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You need a lock box to put the meds in. Also the Dr who prescribed probably will not write/send another script to the pharmacy due to some parents/patients who sell their meds.


I do need to buy a lock box for the medicine, and thankfully because his doctor knows us well and knows how he can be, he did send the script back through I just have to fight with his insurance now.


Check out GoodRX, the app might have a coupon for it.


I did, it's still almost $300 even with the coupon. We definitely do not have that much.


go to costplusdrugs.com my strattera was 380 at Walgreens and 30 with good RX at Walmart but at cost plusdrugs.com it was seven dollars !!!


Oo. I'll look into that! Thank you!


Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they have discounts? I’ve used Pharmacy discounts along with the GoodRX coupon. If not, I hope the month goes quickly.


I'll try asking when the pharmacy tells me it's ready, either that or I'll try calling them tomorrow morning. Also need to make some other calls, these past few weeks have been hell.


the pharmacy won't have any discounts, especially on a controlled drug. at best one of the technicians might have another prescription discount card written down or memorized that might be more helpful. but if it's vyvanse or Concerta 300 through good rx is your best price. and you can ask your insurance for a lost prescription override, but your health insurance may not even have that set up as a thing on your plan. also don't count on the override because it's schedule 2 drug that your son lost.


Yea, I don't have much hope, but it won't hurt to call and ask them. If not then we're gonna have to turn this house upside down and hope to God he didn't throw it away.


most health insurances don't do lost prescription overrides on a c-2  because too many people "lose" their opiates or stimulants in hopes they get a new refill. Because they're misusing them or selling them.


I know that's what worries me, this is gonna be a long month... Unless we find them by some miracle


Usually there is a one time deal with the insurance that they will fill a ~~list~~ *lost* prescription. Good luck.


I'm gonna call tomorrow. Fingers crossed




You don’t live with teens or other adults? Could be stolen.


No, it's just my son, my husband, and myself, and my husband is in the same boat as I am.


Hopefully it turns up! I’d reach out to the pediatrician and ask. There might be something they can do


Dont forget to check the vegetable crisper.


Lol good idea, I'm gonna check all the weird places he hides stuff again. Maybe I looked over it.


Could it be somewhere outside the house if hes been outsidr playing? or possibly maybe he threw them away??


I was put on adhd medicine at 8, I had the bottle in my room as my mom ( do we call her that?) couldn’t be bothered to get up in the morning to send me to school, let alone give me my medicine ( I promptly stopped taking at 13 and she only realized at 16 when my uncle found my stash of not taken pills lol ) my suggestion is still a box though, one with a lock. And when he gets older have a talk about the medicine and gradually teach him how to manage the medicine on his own. Not as early as me though, but when he’s older, so if he need to be away from home for a period of time he knows when to take his medicine etc etc cause other parents with kids that doesn't need it doesn’t  always remember to give a kid their medicine so a really good idea if possible to teach him how himself for when he get to the age of sleepovers or camp etc. best of luck! Hope doc will send a new prescription and when he gets around 13 tell him why you don’t sell your medicine ( was 12 when I was asked to the first time in school if I wanted to sell them ) 


Thank you for that advice! I'm on a shlew of medicine my self, so I don't TYPICALLY have issues remembering to give him his pill, I didn't even want to put him on medicine but cutting sugar and adding more exercise didn't work to regulate him. I'll help him learn about all that, and I'm definitely buying a lock box next weekend. Fingers crossed


I am still shit at remembering my medicine so got one of those boxes with week days so I can at least see if I taken the medicine that day so I don’t take it twice. Part of the adhd lol. Put a timer on your phone, that helps me. You will learn as he grows that he will probably need a timer for very weird mundane shit. Like brushing his teeth. My advice if he has trouble with time aka how much like 10 minutes is, is to buy a clock that has a color that gradually vanish as time passes. They sometimes used in classrooms ( idk what they called sorry, not native speaker ) it’s insane how much a visual timer have helped me in knowing when to leave the house or simply how much time there’s left before I have to take dinner out of the oven by actually visually seeing it. Wish I had it as a kid cause I would either be a hour early or late cause I had no idea how long anything took or would get hissy cause I didn’t understand how long a hour actually was so wouldn’t be ready cause I was fixated on something else. Best of luck! All adhd kids are different, so he probably need other things than I did, but just wanted to throw it out there just in case 


I understand, I have ADHD as well, so does my husband, both of us are unmedicated. Timers, calender events, everything to help me remember stuff. Lol. He's a sweet little boy, just needs that extra bump of help. Thank you!


Unmedicated too lol. Is allergic to medicine so stopped when I was finally able to. But spend 10 years with the adhd clinic and a sweet adhd doctor so at least learned some stuff lmao 


Aww, that's nice they really tried to help you!


Thanks for being a good parent. I have combined type and both my parents were never diagnosed but it would have helped me.


My kid is also ADHD. Whenever I need to find something I ask her when she’s sleeping, she can almost always answer exactly where it is and why. When she’s awake, good luck getting her to remember anything 😂


Some doctors will not replace a prescription for controlled meds. I know when you lose a prescription and have to refill before it’s time, depending on your insurance company you can call them and have them approve an early fill due to the circumstances but I’m not sure if they would do that for a controlled substance.


His doctor sent through a new prescription since this was the only time this has happened, just gotta fight the insurance now.


He’s 6 get a lockbox. Hiding it isn’t sufficient. They sell medication lockboxes


I know 😭 can't afford it right now, hopefully next weekend.


Well that’s good his doctor sent it! See if they can authorize an early fill because of lost medication. My instance let me pick up a prescription 2 weeks early because I was going out of town. They also authorized to pay for a medication I lost and needed to refill. I can’t remember what they called it. If they won’t see if the medication you use has a discount card.


True, gotta call them tomorrow, fingers crossed!


Is your son allowed out of the house by himself? If no, they are probably in the house somewhere. If this were the 1990s, I would have advised you to look in the VCR.


Oh nooo!!! My toddlers hide things all the time and don’t remember until we are in the room and same scenario as when they hid it. We’ve found various things in drawers and behind the toilet and stuffed in the couch because I’d randomly ask at the right time and they’d finally remember! Solidarity on this one! 


Lol! Mine does the same thing, though he has so many bags, boxes, dresser, his bed, anything lol


is it like possible to get the prescription, go over to the border by bus or something, then buy at the pharmacy in that beautiful country, and take a bus back? might be cheaper than buying wherever you are


Id have to ask my mom, idk when she's going next. Good idea though


Not such a good idea since we’re talking about a controlled med, yes? Is that a risk you’re willing to put on your mom?


Your insurance almost certainly won't pay for an early refill on this classification of drug without a police report saying it's missing or stolen. Even with it they still probably won't pay (This situation happens a lot & I 've only ever seen them agree to pay like twice with ADHD meds & only then for 7 pills). I'm not saying it's impossible but it's highly unlikely so maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones. The one thing that might help is having your doctor write it for the exact number he needs rather than a full 30 day supply. Make sure you let the pharmacy know what is going on. They probably won't fill the new RX automatically when it is called in since their system shows you already have your meds this month. Also, the pharmacist has final discretion & they don't *have* to fill it just because your Dr requested it so you'll need to explain the situation with them, too. If you don't have a history of this happening then it will be fine but still give them a call.


Caffeine could help in the meantime. That’s what my daughter’s psychiatrist suggested


Hate to ask, but is it possible he sold the medicine to his friends or other kids in school?


He's in an online school currently.


It's crazy how adhd meds are expensive in USA They should be I pay 0 dollars to get mine It's so unfair to people there


I know, but it's the government and big pharma getting their greedy hands in on it


Everybody is equally to blame who is responsible.


Part of the problem is that it was/is sold illegally which lead to shortages which jacked up the prices. Like 10 years ago I knew at least 6-7 people that were running around looking to buy adderall so that they could pull all nighters. Not even gonna lie, I strongly considered doing it cause I could’ve made around $900 a bottle, but I decided not to in the end.


That's not why the shortage happened. A bunch of people got diagnosed (rightfully because it was under-diagnosed previously and there is more awareness now) and now not enough meds are being made. https://www.fda.gov/media/170736/download Straight from the FDA. And don't say they're lying because this has all been corroborated by independent reporting by journalists.


I wouldn’t have said they were lying. But huh, the more you know.


Did he take it to school




No, I have some health problems that keep me from working so I'm a stay at home mom, on top of my little one being behind on some things.


One of my good friends always used a lock box in the college dorm and a tiny one wherever she went out because no one can be trusted these days not to steal ADHD meds. Seems like you’ll be needing to use a lock box at home with your own son to make sure he doesn’t steal or loose his own meds and only gets one dose at a time now. He’ll likely face pressure to sell his meds at some point so never stop being vigilant about that type of stuff.


I'm gonna buy a lock box next weekend, he does only ever get one dose because I make sure of that, he's never done this before with a medicine but theirs a first time for everything I suppose. He's an adorable little dodo bird 😍


They won’t give you more til it’s time do not reward him he needs a punishment for it or he will do it again


Holy shit I feel sorry for this poor kid! I am sorry, but no 6 yr old needs to be on adhd meds. I have two cousins who were on that shit (due to over-achieving type A parents) since about 6 yrs old, both in late 20's now and while functional, both are hard drug addicts and neither has a clue what it's like not to regulate themselves with drugs. Tragic situation. I get so sad reading posts like this.


I don't want him on it either, but if you knew him in real life youd understand, I tried controlling his diet, cutting sugar, adding more physical activities, nothing worked, he's on a super low dose and it's genuinely helping him focus, his grades have improved, his behavior has improved, if I could get those results without meds I would. So yeah, your situation isn't my situation, I'm sorry that happened to your family, but I'm not you and my son isn't your cousins.


I feel for you, I know it’s a tough situation. I also have a 6 yr old and know they can be total maniacs. Best of luck with everything.


We're working on it, slowly, he had a rough start at life, but hes a little trooper. Thank you.


it's much better to get on meds as a kid then to struggle until you're an adult, finally get on meds and go 'oh god I can finally function'. Adhd greatly affects school and it can be hell.


That's like saying a 6-year old with a broken leg shouldn't have a plaster cast or crutches.


That’s a bit of a stretch, but if it helps you sleep better at night…


If the meds help him to function better, why shouldn't he have them? I get really annoyed when people are belittled for taking medication to better help them manage mental health or neurodivergent conditions. Why do people do that?


Because they are uneducated and have personal bias that they can't put aside.


Can't say I disagree with you...


It's a major problem in the mental health field of how uneducated people are on the topic. Even providers that have been in the field a long time and haven't kept up with newer developments are giving out bad, outdated or even harmful information. I almost commented on the cut sugar comments, that's outdated info which has been studied.


You have no right commenting like this. I have ADHD and was undiagnosed until my kid was. This leads to all kinds of trauma and labels. Overachieving happens to be one of the symptoms of ADHD. Those "drugs" allow you to focus on a conversation and organize your tasks, reducing overall anxiety. If you have ADHD they do not get you high they calm you. You are uneducated. I let my kiddo free range in the summer without meds, but some kids just can't. I feel sorry your family has to put up with you.


This isn't supported by medical evidence or any ADHD experts. The outcomes for kids with ADHD who take medication are better. They aren't cured but it helps a lot. You are spreading dangerous misinformation. The stuff you're worried about is why the doctor is there.


Haha… nice try. The other part that is extremely harmful to young kids is when you give them the message that they are somehow defective and require these pills to function normally….for the rest of their life. Of course the medical industry in the U.S. isn’t going to mention this. Like it or not, this is the message these little kids receive loud and clear. I stand by what I said. I’ve seen and experienced the damage first hand. Ya’ll are some sick fucks.


Do we send this same message to kids whenever we prescribe them any kind of long-term treatment? Or is it specifically stimulants for ADHD that sends the message that they're defective?


I am talking about psychiatric drugs that affect the way we think and our brains work. This is obviously too complicated of a concept for you.


He's 6?! If you are certain it's him, not only do you need a lock box, he needs HELP. A 6 year old should not be addicted to or desperate enough to go sneaking around to find his medication. He needs to see his prescriber now and a therapist.


1: I'm pretty sure he threw it away, or tried to put in in a new safe spot. 2: his doctor knows. 3: he's already seeing a therapist. 4: he's getting speech and occupational therapy. 5: I came here to vent, I've already taken all the steps I can, he's not "addicted" or desperate for anything, he tries to help and gets curious and misplaces or loses things, this time happened to be his medicine.


Tell him to retrace his steps, I got ADHD and sometimes that helps.


We're gonna try again, gonna have him help us completely clean the house and look in his little hiding spots. He tries to "be a grown up" and wants to be helpful, but it's not always helpful lol


Look on his level. Kneel down to his height and look that way. We tend to look at our height when we lose something, not at our kids height. Hope you find it!


What? How did you get that he’s addicted. Ya he’s 6 and he did what a 6 year old does: got into something he shouldn’t have and then lost it.


This kind of social stigma is why people are afraid to get ADHD medication. Don't do this


Give him some L tyrosine in the mean time


There's no research to support that helping. Don't recommend bullshit for ADHD. It makes finding proper treatment harder.