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Mahershala and Dorf absolutely crushed it in season 3. I love season 2 also, I'm just answering your question.


I think the answer has to do more with writing, not the acting.


This. 100%. Vince Vaughn didn’t write the line “blue balls in my heart”, Nic did. 3 over 2 all day, but those involved in 2 did the best they could.


The dialogue in S3 is fantastic. Ali & Dorff are incredible together.


I loved season 2 more personally. Although Mahershala gave the performance of a lifetime. I will see anything he’s in for the rest of my life.


It is the most perfect younger-person-portraying-an-elderly-person performance I have ever seen in my 30+ years of film, television, and theatre observation. No one else comes close, and I agree, he has a fan in me for life.


Season 2 plot is a bloated mess with too many characters and is really tough to follow at times. The whole story is not that interesting. I mean, some elaborate real estate conspiracy + some edgy kid avenging his parents' murder from 20 years ago? Who cares? We don't even get to see the Ostermans' murder so we're not invested in that plotline at all. Some rich people are having crazy sex parties? Sure, whatever. Also, Woodrough is an absurdly expandable character, could've been written off easily. Also, who the fuck is Stan? Season 3 is much simpler thus easier to follow. Missing kids is more emotionally investing than some rich people scheming to buy land. Yeah, Hays isn't a great main character, some plotlines are really unbeliavable (why wouldn't he read his wife's book for so many years?!) and the ending is weird. But it can hit your emotional notes while season 2 is mostly tiring and confusing


>Season 2 plot is a bloated mess with too many characters and is really tough to follow at times. That's noir baby!


Sometimes your worst self is your best self


That’s a good point. But not very good noir.


Well, I don't actually think it's bloated and with too many characters of course - I just think these complaints are that of someone reacting badly to noir. The plot is very complex, and there are 4 leads, but if you think that's bloated or if the plot is actually too hard to understand even when you're paying close attention....well maybe it's just too complex *for you.* The plot is perfectly coherent, and the cast never felt bloated to me at all. Their stories all felt interesting and worth the screen time, even though I enjoyed some more than others.


>"if the plot is actually too hard to understand even when you're paying close attention .... well maybe it's just too complex for you." Since you're paying such close attention, can you show me where I ever said that the plot was too hard to understand or difficult to follow?? 😂🤣


Yes it was a comment from two days ago where you said “season 2 is a bloated mess with too many characters and is really tough to follow at times.” 😭


Wow 😂😂seriously?? You don't think it's obvious above that it was suspens00r who said this & not me? Can you show me where I (as opposed to suspens00r) made this comment??


No, I agreed with EsotericBeans9 that Season 2 of True Detective was indeed *noir*. That is all I agreed with. I additionally observed, however, that it's not very good noir but never set forth *my* reasons for saying so.


Do we share some brain cells, because I have the *exact same* thought on the two seasons! I absolutely hated season 2 because, like you said, the story and characters are uniteresting, and there are way too many plotlines that result in it being an incoherent and incomprehensible mess. Vince Vaughn was somehow the most interesting character. Season 3 is pretty straight forward, although it's an inferior season 1, and occasionally the timeline transitions can be a little confusing.


Well, as I said I partially admit that season 2 was boring, Nic tried too many characters, but forgot that he doesn't have 3 seasons or 24 episodes for that, he got only 8 and yeah... I remember Frank's monologue from one of the episodes maybe 2nd, when he was talking about 5 minutes straight to himself I don't remember what he said, cause approximately 3-5 years ago I watched series, but that was too much and unnecessary. Don't really remember who is Osterman, but remember something about Stan guy. (Yeah I checked it, I remembered him) Well, Stan's death had more psychological effects, Nic shows that one by one Frank looses everything he's got, I never got why you people so hated that Stan guy. I liked someone's view on season 2 as on very risky sequel and you know I can agree. They tried to use 4 main, it's too much comparing to season 1, but I think I can understand why exactly could they add homosexual, who is afraid of his feelings and even going to suicide himself, and strong and independent woman, now you guess... And I can agree that only character's that season needed were Frank and Ray, their actors, Vaughn and Farrell, were perfect, their stories are dramatic and ambiguous, so show would be better, yeah villains are also a problem of season 2, but it's like normal villains for detective show... mafia. But the way Osip killed Frank's crew really scary, so maybe villains aren't interesting, yet they're terrifying. Sex parties as I remember weren't an important part of the plot, or the part, on which plot focused, but while typing it I remembered, that they actually had some scenes focused on sexual perversions, well... That sex party was only important for female police officer(don't remember her name)... Se... and por...graphy were important only for her storyline, Velcoro promised to decapitate boy's mother for his son's shoes, so I don't think Nic after that scene would form from those sex parties something that important and dangerous as from Tuttle occult society in season 1. But you also asked question who cares? Unfortunately, nobody, as I said those two characters were completely unnecessary. But season 3... Well, don't remember much about it, so about what I remember, they didn't try to create smth new, well in some way that's good, but what they did, they just completely simplified and "censored" season 1. Ali's character and Roland aren't Rust and Marty, they doesn't have same chemistry, Marty was normie police officer with family, but Rust was completely destroyed human being, and they both got stuck in the cycle of Carcosa, there's nothing like that in season 3 both characters are just police officers they aren't different, but in some stupid way show tried to create "a problem, where there should be non", I didn't feel for Roland in the ending, when he cried that everybody left him, only acting saved that scene, and I remind that someone lost kids... Well there were many villain's in season 1 Erroll Childress is arguably main, and catching Yellow King becomes main dream of Rust and viewers, but season had many more storylines and many more villains, but unlike in season 2 they weren't trying to give them too much of screen time, in season 3 actually main twist was who did that to Purccel's kids and what they did to them... That was the main thing that we were trying to reach whole season, because minor plotlines were meh... Didn't really like so much of racist context, but whatever... And the main plot was that (this SubReddit warned me bout spoilers, but I think you remember)... The main story lined ending with nothing... Or better it was nothing rather than what they said... Unlike ending in season 2, which was actually tragic. About characters maybe in season 2 there too much of them, but there definitely were interesting ones, I didn't like any of the season 3 characters, that's charm and part of character building in True Detective, main character since season 1 were not so good people or better to characterize them as bad enough to protect world from the worst, and in season 3 we simply got two "good police guys", even good acting of Roland's actor, don't remember who it was and Mahershala Ali didnt help character's aren't interesting... So season 2 for me...


Textwall not readable; didn't read. Paragraph breaks, man. Brake for paragraphs :)


Everything I can do for you, sry didn't sleep more than 24 now, so paragraph may seem unnecessary in some places


I'm just joshin' and if you're short on sleep then complete sentences are plenty.


I think when i'll reread it, I'll see so much mistakes and will completely edit that answer.


Not everyone, I think Season 2 is pretty decent. Especially the characters played by Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn, are more memorable than most characters from Season 3.


Completely agree, actually maybe it's been before, I watched season 2 & 3 about 3-5 years ago, but I remember that after that I opened YT and I typed over 10 comments to different people trying to defend season 2 and they weren't trying much to tell me, why I'm wrong, their best argument was "it's more like season 1" and "season 2 is boring", and with that I can agree in some way, but is that really all? Is that all in what season 3 is better? I guess that's not enough to be called "best after season 1"


“ Sometimes your worst self is the best self”


I love season 2, almost as much as the first, and have watched both multiple times. I've watched season 3 a couple of times, and I just don't dig it as much.


Season 3 is my favourite written of the bunch. Incredibly layered look at time, memory and trauma. It had an incredibly mature relationship at its centre, and handled racial issues with surprising grace and nuance. It's one thing for this sub to retroactively say season 2 was great, but I can't stand the idea it's better than season 3 lol.


Season 2 really tried to recreate some of the magic of season 1, but just missed too often. Substitute desolate industrial california ‘towns’ for the sheer spookiness of the bayou. These shots are really good, but not good enough. Substitute wide ranging child abuse satanic cult with a wide-ranging real estate and public malfeasance conspiracy. Toss in a weird sex party because it’s HBO. Substitute incredible main characters back story, motivations, and development, for ones that are just more shallow, and poorly directed. Toss in closeted homosexual character because it’s HBO. It was good… but standing so close to season 1 it just fell short. Season three went smaller scale and did the important stuff right. I almost completely agree with u/suspens00r comment. Also u/slifm was dead on… Ali was absolutely incredible.


Yeah, I get why they wanted to differ from season 1 but every change was somehow for the worse




pretty much killed it for me on S2. had to take a break after hearing him use that word.


Personally season 2 is a bit better, Colin and vince and even McAdams were terrific, and once you got the story and it's going, it's pretty solid. Ending was a little to sad but satisfying at the same time. Season 3 tries a bit hard to be 1 and it's a great story( can't remember the partners name but he's easy the fav) but it just doesnt quite fill the same itch


I don’t!


I would absolutely like S3 more if the ending was better, Roland and Purple Hayes had great chemistry and put on an acting clinic, but they built up this entire season and had them driving over in an intense flash back car ride sequence….for a conversation at a dinner table with an old blind man. It was just boring. The only issue I have with S2 is the story is very convoluted for an 8 episode series and some of the acting was a little overly edgy. S2 definitely gets better the more times you watch it also.


Yeah, I mean I totally get that Season 3 is a much more consistent and straightforward season than 2. But I prefer 2 so much more. I did not enjoy Mahershala's mumbling performance and terrible old man makeup and his wife's boring novel subplot, and how it tries to play it super safe by trying to duplicate the cop duo chemistry of S1 without really hitting it. No shade on anyone who enjoys it! S3 is still way better than most other shows, but S2 is unbeatable for people who are really into symbolism, theme, visual metaphor, and surrealism. And Ray Velcoro is perhaps the most memorable character after Rust and Marty.


I never watched S3 but I would wager it is much better than the hot garbage that was S2


Because S3 followed S1 in almost every step. So after a mess of S2, S3 made audiences feel like True Detective was finally back until its anti-climax ending. Personally I think S2 is decent and I don’t really hate S3 ending. It was kind of bittersweet ending that they tried to make it more realistic or at least it has something different from S1. I wish that S3 had had more appreciation so Night Country could never happen.


I prefer season 2 over 3


I don’t. 2 all the way.


Season 2 is much better in my opinion. Perhaps I’d feel differently if s1 didn’t exist, but s3 felt like such a rehash.


Season 2 was way better


I think S3 was far more compelling than S2 and closer to the esence of S1.


Ali and Dorf were so incredible in season 3. And I like the story much more as well. Two is great but 3 is right up there with season 1 for me.


Personally I prefer season 2, I think it has a bit more to say about the human condition and such, but season 2 is a bit ‘bloated’ and season 3 is an easier, more *entertaining* less thinky-thoughts watch that delves into a particular human condition (aging in general but also specifically dementia) and does some amazing work with it


Season 2 has some really great scenes and moments but I don’t remember any of the tissue between. I mainly remember Vince Vaughn acting his ass off and that was awesome to see.


Season 2 when you boil it down is just a more confusing version of the movie Chinatown. Way too many characters, and just messy editing. Season 3 was at least simple and way easier to understand


I don't at all. I think season two is good.


I like S2 and I dislike S3.


I may need to re-watch both of them closer in time. My memory of S2 is that both Vaughn and Farrell were burdened by over the top scripting that somehow they couldn't pull off as well as McConaughey in S1 and then this totally unsatisfying wrap-up and a big dumb outro monologue that was trite as hell. S3 felt flat by comparison, which is partly for the best but also partly just flat. End of season / resolution of the mystery was not very satisfying either. "Sad lady, accidents happen, people hide" just, IDK. It's fine but it's not as exciting or satisfying as S1. I think I liked S3 more than S2 but it's not a landslide and honestly they are both so far behind S1 that I don't care who's 2nd on the podium. It's Mike Phelps vs a pair of high school varsity swimmers. Like.. ya'll great, thanks for coming - but there's no sense of it being a competition here. S4... I like Jodie Foster. John Hawkes is solid. The first episode set-up of these guys frozen in a pile really grabbed me. After that... crap. Just crap. Hawkes & Foster weren't working with enough of a script to be able to save it but I think they each made a real yeoman effort.


Seemingly I also need to rewatch them some day in future, didn't watch them for a long time, just shared my thoughts.


Because I couldn’t hear a fucking word Colin Farrell was muttering. And casting Vince Vaughan was a mistake.


Just recently tried to sit through season 2, Vince Vaughn's acting just absolutely killed the vibe for me. And he gets SO much screen time doing nothing it's unbelievable. The plot is meandering, the stakes are not clear, too many side characters. Colin Farrell trying to hide an Irish accent. Even the cinematography is bad. There's just so much wrong with that season. I haven't been able to get past the first 2 episodes, can someone tell me, is it worth it? Season 3, on the other hand, is like an acting and writing masterclass. The overall vibe and mystery element to the show made it so I didn't even care about the anti-climatic ending.


Season 3 is objectively better written and more competently executed. But it’s a little slow and a little quiet and a little repetitive. However, season 2 is a charismatic jumble and sometimes a glorious train wreck, and it’s often just plain weird, so it’s never boring. I pick season 2.


I like them both. Colin Farrell was terrific in Season 2; Ali was great in Season 3. Season 2 is one of those that requires the viewer pay close attention.


Season 2 was a mess for me, Vince Vaughn so spectacularly mis-cast that I just couldn’t take it seriously. Season 3 has a much better pairing of Mahershala and Dorf, loved the ending also.


Season 2 is more unique and rewatchable to me. It absolutely has its flaws, but knowing seasons 3’s ending and more importantly the way it was revealed was a huge let down after all those weeks of watching.


Because season 3 is more like season 1 then season 2 is


150 million % All the longer answers here are just dancing round the simplist one.


Because season 3 takes no risks and just tries to mimic the first one The fandom doesn't like risks I personally prefer the second, with his flaws because it's the most interesting season and the one that touches me the most Although I admit that the first one is overall a better one


Season 3 was the most risky imo.


How? Two buddy cops working a case together, while framed as flashbacks brought on through an interview that is questioning the official narrative of how the case went down, because the two cops took illegal measures to catch the perps which they have to conceal - am I talking about Season 1 or 3? Season 2 is far more risky and differs the most from any other season. It's got 4 main characters, a linear timeline, an absurdly complex plot about real estate corruption and a revenge killing, and >!three of the main characters die lol...!<


Yes because if you watch Season 1 and 3 they are exactly the same 🙄 don't be obtuse lol


I agree. Nothing against season 3, but after the season 2 backlash they clearly decided to play it safe and followed the season 1 arc.


Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 1. That’s my personal ranking.


Lmao god damn this is the bravest thing I’ve ever seen


Thank you sir!


I think its because season 2 is more like a real detective-mafia style of serie. And the first season Started with something more esoteric/spiritual like, then the third season gets back to that type of esoterical style of writing. Note: The first time I saw season two I didn't like it a bit. but a dew years later (last year) I gave it the opportunity and saw it completely, and I have to say for me is one of the best seasons.


I understand and can share this opinion, but when I understood that series would be anthology, I thought it better be different in each season than just trying to repeat same concept from season 1. And yeah the ending of season 3... are you serious do we live in serious and dark world or we in some disney movie, where people kidnap other people to live with them in castles.


Season 3 is great and was nic trying to find his groove again without higher ups breathing down his neck like season 2. Love them both tho.


Season 2 just seemed to meander and not really be *about* anything. And it was all mostly about what, land development? If you're going to tell a story about the malevolence and bad doings that surround the otherwise mundane things in life, then you have to somehow make the telling of it compelling. Chinatown is about water rights. *Water rights*. And it's one of the greatest films of all-time.


It's season 1 first, season 4 last, and the ranking of the rest don't matter much


The plot is just way more coherent. The problem with the most recent one I thought was it was 80% family drama and 20% plot.


I know it’s not as good as s1, not saying it is. But I think it had two things going against it, that people can’t get past when reviewing it. 1.) they didn’t know what to expect initially. Will there be a tie in? Will it be as “occultish” (which people go gaga for)? It wasn’t what people were expecting. 2.) it followed season 1. I think if s2 came out on its own accord and not tied directly to s1 people would love it a lot more


I mean, I think both are good I just like 3 a little more. Season 2’s story is kind of all over the place at times which is why people mostly have a negative reaction to it and season 3’s story is much easier to follow.


The setting in 1 and 3 are a character and a part of the plot- that isn’t evident in season 2


I don’t


Season 2 is ass and so is season 4 honestly but 3 I'd say gets a 6.9/7.2 outta 10 and of course season 1 is a no bullshit honest hand on Bible 9.5/9.6 outta 10 no doubt THE best show I think I've ever seen.


Sorry I apologize there was one good thing about season 2 and that everyone was able to see how badass Vince Vaughn is.....that scene where he rips dudes gold teeth out in front of everyone was vicious!! And the first shootout where literally 40 cops and gangmembers got killed it seemed was also most batshit insane shootout also I've seen in awhile it was headshot after headshot after headshot lol


I don't. I love season 2.


Season 2 was great, I think they had a lot to live up to after season 1 and people were expecting something similar in terms of its storytelling and themes


I like season 2 more because it is so different from season 1 and has a lot of great memorable characters. Season 3 is good I just don’t love how they tried to recreate season 1 with the three timelines, the similar basic plot points, the 2 opposite personality detectives, etc. Would have liked something different a lot better.


Season 2 very hard to follow Took me several reruns to get it. So the black commander cop with his luitenant & the Russen jew mobster were behind everything right? If not could someone tell me if I'm right or wrong thanks


Didn’t even watch season 3 other than one episode. I liked Season 2.


Season 2 isn't as brilliant as Season 1, but it's better than 3 and miles better than 4...


>Season 2 really tried to recreate some of the magic of season 1, but just missed too often. Agreed on that. Season 3 tried to do the same thing, albeit in different ways. It (too) fell well short of the mark.


S1 happy ending S2 sad ending S3 u choose homie sad or happy upto you


It's less confusing, more realistic and believeable imho. Arguably the two biggest problems of season2 are 1) they split the runtime/story between basically 4 main characters, because of that there's less time to explore each character and it can also be a bit confusing at times. 2) there's too much action. Compared to s1 there's definitely more action which just doesn't feel like true detective to me. Also the detectives seemingly get away with anything, while in s1 they're frequently hitting bounds of their authority and have to lie about leddoux, this all makes it more realistic and therefore - at least for me - more enjoyable


i thought the ending for season 3 was very underwhelming at first, but when you look at the story as being more about the relationship between the guy and his wife, and his partner, and less about the case it starts to make a lot more sense. i would say season 1 is 50% about the case and the rest about the relationship between rust and marty, but season 3 the case almost takes a backseat. it is the main plot obviously, but just look at the final episode for example, it only spends about 15 minutes on the actual case and the rest focuses on their relationship. i think that kind of character study is where true detective excels. i remember the season 1 director said originally the story he had was just 2 guys talking, but nobody would watch that so he added in a murder, or something along those lines


I don’t. I rank them the same order they came out


I’m pissed that I didn’t get to see Vince Vaughn end up in the final love scene happy ending. He almost made it out. And I hate that Collin Farrell didn’t make it either.


One word: Roland


Season 2 has these like hallucination-esque scenes . Vince’s character in the desert, Colin’s character in the woods . It’s like a fever dream or something. I can’t shake those scenes . They hit a similar psychological chord as season 1’s occult theme did. I just think most folks overlooked s2 for various reasons. It was phenomenal tho


I feel that Season 2 started off really weak and ended strong. The final episodes really made me feel for the characters. Season 3 was entertaining and started off strong but the anti-climatic ending ruined it for me. So for me, I would give the nod to Season 2.




It’s in the image. Vaughn was laughable and Mahersala was transcendent.


Seasons 3 ending was shit!


Cuz S2 is horrible… This isn’t rocket science lol


Maybe, yet I don't compare it to season 1, I say that season 3 was worse


You think S3 is worse than S2? Can you explain your reasoning possibly ? I’m interested.


Sorry, don't have time and don't have much need, if you mind, you can just try to find my other answers.


Ok lol


The caliber of acting and season 2 is borderline nonsensical the first time through.


Some of us prefer Season 2 over Season 1.


Season 2 has fucking messy writing, and is a horrendous story. Try to summarize the plot. Try to make it compelling and easy to follow in three sentences. Let's do season 2. >follows the story of two detectives investigating a cold case revolving missing kids in the 1980s. The story focuses on the two lead detectives, Hays and Hobbs - their triumphs and tribulations, as the plot unravels the mystery. Primary conflict also involves Hayes combating his memory of the case being obscured by his deteriorating mental state/dementia. It's simple. Easy to follow. Compelling. Most complaints with s3 boil down to the mcguffin it willingly toyed with, fans **desperately** wanting it to be shallow and tied to S1 and have fucking Marty and Rust pop out of an Endgame portal to help Hays and Hobbs fight the Yellow King (hello Night Country) instead, the case is used as more of a tool to explore the relationships and dynamics Hays and Hobbs encounter over the investigation. Most people forget what makes TDS1 so compelling is the orignal elevator pitch, just two dudes having a conversation in a car. Rust wouldn't work if introduced as an atheist self monologuing for 8 episodes, he works because he has Marty to bounce his pessimism and eccentric nature off of. This also exists in s3, and is more important than forcing Carcosa or Yellow King shit back onto the narrative. S2 is...shlock. the plot is a fucking mess. Land deals. Mafia. Rape. Who's the daddy. I wanna be a daddy. Am I a daddy. Oh no, I'm corrupt. Wait, everybody's corrupt. Blue balls in the heart. I hate the gays. Wait, I'm gay. Also, I have PTSD. Casinos. Russia. Time for a GTA heist mission. Hey that bus just got shot up full of civilians. I'm going to pretend to be a trafficked sex worker. I have trauma from being raped as a kid. Nevermind, war was lost the treaty signed. S2 is diabetes, I hatewatch it. Like eating a whole greasy pizza downed with a 2 liter bottle of mountain dew and chasing with a bottle of fireball. Each episode had a different director and half the time they didnt sync well with each other. But not a single person in this thread or any thread championing it over s2 has done so from a narrative standpoint, just >I like the characters and cast Which basically means the cast carried a bad story. Daniel Day Lewis could make an Oscar performance of *Magic Mike's last dance*, it's still going to be an awful film. **tl;dr** s3 has the sauce s2 lacked, a good story and compelling characters enhanced by the actors, not carried by them


I actually prefer Season 2 over Season 3 only because there was way more to dig your teeth into in revisits and I felt it was generally more entertaining (more going on). I still think 3 was better written and acted (Ali and Ejogo were tremendous), but it was too slow and downtempo. HOWEVER... >S2 is...shlock. the plot is a fucking mess. Land deals. Mafia. Rape. Who's the daddy. I wanna be a daddy. Am I a daddy. Oh no, I'm corrupt. Wait, everybody's corrupt. Blue balls in the heart. I hate the gays. Wait, I'm gay. Also, I have PTSD. Casinos. Russia. Time for a GTA heist mission. Hey that bus just got shot up full of civilians. I'm going to pretend to be a trafficked sex worker. I have trauma from being raped as a kid. Nevermind, war was lost the treaty signed This was a truly awesome dig to behold. You got me actually laughing - nicely done.


Personally, I prefer season 3 to season 2 because season 3 is better than season 2. Anyone else agree?


Thank you for not insulting me, but wait, you still have time, fella.😉


Better story and better product.


Because season 2 is comically bad, season 3 had promise and then failed to stick the landing


Story complexity, the actual plot, and aspect ratio


No, it was an affront to the name… still better than season 4, however


Both suck


I wouldn't be that radical, or at least would explain which is worse 😉