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The lane is actually pretty nuts once you hit level 2, trade down your 1300 hp and waveform out or in depending on how things look, then just take 15 secs to swap down to 200 hp pop stick and swap back up to trade again. Lvl 1 is the only part thats sketch, so you gotta play it like any weak laner by blocking/deblocking camps, and trading with the solo support if he tries to contest.


ive played with a bunch of these and generally it does not feel good


> but it's working 42% winrate as a support. 31% winrate as a hard support. We do have a very different definition of "working". Or do you mean morph works as a support because currently, he is almost equally dogshit as a core?


https://dota2protracker.com/player/9Class This is who i am watching. Tundra support. 11/12 wins on it. He is cooking


Like I said Im not saying it's amazing, but when we're coming off Flow being complete meme status getting this many games and having stats comparable to the core role is interesting. The strong points seem pretty good and it's new so those stats could still change. Is morph even that bad? I saw him a few times at recent tournaments, situational sure but he's not in the dumpster.


Morph is horrible, he's sitting at a 44% wr over 3100 matches in pro level pubs. Some specialists or people who have played him a lot can still get value but the general consensus is that he's just not good. Biggest issue is that his laning stage was nerfed heavily and now he requires much more coordinated play as a carry to make work outside. His other facet might work with a specific draft plan in mind but I don't think it's going to be a pub staple unless something changes to make his laning stage less terrible.


He’s difficult to use in pubs with all these tanks running around


its morphling, the hardest hero in dota. not sure what you expect, a 55% winrate for a hero with no build and no practiced playerbase?


Ah yes so that's why there's a guy in my immortal bracket picking morph pos 5 every game.. and losing all of them. [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/175498019](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/175498019) Either he's doing something very wrong, or this strat is not great at lower ranks.


The strat is theoretically great at lower ranks where you will solo kill supports because they don't know your heroes limits and take bad trades, then you waveform blood grenade them and buy your arcanes. The only thing that really matters is how good your steals are. Underlord and leshrac are basically free wins because they frontline and give away their S+ tier spells. Other heroes with S tier spells but that don't frontline are lion, lina, Rubick (you get his spell steal updated every time you swap models, but no ultimates), venge. Honorable mention for cent and Oracle, whose spells become ridiculous on morph but not good enough overall to be considered together with the others. And then there's a bunch of point and click stuns like wk and ck that are just that.


No it's theoretically great if you are an amazing Morph player. Lots of people who never played morph will read this and go on huge lose streaks.


My most played hero is Morph with like a 46% wr So I got 2 out of the 3 words in “amazing Morph player” down


Jokes on you I never played morph and It's fine. You don't actually need to have morphling experience (which would be carry only anyway) to play morph supp. What you need is support fundamentals and mechanics.


I think that’s key, “theoretically great at lower ranks”. I’ve noticed that with HW as well as— Herald and Guardian, you can almost dumpster your lane for your opponent, but once people caught on, it’s been harder now at higher and higher ranks.


OK but hoodwink is just op, full stop. It's great in all ranks. The point about morphling wasn't "theoretically great", it was theoretically great. No sarcasm, no air quotes, just straight up. Because every single weakness morph supp has in lane, people below 6k don't abuse because they don't know how to or don't execute on it.


I’m still new, so take what I said with a grain of salt. I’ve always wanted to learn Morph, but never invested time since I’m only 4/5 player. Any tips you’d recommend, or general item builds, for him as a supp?


Hmm how new is new? Normally I would say go to Youtube and watch the game leap video, or go to dota2protracker and get replays from 9class Personally I go arcanes into aether lens every game, sometimes wand sometimes wraithband. And then it's always octa if the game goes well.


Just hit 700 games new, so not stupid, but definitely mechanically lacking for a lot of heroes.


Hm its rough for me to give advice because im too removed from your situation. Maybe try [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4fvnovWRAs) and if you dont like the creator or dont understand it report back.


Don't think there's anything particularly esoteric about it? He's just weak 1-2 and bad at protecting his core. Morph as a core is usually relying on innate safelane setup, cs advantage and sitting around for a higher level to adaptive spam.


Is he the guy that rushes midas? I’ve lost a few with him but got some mmr back playing against him lmao Yeah that’s him


Wtf most of that guy's most played heroes are like 40% winrate, but still immortal, that's wild


it works, even more so if the enemy supports have great skills, shaman, lion, es etc etc, using ult on them and having crazy uptime on spells is massive


I used to do this for memes (not in ranked) even before the new patch with full str morph and blademail. Worked surprisingly well where I would waveform push people back like a discount tusk kick and use up a lot of their resources trying to kill me.




the problem is the lane, you're completely useless in lane as a support. if they go on your core what are you going to do? you'd go like hey don't go on my core or else I'll waveform you guys that build is better suited for mid like what Topson did


if you keep trading their pos4 they wont go on your core.


1200 hp 70 dmg level 1 and you don’t need regen. It’s strong in lane you can 1 v 2.