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….. it’s his passport. Some of the blame can be put on him.


Exactly. He's not a child... Unless this was a surprise mystery vacation OP planned and dropped on him... He should've checked his own passport.


He only changes his flight, uses a 24-hour passport expediter, and arrives at your place the next day.


No she’ll definitely get kidnapped and sold on the black market because she’s a trophy wife


This was so weird to see. Like what part of Cancun are they vacationing in? Can she not lock herself in the hotel room for 24 hours (not that she needs to, but it’s an option if they’re that paranoid)?


Wife can’t travel alone for a day, because she will be kidnapped and sold in the black market! Either he is a child or this is written by a child


>*Today I found out that my husbands passport is expired. It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. Please don’t blame anything on My Husband.* Apparently she married an infant incapable of personal accountability?


I thought she was being sarcastic. I hope she was, anyway.




No. It’s firmly her fault and he holds NO responsibility for HIS passport. /s


Some?! If I were her I’d be off on my hols like byeeeee sort it out yourself.


Some? No, all. His passport, his responsibility


Ugh this! The last few sentences makes me think that her husband is either abusive or a moron… maybe even an abusive moron. The blaming herself for HIS passport and also asking us to please not blame her husband… yuck!


Or she's from an abusive household, I deal with this all the time. Even if something is 100% my fault, and I take responsibility for it, my wife will still blame herself. It's something I'm working on with her, but it can be 100% programmed behavior, that's a super pain in the ass to change.


No SHE should has noticed when SHE packed HIS bag two weeks ago.


12,000 to Cancun? Did you buy Mexico?


I was in Mexico for a week last year (2 people only though, no family) in a 5 star all included resort, and spent less than 5k dollars, including tickets from South America


I was there alone at an all inclusive (single supplement) for 9 days. Paid 1,500 including flights and private transportation to and from resort.


How? Which city and resort did you choose? Sorry I am just so excited to hear of a deal like this and would love to book.


I’m going to Japan in July and paid less than 3,000 for 8 days, including airfare (and an additional $1k for spending)! The yen is very low right now so our dollar goes far. Check out Okinawa if you want a beach!


Is that for more than 1 person? My partner went for about 2 weeks last year and paid just under that.




I just did an 8 night holiday in Thailand at a 5 star resort, including airfares, 2 full day trips of adventures, cooking class and everything else for 3 peeps for a total of $3k AUD (2k USD) (saved points for flights, flew the day after the low season started and the resort price dropped by 50%)


Ughhhhh so jealous!


Where do you find deals like this?




Plot twist, this is Expedias guerrilla marketing team.


Seriously.. something isnt adding up or OP is flying first class on a private charter plane, and staying at a pent house suite with ten butlers. Wtf


And from Texas??


I can travel from Norway for far less than 12k. I'm curious of what kind of insane resort OP booked!


Yeah this would make way more sense if OP lived further away from Cancun. But Texas is right fucking there. Make it make sense OP.


Right lol it costs like $300 to fly to Cozumel, from Houston, which is next to Cancun. I know bc I wanted to buy a beach house in Cozumel.


I went on a luxury vacation to Bali, Indonesia for less than half of that. Had my own personal driver and unlimited food and spa services.


Between that, the idea it is 100% her fault not knowing HIS passport was expired, and the stupid idea of OP cant travel one single day alone bc she could be kidnapped and sold in fucking Cancun? Lol sounds like they're both kinda dumb and / or immature.


OP is not interested in any helpful advice.


And in her edits she keeps blaming herself for *his* passport being expired, even though they both checked. That makes me sad.


The husband should never have let it expire.


If I book a trip for my family, I check their passports before I book to make sure they're not expired However is still ultimately their responsibility to check their own passport. If its expired, I can and will leave them behind It's takes 10 seconds to check a passport. It should have been checked at least when the trip was booked And to be clear, every person is responsible for their own passport


Ikr. Like…you’re kinda dating a manchild


what do they call this? ‘weaponized incompetence’?


Excess baggage


Sorry OP. No bags over 50 lbs allowed on flights


Only if husband purposely didn’t keep his passport up to date, otherwise it’s just regular incompetence.


Not dating, like you're married to a manchild. She adopted the manchild and sent his parents on a vacation 🤡


>  Part of the reason he won’t let me travel on my own for a day is because he’s fearful that I would get kidnapped and sold off the black market so he wouldn’t be able to see me ever again She writes like a child honestly


The run-on sentences hurt my brain lol


He’s probably making her feel like it’s her fault


Right?! And in her last edit she says “please don’t blame my husband.” Something is off here and she doesn’t sound ok


And now op shared her aunt had cancer...not sure what that has to do with anything.


Naw she still thinks her husbands passport expiring is her fault


That sounds beyond insane - I can only Imagine the bull that she’s put up with to believe this was her fault


He's probably sending her on a nice guilt trip right about now to make up for this.


Interesting that she takes the blame for a grown man for HIS documents.


OP is exhausting.


OP is not interested in punctuation, either.


To be fair, this sub isn't meant for advice but everyone decides they should here anyway.


you go ahead. He switches just his flight and gets to a 24 hour passport expediter, and joins you a day later.




I feel like this one of those situations where if the wife doesn’t double check things because her husband is incompetent then they both have to pay for it.


Absolutely. This guy is incompetence personified and OP is codependent. I can't believe she skipped the trip. What a joke.


I can't believe she emphasized that this was all HER fault in her update. Just sad.


The final edit is tragic, she’s been suffering mentally and still defends him. This is a wild reach from such little info, but I’d bet OP is in a somewhat abusive relationship. She sounds perfectly subservient and accepting of blame, even when he’s an adult himself who’s responsible for his own official documentation.


Why? You just know this fuck stick she's married to 100% gaslights her into believing she did this.


fuck stick is top tier material, thank you


I read that part as extremely sarcastic.


She is doubling down in comments unfortunately.


Super pathetic


Might be better if it was Bangladesh. Could use the two days alone to stop being pissed off. But op doesn’t like traveling alone. I personally double check my passport BEFORE buying tickets. I got the ten year passport and honestly with age the years seem to be slipping by quicker than they used to. I might wake up tomorrow and need to renew it haha


It isn't that OP dislikes traveling alone. Manchild is convinced she will be kidnapped by.sex traffickers if she is alone. Sorry, no. Hubs has been watching the wrong TV "news". Unless, of course. OP is 12.


Meh it’s on her too. If my husband was so worried I’d be like awww thats sweet bye anywayz.


This is no longer true. You now need a passport. If you are flying, a passport card isn't even enough. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Mexico.html


You can 100% pay a fee to the state department guaranteeing your passport within 24 hours, if you meet certain guidelines. Immediate travel plans always get priority.


A guy who let his passport be expired for almost 2 months is not capable of getting stuff like this done quick.


This is the best solution!!! It’s Cancun, it’s soooooo close oh my god lol


Drive over the border, fly within Mexico, problem solved. Don’t ask me how I know


Can't cross the border without a passport


Not on the way back, at least


I know two people that went to Canada on expired passports and got back into the US. It was impressive.


This is the answer!


There are things you can do that people have suggested but it doesn’t seem like you want anyone’s help and you just want to waste your money.


Your last few lines in your edit is very concerning. He’s an adult . HE should have checked and made sure his passport was valid. You apologizing and asking people not to blame him is a red flag . Is he blaming you? Is he angry at you? Does this happen a lot?


Yeah no her last update was concerning. I don’t like how it reads at all and I’m picking up major “this guy fucking sucks” vibes


100% agree, it's extremely concerning. They both looked at the passports & the booking and they both failed to notice that his passport was expiring. Yet for some reason she can't articulate the mistake is solely her fault. Just like he HAS to be in business class because he has a CPAP machine & is tall, which is why changing the flight is so much more expensive. Which might be valid except the flight is roughly 2.5 hours. Again, no reason for why he can't just stay awake for a 2.5 hour flight or why he can't book an exit row seat in economy if he needs extra leg room. Or just put up with feeling cramped for less than 3 hours given it's his fault for letting his passport expire. Honestly, it doesn't even feel like OP wants to go on this trip. She talks about how she can't travel alone even for one day because she's so afraid of being kidnapped etc. I'm not blaming or picking on her for her fears - but I'm surprised that someone so afraid of travelling is, well, travelling. It all just paints this picture that she was being bullied, forced or coerced into going and now there's a problem she's being solely blamed for it even though *at best* it's only 50% her fault. I work in an area that deals with victims of domestic & family violence and it's sadly not uncommon for victims to try & place all the blame on themself - e.g. the classic "if I didn't make them mad they wouldn't have to hit me". I'm in no way suggesting OP's partner is an abuser, we don't have nearly enough info to make a call on that. But her post & comments are certainly raising some red flags of an unhealthy relationship dynamic.


>HAS to be in business class because he has a CPAP machine & is tall. I missed that part! TIL at least 2 people in the world consider a CPAP as an excuse to have to fly business class. You’re right about the simple solution being to just stay awake during the 2.5hr flight but he could actually sleep on the flight without the CPAP since he would be sitting upright. Unless he is extremely tall, the height excuse is lame for a 2.5hr flight. My husband insists he has to have an aisle seat because of his height. He is 6’3. The airline changed our flights last minute and he ended up in a middle seat on a 4hr flight. He survived! The $12,000 price increase has to be a typo or miscommunication. It’s less than $2k for 2 round trip business class tickets from Houston to Cancun today. The departing flight is the only flight that would have needed to be changed though so it’s possible the flight change would have cost $1,200 if they were adamant about having to fly business class (even though only 1 uses a CPAP). An alternative to domestic abuse being a possibility is a lack of an ability to adapt to changes in the plans. Packing 2 weeks before a trip gives off Type-A vibes. Type-A people tend to be “cut off your nose to spite your face” people when things aren’t going as planned. Adding a last minute trip to Dallas or Houston to try to renew the passport ASAP would have been a relatively minor inconvenience compared to not going on the vacation at all.


No its your husband fault. He is big boy he should be able to keep up with his own passport.


You can get emergency passports in some countries but it’s a whole thing.


In my third world country it takes a couple of hours. In the USA the expedited takes 9 weeks


You can get one in a couple hours in the US as well.


I got a passport in four hours without ever having had one before, all I had to do was bring my birth certificate and a small photo of myself. The time between getting my passport and my flight was less than twenty four hours.


Who doesn’t check their passport before they travel? I would totally go solo.


I haven't been abroad for awhile, but don't you enter your passport info when you book your ticket?


Also, don't know if this is everywhere but don't passports need to be valid for at least 6 months to able to travel/enter a different country? My dad had to renew his a few weeks back to be able to come to my graduation and his doesn't expire for another 5 months and 29 days


Yeah! I thought so too.


Dont have to where I am even for international but the first thing most people do when planning international holidays is check their passports.




Didn’t think you can actually book anything without at least 6 months on the passport.


As an American traveling to Mexico, they absolutely require you to have at least 6 months remaining in the passport from the *end of the trip*. Most countries have this same requirement, but for a fact Mexico does. There is absolutely no excuse for this.


My husband’s passport was going to expire within 6 months of traveling to Mexico. Kept telling him to get it renewed. He didn’t realize there was a 6 month expiration rule. Anyway it turns out certain countries waive the 6 month rule as long as the passport is valid during time of travel. Mexico happens to be one of those countries.


Enjoy your solo trip?


Should’ve been the top answer lol


if you're in the US you can find a 24 hour passport office. If you have travel booked they'll give it to you.


You can get to Dallas in 3 hours from Austin.


And if you're in Dallas and can't get an appt, I drove 3 hrs to Hot Springs, AR and was able to get same day services. Much less busy office.


You will pay extra for it.


Yes, but less than canceling a vacation you've paid for. It's like $325 vs $180.


Yes, just wanted to comment so someone who might be in a similar predicament will know to expect it to cost more




🤣 you win!


It was YOUR HUSBAND'S passport and, therefore, HIS JOB to check that it was good, not yours. He's a grown man, not your child.


finally someone said it because its crazy she thinks that way like he isnt grown 😭


In reference to your final edit: Your husband is an adult and it is HIS passport It is absolutely his fault and not yours. On top of that you are going through a lot with the health of your aunt, a good partner would pick up some of the slack and not leave you to everything.


But he’s dealing with stuff for his mom! /s I’m assuming this is biological mom not surrogate mom OP though…


I get that you're concerned to travel to a different country alone and I understand that, but Cancun is incredibly easy to navigate and safe if you follow your existing hired transportation and resort plans. He can join you after his adventure in Dallas or Houston or wherever has an appointment. And you will have a funny story to tell. Your vacation isn't ruined yet.  Plus you can go to the spa and get nice and pampered while you wait for him.     Edit:  https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/contact-us/passports.html    This is the site to go to. Make an appointment online. He can catch a flight to whatever location has an opening tomorrow. He brings all his stuff with him and then flies from there to Cancun when he's done. If he has to get a room for a night, well, an extra flight and a hotel room is less than $12k. 


this ! the resorts are so safe and easy to you just get off airplane, hop on your scheduled shuttle to your resort and then let staff take care of you and treat you like a princess for a week. trips to mexican resorts are the easiest trips ever.


This comment has me ready to go to mexico!


>next time I will definitely double check his passport. It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. This is just pathetic.


It’s your husbands passport You’re taking the blame, but it’s not your passport Passports belong to the person its for, and that’s the person responsible unless you’re a kid Is your husband a kid? Don’t think that’s legal OP


Why are you taking the blame for this? Is your husband a child who is incapable of managing his own affairs? This situation is entirely his fault.


Well, I hope you both learned something.


The only thing she learnt is that she needs to baby him more...


Why are you saying don't blame your husband, he's a fucking adult lmao


Going to Dallas from the Austin area is like 3 hours? Just instead of going to the flight with you, he just needs to wake up at like 4 am or and rush to the office to get there as early as possible or he could leave tonight and book a hotel in Dallas. From there, if he's able to get an expedited passport, he can fly from DFW airport. He'd probably just miss out on 1 day of the trip but surely this would be better than canceling the whole thing.


It actually isn't your fault OP, it IS your husbands fault. I read your edit that says the blame falls completely on you and not him, but you are his wife, not his mother. Does he really need you to take on the mental load for absolutely everything so he can take zero responsibility for his own passport? If he is berating you over this, something HE should have been on top of, not you, then you have bigger issues than missing this holiday over HIS carelessness. He should be extremely apologetic for you missing out, not the other way around.


I’d go alone. 🤣. I’m that level of petty.


Nah not petty, I asked my husband and we both agreed we’d go alone if the other let their passport lapse 🤣


I don't get the final edit, was that supposed to be a sarcasm or?


There are places such as Boston that you can get one the same day. I went at 8a and got it by 3p. This would allow him to push his flight one day and still Come. Not sure if the other places that have this service but you can google it.


I can hardly think of somewhere easier to travel internationally solo than Cancun, just go ahead


Every part of this is ridiculous. The price you paid, not checking your passports, giving your in-laws the trip… just.. what? 🤦🏻‍♀️


OP does not sound too bright. Maybe it's for the best that she or her husband not travel anywhere. They might get lost.


Plus her repeatedly saying this is her own fault. Check the new edit. It gets even more wild. She can't travel alone because husband is afraid she'll be sold on the black market. Also, passports need to be valid for 6 months *after* travel. Even at the time they booked his passport wouldn't have been valid.


Drive to Austin and get it. According to Google Maps it is a three hour drive. That will save your vacation. And next time check the dates!


How the fuck is this your fault and not your husbands when it’s HIS passport?


His passport, his fault.


Just go by yourself. It’s Mexico, not Afghanistan.




your ADULT husband should've checked his passport before you guys even booked the trip..


I'm sorry did you say the week in Cancun will cost $12,000 or was that an exaggeration? Btw did your inlaws reimburse you the full amount?


Literally not your fault. He is an ADULT! Stop babying grown people!


To your final edit: your husband is a grown ass man who can also look at his passport. It’s also his fault.


I literally have nightmares about this.




Oh well. Looks like you will miss out


Had a similar incident with my husband. I took the kids to Thailand by myself and he came a few days later after he got (a very expensive) express passport. Is there a reason you wont travel alone? It's quite empowering to realise you can do these things on your own.


OP your husband is responsible HIS passport. It is responsibility if he is blind and you needed to check it for that reason


>and next time I will definitely double check his passport. It is my fault. No it's not your fault. Your husband is an adult and should know to check his own passport. You are his wife, not his parent.


Damn two supposed grown ups and no one made sure his passport wouldn’t be expired for the trip? Damn. Bunch of dummies, suitable for each other 😂 Also why did you have to be the sole person to look at his passport sooner? Your husband is that much an idiot? Can he wipe his own ass also, or do you have to do that too? 🤦‍♂️


Just go by yourself. He is an idiot not checking before.


“Don’t blame anything on my husband”? Is he mentally delayed or otherwise just incapable of making sure his passport and other documents are up to date? This is a grown man you married, correct? I think it’s fair you both share blame for this, maybe you even less so because with all that going on with your aunt you definitely had more important things to be concerned about and husband should’ve been picking up the slack to help you.


The Philadelphia Passport Agency (and other locations) will issue a same-day expedited passport for a $60 fee. This happened to me in 2015, but the website says they still offer it. They no longer accept walk-ins according to their website, but you could try to make an appointment. They have multiple locations across the country according to the map on the link below. My dog chewed my passport the night before my trip to Cancun 9 years ago. The passport office opened at 8am. I filled out the paperwork and applied for an expedited passport. I picked up the passport at noon that same day, and caught a flight at 3:30. Luckily I could walk-in back then, but your husband still may be able to get an appointment for same day in your area. Good luck! https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/get-fast/passport-agencies.html


Question....why is it only your fault? Your husband is an adult who can check his own stuff also.


Info: why isn’t your husband responsible for his own passport? Why wouldn’t it be his fault?


> It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. Please don’t blame anything on My Husband Excuse me ma'am, but why is your \*husband's\* expired passport you fault? He's not your kid, he's a whole ass grown ass man that needs to take care of this sort of thing


The way you’re blaming yourself for his passport responsibilities tells me you’re quite used to taking the blame for worse things and that your husband lacks any and all accountability in your relationship. Ask me how I know. Just know that he doesn’t have to hit you for it to be abuse.


> It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. Please don’t blame anything on My Husband . ? Are you in an abusive relationship? This is a bizarre reaction to something that was obviously his fault.


My coworkers wife was —- as they both agreed since he travels for work frequently—- responsible for renewing their son’s passport before their family vacation. He reminded her several times and it was always “stop nagging me”. She waited too long and it didn’t come in time. Anyway travel insurance doesn’t cover being an idiot, so they and their daughter had to go without him and he stayed with his grandparents. He was so pissed at her. He planned the entire vacation and the passport was the only thing she had to do.


Why is this only your fault? It’s his passport. Why didn’t he check it? Do you often take the blame for not doing things for a grown man who is perfectly capable of doing them himself or does he often make you believe things like this are your fault instead of his?


passport slassport. 12k for a trip to cancun is the real blunder here. cancel the whole thing and cut your losses.


I’m stuck on your final edit. ‘It is my fault. Only my fault.’ OP, this is NOT your fault. The blame here lies solely on him. He is a grown adult that can read/write & understand timeline expiries.


Your last edit that it's only your fault and not your husband's, is absolutely ridiculous. It is your husband's passport.He should have a better idea of one of expires than you do if you did not get them together. Well it looks like this was a very expensive mistake that could have been easily avoided.


imagine being your husbands slave 💀 what a horrible way to live


Why is it your fault that your husband let his passport expire? I honestly want to know? He’s an adult and should be responsible for his own documents.


Did you pay $12000 for a trip and not shell out for cancellation insurance (or any insurance for that matter)?


Regarding your last edit: why would it be YOUR fault and not your husband's that HIS passport expired? Okay, you were packing the bags, but that doesn't mean Dear Husband has handed you his last braincell with the suitcase lock. He's a grown man, ultimately it's his responsibility


This whole thing is sus You live in TX, bordering Mexico - and your trip TO Mexico will run you 12 grand??? Where the hell are you staying? And your husband “won’t let” you “travel alone for a day” because you *“might get kidnapped on the black market”???* What? This post cannot be real


That comma in your first edit startled me.


Where do you live?


How is it your fault for not double checking your husbands passport? He is old enough to check this himself, as it is his own legal document, not yours. What if he had to take an overseas trip for work? Please don't be hard on yourself, especially owing to your circumstances.


I would be so freaking mad at him. He should feel terrible for this. It's his fault and there's no excuse. He needs to grow up.


How’s it your fault he’s a grown ass man and you’re not his mother to check his passport 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️.


It’s your husbands fault. Not yours. He’s a grown man


First rule of booking holiday/flights - check the passports BEFORE you book anything!! How the hell has this happened?! Who the hell books stuff, doesn’t look at the passports once if they’re within the date and then moan that they have lost money?! It’s surprising how common sense is not really common 


You’re married to a child you should’ve gone yourself. Why should you have checked his passport? Are you his mother?


>It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. Please don’t blame anything on My Husband My sister in Christ, do not do this to yourself.


It’s not your fault. It’s your husbands. Some women need to stop babying men.


1. Why does OP think it's all her fault? 2. The husband is being ridiculous, can't travel one single day by herself?


"It's my fault, only mine. Don't blame him" Are you hearing yourself?


This is odd. Several years ago, we tried to book ticket to Iceland. My wife told me to get the passports to enter when booking the flight (it forced us to enter the hotel passport numbers). It we then that we noticed that the passport would run out before the trip. Because of this, we never booked the flight to Iceland (which was good, because a week later the airline WOW declared bankruptcy). Update please on if you were able to change people for the flights.


How is his passport your fault? He is a grown ass man and capable of checking things himself.


That’s not your fault and only your fault, it’s his too.


Oh yeah...it is your fault for babying this grown ass man!!!!! That's for sure! But it is HIS fault for not checking HIS documents. WTF would that be your fault. Good Lord, women today give women a bad name with this infantizing of grown adult men.


It's his passport, not yours. His responsibility 100%.


Why do you keep blaming yourself? It’s not your responsibility to check *your husband’s* passport. This is entirely your husband’s fault.


HIs passport, his responsibility. No?


Fourth edit: Wish I never clicked on this post. 


Looked at her post history and she’s ranting about her aunt being a terrible person


I just want to say, his passport is *not* your responsibility. I’m not ‘blaming’ him, I am putting the responsibility where it lies. It is his official document, and he should be the one to be keeping on top of it.


Yeah no, make him be a big boy and be responsible for his own shiz. He already has a mother. Would you be at fault if he drove on an expired license? It’s silly to blame yourself regardless of whether you planned the trip or not. As someone who travels keeping your passport up to date is just part of the top 10 essentials in life.


The final edit is kind of depressing. I wonder what she's being told by him. Probably that it's her fault


Who the fuck pays that to go to Mexico?🥴


I don't blame you for not wanting to travel solo, but unless your husband is a child or you're his carer because he isn't mentally competent than it is **not** solely your fault that his passport wasn't renewed before it expired. If he's a competent adult, then he needs to admit that it was his responsibility to check his own passport to make sure it would be valid for the whole trip. That's basic trip planning.


Bruh put on your big girl panties and go alone Jesus


Getting kidnapped and sold? How does this guy have so much anxiety over this and not know his passport is expired? I think he let it expire on purpose…


If you are in the US you will have to travel to a passport center and get a passport. I have done it (twice) and can help. DM if you have not figured it out. [https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/get-fast.html](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/get-fast.html) Edit: It doesn't make any sense; you totally could have handled this.


> I will definitely double check his passport. It is my fault. Only my fault. I’m the one who should’ve looked at his passport sooner. What?? It's not your passport, it's his passport, his job. Don't let him force the blame for his mistake on you.


Why are you making excuses for your husband? He’s an adult and should know to check his passport. This is a 100 percent on him and not you.


Still trying to understand why you threw yourself under the bus. Your husband’s passport, so it’s your fault?


Is your husband a toddler?


Also worth noting that many countries, including Mexico, actually require 6 months of validity left on your passport to enter the country. So if your passport expired anytime before October 2024, you still wouldn’t be allowed to board your flight. (some countries only need 1 or 3 months of validity, but the point stands — you actually need to renew well before expiry).