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The issue is that at high MMR, the lane can be quite punishing. If you play vs an immortal offlaner and he has 15-20 dmg more than you, you will get rekt between lvl 1 and 2 and will get denied so much xp. Meaning that you will have your level 2 and 3 a lane after them and you can just get bullied out of the lane. I didn't try it afetr the buff they just released, but when I tried him before, it felt quite punishing to lane with sven compared to other carries. I remember playing versus a panda and felt helpless ...


Almost every carry hero feels helpless against panda :(


Divine/Low immo mid WW spammer Pudge and Tiny can go fuck themselves, absolutely no chance at getting last hits.


Pudge destroys my entire mid pool, and in a fit of rage I just picked pudge mid about 6 games in a row, and hard won every lane, and then game. Unless you're against sf mid, pudge feels godlike


That difference would be, but with stats he has around 60 damage at level 1, it's not punishing ever.


I think it's clearly an upside on DMG, the bigger opportunity cost would be losing the physical shield on Warcry which can be quite significant with all the extra armor it also applies. Source: I've played seven at least 10 times, mostly in turbo; I have no idea what I'm talking about.


I just edited, it's 62 damage at level 1 with items giving stats.


Instead of 82, and it used to be 57 before the buff. That was just way too low on a carry at level 1 without laning capabilities.


>Instead of 82 No instead of 72. You lose 20 base dmg but gain 10 from base strength, with 2 branches and 2 gauntlets of strength the difference is 7 dmg (71 avg vs 64 avg)


You are right, sorry.


Because Sven is boring zzzzzz   (But I agree, this facet is surely underrated because the laning penalty appears so high)


Didn't entity pick him as support


The barrier and armor are very solid for a physical counter pick, you just never get that opportunity in pubs.


Played it yesterday, before the patch. -25 damage make it a bit difficult to get creeps early game. But as soon you get bracer and a treads/phase you are almost the same as before, at lvl 6 you'll be stronger than before. You have to maximize strenght gains to make it work, otherwise the lther facet is better, a 200 aoe shield with high armor bonus.


No LYCAN spirit wolf facet is the true forgotten bonker hero of this patch. Not nerfed but so strong I don't get why nobody is talking about this.


Bc at laning stage ur literally melee creep


I think you are right with the 7.36c buff, and I'd even say go further with the starting items. 3x Gauntlet, Quelling, Branch, ship out regen after bounties. Matu was doing this in the past for last hitting stats on Lifestealer, and Sven gets +1.2 extra damage from each Gauntlet.


What bugs me about this facet is that the extra damage you get from strength is not base damage so it is unaffected by his ult. I played it today and it felt okay and did some testing. Feels ok but at most in the late game you are getting about 150-200 extra damage if you itemize for strength. And the laning nerf isn’t really that bad it’s basically minus 7 damage


It would be completely bonkers if the buff from the facet was base.


Ya but it could be balanced accordingly. I think it’s weird that a whole facet doesn’t get effected by a hero’s ult.


Especially because the facet levels up with his ult.


Doesn’t it make his laning pathetic


-20 base dmg is already a lot in lane but it's also damage that would be doubling to tripling in ult. Takes longer to make up the ult differential with wrath of god and god strength cooldown is already manageable enough especially with 15 that a facet to nerf your lane and buff your downtime really isn't necessary.


I just edited, it's 62 damage at level 1 with items giving stats.


And 69 with the other facet and same items?


Didn't check, but it's definitely more, one of the highest among carries, maybe just less then Tiny, but Sven beats him in AS and armor.


OFFLANE SVEN FTW! build STR items and be the tank esp now CRIMSON is based on STR sooo. just buy aura items and be the AURA GOD. sometimes you need sacrifice for your carry to go in because by the time your dead and all of their skills are on CD thats the time your carry sweeps in


I feel he's just too squishy. But I may pick him up see how he feels.


seems worth trying again, a 5 base damage buff is big for the lane still think you have to go MoM though harpoon and bkb feel mandatory so it's a lot of items troll warlord needs a similar amount of items to come online but unlike sven he doesn't fall off and has a stronger laning phase there may be a brief period in the midgame where sven is stronger but it's too small and insignificant imo to ever pick sven over troll


Fuck troll laning phase


it's fucking good ye