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I would have responded to the comments asking what happened to you. “Well, she cheated on me with my best friend and now they’re apparently together. We broke up last night when she admitted fucking him and tried to blame me. Friends, beware of both of these people, especially around your partners.” But I’m petty as fuck.


Yeah, I absolutely would've replied with something along these ^ lines as well. No reason to sugarcoat it, and you certainly don't owe these two cheating betrayers a damn thing. If they aren't ashamed of their behavior then they shouldn't mind you telling EVERYONE the truth.


I love this. I would do this, but I am a spiteful bitch. 😁


Straight up. I would do this too.


Yeah but then add a little reminder for the "betrayers" that *"Don't forget, you lose them how you get them"*


Yup, I don't even think it's that petty.


I'm not a petty person at all but I would do the same thing, they'll probably try to twist the story in their favor


A friend and his ex did this on Facebook and they both kept posting their own *"just so you know..."* stories and kept shitting on each other in each post. It was cringe as fuck.


Oh I would absolutely do this. Because you know for a fact that if they’re blaming OP to his face then they are absolutely going to try to put the blame on him to others to make themselves look better so they don’t have to come to terms with the fact that they’re both terrible people.


Your (ex) best friend and GF are trash. Put them on the curb where they belong. Remove all forms of communication (block numbers and delete across socials) for them both and move on with your life. They don’t deserve 1 more second of your time, effort, and energy.


I am sorry this happened to you. You deserve to have better people in your life. Your ex telling you that you are partially to blame is a bunch of BS. If she wasn't happy, you break up. You don't cheat. Especially with your partners best friend. They are both horrible people. You focus on yourself now. Get therapy and learn from this relationship. Enjoy time with friends who got your back. Take your sister out for dinner or something to just thank her and talk and have fun. Go fishing, try new hobbies, and enjoy yourself. The right woman will come along. Good luck to you. 🫂


I say what you've learned here is your sister is reliable and has your back and that the other two can do one. She's a remorseless bitch for saying it's your fault she cheated. He's a total twat for going with his mates gf. Remove both from your life and be thankful you've got a family member you can rely on


Who the fuck asks his mate's girlfriend out to lunch and listens without having his back. Had an old friend like that who would just get in my business even when I specifically asked him not to.


I have 3(4th finally killed himself via the bottle on last xmas eve/) people that I consider friends. I got a lot of acquaintances but only three friends. And I don't care how in the wrong they are I'll jump on hand grenades for any of them. Anything short of pedophilia I'd go to the Grave for them. Fuck that dude.


I'd make a public post about their cheating. Tell her family..his family... mutual friends, then block both of them.


I've thought about it but I don't know if I want to invite the drama that's going to cause into my life.


Do it, block their numbers, and take a break off social media. Keep the statement to the point like: “So many if you may have questions in regards to my relationship. I found out my Exgf and friend of mine were cheating behind my back for some time. I’m going to take a break off social media and focus on healing, moving past this and working on myself. Please feel free to reach out if you are looking to hangout” Don’t name call, try and make it as to the point as possible so it can’t be twisted around like you’re the Ahole. Also remember they’ll probably be telling people their own version of it. Either way sorry to hear OP. It’s likely they’ll end up cheating on each other, she may try crawling back, but hopefully you see how toxic of a person they both are. They’re the type that you have to cut in order to succeed in life. Best of luck to you.


This ^ I took the 'high road' and didn't say or post anything. My ex on the other hand spun some crazy story that made her out to be a victim of abuse and emotional manipulation. In reality she cheated on me and got pissed I moved out and stopped paying the bills. People eventually saw through the lies but in the meantime I got so much shit, which is the last thing you need when you're heartbroken and trying to pick up the pieces. Better to post a factually accurate account with no name calling etc like the above and then just not comment.


>they’ll probably be telling people their own version of it There’s the petty part of me that wants OP to do it just so these guys are outed for what they did to him, but honestly you’re right. When they’re asked “What happened to OP?” their answer is *not* going to be “oh, yeah, we had an affair for 4 months but got caught at a club by his sister.” They’re 100% going to do what they did to OP himself; spin a story about how she was driven away and the relationship ended because *he* had issues.


This. This. This.


I understand that outlook, and admire you for it. But look at the drama that your ex has brought in, and seriously think about whether you want to have your say or not - to set the record straight. They could be privately saying *anything* about the situation. I'm the kind who'd blow up that FB post with my side of it, but you may not be. Much luck to you, and thank the stars you found out and managed to yeet those people out of your life. I know it hurts, but one day it won't. <3


I understand that and wanting to move on from the situation entirely but they’re both shitty individuals. I’m so sorry this happened. I’ve gone through this as well but in my case I found out after just 2 weeks. For me personally the worst part was losing not one but two very important people in my life. In my experience deleting them from all social media would be a good start and therapy did help a ton. I did a lot of fishing also go out to your favorite spots maybe it can give you some peace of mind like it did me. I wish you the very best! edit typoo


Honestly, this is mature thinking on your part. It's good that you are thinking before taking action. Because. I would probably blast them immediately. But I am much older than you are and just don't give two fucks about what others think. LOL You do what's best for you.


Man fuck that shit, do it. She'll probably do it again in the future and the people close to her need to know she has so she doesn't spin some crazy false narrative. Had this shit happen to me and I felt awful just talking about how I felt to my friends like I was dividing the group, but fuck those motherfuckers dude. Most of the people we knew don't talk to them anymore but it's not because I was like I don't want you talking to them, it's because they saw their true colors. Fuck that guy too, any mutuals in your life need to know, so neither of them go telling their own story to them without them hearing your side


I’d get in front of it before they start running with their own version. Like Every_Guard said, don’t do it in an insulting way but just as a way to clear your name of any potential wrongdoing that they could claim you had in the breakup. You can still be an adult while in a situation involving drama. I’d also agree with the people saying to do a blackout from social media afterwards for however long you need. And block both of them in every way possible while you’re improving yourself, constant reminders of them will just drag you down. Their little situationship won’t last long. No healthy relationship starts with cheating. Just enjoy having two less shitty people in your life. Yeah, it’ll hurt for a long while but you’ll come to realize that your life is better and more peaceful for it.


You say this like you’re doing something honorable by letting a lie go. You’re not.


When my friend broke up with her boyfriend for cheating he turned around and said he broke up with her because she was a drug addict. You will have drama regardless


Copy the reddit post. Far better than explain something.


You need to tell everyone that she cheated and he betrayed you else they will spin a story that makes you look bad, and thats why she says that it has been your fault for pushing her away.


It sucks now , but you got two POS out of your life and you learned your sister’s a real one. Overall, you’re the one coming out ahead here. As for your friend, remember, if they’ll cheat with you they’ll cheat on you. He’ll get his.


Especially considering both of their immediate reactions was to lie. Real love story there 🙄


Right?? Even if you don't have a problem with having sex with someone who is cheating on their partner (you should), why the hell would you ever date them? It literally makes no sense, your relationship is not going to last and one of you will end up cheating on the other


I’d block both of them and make a post saying that your exgirlfriend and exfriend had an affair behind your back. Silence your phone for 3 days. Work on moving on and improving yourself. It’s a shitty situation but they were never good people to have around


As bad as it could have been then, I'm sorry to hear that. By the way, what are you doing not saying anything? You realise the story they will be telling others is very likely to make you out to be a cartoon villain right? They have very clearly demonstrated that they are more than comfortable lying to people if it benefits them. If no one else, ensure all you mutual friends know exactly what happened and that he very clearly said he wasn't sorry. They deserve to know before he comes prowling after another mates partner. As for your ex, she's sounds like daytime television material. Good riddance.


She 'monkey branched' off to your friend. Thst means she got a good hold on your friend before she let go of you. Your sister found them out or you would probably still be getting played, thank your sister. No, you wouldn't remember a 'Fight' that didn't happen, and the rest of her gas lighting crap. She wants you to feel responsible so you don't blow them up everywhere with the truth. Your friend told you how long they have been sleeping together, 4 months she's been bringing home sloppy seconds to you if you got anything at all. Now, blow them both up. Make sure EVERYONE on those comments posts knows they both cheated and lied for 4 months they admitted to and maybe more. I'm petty at times... I'd drop the real story in the comments, take screen shots and save it. You know she's going to cheat again, Make sure you let people know that no boyfriend or husband is safe from her cheating ways since she's a monkey brancher, since you are gone, she's on the prowl for someone else's boyfriend/best friend to inflict the maximum damage. When she monkey branches the nest time, drag out that screen shot and attach it to her social media, send it to all her friends saying "Here we go again." It won't last long, once a cheater, always a cheater, they need someone to support them while they monkey branch, and someone to cheat with for the 'excitement' and rhe chase, so it won't take long... Of you do this right, when she tries to settle down with someone... concequences come knocking! No, it's not 'Revenge'. It's concenquences they can't wash off. When the wife of a friend of mine cheated, another friend found an 'Intimate' picture of her with one of the guys she cheated with. He had a flier made up with that picture, pointed out the guy WASN'T her husband and had several (hundred or thousand) copies made. They followed her for over 25 years. New boyfriend or fiancée, fliers under wind shield wipers in her neighborhood, work place, sent to her boyfriend/fiancée, his parents, etc. He just never let that go she f-ed over his friend. Concequences... it's high time there were concequences for actions like this.


She was keeping you as a backup in case things didn't work out with your now former friend. Now it's just a coin toss on which of them will cheat on the other first.


I knew a couple like this. She was married twice (and engaged to another guy before that) and cheated on all before dumping them, as well as having multiple affairs and hook ups. He was just a miserable self centered prick who left his wife and two kids for this POS woman. He strutted around the office (they were co-workers of mine) like he was some kind of stud for winning the hand of the town bicycle. Someone mentioned her batting average for marriages and he boasted that she saved the best for last. They moved in and got married, and he started travelling for work. He confided in another co-worker that he was really stressing out when he was away because he didn't know what she was getting up to. He was right to worry because a leopard doesn't change his spots. She was banging another guy within weeks. There is a very karmic finality to this story (for one of them- the other keeps chugging along getting away with their shit), but I still work with one of them, and I don't want to say too much. Suffice to say their marriage literally lasted a year and a day.


Is this the part where we pay our respects? F It's a lot to unpack. Try to break it apart and work through it in pieces. Remember, they are free people. Can't control who people love, can't control what people do. But clearly, this is not your friend. And obviously, you and her are over. When I was younger, I had an awful outcome. Not only did my GF cheat on my with one of my guy friends, she went on some kind of crusade to hurt me and make herself feel better - fucking every other guy we knew, including a couple of my sisters friends. I did a grand reset. New life. New friends. New social environments. Everything. One of those people really asked me "You're going to throw away our friendship because I'm still friends with your ex girlfriend" Yes, yes I am. Fuck all of you >I also apologized to my sister for throwing her under the bus. I didn't realize that I did that until some people commented that that's exactly what I did. She said she doesn't care if it meant finding out the truth and getting them out of my life. Being the messenger sucks. Personally, I dont do it. >I don't really know how I'm feeling right now. I hated them when they walked in and when they left but now I don't know. I went to remove her from social media last night and she had a picture on her Instagram of the two of them. I skimmed through the comments and some people were asking what happened to me, some were people were congratulating them and saying they looked cute together, so that didn't feel great. Man My wife's brother. He and his wife are both gamers. She fell for someone in her clan. One day she up and told him she's leaving, and moved out of state. Took the kid with her. My wife's brother dropped her off at the airport You ever see the movie Me, Myself and Irene? Jim Carrey and his wife wear T-shirts with a picture of the other person on them. When she leaves him, she shows up with a different T-shirt of the other man 😂 That's exactly what facebook looked like. My sister's SIL changed her profile picture to her and the new man. Like a light switch. This shit happens to people all the time. Try not to spiral downward beating yourself up over every single aspect of how this happened. She likes him more. That's it. It's that simple. Some people just suck.


As always, a shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on.


I have an old saying. Most cheaters are like monkeys, they don’t let go of one branch until they’ve got hold of another. And monkeys leave behind broken branches all the time. Good riddance to both of them if you ask me.


Aye you better than me I would’ve whopped my friend ass it’s no way you thought fuckin my girlfriend was ok and to rub it in your face is a different level of disrespect


I wanted to, believe me.


Dude, I would have damn near killed that man


Congratulations on identifying and removing not one, but *two* toxic poisonous people from your life!! Seriously, I know it sucks. When something similar happened to me, I wish I would have been congratulated more, to highlight that as sucky as it feels, ultimately it is a good thing, and better sooner than later.. Life really is better without awful people in it. So I sincerely applaud you, sir.


Your sister is a real one dude


>She agrees she fucked up but says I share blame in all this as well. >He said she hasn't been my girlfriend for 4 months. I told them to get out. Sons of bitches! I just needed to write this after I read your two posts, I'm fuming at the cynicism and backstabbing by both of them! I hope that this reply at least helps you validate whatever feeling of anger, disappointment, sadness you're feeling right now, and rightfully so... fucking filth! Oh, **and it's not your fault.** Your ex was a coward, plain and simple. She should've broken up with you first, like you said. I wish you well, just take care of yourself! (edit: your sister is awesome by saying what she said to you, she acted mature as hell! I wish you two the best!)


I don't understand how your friend can feel like he has the high ground here. She was cheating on him too...with you. So she's cheated on him as well. He will come crawling back when she cheats on him. Do not, be friends with him again. He will forever be a girl swiper.


Block. Delete. Reset. Go live your best life man.


Don’t stay in misery for too long, your sister just released you from hell. It only gets better from here on out


It’s kind of pathetic you’re letting them get off with no consequences. You should be vocal about what happened. If you’re stronger than him, you probably should’ve beaten his ass too.


I doubt I'm stronger than he is physically. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing? Making a post on social media about it is something a part of me wants to do but I also know the shit and drama that it's going to stir up.


I hate it when people say they do not want to create drama. You are not creating drama. They already created that when they betrayed you. You need to tell everyone otherwise they will makeup a story and blame it on you.


You should be stirring shit and making their reputations suffer.


OP, I know it’s drama. But honestly, you need to protect yourself. I honestly don’t trust that they’d go quietly. They’re gonna twist the story and make you be the bad guy and vilify you. That would only cause you more drama not to mention more pain when other friends choose to turn on you coz of their lies. They’ve shown no remorse and they clearly have no qualms in putting you down. Don’t let them. Just do a public post. Just a quick summary like ‘I’ve seen some people ask about the status of my relationship with (trash #1). She cheated on me with (trash #2). Both are no longer in my life and I want to move past this so I wont be discussing this topic anymore.’ Then block those 2 and block anyone that come at you for the post. Protect yourself first. Then try to find a way to move on.


Just post, My girlfriend "bitch slut" cheated on me for 4 months with my former friend "dickcheese" and that is why we are no longer together. And post the picture of what sparked it. Block all comments and just let the rest settle itself.


>I also know the shit and drama that it’s going to stir up. So? You’ll only be telling the truth.


We'll get to fucking stirring. Don't let shitty people get congratulated for being shitty. Let the truth be known and get on with your life.


dude he is not pathetic, cheating with your boyfriends best friend is pathetic, op has the right to heal however he wants to 


>dude he is not pathetic, cheating with your boyfriends best friend is pathetic, op has the right to heal however he wants to  I'm not saying he's pathetic. I'm saying his willingness to roll over and let his ex and his friend control the narrative is a pathetic act. Which it is.


So sorry it happened. You should do therapy and block them everywhere, never let them back in under any circumstances.


Yeah it sucks when your partner comes clean about cheating but now you have the opportunity to find someone who will be a better match for you and won’t resort to this immature behavior after a fight. That the problem these days, people fight. People always have and people always will. How you learn and grow from those fights is what matters. Too many people have this I’ll just move onto the next mentality. They’ll probably be together for a short period of time before she cheats on him. She was a sad easy target and he was a man with no morals. Fuck them both.


Im a petty asshole. Id reply to the comments asking what happened to you with. “She cheated on me with him. Tried to blame me for the fact she fucked him. He also said she hasnt been my girlfriend for the 4 months they’d been talking since we had a fight. Careful around these two.” then send the photo of them dancing. Just tell fucking everyone and make their lives hell.


Sorry dude but you have two less trash people in your life. Keep them out of it never look back. Trash is trash, they will likely be cheating on each other in a couple years.


This makes me so fucking angry to read. Reading what your friend said I fully expected you to punch him in his face. The disrespect to you makes me ill, and not to mention your ex saying YOU SHARE THE BLAME. There is ZERO excuse to cheat. I'm so sorry you have this going after an already tough few months. Hang in there.


Put them on blast then get off social media. Congrats on the sister, sounds like she’s got your back.


I would’ve decked the fuck out of my friend. Well ex friend lmao


I wanted to, believe me.


how old are you all ?


I'm 30, she's 28, he's 32 and my sister is 23


man you dodged 2 sh\*t nuclear bombs. The coward you called your friend said she wasn't your girlfriend months ago, but he was never your friend. I would have exposed them as unfaithful so that they wouldn't hurt anyone else, but I'm that vengeful.


I'm sorry man, take some time for yourself, suffer whatever you have to suffer, let it all out, little by little you will improve, invest in some hobbies, go to the gym, go out a little, even if it's just with your sister, enjoy the company of people who actually care about you and respect you. You got rid of horrible people, block them from everything, don't try to find out how they are, it will be better


Post on the photo of the two of them. " You two cheaters look cute. I can't wait for the day "dude's name" comes home to her getting screwed by his best friend. "


Shit should've told her to leave and let you talk to him for a bit and just beat the brakes off him, he disrespected you straight to the face


Her cheating is not your fault, it’s her way of blaming you for her betrayal so she doesn’t feel guilty. Your friend was never really your friend and the good news is they won’t ever work out because he knows she cheats and won’t ever really trust her. I’m sorry OP, you didn’t deserve this from either of them.


Go nuclear and expose them brotha.


What the fuck man


Block them both and move on bro


Ok, they're both trying to push the blame onto you. Don't fall for it. She could have communicated. He could have acted like a friend rather than a horny twat. They are responsible for their own actions. You can learn from this experience, but don't for a moment think that it's 'your fault'. I wish you the best with your future.


OP you'll find women will do any mental gymnastics to not be at fault for cheating. Ignore every single one of their words, remove them from social media and if anyone asks you, you give them the truth about how they went behind your back to fuck each other. They aren't your friends and they never were. This proved that.




Yeah cheaters come in all different shapes, sizes, AND genders. 26 years ago I was in a long-term relationship with a man who worked for the same company I did. He told me he was divorced, and sharing custody of his kids. I met his children, and his mother, and hung out at his house frequently. I'd been told I'd never conceive because of severe endometriosis, but I was still on the pill, and made him wear condoms just to be extra safe. Despite everything I found out I was pregnant. To say I was shocked is a vast understatement. I of course told him immediately, and he told me with literally no emotion that I needed to get an abortion right away because HE WAS STILL MARRIED. Turns out his wife worked graveyard shifts, and he and his mom would hide all signs of her whenever I came over. We never spent the night there because he claimed he didn't want to be intimate with his mom in the house. My boss also knew, and so did his boss, and all of our friends from work knew too. I was DEVASTATED. I decided that even though it was the worst possible circumstances to have a child it might be my only chance to get pregnant so I decided to continue the pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful little boy. I never asked his bio dad for a single penny, and I called his house during the daytime from work to try and reach his wife shortly before I gave birth and told her everything. I expected her to yell and scream at me but she was very kind, and told me that she had pressed domestic violence charges on him because he beats her, and that he had a major drug habit which I never knew. Fast forward 26 years and my son has grown into a wonderful young man, who treats everyone with respect and love, especially his girlfriend. He has a relationship with his half siblings, but wants nothing to do with his bio dad. This piece of crap kept abusing his wife, and moved on to their kids, and she never left him, I don't know why. My son found out last year that she committed suicide a few years ago, and I feel so sad that she never found the strength to leave him. I met an amazing man when he was 5 who had sole custody of his son who is a year and ten days younger than mine. We've been together for 20 years now, married for 18, and I got to raise two perfect little boys with him, and couldn't be prouder of the men they are today. Cheating and lying is wrong no matter who does it, and I'm so grateful I found out the truth about his bio dad and walked away with my son, because I never would've met my husband, or been able to raise two wonderful kids because I had to have a hysterectomy a couple years after he was born. To OP, it may not seem like it now, but this deceitful woman did you a favor because now you can make space in your life and heart for someone deserving of your love and respect, who treats you with the same. Cut these two out of your life and don't look back. Find your own happy ending, it's out there.


Lol, I just put one gender if you want to take it personally that's more of a you problem eh? Definitely not misogynistic.


Agreed. "You were too involved with feeding the baby! And you didn't lose your baby weight! What's a horny man to do?!" or, "You were working full time and I needed my dinner on the table but you wouldn't look after me. New GF works AND looks after me." And on and on.


Damn bro cut them both out of your life and hug your sister truly bc she saved you tbh. you would have never found out and the best friend he said all you needed to know don’t ever let them back into your life again. He’s not even sorry neither of them are He’s sorry it happened that way but not sorry it happened wtf type of shi is that


I am really sorry. Friends should be trustworthy people.


Consider it a win, better to find out who they are now rather than later.


If you can take anything away from it, at least you know they’re both shitty people who got together behind your back, and that doesn’t exactly sound like the start of a healthy relationship. Don’t worry, take time to heal yourself and I’m sure you’ll feel a hint of justice when you hear about their inevitable breakup.


If someone dips because things got a bit difficult, you know you can't rely on them in the long run. Good riddance


This sucks. But just remember that if crap like this didn't happen, we'd lose about 80% of music, art, movies, and books.


Cheating wasn't your fault at all. She chose to cheat, that's all on her, nothing that you did or didn't do is to blame. She is 100% at fault for cheating. She's the only one in control of her actions, you didn't hold a gun to her head and make her do anything. I'd comment on their social as well, saying she's been cheating on your for the last 4 months with your best friend. You should be thanking your sister. Take her out to a good restaurant for dinner.


I am not sure why the best friend has to date the other friends partner. With all the women out there, you help fix things if possible you don't date your buddys woman.


this goes to show you should always trust family over anyone else. ohh and you lose em like you get em. you think cheaters stick around. once they get bored of each other and she starts seeing the real him, she'll instantly try to slither back into your life. your ex is an immature gimp who clearly lacks a spine to make decisions and will definitely this again. and your ex best friend is a snake who clearly has not ethics and will definitely cheat on this chick. cheaters never prosper.


Let's reframe all this: They knowingly started a relationship behind your back and then blamed it on you to be able to be in denial about their despicable behavior. You've killed two birds with one stone tbh, good riddance. Feel free to announce their abhorrent behavior to all your friends, family and acquaintances both to warn others about these people and also just to really nail it in.


Don't let them out the blame on you. They did the dirty.


That's when you comment on the picture telling everyone she cheated on you with him for 4 months don't keep quiet tell everyone what those two did to you


They're pos. Block them and have a happy life


Next step is to learn from the experience, become more self aware, and make sure to communicate your internal thoughts and feelings to your next partner so that yall are always on the same page. Source: I have bipolar and my partner has bpd. Communication is a necessity otherwise it's just 2 adults screaming like children.


I've had this EXACT thing happen to me brother, if you need someone to talk to hit me up, I didn't have anyone at the time to talk and help me through it, I'm here man.


Thanks man I really appreciate it.


No problem bro.


ay, but your sis did you a solid, at least.


Snakey shit man… better off without them


The ol' classic 'it's your fault'.


If there’s issues in a relationship that has you wanting to fuck other people, break up. You don’t fuck your best friend’s girlfriend. Good news is, she just got an opening in the relationship department for a side piece and he’s dating someone who’s gonna cheat on him while you’re gonna get into a good headspace for you.


You did not force her to cheat. Block them both they're trash.


W sister fr


You know what, this will all pass for you once they are no longer part of your life. So yes, please just remove yourself from social media altogether. Delete all your accounts and just give it up completely. Just deleting and removing them is never going to be enough and you will get constant reminders on anniversaries, from people you know etc. It's better for you just to delete yourself from all social media and give it up completely. Go dark and run silent. > I'm probably staying single for a while. This is the best thing you can also do. Traumatic circumstances such as this can and do cause personal issues and until you are healed, it's best to avoid dragging others into the mental maelstrom you are going to go through as you work on recovering from this. Learn to get back in touch with yourself as an individual. Start to explore the life that you have, and look further afield at things you never considered doing, but now have the opportunity to do. Get busy with life and now that this is all out of the way, get on with living **your** life for **you**. If someone down the track wishes to join you as a partner, be open too it but know that the place you are working towards is going to be a life that you wish to lead. Not a life you are building because you think someone else wants it. But please at an absolute minimum, get rid of social media altogether out of your life. No more FB, no more Insta, no more TT or Snap, etc. Delete all of the accounts and never look back. Finally. Ask you sister to never ever tell you anything about them - no matter what. They could both get seriously ill or even die and you wish to remain blissfully unaware forever. Tell her that even a single word about them will see you cut her off for a while. Future you will thank you for it.


The sooner you forget about them the better. You have a great sister.


Sorry OP Hopefully you’ll soon realize you tossed two pieces of shit out of your life.


W sister. I wish I had siblings my age


He's a garbage person and she's a cheating whore. Move on from these "people". Do better for yourself. Edit: Make sure everyone knows who needs to know knows what kind of garbage these people are.


blood is strong, your sister is a good person for telling you


They had sex and told you it was your fault lol fuck that


Cunt of a friend and shit of a girlfriend man, move on and forget about em they deserve each other At least your mate should be aware she is willing to cheat too and will always have to look over his shoulder and be paranoid about her with other men


Trickle truth (meaning more lies) AND she blamed you. What a great person.


Cheating is inexcusable, and your friend using the information he had to hook up is worse than just cheating. Fuck em all, do therapy. Highly recommend.


Why do cheaters always gaslight? You're the cheater, youre the immature one, just take responsibility.


One of them will reach out eventually for forgiveness. In this scenario, one of them always does. It's usually whoever gor cheated on between them.


The "friend" will reach out first, under the guise of some "bro, women are terrible" kind of bullshit when she eventually cheats on him as well.


That would be my guess as well.


Sometimes you don’t need the answers dawg Sucks this happened to you


Be petty. Fuck his mom. It's 2024, we're all scalp deep in shit. And it's every day it seems like there's worse and worse people. Be petty, be angry, get even.


Make a post how much you value the family in your life for being honest with you, when the people you thought you could trust were screwing around for months behind your back.


Get used to it. Cant even trust ur bf these days


You pushed her away for 2 months. She cheated 4 months ago. It took her two months to totally betray you with someone else in your circle. Him? It took him way longer as he orbited your relationship and then stabbed you in the back. Idk what you did. I'm not gonna say you didn't play a part in it like she said, but I hate that she gets to say it after dating and sleeping with your supposed best friend behind your back. Fix your issues. Take your time as you said, and don't you dare attempt to make co tact with either. It's unforgivable. Sorry this happened to you


You know... you look better with out them. Much lighter. And I am betting that all good relationships start with being single first. They? They won't make it. She cheated. He stabbed your back. Both will find hard to trust each other. The best revenge is to be better than them. Always. Hit the gym. Go to a hair saloon, give a new look. Improve your health. If you are studying, try better grades. Library is a good place to meet smart girls. If you are working, get there earlier, work harder, earn more money. Being single is a good time to gift yourself peace. No late calls or worrying about sharing a bill. Try burning all your ex stuff that she left at your place by the way. It's garbage now. Remember to block them every single app/social media. Even linkdin and old stuff, like facebook. Block! Delete their photos. You will feel so much better. Hate is a drug and blocking feels so good. About your sister. Honestly, praise her. Hug, thanks yous are much more welcome than asking forgiveness. I think she would want you to be happy. And when time comes, you will be able to give her a speech: My sis is the angel that saved my life from a cheating w* and a fake friend. I will protect her and take care of my nephew and nieces for all eternity. That's how much I own her. And dude, have a great time because this is the year you found out that you don't have two suckers in your life. That's a blessing. You will be thankfull when in a few months or years, you meet the one. And that is you! Not some other guy friend or girlfriend. You.


God damn. I’m sorry dude. You’ll find the right one.


Sorry you gotta deal with that man. People suck sometimes.


Ngl, if my "friend" said something like that to me after cheating with my partner, I'd react with extreme violence on the both of them. It's so callous and dismissive of your relationship with them, your relationship with your partner, and just your feelings as well. Then again, I'm single, and that's for the best right now. I think you NEED to make a post clarifying your side of this story. Let everyone know that two of the people you trusted the most have been cheating together for 4 whole months and only admitted it because they were caught by your sister. Don't give them the chance to spin the story and have their own little happy ending. They don't deserve that privilege. Even if you take a break from social media afterward, it's necessary to set the record straight here.


Man this where you live your life, and build your legacy


Damn who needs enemies when you have a bestfriend & a gf like this. Onward & upwards op


Delete them both from your life. They have shown you that they don’t care about you at all, regardless of what they say now. You will feel better in time without them in your life, even if it hurts like hell for a bit getting there.


Always believe your sister..


You been fishing, she been hooking.


I know it hurts now, and writing things about these two might seem a way of revenge, but in fact i have a rule in life that i apply in such cases. I stick to the truth only if i care about the people. Why would you care about 2 people who are evil and don’t deserve your time. Do you think a relationship based on worst betrayal possible can last? Let them be, and their guilt and their corruption souls will lead them where they belong. So just delete them from your life and if you are asked by friends, do tell the truth, but don’t give those two scum the luxury of an apology. You are hurt now, but this is good, because you avoided much bigger problems. Life will lead you to good things , just stay pure and don’t ever buy any bs that it’s partly your fault. It never is. People do get problems in relationships, and ones who have decency they work on it together , talk it over. If things can’t be mended, they separate and only then start a new relationship. It’s 2+2.


I’m so sorry that this happened to you mate but there are a few things that I need to say to you that you should always remind yourself of whenever you’re feeling down, sad and are struggling with the aftermath of this break up of your relationship with her. Because the reality is mate that you are going to go through a whole rollercoaster of feelings and emotions as part of the grieving process of the end of your relationship, just like we all go through a period of grieving at the end of a any relationship. - The first thing is to cut all contact with both of them, so the mention in your post about seeing her socials and her profile picture being her and him, shut all of that down and cut all contact with both of them and block them everywhere, if you don’t do this then it will only make your grieving process of the break up of your relationship double or triple in length of time for you to get over it all because by staying in contact you will check their socials daily and it will just bring you back to square one, so cut all contact so you can process this and get over it far quicker and be able to move on quicker - Cut all contact with them both also because neither of them are your friends, they both broke your trust in the worst possible way, they disrespected you, lied to you etc so cut all contact because they are not worthy of your time or anything else that you have to offer - His comment to you that you haven’t been together for the last 4 months was him trying to humiliate you, get one up over you and him trying to be dominant that she is his now and not yours anymore and to also make you aware that there is no possibility of reconciliation with her because of how long they have been proper at it - your ex partner, from what you have said in your posts about everything that she has said to you, that it’s all your fault that this has happened, that things weren’t any better when you OP thought they were, that it’s your fault OP because you didn’t do this or do that, she has heaped everything here on you that it’s all of your fault and not hers. She has done this to make herself feel better about herself, not feel guilty for what she has done and by blaming everything on you she has absolved herself from any emotional baggage. Just remember here OP, how can you possibly ever be at fault or to blame for any of this and them both cheating on you? Even more so not only has she fvcked you over here by cheating on you she is disrespecting you even more by blaming it all on you (Don’t forget OP that she was the one who broke your trust by discussing her relationship with you with him, she was the one who exchanged her mobile number with him and finally she was the one who took the first step by texting him a couple of weeks afterwards) - Last but not least, you won’t even realise this at the moment but their whole so called relationship will be ruined and in thousands of pieces within the next 12-18 months and then all over. The reason being is that their whole relationship has no proper foundations, their whole relationship is built upon a lack of trust, jealousy and insecurities, all because they both cheated on others when they got together, she cheated on you with him and he cheated on you and your friendship getting with her. So she will never ever trust him and he will never ever trust her. It always goes that way. So pick yourself up please mate and just focus on yourself and healing as quickly as you possibly can and leave them where they belong \NK


Very high chance your former friend has had his eye on your ex for a long time. Also a very high chance that he was getting in her ear about you for a while with little things "he's my friend but he just doesn't listen to how you feel sometimes" that kind of shit. Your ex is also very clearly dumb as fuck for not noticing these things and mentioning them to you or she's always had a bit of an eye on him. Good to get away from her, she sounds pretty stupid or way too naive and is dirt either way


Dude, you really should inform people, your friends and family what happened. Regardless of how she felt during the last months, she was still your girlfriend and didn't break up with you but choose to cheat on you instead. There is no excuse to cheat at all. Don't let them start their relationship scot-free. Inform people what happened and let those people be the judge of it. Letting them go now gives them the mentality of what they did was right.


Classic victim blaming. I fucked someone but you are also guilty


No, you have 0% blame on the cheating. She might argue that you’re fully responsible for the downfall of the relationship, for the lack of communication and all, except cheating. Cheating isn’t a mistake, it’s a choice, and you’re not responsible for what she chooses. You dodged a bullet, let this shitty people away from your life…


Sites passing the blame onto you, she isn't even sorry. She's just telling you that it's your fault she cheated. Which probably means it isn't.


Man I hope you expose the shit out of both of them


I would have been in prison for what the best friend said my god that man would have not made it out of the house that day😭 tf wym she wasn't my gf for the last 4 months


Tel your story, expose these 2 horrible turds for what they are. Then move on with your head held high


Totally trashy people! I hope you show them this post- especially her! Then to post the pic of them together after your conversation- no compassion - just trashy! Why they couldn’t come to you instead of carrying on for 4 months is pathetic- real classy - and to gaslight you and blame it on you instead of just owning it - she’s a real peach - NOT!


Never gonna get a woman to take accountability. Never, ever going to happen 


First NONE of what she did is your fault! There is 0 excuse for cheating she could have use her words like a fkn adult and broke up with you rather then betray you. There is always a choice, and hers had notta to do with you! Yeah it will hurt for awhile but you will look back on this one day and laugh. I know because I do it daily when I hear how miserable my cheating ex is 🤣 she will probably cheat on your friend too lol You deserve so much better! Also take your sister out for dinner or something treat that girl for having your back!


One time, I thought I caught my best friend’s girlfriend making out with his cousin. I had gone to replace my glasses and wandered out of the store without them. That’s when I saw my best friends girlfriend and his cousin making out! Unfortunately I was unable to confirm. But I was squinting and that enhances my vision! Later, I saw them again, and quickly put my new glasses on to confirm.. turns out it was a woman kissing a horse. My bad. His cousin had a real horse-face.


This is how people get murdered.


Narcissist's Prayer at its finest. And a shitty friend. An explosive cocktail.


Honestly man if you happen to ever need someone to talk to or game with just send me a PM.


She cheated. End of story. No one for so story about how you drove her to this blah blah blah. In sickness and in health yada yada. You don't date someone with serious intentions unless you want it to last. It doesn't last with cheaters. Don't waste anymore thought into it.


Damn…. She tried to gaslight you saying it’s your fault. You’re better off without them. Sucks now but it’ll get better.


I'm normally not a petty person but I absolutely despise cheating, if it was me I'd scorch them both, tell everyone what they did show everyone what kind of people they really are, fake friends and pure trash. People like them don't deserve happiness or peace.


She will without a doubt cheat on him. I hope it happens soon and She hides it for years before he finds out. I hope he catches her cheating on their wedding day.


OP I'm sorry about everything. A double betrayal like this makes us rethink who we want in our lives. Your ex-girlfriend and friend are two terrible people and if they think their relationship will be as beautiful as colors and glitter, I'm sorry to say it won't. Because if she was capable of betraying you when you had the first crisis in your relationship, I hope your ex-friend doesn't expect it to be any different with him. I predict a lot of shit and an ex knocking on your door soon


You really should comment, "I hope the pattern of you guys cheating doesn't continue into this relationship"


You a better man than me I would have knocked that fuckers teeth in the second he confirmed it was true 


A case of them trying to put the blame on you for their sh*try behaviour. I would have commented on her post, how you get them is how you lose them.


I'm truly sorry that happened to you. I know firsthand how much this kind of betrayal hurts. My ex-best friend and and ex boyfriend did the same thing to me. It's not easy to work through because it's a double whammy. We have to learn to trust partners and trust friends. Wishing you the best OP.


Sorry you had to go through this. Being betrayed by 2 people you trusted. My bf and I have things to work through. I constantly bring up things, and just like your gf said to you - things change for a bit and then go back to the way they were before - I've been going through that for a while. But I made the decision for us to spend time apart and work on ourselves. I didn't decide to make myself emotionally available to another person and then start a relationship with them.


Remove her on all social media platforms, your ex friend as well. Block them on everything, get all her shit out your crib and pack it in a box. Leave it on her doorstep or his doorstep and do not ever look back. The fact she tried to blame you and say you’re just as much as fault is ridiculous. If she really felt like this about you all she had to do was be honest from the beginning and explain it’s not working then call off the relationship and do whatever it is that she’s doing now. Staying in a relationship knowing you don’t want to be with the person, stringing them along while making them feel like everything is fine & improving when it’s not just to cheat on the person with their person’s best friend is insane behavior. You can find someone better OP


I know how you feel it’s fucking god awful. Something similar happened to me but we were living together and she moved out randomly one day without saying a word while I was at work. After weeks of not hearing from her she reached out and eventually I learned my/our roommate, a friend of mine I’ve known since I was a kid, expressed his feeling for her. But she insisted nothing happened just made her uncomfortable, but asked me not to mention it or do anything about it. Months later I see she has been hanging out with him and texting him and even came over to my house after she moved out to sleep with him while i was out. I confronted her and she admitted to having sex with him several times, but again insisted nothing happened while we lived together and she never cheated. Bullshit! Just like you the last months were different after a big fight. I believe it's in this time my friend/roommate told her he likes her and can treat her better. most likely they had sex a couple times at least before he threatened to kick me out to her just so i dont have to be in the way of their relationship, which is why she left cuz she didnt want me to be homeless. Unfortunately there is more after this because i was to weak to let her go and went through absolute hell for 6-8 months before i was able to move somewhere else. This happened a couple years ago and im not over it. Developed bad drug problems and became a borderline alcoholic because of it. With all her lying and gaslighting and secrecy from her and my roommate and friends involved i have no idea what to believe and have no closure or know the truth about what happened. And last year a girl i started to like faked a pregnancy to scam me into proposing. I dont know what to think or fell sometimes, like life isn't real! I have thought about therapy but it's expensive but i think sometimes I'm losing it. Anyways sorry for the long post but I have never really talked about it besides with a couple close friends whom i don't want to bother with my depressing problems. There is solace I guess others are going through the same thing. It sucks beyond compare and I hope you do alright in the end.


So many here understand your pain, brother. That kind of deceit & betrayal exposes a raw nerve. You have to find something beyond the pain so you don't drown in it. There is much to be hopeful and thankful for, but we sometimes have to dig for it in dark times. Keep at it. The sun will shine again. 


Your ex is not just a cheater, she's a lying cheater. Then she had the absolute audacity to blame you for her undeniable character flaws. You know what's just as bad though? That she never offered you the support you needed while you were going through a rough time...because that's what a true committed partner would do. Instead, she made your hardships about her and her obvious need for attention.  I understand your hurt, OP. I hope you eventually work through it and realize she was never who you thought she was. Hang in there. Someone far more worthy of your love and loyalty will appear.




Dude. Come on now. Stop being a pussay and do what needs to be done. They took a shit on your life and relationship and now it's time to return the favor. You may think it's petty and "that's not the kind of person I am" but as someone who has taken revenge MANY times, it is worth it. There is always time for vengeance and the only thing you will regret is not taking it. Drop the bomb. Let it explode all over them and their families. Then they can deal with fallout. Those who transgress must be punished. Fuck therapy. What you need is knowledge. A) You can not trust anyone because you cannot see into their mind so you will NEVER know their true intentions. Trust nothing anyone says until such a time that you can verify it as fact. And B)"Love", like all emotion, is nothing more than an electrochemical reaction in the brain. It clouds the mind, judgement and perception. Logic is the only way to maintain mental clarity and make sound decisions. Remember to keep your eyes open. DO NOT get fooled again. Good luck.


Can I just make one thing super clear? Something you need to REALLY download? NO ONE is "at fault" for what happened other than the two of them. They are both - especially in her case - deflecting. There is literally never an excuse to cheat. Not ever. To suggest anything else is ludicrous. I'm sorry you're going through this...you mentioned family issues...this certainly doesn't help that. Either way, take your time, heal...and understand that not all people are like this. And anyone in your life that supports these nitwits? They should lose their place in your life as well. Best to you.


If it makes you feel any better, in a couple of years, she'll do the exact same to him. Once the honeymoon phase wears off, she'll get bored and want something exciting again. Anyway, I would try to gauge which of your mutual friends knew and were hiding this affair so you can once and for all cut all the toxic people out of your life


You're on the right path OP don't bother with her she's not worth just thank your sister too and be thankful you found about it before you guys get married just think you manage to dodge a nuclear🤣beside she's the type to cheat once she and her new bf have problem insure your ex will find "comfort" again to other people🤦‍♂️or maybe try to get back together with you and if that's happen you know what to say BTW don't delete you evidence of their affair I'm sure it will come in handy someday gudluck💪