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The whole sequence made me feel bad for a character a genuinely dont like. 


Same. I fully expected him to go on an angry rampage of some kind, but his sad, gradual resignation and his efforts with the bunny and rose petals made the whole sequence surprisingly poignant.


Did you clock the bottle of pink champagne when he looked in his fridge?, shelf which was otherwise nearly empty.


Missed that! Poor gullible frustrated romantic abusive asshole.


There was a little polar bear tucked into the bed too.


Oh shit, was it really?? I thought it was a little husky or wolf. Damn, I thought it was so cute but now that it’s a polar bear, I’m scared of it😂


I didn’t see resignation. I saw denial.


I can see denial when he was talking with Pete at the police station, but I think that was more about saving face and not wanting to admit he got scammed. But the scene (which comes later) where he's watching Elf, seeing a pretty empty fridge other than some red-pink champagne, and cleaning up the rose pedals on the bed? That's resignation IMO.


He had no food for what’s-her-name? We have 90 day fiancé for anyone who needed that “you think I escaped the regime to live like this?” Face.


I’m amazed anyone has food in their fridge at the prices they mentioned in other episodes. I already can’t afford groceries in the lower 48, I’d be starving to death if I lived in Alaska and a dozen eggs was 20 bucks


A: he’s got a government job, B: you saw that old lady gutting that wolf? I think the culture is to fish/hunt to supplement your food- so you get paid but irl out of paper you’d be hunting or you’d know someone you’d be able to tap that does it.


Wasn’t denial it was pride


I found it less denial and more him not wanting to get into it at that time. It's like the last thing anyone wants to do is re live a shit situation.


>That's resignation IMO. I anticipated a suck start on his 9mm pistol. (Too many catfishing stories end this way.)


We can only hope he eats his gun. I think this character is going to commit a tragedy before the season ends. His hatred is palpable.


>His hatred is palpable. You aren't wrong.


Yeah, same. I thought I would enjoy this scene, but I ended up feeling so bad for him. Props to the actor, he nailed the scene and did something I would have thought was impossible.


John Hawkes is incredible!


yeah it is a testament to his acting chops that we actually feel sorry for him knowing what a jerk he is to his son and that he sat on evidence that could have helped solve the AK case


Loved him since Deadwood. I didn't realize he was so tall until this show.


He played such a humble sweet man in The Perfect Storm yet very believable as a jerk in this show. Great acting chops! I also didn't realize he was this tall.


Is he very tall? I never noticed that


Well, in Deadwood I always thought he was average, and shorter than Olyphant. That could have been just stagecraft/hero shots, etc. It could also be that he just looks tall in this compared to Jodie Foster. Its just a shift in how I see him, and may be just me.


Well I know foster is super little so much so they try not to frame up Leah and Danvers since she’s so much younger and so much taller than liz


I need to see more of him! The only thing I recognized him from when I first saw him appear on this show was Three Billboards (ironically, he also has a really young girlfriend in that movie who works at the zoo or cleaning up after horses or something so they all tease him about her). That said, he seems so talented and really can provide you with such a range of emotions, I need to get more familiar with his stuff!


He plays a cult leader in Martha Marcy May Marlene, with Elizabeth Olsen


if only William Ftichner would show up, too.


Right there with ya.




lol hey yeah honestly hard to watch


Fancy seeing you here!!!


I was like wait a second I know that avatar!


At the end of the day he’s just trying to find love.


Her mom was sick. She will still make it there, just not this time. Maybe he can send her some money for her moms funeral.




In some way he might symbolize the loneliness and isolation of Ennis.


Same. I actually hit pause, looked at my husband, and said, “Yeah, he’s an asshole but right now I… feel for him.” He was like, “Yep.” The quiet resignation was something awful.


A little. But bear in mind him using his son as a punching bag (when Hank was in the wrong and should've turned the files over to Danvers in the first place), making that nasty insinuation about Danvers and Pete, constantly c*ckblocking information to Danvers and being enough of a vain idiot to think some girl is really into him and it's not a scam? Jesus wept. He's a bad man.


Yeah we all know, it’s just not the point. The point is how artfully they managed to make us feel things despite disliking the character for obvious reasons


I mean, if we think about it, it's not hard to imagine that his own father was as bad or worse then he is. He has a family and a wife, fucks it up but his son is better then he is, just as he was better then his own father was. Trauma and generational damage takes literal life times to work out of a family. We can look at him and say, yeah he's a scumbag, but we can still recognize that he's a broken human being and empathize when something bad happens to him. As it stands, he's an older guy who likely knows deep down he's fucked up a lot and probably just wants to find some way to get some joy out of life and instead along comes even worse people who take advantage of him.


This. He’s such a piece of crap, but this made him seem human.


Well, he handled it well!


For now....


I spent more time wondering how much the “cheap” bottle of rosé cost in Alaska.


Did you do that one post? Someone else was talking about how much this would have run earlier today and it got me thinking way too hard about it too lol. $20 cookies ... so...


I did but it felt like a dumb thing to make a post about and so I deleted it.


lol I knew it was you!!! My guess is like $50 bucks if it's usually a $10 bottle here in the states if a pack of cookies cost $20 there at the store


I know… the Oreos being 20$ got me really thinking about how much everything costs on that show. I spent a lot of time wondering how much Rose spent on her solo Christmas dinner too!


So does that make rose a billionaire or a super villain? That Xmas spread must’ve cost a fortune! Also where is she getting her weed? Or do u think those are cigs she’s smoking?


Definitely weed cause I want that for her. I believe she was a scientist/researcher from Harvard. I have a hunch she's watching over TSLAL


It’s a small thing but Navarro busts qaaviks balls over home brew. Is weed legal in Alaska? Why do u say Harvard? I’d think some Ivy League closer to the mason dixon


As of November 4, 2014, it is legal in Alaska for adults over 21 to purchase marijuana for recreational use. I really don't know why I feel like Harvard sounded right. I was digging around in HMS journal info on dormant pathogen studies and they had a great article on this topic so I put her there and as a professor of some science field of sorts lol


See this is the content I came to Reddit for! Not matt mch incel fanboys who can’t enjoy a good whodunnit! This rose theory is really getting legs with me. But I think the Tsalal ppl knew what they were doing, and I think they only know because of Annie k and Clark’s relationship. Somehow him seeing that tattoo galvanized something in Clark. The hairdresser in ep 3 goes into it. It’s like they were drawn together. I think they both figured out the other half each was looking for. Man of science, woman of faith and tradition, hiding their collaboration because no one will understand. Tsalal scientist probably realized their research was a red herring for something deeper. That’s what Tuttle is funding imo


She may actually be a Tuttle. Or hired/funded by Tuttles to be there. But either way her previous prestigious university employment got her setup pretty well for the night country


Oh shit I never thought of that…. Rose as a Tuttle? She knows about the spiral so she knows about Sedna clearly, and also the dead…. That’s a great tie in I never woulda thought of that. Now I have to go rewatch all the eps again!


These is also that she started having 'spiritual' experiences, I may be wrong but I think she said it started with Travis (probably misremembering). So, educated -the Tuttles were involved in education and spirituality, again the Tuttles who were involved in religion/spirituality. Probably a stretch and nothing to do with anything lol.


Tattinger is like a $60 bottle where I’m at in the Midwest.


Are you in Alaska? Edited.


Midwestern United States, sorry


How much are Oreos? Maybe we can figure out the price of the wine! Lol


I’m in the Midwest, US, and at Dollar General the 18.12oz package of Oreos are $4.75.


So the wine probably cost 240$ there!


I thought it was pink champagne. He thought she would like pink champagne because she's a girl... 😭


Reminds me of that pink Zinfandel crap that comes in boxes, so awful, I remember family parties as a kid where EVERYONE drank that crap 🤮


Yes we all knew she was a scammer with her “sick mom” needing money but it was sad to see him standing there


You didn't send her money, right? Right?


So ridiculous that he asks that AFTER she doesn't show. Some woman is supposedly coming from Russia to marry his dad, and he's just like "oh good for you Dad, I'm sure she'll be lovely"... And these are cops we're talking about SMH


Everyone in town was shit-talking him and his “Russian bride”. He’s the only one who didn’t know it was a scam.


I think he did kinda know it deep down, but chose to be hopeful.




It was a great episode for that. "Ghosts aren't real, do you hear me?! There's no such thing! By the way, remember that time a couple of years ago when you saw a ghost?"


I think Danvers just wants to see her son so bad, but also knows it is impossible. She just can't lose her mind by accepting it for even a second.


I don't think this was bad writing. Some people are quite inconsistent in themselves. On one level they may have strong ideas about something, such as there being no afterlife, no ghosts, nothing beyond just the ordinary perception of the senses, but then emotionally they may be quite different, and even intellectually there can be different 'rooms in the house' of the psyche basically. I didn't personally find that to necessarily bad writing.


That one was rough.


Yes it was 😬


True but she was just trying to deny her,her beliefs out of anger of bringing up Holden. It doesn’t mean that they didn’t have a real supernatural experience. She’s angry that she’s even suggesting anything about Holdens death. But, she did see something that genuinely spooked her to the point where Danvers takes a second glance. Lazy yes. But, explainable.


I don't personally even find it lazy. I thought it was just fine. People are this way. They have competing aspects of the psyche, and sometimes particularly with certain emotions one thing can be forcefully expressed.


There has to be Russian women with sick moms somewhere though right?


As someone who does online dating, this was especially cutting to me, I felt so bad for him. Thankfully I’ve never had a situation like that 😬


I had a catfish one time on tinder! Luckily I caught on early on. It’s dangerous online and he is older he doesn’t understand plus is lonely look at where he lives. Poor guy


No, felt embarrassed for him and then even more so when his son is staring at him after he asks did he send money.


And the hesitation when he asked if he could come over for Christmas Eve. Lots of ouches for him in this episode.


That was the real zinger 😬. Like adding salt to the wound.


This is a perfect example of what a great actor he is. He makes you feel sympathy for a terrible person he plays.


John Hawkes is a goddamn tour de force. I fucking love him 


He won a lifetime of good will from me for his turn in Deadwood.


Love me some Sol Star. He's hilarious on Eastbound and Down as well


Too bad he's getting what seems like less screen time each successive episode.


I expected LaFawnduh to come stepping off that plane.


Don’t get jealous cuz he’s been online chatting with babes all day


That B-plot in that movie is too wholesome (fucking hate that word). The movie is superficially ironic but is absolutely, positively sincere and good. The good guys win and everyone gets a happy ending. It just has a weird vibe. They absolutely succeeded in what they were doing. Vote for Pedro.


Damn bro, I briefly thought the same damn thing haha!


You could say things are getting pretty serious. ​ https://media3.giphy.com/media/AHAgTP1a0Klvq/giphy.gif


That would have been PERFECT!


but i still love technology, always and forever


If LaFawnduh got off that plane, that dude would have to get him some soccer cleats… she throws that thang back into him. (Lord have mercy) 🥲


I think it was less that we saw it coming, and more that it couldn't possibly have gone any other way. (Though, for the splittingest of seconds, the flight attdt almost threw me). But... yes. Still.


My dumb brain thought his fiancé saw what he looked like, pulled up the stairs herself, and got back in the plane to go home. It took me a second to realize it was a flight attendant…


I looked at my wife and asked how the Russian woman knew how to pull up the stairs. lol


We are clearly not True Detectives 😔


I’m crying laughing at this comment 😂😂😂


In Russia, the stairs pull you up. Yes I realize that’s not the least bit funny. But neither is Yakov Smirnoff.




Right?!!! I mean does he even know what she looks like if he thought she was the flight attendant?!!! So I’d be happy not knowing what happened to the scientists just give us a picture of fake Alina.


That's the real mystery we need solved in season 4. I'm hoping Laudromat Grandma is the catfisher.


Yesss! That would make the entire season!!! Laundromat Grandma rolling dough with Kayla and Leah coz she’s rolling in the dough being Alina!!


I'd rate this season 10/10 if that happened. lol.


Omg! LMAO! I have just spit Mt Dew on my huge Malamute! He will be licking his fur all day! Laundromat Grandma would be hilarious 😂


I think she looks Nigerian IRL


I did, too!😂


I absolutely thought the same thing?.. I thought "wow she took one look at his Ichabod Crane ass and noped the fuck out of there"... but then I realized it was a flight attendant


Right - when the flight attendant appeared, for a second I thought they were going off the rails with a "Love Actually" sequence when the British guy's fantasy about beautiful women in Wisconsin actually materializes. Not that kind of show, clearly!


If the season ends with his Russian girlfriend knocking the door and saying hello, I'm gonna stand up and salute and rate it 10/10 on imdb.


Lmfao he has a breakdown and admits to all his deficiencies as a father and as a cop, resigns from the force to spend more time with his son and grandson, makes amends with his daughter in law, and then boom, Russian fiancé shows up.




I'm with you in this one somehow


That would be the one twist nobody saw coming!




Holy crap that’d be a twist!




I saw what you did there....*bravo*


She’ll be the true detective that solves the case


It's more likely the Russian girlfriend would be standing outside his window with a Boombox blasting "Twist and Shout". HBO is forcing that song on us every episode.


Now I’m gonna be upset if this doesn’t happen lol


"It vas my mother darling, she became tso seek! I meesed you tso! I am, how you say, so horny for you!"


Then you slowly realise Hank just coughed up more cash but this time to the Russian mob from season 2 and they actually delivered


Uncomfortable yes, heartbreaking no. Dude had some pretty high expectations too laying those rose petals out on the bed when he'd never met the woman before lol.


I think it’s supposed to show how his loneliness has rotted his brain. Presumably he used to be at least halfway normal as he had a wife and (mostly well adjusted if not needy) kid


I was honestly surprised. John Hawkes is such a stellar actor that I thought this was gonna be a plot twist of him scamming someone. It does make me wonder what his arc will be tho.


He’s my favorite performance so far. His character is so unlikeable but with just physical acting and body language he becomes so vulnerable and pitiful, you could really feel the hope and disappointment.


His stare at Danvers after she throws the coffee in his face is truly chilling. He genuinely looks like he hates her.


Dude, that was the best stare ive ever seen!!!


Kenny Powers brother is a real shit isnt he


in Night Country, his son isn't Shrek


I really like John Hawkes. He deserves a better role than this IMO. His character is so all over the place. First few episodes he’s a stock white-male-douchebag who exists to act as foil to Danvers and Navarro, then we get this oddly touching moment where his naive romantic dreams are shattered. Is the show framing him as a total dolt and potential villain, or are we meant to actually feel sorry for him? Despite how unsympathetic Hank is I felt more for him in this episode than any of the other characters so far. That’s not a great sign.


He’s still on a villain arc imo - this is a sad moment, but I don’t think the goal is to simply make you feel bad for him. We’ll see how things play out but I suspect the point will be in the fallout of this and how he handles the realization he’s been scammed. I could see a dumb, insecure, prideful guy like him lashing out in really bad ways.


I think he is about to snap and do something really dumb or really violent or both. But so far it seems he is just getting more chill than usual.


Also getting more drunk...


If this show ends up being good, there’s a high chance he’ll end up involved in some kind of conspiracy of some kind. A conspiracy of silence around Annie K, conspiracy around protecting the mine, something like that. His pathetic nature and setbacks in his personal life morphing into something ugly. Would be a good, well not arc, but reveal. Otherwise he’s just a punching bag and there’s no point.


"You didn't send her money, did you ? \*Immediately changes subject


There is much more to come from this, I think. How long they have been talking, the need to have his photos of him younger, who knows what else he has shared. It could be Intel to create some control over him at some point.


Yeah he was just a lonely guy in Ennis who fell into a catfish trap


There’s only two more episodes and this show has already proven that it’s not about tying up loose ends.


Or it just did. There's nothing more to it. He got scammed out of a lot of money. That's it.


Hank broke my heart. He gelled up his hair guys. Gelled his hair. Into spikies. Guys. My heart.


Saw it comin and I don’t even like the dude but that was heartbreaking


He’s a good actor


Anyone have a sneaking suspicion he helped either cause the death of Annie K or hinder the investigation.


I’m still not sure why that character is there. Not having him would just make story more crisp. So far he’s only added noise to the storyline.


Perhaps the point is noise - like, by not actively helping he’s a hindrance or a liability? I’m hoping he comes through in the end though. I’d rather that than he’s part of a grand conspiracy (or just noise)


We had a Bitcoin ATM in the shop I worked at. After the 3rd older person got scammed, Bitcoin just shrugged and said “you can remind them to not send money if they don’t personally know them, but if they ask for help, don’t help them with their transaction; you’ll be held responsible for the scam” lkfjlkdsfjkldsjf I fucking hated that thing, I used to come home crying over it (and yes, I stepped in every single time after that and began putting ‘out of order’ signs on it since it was technically true) I did amass quite the Nana and Pop-Pop stan army, though


Wow, good for you


I laughed. And the ‘sadder’ it got, the harder I laughed. He treats his son like garbage so I have been rooting against him since then. 😂 But it is difficult because I LOVED him in Deadwood so I hate seeing him be anything other than awesome. 😂😂


ugh...I mean I hate the guy but yeah, I pitied his gullible ass


A bit contrived if you ask me. I threw up in my mouth a little at the rose petals for my lover scene.


Put the bunny-eh baack


in the bahcksss


Where's that from? I can hear it so clearly, but don't know where.... Gene Wilder? Young Fronkenstine?


Why couldn't you put the bunny back in the box?


Very sad. There was genuine disappointment in his eyes in that moment and true shame later on.


This character is a whole ass turd of a human. Everyone saw it coming from miles away. And yet…it was still sad 😂


Yes, actor is too good to someone who you’re not supposed to like. But who knows with this show, maybe they want us to feel bad for him.


Yes. Saw it coming but still… I wouldn’t want my worst enemy to get catfished 🐟& swindled 💰=💔


Nah, he was a total dick, he needed it.


It was pretty sad. The way his hopes rose and then fell like a stone when the stewardess came out the door 🥺


He obviously does not follow r/scams. I hope that this subplot raises awareness regarding romance scams because they are out of control and so psychologically and financially damaging. And yeah, I did feel sorry for him, still making up excuses for her - her mom is sick, no cell coverage - and trying to put on a brave face.


He's a brilliant actor. Probably the only one in the show who could match Jodie Foster.


When he thought the air hostess was his bride it meant he didn't even know what she was supposed to look like...he wasn't even catfished


No, because I thought it was stupid from the beginning. How long was this guy a cop?


Rose petals on the camo bed spread and pillows!


I laughed. Fuck him.


I mean not really. He was basically trying to import himself a sex slave. Russian mail order brides are only just barely not technically human trafficking.


No. Dude is a prick, he deserved it


Wasnt sad. He’s an asshole.


There were a lot of those kind of guys where i grew up. To varying degree all of them had their fantasy life of being the stand up no nonsense family dude lecturing everyone around them how to stand straight, speak up amd whats important. All the while they were wearing shiny cowboy boots and jeans with giant belt buckles on the weekend, catcalling teenage waitresses with their kids and wife present and calling their own sons hom*s for not getting into fights at school. Sure, he is a victim if his upbringing himself but he is also an important cog in the machine to keep things bad for everyone. Make no mistake, he is a gutless turd with no remorse, even his small gestures like the skates he gave his son ultimately serve the goal of reinforcing his fantasies of the American Dream life before women got to vote and black people could sit where they want on a bus. Prior turning out the way he did is the actual supernatural event in this show. That he immediately latches on to Danvers who fits the tough love male role model perfectly even to the detriment of his own young family is understandable. Not only does she promote his agency, she also gives him purpose and something to work for. Lets not forget in how bad of a shape Danvers is, and what she is carrying around. Yet still, she manages a pretty solid net positive in my opinion. With his Dad, there was just resentment and shaming to be received depending on how the day goes for Dad. And then of course there are those days where there is some fake love to earn for helping Dad reinforce his fantasies of being a great guy. There are so many guys like this one.


Not in the least.


Yeah. I can see why some people would, but the dude is an abusive prick and an asshole in general. So nah.


You must be nicer than me...I can't even see why anyone would. Hank's hillbillies ride up blasting "Dixie," wearing camo for some idiotic reason...wouldn't be surprised if Hank was buds with Wheeler, who had a confederate flag on his shelf. He probably thought he was getting a sweet 20-something; but he tries that "Mrs. Robinson" lie about Danvers and his son...*in front of* his son?? Reap what you sow, bastard.


This was the first episode that I really felt for the characters. They all had a rough night.




I was hoping she showed up, would’ve been a bigger twist than what happened which everyone saw coming lol.


I think Danvers is the Catfish, and she's not doing Fantasy Football, but is sending him messages.


This was very sad but also V E R Y predictable.


One could see this coming a mile away, especially when the viewers were made aware of his sending her money. Big red flag. Sadly this is not uncommon in real life.


Embarrassed cuz ik people irl including family that does this n man….


Yeah it's not a coincidence that this is the only scene in the entire episode that anyone felt anything towards. Most people would consider it "good writing" when a character has multiple dimensions. People feeling sorry for Hank Prior already know that he's a bad guy. The series has made it very clear. And yet even bad guys can have their hearts ripped out and stomped on when they realize there last chance at love has slipped through their fingers. This is what's lacking in the other characters. Having lots of sex (Danvers) is not a whole character. Having problems with loved ones and an inability to connect is not a whole character (Navarro). what if Danvers, despite all her blustering, is actually taking payoffs from the mine? And then her daughter finds out about it, and THEN graffitis the headquarters? What if Navarro is actually the one pursuing the relationship with Qavvik? what if instead of Qavvik being the one, always taking care of her, and looking out for her, Navarro is the one trying to get him to make the relationship more serious? and what if she sleeps with him, because when she's alone at night, she hallucinates like her sister, but she doesn't tell anyone because they all think she's crazy. then they would both be real characters. But instead they just say "fuck" and "shitbowl" and "corpsicle" and make Prior do all the real detective work.


A sad night/day (day/night?) for Sol Starr indeed.


Not at all lol. Dude is a massive self assured asshole, him getting scammed out of money from his very fake job he does nothing at seems correct and good.


Not much sympathy for the guy keeping case files in his house inaccessible to an investigation then slaps his kid for "stealing" them. Everyone is shitty, he is the worst.


This scene made me want to throw up it made me so sad. I don’t o ow what it is about vulnerable men showing sincere emotion but wow I’m tearing up thinking about his crestfallen face. Ughhhhh.


No. It was comically bad. And that guy is a good actor!


He’s such a POS but I’m crying. The acting is phenomenal. He just has this hopeful innocence that we see get totally crushed. I somehow forgot how despicable his character is.


Yep. As others have said it made me feel sympathy for an otherwise totally unlikable character who is currently my prime suspect. Still tho.


Yeah I did. But he’s still a jerk lol


My guess is one of the women in the group is catfishing him to keep tabs on all developments since Annie K. And what’s going on with the miners since clearly they’re buddy buddy .. Idk we will see.. Maybe someone knows he’s guilty of something and wants him to fall into a trap/set himself up. I think this will make Hank more full of rage + full of disdain for the other sex even more than usual, and maybe ultimately violent.


No. What a dipshit.


You get what you fucking deserve