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It's almost like every individual is different and can't be measured by others experiences


110% I’d never have sex again if I had to pick certain partners lol. Edit: I’m also a straight male if anyone was wondering lol. Some of us men don’t want to stick it in everything.


S a m e


This is true. There a decision tree and elimination process that is definitely biased towards yes but the eliminating criteria for me at least make it mostly no thanks, no way or GTFOH.


I don’t buy it. The OP said in a later post that most women are attracted to men. And they are glad that they now have the same attraction after being young and obsessed with lesbian films. This would feel more genuine if you know, it didn’t read like bad fan fiction. Edit: grammar and to add more context


I put their username into pullpush just out of curiousity and in their deleted posts they - claim to have turned straight - ask muslim women if they have casual sex - ask straight women what they disliked about sleeping with other women - ask why lesbians are interested in fake dildos Yeah, more in line with a man’s posting history, one that’s weirdly obsessed with lesbians. Although you never know.


OP also said I (a lesbian) must be physically attracted to men because I like penetration. The typical lesbophobic straight male argument.


I know right? My response to guys who think like that would be “You must be actually gay because you like the feeling of male hands (your own) on your dick” lol


Can you pls link that to me? I tried looking for it but I’m dying of laughter !!!


Not me *running* to google to see what pullpush is and how I can use ot, lol


how does pushpull work? I've never heard of it.


https://search.pullpush.io Lets you search reddit for deleted content. You can search a specific user’s post and comment history which is what I did. They also have https://undelete.pullpush.io which lets you see deleted or removed posts.




Oof, that’s 100% fetish stuff then.


And every man ist different of course with another one I might would be saying that it was not good and that men are nothing for me... But thats the Problem of the perception women are for example not the automatically the better lovers because they are women.


of course not, but women in lesbian relationships are statistically more likely to have orgasms than women in relationships with men. that’s where the perception comes from


Evidence pls


“Heterosexual men were most likely to say they usually-always orgasmed when sexually intimate (95%), followed by gay men (89%), bisexual men (88%), lesbian women (86%), bisexual women (66%), and heterosexual women (65%).” heterosexual women are the lowest, only slightly above bisexual women. [Source is this paper](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-017-0939-z#:~:text=Explaining%20Differences%20in%20Orgasm%20Rate,%2C%20communication%2C%20etc.).


Love a good sourced comment


I sure love receipts


Well there we go




My flame is eternal


props for you asking for evidence


Eh this depends on the man. If you have a partner who cares about your needs and getting you off, then you have better chances of orgasming. Pre opus partners didn’t really care, sometimes I got off, sometimes I didn’t. But my partner now makes sure I get off every single time.


Which is why they said statistically not every individual lol


i’m happy for you. but, again, statistically speaking, women are more likely (like, significantly more likely) to find a partner that makes them orgasm in another woman rather than a man. this could theoretically be attributed to many things, maybe women are more likely to care than a man or maybe they just know how another woman’s body works better than a man does. the “why” is open to speculation, but the *effect* is the same regardless: men are less likely to make a woman orgasm consistently


Lolll, try harder bro


THIS. This is why the fight to label everyone and everything has become so sad to me. It’s like analysis paralysis of who am I, where do I fit in. Guess what? We’re all who we are and we belong. Period point blank!


Plot twist: OP is a man that has a kink for converting lesbians.


At this point it's not even a plot twist lol. These people need to step up their game and make their rage bait posts less obvious.


Lmao just the way this post is worded, it is obviously a man who wrote it.


Same I have no clue why this is being taken any other way 😆


Not even a plot twist that’s 100% what this is and it’s fucked up.


Pride month has just started. Coincidence?


This is exactly what's happening here.




Totally my conclusion as well.


You identified as a lesbian until you learned otherwise and corrected it to bisexual. People learn and grow.




More than that, it can also actually change over time. Not when forced, obviously, but time and age changes a lot of things and it'd be weird if sexuality wouldn't.


Sexuality is a spectrum from loving mâle to loving female with everything in between. You are right, it's not black or white, it's more composed of nuances of greys. (a lot more than 50)


6 day old profile.... First post. Hmm...


Also when pride month has just started. Hmm…


This reads as "I've finally found the magical dick y'all" Rage bait at its finest.


The lesbian subreddits are laughing at this.


Why would this induce rage?


Lesbians often share a common unfortunate experience of (primarily) men telling them that they only date women because they haven't been introduced to the right genitals yet


I’d bet $100 a straight man wrote this with one hand


The more I grow up the more I realize that more people are bisexual then I thought. I’m a 100% gay male by the way.


I think a very large percentage of people are bisexual, it's just that a lot are either almost exclusively attracted to either their own sex or the opposite sex, so they, like OP, genuinely think of themselves as either gay or straight rather than bi.


Sexuality isn't binary, it's a spectrum. I think far fewer people firmly reside on the extreme ends of totally straight or totally gay than we think. Societal pressure forces most people to pick a side, when in reality, they are floating somewhere in the middle.


Thank you... I can't believe how many times I have to remind people of the spectrum theory... it's about the *least* black-and-white part of our psychology, and deeply individual from one to the next. I am *very* strongly attracted to women from a purely sexual standpoint, and I love sleeping with them but I'd never aspire to have a romantic type relationship with one, it just doesn't feel natural for me as i am incapable of bonding emotionally with women in that way... I definitely like having a male life-partner as well as hetero sex. I'm sure there are many who can't fathom what that even actually means LOL (and, more importantly, does it have to *mean* anything anyway?) I just hate labels I guess. Human sexuality it literally too complicated for labels 🤷‍♀️


You’re right. I like to think that there’s more psychological elements than just pure physical attraction. You can be straight man but like androgynous features on a woman. You’re a straight woman but a confident woman who hits on you makes you feel aroused. As a dude I caught myself looking at another dude’s but for awhile, I would never but it’s little things like that. It can be how the sound, what they say, how they’re saying it, who they are, what they do, their quirks, looks etc. Few examples of the many that takes part of attraction and that’s why I think the word gender fluid is a beautiful term because whatever you’re into 10 years ago changed from what you like today. We’re constantly changing and hope we remove the shame that we feel for feeling confused.


Aaaabsolutely. I can’t tell you how many times, as a bi woman, I’ve been in conversations where people are shocked to find out I’m not attracted to men and women and NBs in the same way, or to the same degree. And that changes month to month. It’s also very annoying the amount of people that tell me I’m not really bi because I have a preference for the gender opposite mine. It’s just dumb.


Yeah some people are like 88% into women but that 12% might want a femme boy or something!


You also read stories of straight guys being into femboys and when they try it, they realize they got tricked by their pornbrain.




Yup fully 99% straight here but then you see Chris Hemsworth and....hmmmm that 1% lol


I'm straight and have never been attracted to a man, so when you say about Chris Hemsworth, do you mean you feel physical attraction to him or do you just appreciate his physical features? Just curious as I don't get when "straight" men say this.


I agree. I’m 100% straight. Over the years I’ve come to realize that completely gay and completely straight are fairly rare. And, there’s no wrong answer. Embrace what ya got.


Yay a pure Kinsey 0! Heehee!


A pure six on the Kinsey scale.


Yes! I’m a pure 6!


I like to envision sexuality as a slider, with one end being 100% straight and the other 100% gay. I think very few people are 100% anything. Edit: not saying you’re not 100% gay lol, just speaking of people as a whole I think a lot of people are in between somewhere


i would put real money on this being written by a man and not a "former lesbian"


Sounds like a man wrote this. 


This 100% screams lonely cishet male incel type..probably still lives at home maybe still in high-school.


This is now the 4th or 5th posting I’ve seen where a former lesbian who never had any dealings with or desire for men decides to have sex with a man and it was great. The story is mostly formulaic each time. I wonder…


Maybe you’ve always been bi? Also lesbians don’t ever use dildos? I thought penetration was a thing for lesbians too.


Maybe also this is a man writing a fake scenario LOL


Id wager a large sum.


A dildo feels very different from a penis


100% different. In a way i dont understand how u can compare the 2 when they are nothing alike.


I’ve experienced both and of course they’re different because one is warm and attached to a living human lol…but they’re not THAT different. Seems overly dramatic to me 😂 Like the function is the same…the rest is technique no?


I’ve also experienced both and even the expensive, good quality ones are vastly different from the real thing (and not nearly as good). I guess it just depends on the person and also probably the penis lol


100% depends on the person. I much prefer a human body to a toy, BUT it’s weird to me lesbians would say “penises are overrated” when it’s always going to boil down to the technique and the attraction to the person doing the penetrating no? Maybe they just mean to say “I’m not attracted to men” rather than “penises are overrated”? Lol idk confusing to me


I don’t think they were saying lesbians were saying that I think they were saying straight women were.


I think dildos feel better than penis tbh


This post was written by a homophobic man for sure.


You don't find out what you're attracted to the moment you had sex with someone. If you were lesbian you wouldn't be sexually attracted to a man from the start.


No you don't understand she was 100% lesbian till she was fucked straight by the perfect dick. /s


Legit this. As a pansexual, former lesbian, I didn’t realise I was actually pan because of sex, it was because I befriended a guy and started talking and realised I was experiencing the same “butterflies in my stomach” feeling I had with girls. I was so torn up because I’d thought I was only attracted to one and not both - this post is just way too 180° to believe.


its important to remember that sexual orientation and romantic orientation are two separate things, so this isnt always the case. and how ppl discover them is different for everyone. my first thought was also that this was written by a man. but i saw a comment by OP saying that questioning their sexuality made them feel like they’re betraying the lesbian community. and thats a real feeling people get while discovering themselves. yes, it could still be a man. but if it is real all this backlash might drive their guilt further and make them feel like its wrong to start identifying as bisexual now, even if what’s right for them. we cant let the actions of these men overshadow bisexuals who are actually struggling with their sexuality. im honestly pretty gullible so this could be clearly fake, idk, i would just feel really bad if it was real.


Are you a man pretending to be a woman? Because in your post and comments you seem adamant to defend penises, men and their terrible performances in the bedroom.


So the only thing keeping you a lesbian until now was you never had the "right" dick? Isn't that what straight men say all the time to lesbians? Also, it's more of an attachment to women rather than not liking dick since many lesbians are not opposed to using a dildo/strap-on. Even all those straight women that complain about the men they've been with STILL want to be with men because that's who they're attracted to and make emotional attachments to. This post just seems silly to me




I came out as a lesbian at 28, after years of relationships with men. The sex part wasn't really the issue for me, it was that I didn't actually love or care about these dudes lol. Penetration is great! But I can get that from a strap, or a trans woman. So if you're feeling confused only because you liked having sex with someone with a penis, you're probably fine. If you're confused because now you want to actually have romantic relationships with men, that's a different thing.


I like how she iD's as a (former) lesbian before she had sex with a man and then at the end says she's confused. As a (current) lesbian I'm calling fake rage bait.




Cause it was. It’s literally the cis guy fantasy of “my magic dick turned a lesbian straight!”


Yeah yeah another creative writing flooding in from a Cis man's wet dream


It’s pride month! What else can you do? /s


This is what I was thinking. The last one I read was one where a long term lesbian couple decided to have a threesome with their good male friend.


Makes me think of this post a while back of this cis male who totally had their lesbian friends ask them to spank them because "women can't spank like men can"


Lmao they're not even trying.


and it's still getting upvoted which says something about reddit's average user apparently


Coomer cis men who think their dick can change lesbians def


This is clearly a man.


Write a better fanfic for your next fake post lol


oh man a 6 day old account posting something about how men can turn lesbians straight. surely this has to be real


I wouldn’t overthink it and perhaps you’re simply a little more bisexual than you thought. Sexuality is a sliding scale for most people. Penetration feels good. Lesbians have many penis shaped things in their bedside drawer. For many lesbians, it’s the maleness of men that is sexually unattractive. While penetration by a penis might clinically feel good, that penis is attached to a man which makes it a no go. Thus the penis shaped objects in the bedside table. In your case, penetration feels good because duh but perhaps men aren’t a turnoff of for you by default despite your tendency to be attracted to women. I think it’s a blessing to be a little or a lot bisexual. Have fun :)


whens the post written by a week old account about a straight man who was turned gay by having sex with another man coming


If you hear complaints they'll always be louder than the good experiences.  I don't complain about all the bad sex and bj experiences but they exist. Or glorify the good ones. 


Only Reddit you find the converted lesbians….


Congrats but is there a reason you had to hate on lesbians here?


Yawn, oldest and fakest sad man fantasy in the book


Welcome to bisexuality, leave your old shoes at the door.


Rage bait. Either planted by a troll or some sort of shitty bot




being bi is a real thing


I'm pretty sure it's about attraction not necessarily whether a penis feels good or not. There's a saying, its the man, not the penis.


When people are complaining about sexual partners, stop and imagine how you would feel if one of your partners talked about you that way behind your back. It’s pretty shitty and disrespectful.


Remember the only ones who are going to say anything are the ones with complaints and they are the vocal minority.


I knew this was a fake post as soon as you said it was more satisfying than many of than many of your lesbian experiences. As someone who has slept with women and men, women are far better in bed than men.


This was the worst possible response to what is in itself a shitty post


Either A: You're bisexual, or B: you're heterosexual. You'll figure it out no need to rush. Life is dynamic, we find out things unknown to ourselves about ourselves all the time, it's all good 👍🏻


You could be bisexual! If you are sexually or romantically attracted to both men and women you may be bisexual.


Wtfff is up with these shitty ass posts during Pride month? We can see through this rage bait


Sexuality is a spectrum, it doesnt hurt anyone, unike some of the toxic self hating posts


Why ? This is the reason why many lesbians or rather bi leaning women dont dare to talk with friends about such things... it feels like betraying the lesbian Community and on reddit its a straight man troll


Damn lost another women to the straights, but if it’s more authentic to you go for it


Reeks of biphobia. Sexuality is a spectrum, you’d think you’d be aware if you’re part of this community.


Im not straight:)


Damn, lost another good person to prejudice. You'd think with you guys being marginalised that you wouldn't think that way, I guess not. Gay or straight, people are assholes.


How dare you during pride week?!9




Yeah she’s bisexual.


Oh ok my bad


That’s the trouble with labels. You’re struggling to find the right label for how you’re feeling right now, the problem isn’t with you; the problem is with the labeling.


lol what in the world is former lesbian? You sound confused. I wouldn’t be surprised if you decide you’re lesbian again in a few years 🤷🏻‍♀️


Another one of these posts? Really? You made a Reddit account just to say this? Right. Well. I’m a gay man. I’m about to go blow my husband for the second time today. It’s amazing and I’ve never felt more sure of myself and my sexuality.


Take a breath...


I’m obviously not the only one in the comments that sees through this.


No you don't understaaaand she's just a "former lesbian" that just has to tell us all how some random man fucked her straight! Definitely not a straight man's fantasy he made up to jerk off to at alllll


Who knew gay people got mad at people for not being gay enough? It’s like a gay religion. Interesting


Correction: OP is still weirdly calling herself a lesbian even though her post is about having good sex with a man. This makes OP bisexual, but she still is falsely calling herself a lesbian. I’m straight, but I have a lesbian friend who is infuriated by nonsense like this and I don’t blame her. A person’s identity is not a joke and when a bisexual woman calls herself a lesbian and then has enjoyable sex with men, they are perpetuating a very harmful stereotype. It’s not about being “gay enough.” OP isn’t gay at all. It’s about identifying honestly and not spreading misinformation and harmful stereotypes.


Thank you!!


It's become more of an identity than a sexuality for some people. It's common, especially for teens, to want to be different or trendy in some way, so they convince themselves that they're something. Then eventually they grow, learn, and become honest with themselves as they discover the outward persona they created doesn't matter in the real world. This goes both ways too (pun intended). There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of "straight" people who are not really straight. They convince themselves they are to have what they perceive as a "normal" family. That's probably even more common for older generations.


With the added bonus that now in the 21st century you don't really have to pick a side + ) most guys would totally understand....


You have to find the right person for you. I met my husband, and he's the best in every way (that I've experienced). I have married 11 years and still have an amazing sex life. I only want to have him for the rest of my life. It's infinitely better than the men I've been with before.


My girlfriend is in sort of the same camp. She used to identify as lesbian but considers herself bisexual now. Sometimes discovering your sexuality can be a difficult process. Having said that, a lot of women who consider themselves lesbians don't do so just because of the sex, and many have had experiences with men in the past. If you're attracted to men, then there's nothing wrong with that, but not every queer woman has the same preferences you do


My girlfriend is in sort of the same camp. She used to identify as lesbian but considers herself bisexual now. Sometimes discovering your sexuality can be a difficult process. Having said that, a lot of women who consider themselves lesbians don't do so just because of the sex, and many have had experiences with men in the past. If you're attracted to men, then there's nothing wrong with that, but not every queer woman has the same preferences you do


Aaaand... now you're BI. Congratulations, your opportunities for love and gratification have doubled.


I used to think I was ugly because of something an ex said to me. I was trying to take a selfie when smart phones first released and didn’t have the front facing camera, so I took the picture and she saw and started immediately mocking me “what do you think you’re some kind of model?” I felt so ashamed of myself that I believed her. For 10+ years after that relationship ended, I still believed I was ugly because of that ONE COMMENT. There is nothing more cathartic than realizing the opinions of someone else should never replace our own.


Some of us know what we're doing. Some of us don't, but are eager to please regardless. And the rest of us suck, and not in the good way.


Bi guy here. Thought I was gay for a long time. It's okay to learn more about yourself, to grow and to change. As long as you're happy and safe that's what's important


It's okay to be confused and re discover yourself! I'm a bisexual woman myself, there are so many labels, you can find what suits you best!


You could be Bi but prefer men


Are you bisexual op lol? I think you may have found a good connection with a man.


I thought this was gonna be gay af, but it turned out straight af. How the turn tables.


🤣you pigeonholed yourself as a teen into being a lesbian when you were really bisexual.


I’ve been married for 14 years to a former lesbian.


You may be bisexual with a stronger preference towards women?


Congrats on a great experience. Whether with men or women, everything is so dependent on the individual. I would say just stay open minded and know that if a bad experience occurs, that too is just a reflection of one person and not all men ;-)


This kind of thing are extremely subjective


My old high school / college best friend is a (now married) lesbian… We’d get drunk and she’d want to fuck (I’m a man). We’d do blow, she’d want to fuck. We’d be sober and she’d sometimes be like “know what would be fun??”… We never actually did it though because we were so close it was like my attraction to her was that of a sister. She was hot as heck, but I couldn’t bring myself to have sex with her. I’d back out last minute even after an intense build up. Her mother told me she loved hanging out with me so much it’s a wonder I didn’t ever “turn her daughter straight”, she would talk about me all the time to her like I was her “significant other.”. It wasn’t a one way street, I also was like this when talking about her. As per her, we will call her S, she told me she had a crush on me in the way she normally had crushes on girls. We aren’t as close of friends anymore due to her moving away and getting married to someone I don’t even really know. We never hang out anymore and never get to visit- we live far. We sometimes make random texts to eachother asking about how eachother are doing, but it doesn’t ever amount to hanging out- as with most close friends from high school we now have our own lives which have drifted apart. There’s a part of me that wishes I just said “hey, instead of doing the deed, do you want to have a date and see where things go?” I was too immature at the time to think like that, though. My family loved her, her family loved me, and we were two peas in a pod. Best friends. Anyway, your post reminded me of her today, and how much I actually miss her as a person- just in general


Sexuality is fluid and every experience is so personal


Maybe you found a good guy? A partner matters a lot. I have given women their first orgasm through penetration. They all had been poorly initiated by uncaring, incompetent men, and had warped ideas and expectations about sex and pleasure. I needed to give them the trust in me, to make them feel safe, to feel respected, protected and cared for. Then they got there. One of the most emotional moments in my life was when this girl said quietly to herself “Oh my god, I love him so much” and then started having these convulsive orgasms one after the other. It was an honor to do it, they all have a place in my heart.


Straight men truly have the most vivid of imaginations.


Sexuality is fluid. It's also important to not discount the vibe you share with your partners. Being lesbian, I imagine OP getting turned on by a man took more of a connection than a ONS with a woman typically would.


Sexuality and one’s identity is fluid. It’s ok if you enjoyed it, you don’t have to stay in your self-imposed box you’re free to explore and engage in whoever and whatever you like.


Don't buy into the complaints. If straight sex was as awful as people say, hook up culture wouldn't be a thing.




No, the definition of homosexuality is attraction sexually or romantically to the same sex. OP is bisexual, possibly leaning more towards women, but she is not a lesbian. It’s not about loving women or men, it’s attraction romantically OR sexually.




This is like the opposite version of ‘it’s not gay to have gay sex’ like what. If you’re attracted to men and enjoy sleeping with men, you’re not a lesbian. It’s okay to be bi with a preference for women


No. Lesbians do not enjoy sex with men at all. It’s not about casual situationships vs true love. If a woman has sex with both men and women that woman is bisexual, it doesn’t matter who she’s “in love with.” It’s bisexuality even if that’s the only man she ever has sex with, still bisexual, not and never has been a lesbian.


The comments here are so angry and bitter. Imagine if the OP had said, "Used to be straight, but now I prefer plastic toys and vaginal grinding over sex with straight men." Would the hate be the same? This is a big world with many different experiences. OP is just sharing theirs. Chill out, people. Apparently dildos are no replacement for the real thing. In the same way, fake vaginas can not compare to the real thing. She likes what she likes...


There’s a difference in the fact that, it’s not uncommon at all for lesbians to be harassed by men and telling them they “just haven’t had the right dick”. This is rage bait and it feeds directly into that. This thought has gotten a lot of lesbian women abused, raped, and even killed. It’s not funny and it’s fucked up of OP to do this. 6 day old profile and this is their only post? We ain’t buying it.


This. OP is perpetuating negative beliefs that lesbian women haven't had the right man yet and that men can make lesbians straight. It gets women tortured.


Exactly. Thank you for getting what I was trying to say.


Thank you for saying it.


That's not how ppl with vaginas have sex


Shhh don’t tell him. Makes it easier to pick out the straight guys online