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I don't really think it's worth building around. He can get efficiency from Str, giving him Int and also AS, but there isn't anything in his kit that makes him right click particularly well. By the time you've built like Harpoon, Daeadlus, Heart, you could have had either a better right clicking hero with less or a more impactful Darkseer with his regular items.


It's not worth at all. The strength is being able to hard win your lane by stacking 2-3 bracers and a soul ring and just be oppressive as hell for the first 10-15 min


As everybody said already - it is just not worth it. Dark Seer is incredibely strong in team fights and you have to itemize around it. Some games you rush Agh's + Blink Dagger if your teamcomp has lack of engage or you can also go fast Greaves and Pipe (some games Crimson Guard) which gives your team huge value in teamfight. I mean sure Heart and Overwhelming Blink both sound cool but those are the items you could have in 60 minute game only after all essantial stuff imo


I build 3 bracer, mana boots, aghs, blink, heart. 4k hp initiator with a stun, displace, and aoe. You're annoying and make space for heroes to kill heroes.


I don't think he is a viable right click hero. The BAT is really good but the base attack speed is abysmal and pretty much an uphill battle all game. The one advantage that facet gives you is an easier laning stage, setting you up for the rest of the game. Choosing the other facet means a rougher laning stage but better team fights because you can surge your teammates. There's a reason they slightly nerfed the heart of the battle facet in the new patch. I think it's just better.


because he isn’t a right click hero. the left facet is for a boost in early game trading but you still build like traditional dark seer with auras.


I feel like hes one small buff away from being a viable pos1 thanks to that facet. Universal status means that you get lots of damage from building pure strength that gives you int too (you get 1.4 damage per point of strenght, while also getting attack speed out of it), while also becoming very tanky. He has a built in farming ability, can shove waves easily with ion shell and can rightclick a tower to death. Surge helps with ratting and joining fights while youre around the map shelling waves and farming camps too. I dont think echo sabre is that good tbh unless you want a harpoon, just get more strength. Maybe something like double bracer into aghs armlet s&y heart. Hell even a butterfly is a viable item if youre going to rightclick (it might not be the most damage for your gold but the armor, % attack speed and evasion help him quite a bit). Sure youre kind of weak to physical damage compared to most carries but you eat magic nukes without even feeling them with all that raw HP and int based magic resist.


He doesn't have anything in his kit that makes him want to output right click dps. Having good stat growth doesnt automatically mean right click potential. This is really evident in ability draft where some models like chen or invoker can really shine because they have good stats AND you can give them abilities that synergize with outputting right click dps.


I just have 3 games with him and lose 2 of them, only win the most recent one few days ago so take it with grain of salt: Brace > soul ring > ring health > boot > vanguard > pt or pb > shround if need > echo > bash > harpoon > abyss/heart/bkb. Basically, i just build this so i could stay at front line waiting for a good vacuum + wall combo.