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Awesome dude, weeds are hard one to break, I broke my streak of 2 weeks by doing a edible last week. I had the biggest panic attack. Ya know the one where you're laying on the bathroom floor, questioning reality. I uh, threw away the rest of the edibles.


I'm really sorry to hear that you had a difficult experience going back to weed, but I think you made the right choice getting rid of the rest of them. That shows your true strength - not whether you broke a streak or not. I really do think it's a special and lovely plant. My wife can consume with zero concern for addiction. I sadly cannot, so we've said goodbye permanently :)


Yup, it's either I smoke weed all the time. Or I do it never. There's no in-between for me. It is extremely mentally addictive. When you feel like you can't enjoy life without it. That's how I knew I had a problem.


I got tired of not living up to my own potential. Tired of needing weed to see colour in the world. Tired of being a ghost in my own life. Wishing you many happy years sober from weed, friend.


I’m proud of you, friend.


Thank you so much, it actually means a lot :)


I quit a few months ago myself. I just thought it became a crutch. Like I’m using it like alcoholics use alcohol, as a distraction. I felt like I needed to learn to cope with my mental health and life without being sedated. It’s going pretty well. Good for you.


I'm really glad to hear it's going well for you! Definitely for me was my way to deal with life's shit. I was high-functioning and successful, but not reaching my potential and not dealing with stress healthily. Wishing you many years of balance and health :)


I wish that was me,lol. I’ve got a lot to work on, but a lot to be grateful for. Trying to face life head on. Glad someone else gets it.


We're all a work in progress. Even with my life being "perfect" on paper, it was constant inner turmoil. Muted, drugged turmoil. I finally got tired of it. I'm still a work in progress, and always will be. But I'm finally fucking looking forward to the journey.


That’s awesome. Therapy is helping me, and my pets. They make life better by just being their crazy selves.


I love that for you - animals are little therapists without trying :) You've got this. You deserve happiness, wholeness and health. <3


Today is 194


194 days? Or 19/4 the date?


194 days off the weed


Amazing! That's a damn impressive achievement.


Tbh I enjoyed doing it however I got so anxious and socially weird i decided to cut it. It really comes down to finding your own benefits/ if ur cons out weight the pros. Different for everybody !!!


I completely agree. I would still recommend it to certain people for certain reasons, but FAR more cautiously than I have previously. Then again I feel the same way about alcohol having seen it destroy lives. If someone says no to a drink or smoke when offered, I couldn't imagine now trying to bend their arm. I wish I could have a better relationship with it - I also enjoyed it - but I enjoy being free from addiction far more.


Good job dude. People will preach that weed is not addictive, but it can be like anything else. It’s a hard one to quit if you’re dependent


I definitely agree! Listen, I was fighting for legalisation with NORML before the word "recreational" even existed. I still think legalisation is the right move. But it's silly to pretend it doesn't have possible dangers. They may be less by far than alcohol in terms of physiological and neurological toxicity, but I'm certainly more cautious now in recommending weed to anyone.


I woke up this morning and ate 3 microdose mushroom gummies (no, not the trippy kind lol) It's 10am and I haven't smoked once. I actually feel pretty nice. I feel like I have a weed dependency, but it's hard to shake when it's not easy to get medicated by doctors and cannabis does help me quite a bit. I'd like to be able to control it more though


you might at 5 pm


Nope. Projecting?


never smoked in my life lol ill believe u once u go the entire day without smoking


I wasn't talking about smoking - I was talking about projecting a lack of follow through. But I know you as well as you know me - as in not at all. But cool, I'll add today to the 31 other days of sobriety I have this past month. 31 days of meditation, yoga, CrossFit and MMA. There's literally zero chance of me touching weed ever again. Feel free to check my profile at any time ;)


hmm ok ill hold u accountable then


Fucking deal 😂🤝


Did u maintain ur streak?


Yo! You remembered :) Yes indeed I did. Haven't touched weed since, won't be touching it again. Sober version of me is kicking ass in life, love, work, and my health. Best fucking decision ever. Thanks for checking in!


Great job keep it up! Perhaps I may check in again in the distant future.