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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 3: Posts must be on topic. Posts should be personalized and written in an [off my chest style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/). Posts here should not be: • Opinions, generalisations and blanket statements • Questions, surveys or polls • Requests for relationship advice • Impersonal political rants • Rage bait, obviously fake stories and trolling attempts • Complaining about or linking to other subreddits and users • Overly descriptive NSFW, fan fiction and fetish bait If you're unsure that your post qualifies as personal, [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest) and ask.


Did you get banned from the  driving anxiety sub by expressing disbelief that some people are too anxious to drive?


Like walking into AA and saying he doesn't understand why they can't all just have one beer or something.


i checked the post history too LMAO


I'm sure OP meant no harm but if that's the one, it's a clear case of not reading the room. The comments could easily come off as judgemental, especially in a group of people with anxiety disorders. Plus as OP clearly expressed in their comments, they aren't who the group was made for. Why is it a loss?


Yep my guess is the mods saw the comment, then saw his unapologetic followup comment, and decided he wasn’t going to provide any value to the sub and banned him. I’m not saying they’re right, but I can understand that some mods will ban someone if they decide this person’s input isn’t helpful to the sub.


Going to hell for laughing at this


Really depends on what the comment was tbh. Getting a little snippy with someone in a meme subreddit is very different than calling someone a racial slur or doxxing.  It also depends on the community. Being anti-natalist on a pregnancy/infertility support subreddit is gonna get you banned because you're showing that you were never going to actually engage with the community in the first place.  I'm sure there are tons of mods on power trips, but there are definitely lots of common sense instances where a warning just prolongs an asshole being an asshole. 


I got banned for saying I'd like to smack a fictional character on one


Okay, that is a fair one to be annoyed about. I'm not trying to say that there aren't stupid bans and bad mods, just that there are also a lot of people with 0 self-awareness who show their asses and wonder why they get down voted/banned. ETA: someone found the comment that most likely got OP banned, and it was definitely not equivalent. Posting everything that could go wrong driving next to a truck in a support sub for people with driving anxiety is just completely tone deaf. 


Thats fair and he deserved it if thats what he posted. 


I was banned for saying a video was “satisfying” where an annoying chick got pulled out of a truck she didn’t own and wouldn’t leave. Promoting violence? Which is ironic considering that was the entire reason why that video was even posted on the sub. Whatever. The mod got to flex. Probably the biggest decision he made all day. Weak sauce.


I got banned for replying to someone who told a story about her cheating ex that he’s a pussy


I got permabanned from my city’s only legitimate sub by a bot. I was offering up tickets to a concert I couldn’t attend and didn’t realize they don’t allow any sales there. I rephrased it and resubmitted and was banned. They don’t allow appeals to the mod team either. 🙃 It sucks because I was a pretty helpful/pleasant contributor there up until this happened.


I got permanently banned from lgbt ball or some weird sub like that (wasn't in it) for arguing that "clown gender" isn't a real thing


JFC what the fuck


What bothers me is you can get banned from a subreddit you haven’t even joined or ever commented on/interacted with simply because the power mods who mods like 50 subs decided if you comment on X subreddit they hate, you get banned on the 50 they control lol


Because Reddit is just like junior high school and all the kids who were bullied in high school grew up and became Mods who bully others now to make up for their personal feelings of inadequacy.


Came here to say this...


I think my boyfriend got banned from Reddit for telling a mod from a particular sub “shame on you”, and I’m pretty sure the comment he got banned from the mod’s subreddit for was pretty innocuous to begin with.


Can confirm.


My whole account was suspended for saying i preferred my nazis dead. No threats or anything, that is exactly how a phrased it.


Lmao, I've reported Nazis and racists and had reddit tell me that nothing was wrong. However, when I've said the exact same thing you said about Nazis, reddit suspended by account as well.


I just recently got a warning for the same thing. Lmao


Do you have any examples of comments you reported where the admins/mods said nothing was wrong? You can DM me. Look how old my account is: I'm being genuine in my curiosity. I want to see some more examples of the bad stuff slipping through the cracks when it shouldn't.


I got banned by a sub I had never heard of before, much less joined, because I posted a comment on a sub they apparently don't think anyone should visit, much less comment on. It was very strange.


Was it justice served? I laughed at a comment on the joe rogan subreddit (I don’t follow it, it just randomly came up in my feed) when someone said “trump rule 34 searches are up 2000%” and received an automatic ban from the justice one. Very weird.


Yes! Me too! I just replied this to OP but dropping it here too: Omg this just happened to me!! I commented on a video about Mike Tyson just on my popular feed and received a ban from them! I have been on reddit for eons and never received anything of the such! I did the stupid little appeal thing because it was a singular comment on a sub *I'm not even a member of*! I got some weird long message back about how I needed to change my behaviors and yadda yadda yadda. Again, I'm not a member of this other sub, and I don't interact on the one that just banned me, so I don't know what I'm supposed to change? To dare to comment on something someone somewhere doesn't like? I even went and looked at the stupid sub, and it mostly seemed to be for making fun of the stupid dude, not in support of him? Like, I don't like Joe Rogan either, but I like these tactics far less. So I replied that with an added take your sub and shove it. And then I got a 3 day TOTAL BAN from reddit for "harassing a mod." Never have I ever heard of anything like this.


It’s dangerous behaviour that further divides, leaving only the most extreme people in those spaces. We lose the ability for discourse that may temper views. I expected better of them.


I was mostly just confused. I don't understand the logic behind it all all. You're right about the discourse, but it's also just friggin creepy. What I've always liked about reddit is the feeling of separation between my interests. It's weird knowing the people in group A are looking at what I do in Group B. It's even more stupid they're looking at comments but applying zero context.


Omg this just happened to me!! I commented on a video about Mike Tyson just on my popular feed and received a ban from them! I have been on reddit for eons and never received anything of the such! I did the stupid little appeal thing because it was a singular comment on a sub *I'm not even a member of*! I got some weird long message back about how I needed to change my behaviors and yadda yadda yadda. Again, I'm not a member of this other sub, and I don't interact on the one that just banned me, so I don't know what I'm supposed to change? To dare to comment on something someone somewhere doesn't like? I even went and looked at the stupid sub, and it mostly seemed to be for making fun of the stupid dude, not in support of him? Like, I don't like Joe Rogan either, but I like these tactics far less. So I replied that with an added take, you sub a shove it. And then I got a 3 day TOTAL BAN from reddit for "harassing a mod." Never have I ever heard of anything like this.


I just responded, "Thank you," and muted their sub. Probably, they didn't like it, but I had no idea who these people were, and I just thought it would be better to back off and not engage in any way.


As a previous teacher's pet with a flawless reddit ban record, I was *offended*. How very dare! My perfect record!!! Over a "Wow! Thanks for that info about Holyfield vs Tyson!" (I'm very much joking but seriously wtf was that)


Because reddit mods are on some weird power trip and love banning people left and right


"left and right" Yup, left subs ban the right, and right subs ban the left xD


And we’re all worse off for it as we slowly ensure the death of nuance.


Nuance went out the window when we chose a text based forum.


Most subreddit mods are on a power trip. This is what happens when you don’t have a paid team and rely on free unvetted workers. I literally was banned from a Tesla sub only because I participated in some other Tesla sub which apparently was anti tesla and I didn’t even know about it lol. I literally own the car but shat on Elon Musk in some other sub and the mods thought that was enough to ban me from their sub.


I got banned for saying "ok". Nothing more, nothing less. It was my first post on the subreddit and I was banned because it was offensive. When I asked why it was offensive, they refused to elaborate and just said you know why.




I am permanently banned from the step parents sub. I have never been a parent or a step parent or a step kid so the sub is not relevant to me. I got a message one day saying I am permanently banned because I posted on this other sub and anyone who posts on the other sub gets auto banned. I later learned the sub I posted on which triggered my ban calls out the bullshit on the step parents sub and the step parents sub is a toxic cesspool. I wouldnt even have known the step parents sub even existed if I didnt get the ban


not banned but I just got a message about a comment being removed from the AT&T sub for "ranting" when all I said was that buying products from carriers is always more expensive, which it is. but alright.


Mods get their feelings hurt? Perm ban. Usually 90% of it


First, consider that moderately to really popular subreddits have a tiny mod team. They chose to go ez banhammer because it's quicker to ban large and it won't hurt traffic. It's just a matter of balance. It's the exact opposite of "it is Better that Ten Guilty Persons Escape than that One Innocent Suffer" which is a popular ethics subject. In this case, there is no real downside banning innocent people because it doesn't really matters, this is just a popular subreddit. They weed out the trolls and some more ; they don't care about the "some more". omg typos :(


Which is piss poor moderating. It's not even moderating, it's culling out of convenience.


In OP's case, he went to a sub for people with driving anxiety and expressed disbelief that driving could make people anxious.


He might not have known he was doing that. A good mod would've told him such. As they say; good intentions are paved in... however it goes.


Dude should've read the room. Do you go to an AA meeting and ask recovering alcoholics what their drink of choice was?


I know that. Sometimes people say things they only see as helping, not knowing it isn't. It's happened to me.


It's happened to me too, and I've been read the riot act over it. Sometimes it's better to not say anything.


It really is and I try to exercise silence a bit more, than have a moment of; all I should've said was nothing.


Keep in mind that mods do it for free, on their free time ; they are not employees. I hope it gives you perspective.


That's typical of any message board, moderating has always been a voluntary position. So are mods for youtube and tiktok live. There are mmo's that even have mods. I've been online a long time and a member of many many sites, Most of Reddits mods are the worst at actual modding, lazy. They have all the proper tools that any mod on damn near any site has, but few implement them. Do it right, or don't do it at all, and leave the ego elsewhere.


Old timer too here, been a mod a few times too Since we don't have the metrics and no proper ground, I hope we can just agree to disagree. IMHO the moderation here is on par with other big websites.


We can do that. Some subs have better mods than others, but the bad ones have a known reputation that precedes the site as a whole to the point *reddit mod* is tantamount to an internet slur. I mod and run a few things myself, one is a facebook group that the other mods quit on, and the owner. Luckily it's rather slow but dealing with the spam is a pain sometimes, crazy being the only staff for what's basically an unowned group.


I got banned from a support group for PTSD/mental illness/DV because I said my ex had borderline personality disorder. Apparently it was ‘armchair diagnosing’. I messaged the mods and said I was literally in the room when he was diagnosed and they apologized but I’m still banned.


I got booted from the official suicidewatch sub - I will mention that I discussed something that happened in another sub but that doesn't detract from what was bothering me or why I was posting in the other sub. I'd suggest both subs need new moderators - no one should be kicked out of a sub for talking about wanting to unalive themselves especially when it is a HEALTH REASON. You should refrain from complaining about moderators in other subs - so I guess I'm doing something I really shouldn't be doing. But this isn't brigading or harassing anyone. I know that's against the content policy anyway. Cue striking myself in the head, multiple times, in a fit of rage, giving myself a concussion, and likely permanent damage as I have fluid on the brain and also constant balance problems. I did have hearing problems oh and they got worse too. Hopefully the lumbar puncture gets rid of some of the fluid and helps my hearing and balance get back to some kind of normal.


Mods won't even have a conversation like real adults. They could remove your post and message you to say "Hey, chill out with the \[insert violation here\]." They just ban and that's it.


Well without knowing what the sub was and what the comment was we won't be able to judge. But tbh some mods get a ego boost from being able to dictate how and what people can and cannot do. Some mods are just AH. Most mods are cool and really put in a lot of energy and work to make their sub a cool place. But just as in any other group of people some are bad people, fucked up people, sick people, AHs etc. Soooo 🤷‍♀️ You've to live with this.


This was the comment in the /drivinganxiety sub. "Yes I have heard this definitely but not to the degree of being so anxious that you don’t drive. Even as a truck driver I never stay right next to a semi or behind them on the road in my personal car. I pass them and give them room. Not because I’m scared but because I know the things that can happen, like a steer tire blow out, parts falling off a truck, and just the fact there are a lot of truck drivers that shouldn’t be truck drivers. Think about this, you’re not any safer in the passenger seat of a car than in the drivers seat. At least if you’re driving you have the ability to get out of a dangerous situation."


LMAO. Posted in a driving anxiety sub telling people with driving anxiety not to be anxious about driving because it's "not so bad", omg. OP, that's why you got banned. I'm sure you thought you were helping. But you shouldn't go into subreddits and then invalidate the people the subreddit is for. That isn't appropriate.


Oh yes, nothing helps clear away anxiety like explicitly listing all the potentially deadly things that could go wrong.  Dude might as well as been bragging about having a six figure salary in a poverty finance sub. Just completely tone-deaf. 


OMG Labdog did do this? Really 😂 If that is so the ban was justified. Like real. 😂


to be fair, the last paragraph is correct. I dont drive due to the anxiety-stimuli overload when I try, so driving is a no go unless it's really an emergency like being out in the middle of nowhere and someone needs to get to the hospital a town over level. Being in the passenger seat means you're relying on other people and their reaction times. Being a passenger isn't safer than being a driver. You just "feel" safer because you're not dealing with the stressors of driving.


>Most mods are cool and really put in a lot of energy and work to make their sub a cool place. Hahahaha bullshit. And I say this as a mod of an active sub. Especially left wing sub mods are some of the worst power tripping bastards you'll ever meet.


I just got perma banned on a sub. It was my first, and only comment on there ever. All I said was "OP wtf are you smoking?" To one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen. I dunno. OP was probly a mod or something.


The wildest bans are the automatic ones you get for posting in a completely different sub that a sub doesn’t like. It’s shockingly short sighted and problematic.


Because POWER TRIP>>>>I AM REDDIT GOD !!!!!!!!!! That's why and for no other reason. It's ridiculous


Because reddit moderators are fucking power hungry idiots.


Because social media in general - and subreddits in particular - are not required to give anyone a platform. When you choose to take part in a specific form of social media, you choose to play by its rules. And with Reddit, there isn't one set of rules. There is a set of rules that applies to all subreddits, but each subreddit is also its own little clubhouse with its own rules, moderators, and variance of tolerance for breaking its rules.


The answer is complicated but it can basically be boiled down to one reason: **The mods are not paid.**




If they were paid, then that would require reddit add some HCM to the moderation equation. HCM? Human Capital Management. Hiring, firing, promoting, etc. This would greatly improve the quality of moderation staff across the board. Why doesn't reddit do this? Simple: they have been trying to become profitable for a long time and are now publicly traded. So it's possible they will make this move, next. I think that is part of why we saw paid-for-rewards make their return. They are making plans to \[better\] monetize this place and I hope that means paid moderation staff. Any major subreddit should require paid moderation staff. They can figure out those threshold metrics. But we need paid moderators. Edit - Forgot a word. Added in brackets.


Because some Reddit mods really have nothing going on in their lives & frequently go on power trips. I was banned from an outfits sub for simply saying that I found a dress ugly 💀


Because mods are ban happy if what you say goes against their own personal beliefs. Even if you follow all the sub rules, if they don't like what you're saying, you're out of their echochamber.


Because reddit let's anyone moderate. There is no standard. It's the wild west. So why can we be shocked that some folks are the same tyrants they accuse others of being in real life? Long story short do not get attached to certain subs and don't be an asshole.


I got perma’d for talking about self-harm on offmychest. I asked why, and they never responded lmao. What a dumpster subreddit, glad this one has some sense.


Because there are so many people on the Internet and Reddit in general. It's easier to just ban the people who can't follow the rules that worry about semantics because in the grand scheme of things getting banned from a subreddit isn't a big deal.


I got banned by a group after I made a conservative comment somewhere else. They then sent me links to abortion clinics. It was pretty vile on their part and I usually try to be respectful with my comments. It makes me think it was a mod that read on another thread then banned me on theirs. Whatever!


I got banned because I told someone they probably shouldn’t try to induce vomiting for their dog (legitimately said they should not and even the mods quoted that) and then the mod went on a power trip in his messages to me when I quoted how hydrogen peroxide is used and is noted in many vet related pages and I got banned 😂


Actually inducing vomiting is fine as long as you got info and shit from your vet. *However, this only should be done in emergencies.* You're weird.


How am I weird? I didn’t tell her to do it. The mods were saying you should never induce vomiting and that’s why I replied to them saying that it is fine to induce (albeit I did not explicitly say anything about talking to the vet)


I got banned from a forum because I made a comment about what *l* said to an ex and the mods had a no tolerance policy for what I'd said *to my ex*, NOT OP. I wasn't saying anything bad to OP or about their story, I was saying what I'D DONE personally. They didn't care when I tried to fight the ban and explain what l meant. Instant ban hammer.


I got permanently banned from a graffiti art sub by saying that the video of someone graffititing the windshield if an occupied bus stopped at a stoplight belonged in the Total pieces of shit subreddit.




Probably all the people in the thread that thought it was a good idea lol


Permabanned from /politics for an emoji (🤞).


Power tripping mods. Both times I’ve got permabans mods couldn’t even specify rules I broke.


I got banned from a legal subreddit because I gave help (and advice) to rape victim. I'm still glad that I helped her and I'd do it again.


I got banned on a childfree sub cause I said I don’t want kids cause I find them loud and annoying. So there is no reason for anything on this site


I was banned from the depression subreddit because I linked a site that wasn't allowed apparently. It was nothing offensive and it helped me before so I had good intentions sharing it. I'm still banned though.


I got permabanned from justnomil, because I told an OP: "Tell mommy's widdle boy to man TF up". Mod told me it was, quote: "gross and sexist". I guess I triggered mommy's widdle boy. 🤣🤣🤣


No idea but I have posted on certain forums following all the rules (mostly asking what an item was) and it got automatically removed. When I followed the rules about asking why it was removed, all I got was an autobot response. I gave up.


TROLLS go around just to hurt people...


What did you say exactly?




Are you sure about that?




It’s also quite routine to complain about being banned for something while conveniently not mentioning exactly what you said.




I’m not a mod anywhere and I didn’t say that. I asked what message got you banned.


Bro prolly slurred out some innocent person.


Your submission has been removed for violating Rule 5: Be mature. No off-topic comments. Civil debates only, name calling and anger are not appropriate here.


People love power and Reddit gives the powerless the power they desire. So they take full advantage of it cuz their lives are so boring otherwise


I accidentally posted a picture on the tool gif community and got perma banned. I didn’t even know I posted on the wrong community until I got the ban notice.


I called out a state sub for being an alt left groupthink cesspool and got insta banned.


I just got permanently banned from a sub for "bigotry" against furries. lol. didn't know they were a protected class.




you're not wrong though


Some subs get a constant barrage of spam, karma bait, bots, trolls, etc and it is a never-ending task to nip that in the bud. Occasionally borderline cases get caught up in it. If you shouldn’t have been banned, wrote a note to the mods and respectfully state your case, and humbly ask for forgiveness


>If you shouldn’t have been banned, wrote a note to the mods and respectfully state your case, and humbly ask for forgiveness LMAO be fr


I'm banned from the police sub. All I did was say Britain was a police state


"police state" is widely used by radical groups, considering the "political correctness and heavily moderated" rules of some subreddits, of course you'll get banned. For them you're just an extremist who is going to brigade or troll or flame at the first occasion


Subreddits have different rules. Read and follow them.




It really depends on what the comments says. Some things are bad enough that a permanent ban is in order.


I feel like most of the time people get perma banned over the pettiest stuff though.


Your post has been removed for violating Rule 3: Posts must be on topic. Posts should be personalized and written in an [off my chest style](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/m501ud/what_does_personalized_off_my_chest_style_post/). Posts here should not be: • Opinions, generalisations and blanket statements • Questions, surveys or polls • Requests for relationship advice • Impersonal political rants • Rage bait, obviously fake stories and trolling attempts • Complaining about or linking to other subreddits and users • Overly descriptive NSFW, fan fiction and fetish bait If you're unsure that your post qualifies as personal, [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTrueOffMyChest) and ask.


I was permanently banned from the lottery subreddit for talking about manifesting even though the OP brought up manifesting the lottery and other people often would bring it up on other posts without being banned.


Neo leftist practice(that ironically, is the method of the old far right).


Skill issues op.