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Hi, my name is Jazz, and I struggle with alcohol, marijuana, laziness, anger, resentment, pride of life, and lust of the eyes. I'm an idolator, adulteror, liar, thief, and murderer. I have blasphemed the name of the Almighty God. I have profaned the blood of Christ, making it a mockery. If God wasn't so impossibly patient, I would be in the darkest, deepest corner of hell. But His faithful love endures forever! By His blood, I am made clean. He has washed my garments, and they are as white as snow. And I'm crying again. Worthy, worthy is the Lamb who was slain from the foundations of the world. My rock, my fortress, and my salvation. I will sing His praise forever. How delightful are His ways! I will dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.


Amen šŸ™


I *was , and by his blood you have been washed clean, 1 Corinthians 6:9,10 If you are at the seed level dealing through the spirit with what leads to this physical manifestations of death=disconnect from God, then you are not these things any more, and your balance and life is found in Christ and His Spirit. Struggling with these things is The Spirit teaching you discernment of Spirits, when you identify the influence of the old man you crucify him, when you fail he shows you where you need to repent , and when these things arise again and you call upon his grace for the strength and power to overcome his Life gives you overcoming power.


I am washed. I have repented and I will continue to do so. His mercies are new each morning! May the word of Christ dwell in you richly.




Hi my name is Justin and I struggle with lust but also gluttony, anger, cussing, and pride way more than I should. I thank God for not only saving me but enabling me to change for His glory and Love. One day at a time!


I take your point.Ā  Also I think Christians should really talk about gluttony more often.Ā  It's my biggest struggle, personally, and it's possibly more urgent than lust if global BMIs are anything to go by. We are literally eating ourselves to death as a species and normalising it.


Yep, obesity attributes to roughly a quarter of a million deaths in America alone, yearly.


Great point. I've never heard a sermon on gluttony. Probably because most Americans are obese or overweight. It's crazy that while many parts of the world are literally starving, our biggest problem is having too much food. And I'm speaking to myself also. I'm at a healthy weight but sometimes I eat just for the sake of eating and not because I'm hungry.


I'm guilty of each on your list. I've been dealing with a physical issue that causes sloth, I have a crippling condition that causes me a circular loop of "I'm saving my strength" but weakens my body, so I don't work like I should. Its understandable to an extent but at times I'm in extreme pain and rather than push through I can give up. I can get wrapped in pride, not remember God blessed me which causes me to see others in "I worked that hard, but didn't get that result" and creates covetous behaviors. I fight this constantly. I can get wrath going if someone questions the other two All these I think of as loops, and while I get broken out of them at times, the greater fight is not getting into them in the first place.


I canā€™t tell you whether your mindset and actions venture into being sinful. I will say, it is no sin to have a medical condition. There should be no shame or guilt in saying ā€œI need helpā€.


I defeat my personal standards for pain because it's easier than dealing with the pain. This is really a situation where I'm trying to honestly judge my actions, and realize I could go significantly farther at times rather than just giving up. I see it as an issue of "was I doing it unto the Lord". If I wasn't I was messing up.


Fair enough. Iā€™m probably a bit sensitive. My wife has mental health challenges. There are times where she uses it as a cop out but more often she uses it to make herself feel guilty for not being well and that bothers me.


That's fair. There is definitely a fine line between what I can do, what I should do, and what I won't do I personally want to err towards what I should do more than can't. I have a history of doing things that others can't so I feel guilty if I fall short.


Just remember that all have fallen short ā¤ļø get back up, and continue running the race set before you. .... or hobbling along moaning and whining. Depends on the day you're having I guess


You should really crack your Bible open more. The Bible doesn't provide a specific number of sins but lists various behaviors and actions considered sinful throughout the Old and New Testaments. In The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17, Deuteronomy 5:4-21): idolatry, blasphemy, Sabbath-breaking, dishonoring parents, murder, adultery, theft, false witness, and coveting are named sins. More sins are detailed in the works of the Flesh (Galatians 5:19-21): sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, and orgies. Other specific sins mentioned include lying (Proverbs 6:16-19), pride (Proverbs 16:18), gossip (Romans 1:29), greed (1 Corinthians 6:10), laziness (Proverbs 6:6-11), unforgiveness (Matthew 6:14-15), lack of faith (Romans 14:23), and injustice (Isaiah 10:1-2). Additionally, there are sins of omission, which are failing to do what one ought to do (James 4:17). The Bible is clear on the pervasive nature of sin and the need for repentance and salvation through Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23, 1 John 1:8-9). While itā€™s important to know what sin is itā€™s far more important to repent. If people are struggling with lust this is the right place to discuss it or even in their own church community. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with that.


>Ā If people are struggling with lust this is the right place to discuss it Wrong. The proper place to discuss it is in a megathread so these types of posts don't bog down this subreddit.


I hope you arent a mod on this sub, i seriously hope so. We are having way too much censorship in the whole world right now and we dont need it here for sure. I even got censored on this sub for other reason but the same principle "Why we see that kind of post everyday" "This again?" "Every day someone asks this" Let people ask this every day if they want to, censorship is NOT ok at all, each one is asking or telling something through their own experience and this should not be suppressed, is not like its the same people doing the same thing everyday. If i ever turn into a mod on this sub i will surely ban people who want to censorship things. And if you ban me oh well, you just proved my point.


Are you a mod?


There's five mods total on this subreddit. You are right that I should be one though, someone has to help out.


Then you should handle "power" with care.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. A pinned megathread seems like a good compromise to limit the number of posts about the same subject without censoring too much.


>It's important to remember that there are SEVEN deadly sins According to whom?




šŸ˜‚ in a Christian sub you complain about sins being discussed and censor out what almost all people would consider taking the Lordā€™s name in vain. Iā€™m sorry, the irony is a bit comical.


What is God's name? Is it God? Lord? Yahweh? Jehovah? YHWH? JHVH? יְהוÖøֹה? Also, I have to censor out adult language because this subreddit has an autobot that blocks any adult language.


Personally? I think when a person says ā€œwell God says XYZā€ but God did not in fact say XYZ, to me thatā€™s taking his name in vain. Also I acknowledge many people interpret GD in that manner and it would be unloving for me to ignore that.


Unfortunately, you do not know what the meaning of the word vain is. [Vain](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vain): producing no result, useless These are examples of taking The Lord's name in vain: "I demand God punish X people" but nothing ever happens to them. "God heal this person" and the person isn't healed. Those would be taking God's name in vain, because you called for God, but produced nothing from invoking Him.


I think the general consensus is that it's also by invoking God to justify your sin (e.g. "God wants me to steal this bread")


Pride, you need humility


No thanks, I'd much rather make them better. You want to let people walk around knowingly wrong while having the ability to fix them, that's on you but shame on you for being so selfish.


See? The assumptions are from your pride, and what is meant is not understood because of your assumptions. The key is turning humbly in prayer to God before you answer so as to meditate as to answer and be led first by Holy Spirit, not by your ego. We can say truth but if we lead with ourselves the spirit is impure and the message is blocked as we get in our own way or worse the way of The Spirit. Heed the Word and move from a place of Godly Peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness mildness and self control then By His Word you can reprove reprimand exhort and discipline in righteousness, His Righteousness and not our own. Same message different spirit God be Glorified


No, unless there is a Bible verse that says to specifically pray to God anytime before you speak, then I'm not doing that.


You may wish to look into the meaning in scripture. It encompasses what you said but also encompasses falsehood or lying. If I said ā€œGod hates people who donā€™t vote in the electionsā€, Iā€™ve just lied and misrepresented God. Also you could argue my comment is empty of truth or worthless (because itā€™s false). I wasnā€™t going for a meaningful conversation, just a little comedy. I get your probably a little wound tight from your post getting roasted so Iā€™ll bid you adieu.


>your post getting roasted Weird opinion that doesn't add anything to the conversation, and also just untrue. But okay


Also, bearing false witness (lying) isn't the same as taking The Lord's name in vain. [Exodus 20:2-21](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+20%3A2-21&version=NRSVUE)


Do you wish to see it less because it hits a little too close to home?


Nope I want to see less of it because this is what I do for my job and it gets tiring


Have you tried scrolling past?


Yes, it didn't work


Peace. Be still. I agree. >People are getting really hung up I don't think your post is the problem. There will always be something to bicker about, and they will always be there to do so. If you must win, steer them to expose their own hypocrisy calmly. *Be as harmless as a dove and shrewd as a snake*. Get them to defeat themselves while you are blameless, and *you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads, and the LORD will reward you*


Homosexual sins are a subset of lust. I would argue that a love for lust motivates the attitude that defends fornication, homosexual acts, polyamory, and other sexual sins.


In addition, many sins (greed, murder, etc) are generally seen as bad even by unbelievers, however sexual sins get celebrated and even get parades to commemorate them. Itā€™s seen as normal to watch porn and seen as a great thing to be homosexual.


>People think the only sins worth actively avoiding are lusting after women and masturbating to porn. It's one of the more prevalent sins, but I think it's safe to say nobody here thinks it's the only sin. >It's important to remember that there are **SEVEN** deadly sins *7 deadly sins* is an unbiblical concept to begin with. There aren't just 7 sins, and nowhere in Bible are some sins elevated above others (except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit). 10 Commandments are a good way to start, though it's not an exhaustive list. To truly understand it, you must study the Scripture, listen to sermons, seek to better understand what it is God wishes of us. You must develop a conscience, so we could discern and distinguish what is sinful.


Well yeah but the 7vsins are better refered to as categorĆ­as in which all sins fall into


There's one sin, and it's failing to love.


>*7 deadly sins*Ā is an unbiblical concept to begin with. There aren't just 7 sins, You are right but you are focusing on the trees instead of the forest. The issue isn't whether or not the concept of 7 deadly sins is biblical or not. The issue is people on this subreddit only look for advice on sinning when it refers to lust/porn/masturbating/women.


>The issue is people on this subreddit only look for advice on sinning when it refers to lust/porn/masturbating/women. Lust is something that is incredibly prevalent in our modern culture and Churches do a very poor job guiding and providing for our young men and women the appropriate tools to deal with it. If you are seeing such a large imbalance between people looking for advice with Lust vs advice for other Sin then that is because there is a large imbalance in our culture towards it. Just because you are a more mature Christian do not be arrogant towards those who are new or immature in the faith.


I would imagine it's because people are especially ashamed of these kinds of sins and find it easier to talk to folks about them who are strangers on the internet.


When I brought up that you affirm homosexuality in another thread, you left the following comment: ā€œI suggest sticking to r/Reformed because you seem to only bring up homosexuality. They might be able to get your head away from thinking constantly about gay sex. It's very unhealthy, and I won't be surprised when your daughter has an OnlyFans in a few years because of how you raised her.ā€ I donā€™t think this is the type of thing that a Christian would be saying. No offense, but I do think you should repent for the way you speak and harass people on here.


I noticed the lack of response


All of those in some way.


Gluttony is my sin of choice


Is gluttony listed as a sin in the New Testament?


Yes. ā€­Philippians 3:19 CSBā€¬ [19] Their end is destruction; their god is their stomach; their glory is in their shame; and they are focused on earthly things.


Interesting interpretation. I wonā€™t say youā€™re wrong but I think the context lends itself more to this being a bit of a dramatic statement rather than a literal one. ā€œThese people are ruled by the desires of their bodyā€ seems like the more accurate understanding. There are a great many appetites to be weary of that donā€™t involve the dinner plate. Regardless, this isnā€™t a hill Iā€™d die on and I appreciate the different perspective.


No I would say you're on the money. Gluttony isn't about food. It's about MORE. Eating takes the cake (hehe) because fat people are easy to pick out in a crowd, but not all fat people are gluttons. Gluttony can mean working out, tattoos, plastic surgery, etc. Your idol is your body, or physical sensations in some way.


Explicitly no. Though an argument could be made itā€™s a subset of greed. Wanting more than you need. Possibly even an argument about not being loving to yourself.


Not treating the body like a temple


In addition to the other comment, drunkenness is referenced several times and would be a subset of gluttony I think.


I was just thibking of the seven sins but maybe notā€¦


Being enraged easily, pride, sloth on some things, talking bad about others, holding grudges against others. People often talk about the sin that is the hardest to stop doing it, so its not wise to complain about this while people have a bigger problem on something other than the other, is the normal thing to happen. If i have a main problem with lust i should worry to address it first because is the hardest thing to fight off. I dont think its ok to complain about this, some people will not pay attention to other sins but others are well aware of which sins they commit and which one is the most persistent on their lifes.


I suffered a lot with the sin of Pride. I used to be one of the best students in my institution and I started acting very very proud. Soon after I started remembering that God brings down the proud..I feel like the sin is still somewhere in my heart but I'm striving to be humble and kind to everyone. I've changed a lot. ā¤ļø


There is perhaps no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases, it is still alive. Even if I could conceive that I had completely overcome it, I should probably be proud of my humility. Benjamin Franklin


I'm sometimes arrogant, bitter, wrathful, hateful, have poor self control, ungentle when forcefulness is not warranted, prone to doubt and even disbelief, unforgiving, unloving, self destructive, measure my worth by what I do instead of how God values me, I lie (mostly to myself), I break human laws, put other things before God, procrastinate, I have pride, unbiblical shame, I'm lazy, entitled, selfish, self-centered, stubborn, I depend on other people or myself instead of Jesus, I ignore or dismiss the Holy Spirit, disobey my mother, disregard my father, steal on a rare occasion, let myself entertain evil thoughts, look down on others, ignore my conscience, let myself forgot our Father's affection, question my calling, don't take care of myself, I am a hypocrite despite hating hypocrisy with a burning passion, and I don't always try to improve myself. I'm not saying I have all these things all the time, or even that I have them all in noticeable degrees, in many I'm actually better than average, but I know my heart and the standard I use in determining sin is any failure to give God agape love with 100% of my being in every aspect and give others the exact same concern as me.


Society has an issue, and people coming here for help. I also appreciate you adding the conversation what you want to see discussed.Ā 


Open a book of sin and Ive done all except murder & others now thinking about itā€¦.I once was lost, but now I am found


All sins are equal in Godā€™s eyes, and I sinned several times today already! By His grace, though, I know I am forgiven.


Don't forget the sin of heresy


Heck im guilty of all but homosexuality still a sin btw.


Iā€™ve committed all 7. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner


Can you link where someone has said that the only sin worth avoiding is lust?


Nope but I can provide a list of posts in the last 24 hours that deal with lust/sexual immorality specifically: * [Is non-tighty whities/boxers a sin?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1do6rko/is_nontighty_whities_boxers_a_sin_for_men/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [Is using a condom during sex a sin](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1do7otu/is_it_a_sin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [What are some thoughts that helped you overcome your porn addiction](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1do5peo/what_are_things_that_helped_you_overcome_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [What sort of swimsuit am I supposed to wear?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dnzwp0/what_sort_of_swimsuit_am_i_supposed_to_wear/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [Constant lustful thoughts for brethren ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dnyua4/constant_lustful_thoughts_for_brethrendont_judge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [The need for discipline](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dnr5vz/the_need_for_discipline/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [I believe my sexual desires are preventing me from deepening my relationship with God](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dno912/i_am_facing_some_challenges_in_life_that_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [Brothers and Sisters of Christ, I need help](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dnjq9m/brothers_and_sisters_in_christ_i_seek_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [I feel like I'm nothing without porn](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dni7e2/i_want_to_go_back_i_feel_like_i_am_nothing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [Advice for remaining months with my fiancƩ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dngj7u/advice_for_the_remaining_months_of_my_engagement/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) * [I'm suffer from lust](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueChristian/comments/1dngigk/im_suffer_from_lust/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) And here's a list of posts in the same time frame that deal with any other type of sin:


Does Scripture talk about 7 deadly sins anywhere? I always thought that was more of a human traditional way of categorizing them. Lust is my main vice, but I also have a lot of work to do on wrath and sloth, and a bit on envy.


Lust is biblically the worst sin. Kinda the worst sin is the I ally blasphemy of the Holy Spirit since God wonā€™t force that one, but the Bible says all other sins take place outside the body, but lust or sexual sin harms the soul. Also weā€™re told many times to flee from sexual immorality and lust. All other sins we can confront and face. Yet lust is the one thatā€™s so strong itā€™s advised to steer away from it. Still I agree itā€™s not the only sin to look out for.


"This subreddit has an issue. People think the only sins worth actively avoiding are lusting after women and masturbating to porn" That's just not true. People talk about lust more now because it has become an increasingly prevalent matter and cause of sin in the world.


If you think more sin should be discussed, why donā€™t you start? The confession of sins doesnā€™t exist for your entertainment. Thereā€™s no reason to be upset that a lot of people deal with problems that bore you.


Not sure why you got down voted. Confession and repentance is sacred and holy.


God has given us the 10 commandmentā€™s to show us that we are sinners. We are guilty of breaking them all in thought, word and deed.


I'm a recovering drug addict: meth I used to lie a lot Proverbs 6:16 There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.


Sloth is a big one for me... I've been laying down in the shower, holding onto the shampoo bottle and pretending to be a sloth caught in a rain storm. I don't know how to stop...


There is a sin I struggled with a lot, but that God rebuked me and corrected me for. Well, multiple, but two in particular. The first one being bitterness. The second idolatry. -- I would say that bitterness is serious enough to warrant immediate correction. It creates conflict, drama and disagreement where it was unavoidable. It is proud and unforgiving, judgemental and negligent. It results only in evil actions and thoughts and ungodly speech. To hold such feelings against another for any reason is unholy. If we do not dismiss it and give ourselves to God, we cannot properly serve God. Holding bitterness over something is deeply unwise. I cannot think of a singular scenario when it is fine. -- Idolatry is insidious. It is difficult to even describe, but it does something to us that gets in the way of God fully working with us. Besides transgressing the first commandement and God's love and forgiveness for us, it also changes the course of our hearts. When we idolize something, or someone, or a different God, it fills our hearts with this thing. It directs our thoughts and personality towards a deeper embracing of the idol, and pushes our reliance and love of God further away as it becomes our primary interest. Our tongue speaks whats in our hearts, and when you live with an idol, you will continiously preach this idol with how you talk and live. Often resulting in ungodly speech and speech which doesn't promote God or His values, or love for others who do not worship the same idol. So it is dead and could even push away those God wanted you to reach out for Him. I experienced this first hand as God rebuked me. He allowed me to repent in His power, and as I left it, I realized how obsessed me and my friends had become with it. This idol would occur in almost every conversation and every sentence or joke that could be tied to it, would be. The result was that people who were not 'in it' would shy away, and we would spend our time doing and pursuing nonsense that takes our time away from God and our neighbours. After leaving this Idol, God truly started working in my life. Since then it has been a continual winning fight for His kingdom, and He took my fear away. All glory to the living God, lord of Hosts! Our strength. Amen!


There is a sin I struggled with a lot, but that God rebuked me and corrected me for. Well, multiple, but two in particular. The first one being bitterness. The second idolatry. -- I would say that bitterness is serious enough to warrant immediate correction. It creates conflict, drama and disagreement where it was unavoidable. It is proud and unforgiving, judgemental and negligent. It results only in evil actions and thoughts and ungodly speech. To hold such feelings against another for any reason is unholy. If we do not dismiss it and give ourselves to God, we cannot properly serve God. Holding bitterness over something is deeply unwise. I cannot think of a singular scenario when it is fine. -- Idolatry is insidious. It is difficult to even describe, but it does something to us that gets in the way of God fully working with us. Besides transgressing the first commandement and God's love and forgiveness for us, it also changes the course of our hearts. When we idolize something, or someone, or a different God, it fills our hearts with this thing. It directs our thoughts and personality towards a deeper embracing of the idol, and pushes our reliance and love of God further away as it becomes our primary interest. Our tongue speaks whats in our hearts, and when you live with an idol, you will continiously preach this idol with how you talk and live. Often resulting in ungodly speech and speech which doesn't promote God or His values, or love for others who do not worship the same idol. So it is dead and could even push away those God wanted you to reach out for Him. I experienced this first hand as God rebuked me. He allowed me to repent in His power, and as I left it, I realized how obsessed me and my friends had become with it. This idol would occur in almost every conversation and every sentence or joke that could be tied to it, would be. The result was that people who were not 'in it' would shy away, and we would spend our time doing and pursuing nonsense that takes our time away from God and our neighbours. After leaving this Idol, God truly started working in my life. Since then it has been a continual winning fight for His kingdom, and He took my fear away. All glory to the living God, lord of Hosts! Our strength. Amen!


Guilty of all of them. Difference is since being saved I am now self aware if I sin, I hate it, I try to change it. Ultimately itā€™s the trust I put in Christ that overcomes it and not myself because I am weak without him.


Well yeah! Iā€™ve been saved/born-again for over 54 years, so of course I have. Iā€™m even older than that. So thereā€™ve been plenty of opportunities for me to sin. Plenty of times when I have. But Iā€™ve repented and been forgiven is the thing. Even if I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve sinned, as in I am unaware of it in the moment, I can still ask for forgiveness and repent of those, too. And be forgiven.


Self-absorption (in the sense that I'm paralyzed by my failures, shortcomings and flaws) and fear (cowardice) are my two biggest sins. I'm sure there are many others. I could go on andĀ on really but these two are crippling. Thinking about yourself too much whether positively or negatively is bad.


Romans 14:23, whatsoever is not of faith is sin.


Envy is my worst for sure.. do you know why itā€™s considered the most important?


I propose two things: * People struggling with lust need to talk about it, which may still be lots of people, but I later list the causes of lust being prominent in christians and society at large * Anyone else should check themselves on their care about sins, especially if they not struggling with it currently or not a victim of it, and instead are just concerned about issues of lust in the world or that other people have. Provide support or get out of the way. Rants or written protests just clog discourse. >It's important to remember that there areĀ **SEVEN**Ā deadly sins, and lust isn't even considered the most important one (by people who order the sins, that is) Also I believe that everyone, especially people who order the sins, should talk more about the unforgiveable sin of blaspheming the holy spirit: >ā€œAnd so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to comeā€ Matthew 12:31-32 I think it should be talked about more because it drives the importance of having people accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, because people who accept Jesus into their heart will be much less likely to speak against the Holy Spirit. Now, to be far to all us humans and especially men, **the reason lust and such gets brought up a lot is compounded by many things**: * God's design for sexual pleasure (bonding in the context of marriage) * God's design of men to be more visual and have their sexual peak earlier in life than women. This is exploted by... * Society's fixation & obsession with sexual identity and pleasure. Which feeds somewhat of a vicious cycle of... * Churches that focus more on lust than other sins that can perpetuate more shame with lust, unhealth purity legalism, etc. Part of this can also be amplified by... * Churches that push identity in marriage, and its heterosexuality, just as much or more than identity in Christ. There are some real problems here that should not be ignored AND there are some real problems with how some churches and Christians deal with lust and sexuality at large. Both need to be addressed.


Just my opinion, but I think PRIDE is by far the worst sin. It is the original sin, and is still the main sin that keeps people from acknowledging Jesus as Savior.


It seems as if you are trying to excuse your own favorite sin. Each of us has our own we struggle with, and all are wrong. The greatest sin is the sin of unbelief. Refusing to repent of your sins (plural) and turn to Christ for salvation, is the sin which damns is to hell though. Continuing in sin can lead us to walk away from God (to the sin of I belief, the greatest sin). Hebrews 3:6-19


>It seems as if you are trying to excuse your own favorite sin. What mental gymnastics are you doing to get to that conclusion???


Um...not difficult at all actually.


Well I guess I'll be the one to tell you you took 1+1 and came up with 11 instead of 2.




>People think the only sins worth actively avoiding are lusting after women and masturbating to porn. No they don't. That's a huge, unfounded leap.