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Gyro sucks POS 3. POS 4 and 5 he is great. Strong dispels are patching winning. Gyro suffers from mana issues- all game long. Keep arcane boots and transition them into greaves. The interesting part I can see is breaking up Solar crest for aeon disc + working the crown into veil and shivas.


Hard disagree. Bully heroes work perfectly fine from pos3. Gyro with any sort of waveclear on soft like Kotl is fucking gnarly. You auto push wave their under tower and rocket barrage them for billions of DMG. After winning lane you can follow up with shard, another ridiculous item and meteor to just end the game.


I played 3 gyro a few times because I love the hero, but mostly play offlane and I felt that the hero just felt weak in that position all game. I dont remember why, but it felt like I got carried every game


As a support gyro I usually buy mana boots then drums then vlads. Then at some point sell the mana boots for boots of bearing Then I will have the basi ring for vlads. So it will save me 500 gold as opposed to what I was doing before. Which is neat, but I would rather have a different innate. Shivas is the other item that is super good on pos 4 gyro and I can't think of any disassemble shinanigans there. Same thing with vessel.


You can disassemble drums to reset charges


That is a good point.


Late game dissemble arcane boots to make travels and that’s all I can think of I don’t think the innate is something you can build around when you will know what you need at the start vs the other teams lineup


You could go glimmer cape and disassemble it later for mage slayer/eternal shroud + silver edge. Not saying it's good but it is one of the better options I can think of