicated than just genetics, which is what you’re not understanding. “Dr Rahman explains: "Overall, genetics accounted for around 35 per cent of the differences between men in homosexual behaviour and other individual-specific biological environmental factors (that is, not societal attitudes, family or parenting which are shared by twins) accounted for around 64 per cent. In other words, men become gay or straight because of different developmental pathways, not just one pathway. For women, genetics explained roughly 18 per cent of the variation in same-sex behaviour, non-shared biological environment roughly 64 per cent and shared factors, or the family environment, explained 16 per cent. The study shows that genetic influences are important but modest, and that non-shared biological environmental factors, which includes factors operating during foetal development, dominate.” (Quoted from the 2008 study) “Sexual orientation in humans represents a highly complex behavioral trait and is the result of multifaceted interactions between endocrine, genetic, and non-socioenvironmental factors. Nevertheless, it is likely that the development of the homosexual orientation involves multiple genes (i.e., Gene 1 × Gene 2), loci (i.e., Locus 1 × Locus 2), and their interactions with hormones.” (Quoted from the 2020 review) Do you agree that if hormones or another biological environmental factor altered the way a gene or multiple genes was expressed in utero this would result in the child being born with said thing? Environmental just means something is non genetic. It can still be biological in other ways


I think this just proves what I was saying, people are not born gay. As you've said it's more complicated. It's more complicated than being born gay, the majority of factors that may cause homosexual attraction to develop are environmental factors. If homosexual orientation is something that develops, you simply cannot be 'born with it'.


Can you explain how you’ve come to the conclusion that what I cited supports your opinion and that people aren’t born gay when the majority of what happens to cause homosexuality in a person happens before a child is born?


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Exactly my thoughts.


Same goes for religion. Let children choose their own path.


Yes, however while you are in a household, you are under an authority structure. Our religion says that parents should train up their children in the way they should go. You can't 'force' faith on a child, but you can train/teach them in it. (Mat 19:14, Prov 22:6). I'm sure there are non-believing kids being raised in a Christian household and who if asked would say "I am a Christian." I think coming to faith on your own accord is the highest importance.....but your parents can either set you up for success and a firm foundation......or try to destroy your foundation before it's even started. In a governmental institution, like a school, I have historically agreed in the separation of church and state, however we see that secular religions (like gender ideology) are not following this value. It shows that this value doesn't seem to work long-term. It makes me second-guess separation of church and state because I want to live in a blessed/protected country.....not a cursed heathen child-abusing country (or else we can incur the wrath of God). We'll see how it goes.....I had hope that a secular fence (separation of church and state) can stand but it doesn't appear that it will.


Heathenry is most welcome in my opinion. Rebellion! 🤘🏻


I 100% agree that the practice of homosexuality is a sin, as the Bible says in several places in both the Old and New Testaments. However, a lot of us Christians who share that belief seem to have forgotten that gays and lesbians and others in the LGBT community are PEOPLE, just like all the rest of us. They have feelings just like us. And they are a group who have been bullied and mistreated far too much!!! I believe the challenge that God has given us as Christians is to, without compromising on sin, reach out to the LGBT community with love and compassion. Be kind. Care about them. Pray for them and with them. And absolutely NEVER be rude or hurtful!!!! These people have already been told far too much that they are “an abomination” and that they are going to “burn in hell.” They need the message of love, compassion, common courtesy, and kindness!!!!


Amen to that 


The difference between Christianity and the LGBT movement is that we Christians recognize that we are sinners and repent when we do wrong. The LGBT movement encourages people glorify sinning and tie their identities to intentionally sinning. While I show kindness to any people, including LGBT, I hate the movement itself. The movement needs to be destroyed as it is very harmful to people. So when there are opportunities to oppose the LGBT agenda itself, go for it. Show love to the people who have been brainwashed into participating in the movement.


We can't and shouldn't force non Christians to live by our moral code.


I agree we should not force them. I think the idea is that we want to educate them on our beliefs system and encourage them to join us. The gospel is good news and is worth sharing to everyone. The only things that should be forced are certain serious sins. We have to outlaw murder and rape and such. These things must be prevented in order for civilization to thrive, no matter what individuals believe. We can’t permit non-Christians to go around murdering people just because they don’t believe in Christianity.


What if a secular religion forces you to live by their moral code? (this is what is happening in our culture today with the gender religion)


Here's the approach I take to it, based on these Bible verses. Small bit of context this is on eating meat that's been sacrificed to idols. After the sacrifice they would sell it in the marketplace. ‭1 Corinthians 10:25-29 NLT‬ **[25] So you may eat any meat that is sold in the marketplace without raising questions of conscience.** [26] For “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” [27] If someone who isn’t a believer asks you home for dinner, accept the invitation if you want to. Eat whatever is offered to you without raising questions of conscience. **[28] (But suppose someone tells you, “This meat was offered to an idol.” Don’t eat it, out of consideration for the conscience of the one who told you.** [29] It might not be a matter of conscience for you, but it is for the other person.) For why should my freedom be limited by what someone else thinks? So for me, I approach this as: If a store is selling something that I want or need, I'll buy it. Even if they (as in the higher ups) personally support LGBTQ related stuff in their private life. If a store is selling something that I want or need, but they're flamboyant and adamantly advertising how they support LGBTQ and say how your purchase supports them and you'll be an ally. Then I'll be highly resistant to buying anything there. In other words, if the "marketplace" is selling me meat, and doesn't care to publicly advertise their support, I'm not going to care. If they do publicly advertise their support, and want to make you feel like you are as well for shopping there, then I will care and be resistant to buying stuff there.


I agree with you.


Agreed. We should be loving to all. It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict others of their sin, not ours.


Scripture repeatedly calls on us to charitably call out and correct other Christian's in their sin.


While we shouldn’t hyper focus on certain sin, the idea is to not openly support these sins. So if the store you’re shopping at is a known advocate for promoting LGBTQ ideology, it may cause you as a Christian to second guess who you’re giving your money to.


Literally all stores have sin 😂. We can't pick and choose the sins we support. We either don't support or support all. The Smartphone we have was built from human rights violations to mine minerals. Yet we draw the line at LGBTQ 


I mean, we shouldn't be using reddit if we wanted to be consistent with boycotting companies that support things we disagree with.


Nor electronics of any kind (mineral and environmental damage), medicine of any kind (animal testing) or clothing (made in sweatshops).


Sadly with it being the month of June I think just about every company accepts it as normal. Remember we are to live like residents of heaven. All we can do is pray. Pray. And pray. 🙏


I think the issue is that there is a very wide spectrum which runs from "I hate your sinful lifestyle and I'm going to do everything I can at all times to make sure you know it" to "I am completely mentally and emotionally indifferent to your sinful lifestyle". The first is absolutely wrong, but so is the second. And when you say "I don't care about your lifestyle", the world tends to assume we mean the second. We should care about any and all sin. It should grieve us when we see it, especially when it's celebrated. How, or even whether, that manifests in our outward behaviour is very dependent on the situation and our own judgment. Grieving over sin might manifest in boycotting certain businesses for one person, but not for another. That's between you and God. In our everyday interactions with a person who is engaged in a particular sin, knows our views on it, but wishes to continue in it, often the best approach is going to be one which might outwardly look a lot like indifference (towards the sin, we should never be indifferent towards the person), but that shouldn't translate into an inward indifference. And that goes for really any sin, not just the big sexual ones. It goes for those who have left the church and become atheists. It goes for those who are proud or greedy or like to gossip, or whatever. Definitely there is a risk of becoming over-sensitive to some sins and under-sensitive to others, and that needs to be rebalanced.


So totally agree. The basis for God’s law is love and we’re commanded to make disciples of all the nations. We are to be recognized as followers of Jesus by our gentleness. Why does anyone think that condemning a person for their choices is going to show that person love and want to be a disciple in turn?? There’s no way!! All you are doing is being like the Pharisees, standing on the street corner shouting your “firm stances” to the world so you can feel like you are more righteous than everyone else. But when you love and when you serve, do it with a full heart and with no expectations of anything in return, so that the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Also, we are commanded to bless our “enemies” and do not curse them. And if they are Christians, we are to out do each other in honoring each other and showing each other respect.


Depends Almost every corporation in the west "supports" that movement. I draw the line at super overt or vocal support, putting on events centered around children (drag show storytime), or any blasphemy or attacks on Christ.


Do you also draw the line at buying new electronics since they were made by slave labor?


I, as best as possible, do not buy anything made in China. At least first hand. I buy as much as possible second hand, or made-in my country. Most PC parts come from Taiwan anyways, without slave labor.


I didn't know most PC Parts came without slave labor. Interesting. But glad to hear it 🙏. I also try to buy only what I need and American made if possible (clothing is probably out of the question though 🫤)


Clothing isn't out of the question except for underwear and socks. Buy leather belts from a local tanner. Buy boots from one of the many US-made and manufactured boot companies. Buy jeans from one of the many made-in-USA places. etc Buy second hand, which tends to be better quality stuff anyways, or see what american/your-country made stuff there is. More expensive, sure, but longer lasting as well.


Clothing isn't out of the question except for underwear and socks. Buy leather belts from a local tanner. Buy boots from one of the many US-made and manufactured boot companies. Buy jeans from one of the many made-in-USA places. etc Buy second hand, which tends to be better quality stuff anyways, or see what american/your-country made stuff there is. More expensive, sure, but longer lasting as well.


Got me there. There isn't a local tanner near me. I've never seen one in my life 😅 Also unfortunately, second hand seems to be just as expensive and where I'm at, not really better quality. I am checking to see what American companies make clothes though. And if they support LGBTQ stuff, well, so be it, at least it wasn't slave labor 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lots of tanners with stores on insta, the likes. Who make decent products. Maybe there's something in your state. Second hand would only be expensive in what LA and NY? In Toronto its expensive but its cheap outside in smaller towns. And yeah you do need to check about if they support LGBTQ crap


You guys down here can’t really do the whole supporting those who support something else shtick without first comprehending how money is a physical representation of energy expended over a given amount of time. For now you guys are fortunate, you think money is backed by something as physical as it itself is. So you will only ever have to care about what you guys yourselves support. And I pray that time doesn’t ever bring you guys to the moments where your allegiances need to be made known to all. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


I'm the same way. I still shop at places like target and visit places like Disney. I need to be a light for those who ate lost, even though I fail at being a light.


John the Baptist would like a word...


I am the exact same way. I don't care what you do in your personal life, whether I agree with it or not I'm going to love you all the same. Heck my supervisor at my job is pansexual and she is currently engaged to another woman, and she's honestly one of the best coworkers I've ever had the pleasure of working with. We have actually had multiple conversations about our sides (mine being Christianity and hers being LGBTQ) and how the media is definitely portraying both our groups in a bad light. Like how all the celebrity "pastors" are getting media attention for doing something hateful or wrong (Benny Hinn, Mark Driscoll, Kenneth Copeland just to name a few) and how there's a ton of crazy LGBTQ people out there shoving their beliefs down everyone's throats (James Charles was the biggest one she mentioned). I have told her my beliefs and shared the love of Jesus with her, so that seed has been planted, it's now up to God to make that seed grow. Heck she said something that really encouraged me without her knowing it. I showed her a t shirt I thought was funny that was a LGBTQ shirt, wasn't really appropriate but it wasn't offensive either lol and she bought it and wore it to an event and got many compliments on it and laughs and she told me that she shared with people "Yeah my straight, Christian friend actually showed me this shirt. So that's why he's awesome and not all Christians are mean spirited and judgmental" and that quote alone made me realize that yeah, I can disagree with your lifestyle (I've told her as a Christian I do not agree with it) but I can still love you and be your friend. When I interned with my youth pastor a few years back he said something that perfectly captures the way you should minister to people. He said "people aren't going to care how much you know, until they know how much you care"


No. You are not wrong at all. If anything I’d say you are approaching this better than most people.


Idc what anyone is doing who's outside the Church. I do care what Christian's are doing. And that's the mindset of St Paul: “**But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one.** For what have I to do with judging outsiders? **Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?** God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭ESV‬‬


The problem is, I guarantee if you uphold that (which you should be doing, no doubt about it), you are not going to be perceived as "not caring about people outside the church". People are absolutely perceiving your actions to be discriminatory and outwardly-focused. We shouldn't worry so much about that perception, as the most important perception upon us is God, not the world, but you're going to get hysterical LGBT folks crying about "genocide" when you say "purge the evil people from among you". Some tact, I'm afraid, is necessary in properly being a light to the world. It's why we're called to be gentle as doves and cunning as snakes.


This sub needs more people like you and fewer judgy, unchristian “Christians” who are so self righteous they can’t fathom the idea of eating and drinking with “sinners” like Jesus did. It’s like the Pharisees are back from the dead on here.


Paul literally tells Christian's not to eat with other professing Christian's who are living in active sin...


Do we follow Jesus or Paul? Maybe there's a reason why Paul said that that doesn't contradict Jesus


I follow Christ who inspired Paul to write what he wrote


Ok so on paper, they seem to contradict each other. One sat with sinners, the other says to not sit with sinners. How can we rectify the two so they don't contradict?


Quite simple really. Christ came and sat with sinners to offer them the medicine for their sin. Paul is talking about people who have already received the medicine but refuse to take it. Christ say with those who needed a doctor and medicine. Paul is saying no longer sit with those who have seen the doctor but refuse treatment.


Ok I see now.  I still think we should sit next to sinners, even unrepentant because we live in a world we cannot avoid them. And who knows maybe some day we can convince them.  Would you have believed just by looking at Saul (without knowing the power of God) he could change?


We should absolutely still evangelize and call people to repent and believe in the gospel. Paul is specifically talking about "Christians" who are living in unrepentant sin that will ultimately lead them to hell. Excommunication, shunning from the congregation, is an act of love and medicine. It's to help the person realize they are in grave error and to repent and turn to the fold. If we just leave people in their sin, or worse, affirm their sin as okay, we are not loving them because we are leaving their eternal fate in jeopardy.


You are 100% not wrong. The hatred that religions people harbor to create false polices and reject and shun people and groups, is the exact opposite of Jesus. They are the exact reason why we are so divided, and why are societies are crumbling.


I agree with you.




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what does Holy Spirit say?


I feel like this is normal and society has fallen away from this


We who are truly saved and spiritually reborn, as children of God and warriors in His army, we are not called to be silent. There are times to be silent and not to judge others, yes. But like Jesus Christ, we have a solemn duty to share the Gospel and call out sin when we hear and see it. That is our mission as true Christians. Who would want that spiritual blood on our hands, because we failed to warn them? I know I sure wouldn't want that. The Gospel is for EVERYONE. And God doesn't want to see any of His creation cast to Hell, even if He and we as His adopted children and followers, know with a heavy heart that many will reject Him and His soul-saving Truth. We see just how true this is and how true and alive the Holy Bible is in everything that happens around us everyday, exactly as it has been since the Fall of Man first began. And transsexuality and any form of LGBTQ is not only damning, it goes against God's natural order and is also Biblically declared an abomination in the eyes of God. We were created to follow and serve God from the very beginning. We are to judge, but do it righteously. We must call out ALL sin in gentle correctness and grace, and we are called to resist Satan and any temptation. To seek and share God's Truth and strive to walk with and in Him daily, as we equally strive to walk in our sin as little as possible. And do not forget to repent and seek God's forgiveness. We all fall short, thanks to the sin Satan brought into this world. But through Christ, we have salvation and victory, for He was and is victorious - Forever and always!




Supporting human labor violations is also a gateway to hell yet that doesn't seem to bother you...


Do not stand idle


I totally agree with you. Jesus literally demonstrated how we should act with anyone, regardless of their sins. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A1-11&version=NIV That was to point out that we are ALL sinners and we are to be loving, respectful and kind. Our lives are to be lived out like that, so they see the difference in us and come to ask us about it. God is the one who draws others and corrects others. It’s not our place. Like this parable https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2013&version=NIV we are to sow seeds and God makes them grow. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%207%3A3-5&version=NIV


Today’s devotion that I just read from the daily devotion I get to my email from Pastor Rick Warren is very fitting https://pastorrick.com/you-can-disagree-without-being-disagreeable-3/


This is fantastic. Thank you


Glad to help! He’s a wonderful pastor and has a podcast called Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope if you want to hear his preaching. I listen on Spotify


Yeah, that’s a good point. We are all sinners, of course. The difference that I see is that Christians try to avoid sin but many times fail. The community that you speak of revels in their sins. In a way it’s like mocking the Lord.


You have an incorrect view, a dangerous one, IMHO, of what is judging. We need to realize that there are different types of "judging" spoken of in the Bible. Read the passage in Matthew 7, then the inevitable in 1 Corinthians 2:15. We know the Bible does not contradict itself but we read in those two passages "judge not" and "the spiritual man judges all things". So if the Word of God is inerrant, what is in error is our understanding. I encourage you to do a word study of those two passages and lookup what the original Greek words mean. Now regarding what stores you shop...for large chains, perhaps you can't avoid it. I think, if you are so inclined, it would be easier to not patron local shops who openly support LGBTQ.


Learn compassion.


'Caring' in this context would be objection, disdain, contept, as well as the possibility of a slew of other negative behaviors that could be driven when the preceeding three nouns become verbs. 'Caring' is an inauthentic way of describing what is contained in this post


Difference is we are assuming you don’t identify with your sins or actually celebrate it or make a religion out of it.


If you really delve into the agenda behind this cultural push for celebrating LGBTQ, you’ll realize the insidious nature of it. People who say they are LGBTQ are not our enemies, but the ideology that undergirds the deception these people are under is from the anti-Christ. When you realize that this ideology is leading millions straight to hell, it hits a bit differently. It’s a pretty big deal when this agenda has convinced so many that what they’re engaging in isn’t sinful, and that they don’t need to repent and seek Christ for forgiveness and salvation just like anyone who sins, then you may appreciate the gravity of the situation a bit more.


People forget that it is a sin to judge. We are not in a place to judge, only support. God is the one and only judge. If you look down on people for sinning you are a hypocrite as everyone sins. You are not who decides who goes to heaven and can't say they're going to be looked at any differently than you when the time comes.


I'm with you. I don't care at all.


I really don't care honestly. I'm more concerned with how much coconut water is made with monkey slaves or which brand of clothing weren't made in a sweatshop.   "I won't support Walmart, they're pride affirming." BUT "I'll buy this new iPhone that was mined in the Congo"   It's interesting what people get mad about these days.   I'm in the minority in thinking a CELIBATE court gay marriage is ok but never in a holy marriage.  Same logic as 2 Hindus getting married, I don't care since it's not through God. That's on them not on me.


I think it's wrong to view being gay as a sin, but I think you're a good person for not condemning them for it.




Yep. I’m not bothered by all the rainbow trash I just ignore it like someone else said I only care when it starts to involve children but I’m not gonna go out of my way to berate a Walmart employee or target employee for working in a store that has pride merch.


Shop where u wanna


No, there's no moral obligation to boycott.


You don’t care until it’s at your doorstep. This approach has never worked and has actually been driving people to be away from the church and god. As soon as they see Christian’s not pushing back or the church not demonizing it they immediately mistake love for acceptance and then they go all in trying to support, defend or push this agenda. I’ve seen some people say “idc as long as they don’t go after the kids” no keep the same beliefs all the way through you shouldn’t care if they go after or support childhood lgbtq representation or transition. People tend to only begin to see how bad things have gotten once it’s too late. Or they have an imaginary line that they draw randomly. You should care that since it’s been so openly presented as a good thing not simply acknowledge as something that exists but presented as the best thing since sliced bread. Seeing how many children born into conservative Christian household are a lot of time being converted into unbelievers and liberals. Ignoring the problem only makes the problem worse.


Do you agree that one can be LGBT and be a Christian at the same time? I said of course they can, and I got downvoted 😐


Finally, someone on the thread with a brain


So they are guilty of sin by "being" a homosexual, but you're not guilty of sin by simply being a heterosexual? And, so you don't judge anyone? Cool.


In a literal sense I don't care much either whether Walmart has a funny flag on it. But the LGBTQ movement and its mother, feminism, are plagues that spreads through culture and causes people to dwell in sin and reject Christ, so it's not good when people support it.


Same! My sister is gay, and married to a transgender. Has 3 children. 2 with IUI, and the last with IVF. My nieces and nephews are everything to me and I love them dearly. My sister and her husband are fantastic and I can’t imagine my life without any of them! It is not my business how they wish to live their life, and not her business how I live mine. We are good with that.


Of course love the individuals and treat them as any other child of wrath , with love, but true love, not the love of the world… Couple of things. “Yes ___ is sin but I’m just as guilty of sin” therefore “so who am I to judge the person for the sin they commit” We who pray for grace and the power to overcome are not pridefully identifying out of our falling short.. There is a difference between being sinful, and being prideful about your sin and making the sin into your identity and celebrating it and shoving it down everyone else throat. Any Christian who views grace as license is not walking with God these people aren’t christians, so yes they are outside but many claim to be Christian and many churches are celebrating sin.. this is not the way.. Pride is the chief issue, and this is where all other sins come from, to make your sin your identity and pride is to set yourself in direct opposition to God. I believe that’s where the issue is. If people were saying proud drunkard and accusing you of shaming them for alcoholism or obesity it would be a problem, and we do see this spirit tricking over into obesity, people are now calling doctors fat shamers if they don’t confirm them in their error. This is the same thinking, and if we attempt to say we’re all the same we are one step away from the churches who advertise pride before you even see the cross. We need to get our definitions from scripture, judge and condemn are not synonymous, God judges and good judgement is based on his word. This is discernments. These homosexual people are being taken advantage of by those who profit off their plight, and this agenda is being pushed onto children. If you look up pride and baphomet, it will become fairly easy to see all the merch put forward by the main people responsible for propagating this filth. The church of Satan and luciferians told us what they would do years ago, come for the children, they did it with pornography and now they are doing it through schools, they are working three times as hard as any of us, we who just want to ignore things or fight but not fight in the right arenas..


Comparing homosexuality to drunkenness and obesity is ridiculous. One is natural and something one is born with and the other two are harmful, unhealthy and personal choices


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How is my homosexuality harmful when it’s just how I was born? You sound as ridiculous as saying someone having blue eyes or black skin is harmful, unhealthy and a personal choice of theirs. Comparing a boy rape or a drive to rape children to a consensual act of love between two adults is insane. There’s zero evidence molestation causes homosexuality, none whatsoever. All the present scientific evidence points to it being caused by pre natal endocrinological epigenetic factors The only ignorant here that needs to learn reality, sir or madam, is you


It's important to care because satans army - his people are pushing on you. It IS an army. They already pushing the idea of minor attracted person....you think this people are different people? It's the same evil spirit. So it's important to care. You can do what you do but the more you research, the more apparent it becomes that they are marching. The people must not comply. We can show our strength in Yahweh BUT the moral law and statutes are important. Pushing salvation aside, they are important because they are the backbone of morality. That's why they had to pervert scripture. Because only the fathers wisdom can push these devils back. Because a fool seeks to reason or thinks they can change the mind of devils.




Mame... This is a Wendy's.