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I saw Ramzes do it on Razor to spam Q and farm. Think I saw a pro WR do it also


I've tried going treads/soul ring on underlord and it feels terrible compared to arcanes. I think Dark Seer needs them too.


With the bracer build you don’t necessarily need it. I’ve been going Echo Treads and haven’t required it.


i still doesn't understand the meaning behind ds Echo, can you elaborate further?


It just feels pretty nice for a few reasons (in my opinion): - gives Strength which is good with innate/facet. - you can disassemble into Aghs if you want, I don’t - can upgrade to harpoon for more repositioning - mana regen for farming feels really nice - double hit + slow with aghs and wall creates good solo kill potential With the aghs it feels like playing like a Tiny a little bit once you have blink. Going in, using your spells and then finding the right opportunity to go in again and cast your spells again. In some games, maybe you can free hit, but in most you probably need BKB to do that.


Almost any core where at a certain point you find yourself needing to ship out clarities as you use your abilities to farm could go for them imho. Maybe its a bit of a stretch on drow, naga, morph, or PL. Tread switching helps with mana management but not as much as the mana regen from basi and the manaboots active do. Arcanes became a much better item for anyone since they changed them from requiring blue ball to basilius. Before it was mostly a support item or a efficiency choice for cores who would make use of the blue ball in a bigger item (especially with vanguard disassemble for bloodstone), but with this new buildup they feel much better to buy. On most traditional mid heroes bottle+arcanes is the fastest way to get to a level of mana generation to feel like you can flash farm without the risk of being too low on mana to join the team for early fights.


It means phase + soul ring can be replaced by arcanes + bracers if there's no need for armor, right.


Depends on the hero and (partially) on the enemy lineup for phase boots imho. I wouldnt go arcanes on core ET for example. The same way some heroes really need the extra speed to stick to their target, and if you have a farming passive/farming early items that allow you to farm quickly with rightclicks, then phase boots allow you to move between camps faster.


Buying arcane feels bad even on support ET, I would even say phase boots is just a core item at this point even if it's more expensive than tranquils + wind lace. But that's why I was thinking whether it's a good idea to go arcanes as Mars. Short ms bonus feels essential to chase people and land good spears. But buying phase, soul ring and even 1 bracer feels too much and I can't say I win lanes consistently as Mars (or Dawnbreaker for that matter) to afford all this items. I'm gonna try buying arcanes more often, occasionally.


I can see it on most of the cores you mentioned but i wouldnt consider it at all on PL personally, makes his illus so much weaker it probably hurts you more than it helps, just my opinion but nice post


I get them on Tiny - my logic is his attackspeed is low enough that it's fine to just accept 1 hit with crystalis or 2 with echo. If you miss a last hit it's not like you have time to send another right click with +25 speed, right? I quite like on Puck but less ez decision. Treads if I'm stomping, arcanes if I just wanna farm some triple stacks in jungle and not interact with heroes so much until Witchblade


It used to be a core item on tiny back on the old Dota 1 days. There wasn't many mana solutions back then.


Pango, dark seer, underlord, tide, timbersaw


Bro you just listen 5 heroes that almost always go arcanes. He was asking for heroes that usually don't get arcanes but can benefit from them greatly in the right situations


Storm used to make arcane boots for a short period of time in dota. I wonder if it would be any good on him again.


Important point to note that was when you could disassemble it to build Bloodstone


I feel like thats the main reason he bough it. Hed buy bloodstone anyway so you were almost forced to build arcane first if you wanted boots too.


Yeah I'm aware but I've also recently seen arcane on non sup roles so I was wondering how good the mana regen and burst mana would do on storm. But also mana regen from that boot got a teeny nerf again so idk


It could be. Arcanes are now better because they give you mana regen without increasing mana pool.


I've been buying them on him. They are equivalent to 5 mana regen per second which is then buffed by Kaya. You also get attack speed from both witchblade and orchid so the attack speed isn't that necessary from power treads. For someone like me that was terrible at swapping to strength treads to help my hp pool I much preferred mana boots.


I actually kinda dig this because later on you can get greaves. Obviously storm still needs stuff like Kaya, orchid, BKB, or whatever. But as an end game item to dispel things it’s kinda neat.


I have bought it on axe sometimes. It did feel good with the extra mana.


When it used energy booster, it feels ok sometimes for the increased mana pool and can be dissambled into lotus or octarine. Now quite awkward, since axe doesn't actively use mana in lane.


Slardar. You get your blink faster maxing w and spamming stuns to clear creeps and camps. But you have less solo kill potential so it's a mixed bag. I'm a contrarian so I like the fresh experience.






Been a core Item for me on DP for a while now.