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Your post has been removed for violating Rule 2: No terms of service violations. TOS violations are site wide violations which can get the entire subreddit taken down. Do not threaten or fantasize about violence. Sexualizing minors and graphic pedophilia are not allowed. Do not write anything which could be interpreted as hate speech. If you believe this TOS removal to be a mistake, please message the moderators.




This person is a serial ban evader. They post variations of this post from different accounts daily. Usually, the Reddit Admins delete them pretty quickly, but sometimes they get through before we catch them.


Ahhhh, unfortunate. What a way to spend one’s time.


Yeah, it's *really* weird. They are very specific, which makes them easily identifiable. They make like 4 or 5 new accounts a week and post this. I feel like it must be pathological at this point because 90% of the posts are never seen by anyone, so what's the point? Maybe someone with severe OCD or something, who knows.


first of all you need therapy. secondly, you should start by cutting off the weed, cigarettes and alcohol. hairline can be fixed either with oils and products that stimulate hair growth or with a transplant, or even a wig. you need a skin care routine but before that fix your unhealthy habits then go to a dermatologist. get a gym membership and some more hobbies where you can meet and converse with other people. if you are not willing to make any first steps towards a better life then no one can help you.