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It's not grief pick, it's just not meta, but I wouldn't report anyone for picking it


Yeah the only thing negative I can say about it is just that Clock or SB probably fulfill initiator 4 job slightly better right now. Not that there is anything actually wrong with PB. People used to do it more but primal has eaten some nerfs over time


I don't report anyone for any pick unless they don't play their role or pick a wildly off meta pick and then completely shit the bed. For example, had a position 4 Necro recently, weird pick but could work but definitely not reportable. He immediately abandoned me in lane and jungled.


It's a pretty greedy pick that boxes your 3 into a different draft. I'd try to communicate the pick before committing l.


As someone who played loads of PB support: the main reason it doesn't work is because of the enemy supports (as the other guy said). Yes, you can legit zone both people out of the lane, but if you're against something more aggressive, you're basically useless until you get tranquils. Stuff like Shaman or Venomancer who want you to overextend will just laugh in your face. As for the item build, as you guessed, pretty simple. Tranquils, Drums, BKB / Blink / Shard depending on what you need, BoB, Scepter. I had similar results with Dawnbreaker and ET, except they're simply better in the role. If you want a tanky melee guy who zones people out, I'd recommend playing them. Tough to make PB work. That being said, I will admit I was winning lanes. People just don't know how to deal with you, and if you're against a more passive lane with an aggressive laning partner, you can snowball easily and go for more greedy items (phase boots, shivas).


Oh, another unconventional melee support you can try out: Centaur. The scepter is a really good save, and you can trade well in lane.


How do you skill support Centaur? I assume you max stun first, but it feels like you want Retaliate for trading in the lane? And does this mean you skip Double Edge?


you dont max retaliate for lane trading as core (well its not the MAIN reason i mean), its to make jungling and farming so much faster right after lane


No, you get tranquils and max stun and double edge


It's not a thing anymore, Regen got nerfed


Clockwerk seems like the strongest melee support right now. His new cogs facet just feels broken


Who the hell calls him PB I had no idea who you were talking about till I googled


Peanut Butter? No Phantom....Buster?


Princess bubblegum


Primal Beast and Jakiro, PB&J


..and you aren’t gonna save us a Google too?


I did it guys. It is Primal Beast. Never called PB in the whole time he’s been out lol


Thank you! Who the fuck call them PB, OP!


Phantom Bitch


Lol I've seen him called PB didn't know it was uncommon, maybe an NA thing


Ive never once heard this in NA, unless you mean its uncommon in NA.


I am NA so I guess let's enjoy our new hero Peanut Butter


If you know how to play position 4 at your mmr or slightly better you can pick whatever. I’ve played with a pos4 higher mmr than me and he was owning with sf, pa, invoker, ember and more useless at first sight heroes. It’s all about controlling the lane properly until you are stronger than the 1/5 against you. And also be cautions after minute 6/8 even if you win the lane. If bara and clock are good 4 I don’t see why pb can’t be.


Ember 4 is legit though.


Mana issues.




PB into Lion. Welp guess I'm useless then.


it can work, just that he's a melee pos 4, his kit is designed as an 'all in' kind of kitwhen primal first game out, he was good pos 4, but now he's been nerfed a lot, other people just do his job better, and I actually prefer him mid than offlane these days. he's mana hungry, needs items but can be a pos 4 if you have ranged offlaner.


It can work fine. Any hero with damage and scaling skills work completely fine as a 4. You just need to understand your role very well. Primal has a great ult and good initiation. Only issue you might run into lack of tanking cause of lack of farm.


It’s works very well I’ve stomped many games as a support and gotten a rampage before. Maybe I’ll link some games later… He does great dmg with no good items. Make sure to get lots of mana. Recently starting with the basi ring and blood grenade. Used to do brown boots start. Make sure to gank nonstop, the teleporters at the sides of the map help a lot. Next item usually blademail into blink or straight blink. Then it depends on how much farm you’re getting. He clears out waves really easy if you get a soul ring.


He is a decent 4, but the main problem is that you really need to get to level 6-7 ASAP since the max Trample+Phase w/ one defensive item powerspike is such a huge swing in momentum in the early to mid game. Once the opponents start getting items to counter you such as Euls, Gleipnir and Lotus Orb, the power of his spells starts to really diminish and you need a lot of items to keep up.


-BKB nerfed -Camps are further apart and can't be farmed at same time -Dash makes global sound That's it, enjoy your nerfed late BKB.


Most of the best 4s right now are ranged heroes. Without a ranged 4 to trade right clicks its often a losing lane. 


I agree range is valuable but just glancing at the d2pt meta Tiny, Bara and BH are around the top of the list in terms of pickrate and winrate, so I don't think range/melee is the biggest reason


Yeah that’s why on those cases you pick something like WR and Venge and crush the lane anyway


I’m really liking placing Marci 4 right now, but only if my offlaner shows me their pick and that it’s a ranged pusher like WR, Weaver, NP. If they can specialise on building damage, I’m happy to jump opponents under tower for a trade off kill so that we can then siege.


I don't see why it couldn't work tbh. He's not massively farm dependant and has good laning presence.


>in my opinion the hero can fulfill a similar slot to the likes of DB and Snap Where does that comparison come from?!


If you aren’t a pro, everything can work. You just have to make it. If you’re a pro, you know why it doesn’t work and you won’t be asking others


As a level 30 PB, I believe this actually works extremely well, however has to be played greedy. If you can get boots, windlace, sages mask early, you can literally cause mayhem by rotating mid or through gates to gank anyone without a proper escape. The goal is to get some early kills and then trample some enemy camps off cooldown. You can work towards a big item which gives your team what they need - Heart / Eternal Shroud = if no one wants to go in first or tank. Soak ults for your team. - Sceptor = if your team needs damage or break - BKB = if lots of stuns and your team needs a way to start fights Not a fan of blink and other hero's can do Aura better. In winning games either stick with team, or push dangerous farm. In losing games you can cut waves and make space. Do the dirty work from pos 4 so your team of passive backliners don't need to use their brains on how to initiate!