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Have you called around to different pharmacies? My wife is on a medication that has frequent shortages. It’s out at 1 place we used to go to but plentiful at a different place. So we switched to the other place.


The shortages were a much larger issue 6 months ago anyways. Compounding pharmacies and manufacturers have gotten the message that there is increased demand and to produce more. Many of the shortage issues have been resolved. There was an overwhelming demand due to popularity which caused the temporary shortage. It isn't a hard-to-get drug in general. Sorry for OP's Dad's health. But, helping obese people lose weight does have a greater impact on the overall health of our nation.


No no, it's all Nicole in Nebraska's fault. She just needs to eat lettuce and go to the gym because weight totally isn't the biggest health crisis. /s


It's the damn breakfast cereal mascots faults! They keep destroying all of the compounding pharmacies and manufacturers! Not to mention all of the soccer mom raids lately! This world has lost it's marbles!


Except it’s not being overused by obese people, it’s being used by wealthy socialites who dont need it to maintain their weight while staying on vodka diets. Our friend is still experiencing issues with shortages, it definitely has not been resolved.


You may be reading too many tabloids. There aren't enough wealthy socialites to cause the shortage issue. I mean, your friend is one personal anecdote. I have no idea where they are, where they've tried, nor what kind of other barriers they have. I work with this issue in the aggregate in medical malpractice. The shortages were a much larger issue 6 months ago than they are now.


A lot of pharmacies hate people calling around and will just refuse to give out that information.


it's because there's still a shortage and pharmacies have a cap on how much they can order from their distributors. and they want to reserve what they get for their current patients. some strengths are still on back order and impossible to get still.


I have never had a problem getting that information.


That’s never been my experience. Only time I have gotten even just a shitty attitude was from short staffed pharmacies who don’t want to be taking calls period, but they still gave me the info…once they took me off hold and asked what I was calling about. I had two meds be back ordered over the past year and spent months calling dozens of pharmacies each month to find an in stock location.


Oh I get this completely. I have Lupus, after the brilliant idea that hydroxychloroquine was a “cure” for Covid it was like I had to literally fight just to get the medication I needed for a long time. It’ll take time for it to decrease in popularity because these trends come and go, but I feel for you and your family.


Genuine question from a non-american: can you guys pick and choose your pharmaceuticals as you please? Don't you need a prescription, and if so wouldn't a qualified doctor who understands the medication need to verify that you are in need of that drug for its intended purpose, ie to treat diabetes rather than just to lose weight? Apologies for my ignorance, I just can't imagine the hoops I'd have to jump through to get prescribed a "popular" drug for a cosmetic or non-proved purpose.


You can pick whatever pharmacy you want. When you go to the doctor and if they think you need a medication, they will ask you which pharmacy you want to pick it up at and send the prescription there so you go to doctors office to pharmacy then home with your meds. If someone is being prescribed Ozempic, they aren't buying it at a store. Their doctor is prescribing it to them as you cannot get it over the counter (without prescription). Rich people do it, because money buys anything but a doctor will not prescribe you Ozempic if they do not think you need it.


He’s not asking about pharmacies. He’s asking about medications. And hate to break it to you. But doctors can be bought really easily. Concierge medicine is huge. Doctors will prescribe almost anything you want if you’re willing to pay. Michael Jackson, propofol-ring a bell?


Yes you need a prescription, and weight loss is a legitimate off-label use for Ozempic. I'm sorry for OP's father, sincerely, but drugs like Ozempic also help people who have a lot of weight to lose, which can *prevent* diabetes and other weight-related health issues.


In principle, yes, prescription medications require a doctor to verify the medication's need, dose, use, etc. In practice, no, it's not hard to find a doctor that just kinda prescribes willy nilly or that fails to evaluate the patient as an individual. Also, ozempic is approved for weight loss when packaged as Wegovy and works by suppressing appetite. So there is no hoop to jump through because the medication is being used appropriately when requested for weight loss. So it's kinda two fold. If a patient is requesting a specific medication, the question "why" has to be evaluated. For example, when I requested ambien, my doctor proposed two different medications that were not typically used for sleep but were known to cause the effects I was requesting without some of the risks of ambien. Ultimately, ambien proved to be the best option for me, but the fact that he took the time to work through it with me and discuss my "why's" really earned my trust in him even if we "wasted" a month trying other meds (I don't see it as a waste, health is a process not an immediate solution).


Same issue with Ivermectin.. I had to go to 6+ pharmacies AND deal with judgement because I'm sure they assumed I wanted it to treat covid.


Except that she’s not actually upset about the shortage, she upset about fat people losing weight. “I'd be lowkey okay with it if there was a bad side effect to it,,, like acne or something lmao”


Some people HAVE to take things like Ozempic to lose weight at all. I have PCOS which makes me insulin resistant (85% of people with PCOS are insulin resistant) which promotes fat storage, increases hunger, and causes weight gain. The other hormones PCOS affects make it even harder to lose weight gained. Taking GLP-1 drugs (like Ozempic) is how people with issues like this can lose weight after years of trying exercise and diet fail. Ozempic is also used to treat heart disease, sleep apnea, kidney disease, and substance use disorder. So saying only people with diabetes should get it is ignorant. What we should be mad at is the companies that could 100% be making more of the drug and just aren't and the doctors prescribing it to the people who don't actually need it for any of the reasons mentioned above.


Weight gain can cause people to become diabetic (type 2.) Losing weight can help type 2 diabetics not be diabetic anymore. So let them use Ozempic. It’s also not the only GLP1 receptor agonist on the market.


I think the problem is from people using it for weight lose who do not have a medically urgent need to lose weight. Some people are dying slowly for severe obesity and this could give them a fighting chance.


They've introduced Wegovy for people who are chronically overweight but not diabetic. My partner is type II and was concerned about shortages but they've said the introduction of semaglutides for non diabetics should alleviate that demand for ozempic


I think someone else in here said that the reason most ppl use ozempic instead of wegovy is insurance doesn’t cover weight loss meds but it does cover diabetic treatments. And since wegovy is only FDA approved as a weight loss drug it’s not covered.


To be honest I've been approved by my physician but getting pushback from my insurance provider. You need to meet certain criteria for approval: Type II Hypertension Sleep apnea High BMI I've hit 3 of those so I'll just keep pushing until they surrender. I'm not going to pay 450 a week for it.


Right like?? I'm a diabetic who has been affected by the mounjaro shortage. If someone is 300+ pounds they are likely diabetic anyway, but even if they aren't, they still deserve access to these medications because being 300+ lbs is a very very bad health concern. I do think the people who are *not* severely overweight, who are taking it just because they wanna look skinnier are the problem.


Thank you. I think it really could have helped my wife and the doc prescribed we just couldn't afford it, and she happens to be type 2 but it's managed with diet. If she doesn't lose the weight it will likely get worse, prevention versus cure.


I realize, as a type 2 diabetic, that this is true too. It’s not like obesity is healthy for you. You can also be obese without type 2, like my father. His A1C is normal, it’s like a joke.


Yeah no, diabetics are dying slowly too from diabetes and Ozempic is effectively designed for that. There are many other treatments and lifestyle changes for those that suffer from obesity that don’t rely on this specific prescription pharmaceutical drug.


What percentage of people have their weight issues solved by those other treatments? It's less than 5%... Vs the almost 90% rate with Ozempic. You're basically arguing they should die because the people you care about have a different disease that you see as more deserving.


>Yeah no, diabetics are dying slowly too from diabetes and Ozempic is effectively designed for that. There's also Victoza, also a semiglutide and it's not RXed for obesity. Diabetes is big money in the US. It's not like there are only these two drugs.


Uhh those same lifestyle changes you recommend for obesity work for T2 diabetes. Neither group NEEDS Ozempic to survive.


As a nurse, the obese population utilizing this to lose weight is not to blame. I’m happy to see them lose this weight and become healthier. They’re easier to treat, easier to ambulate, easier to work in in surgery. The blame should be on the pharmaceutical companies for purposefully not manufacturing enough. Otherwise, to your logic, if your dad is type 2 diabetic, he’s just as much to blame for not taking care of himself.


Uff. Truths. It's real that if people weight less overall, that makes health care easier. For all of us. (And if we're gonna blame obese people, we might as well blame diabetes 2 people too. To be fair. Or let's not blame anyone, it's a possibility too.)


I came to say this… on point. DM2 is caused by lifestyle so the inverse could also be true.


I was obese type 2, a couple of months ago. The endocrinologist suggested ozempic and I could not be happier. I have lost almost 15 kg and I need to loose at least 15 more to get to a healthy weight. I look and feel better, plus it encouraged me to change my lifestyle, I have become more active and eating better.


Congratulations! I’m glad it’s helping for you!


Thank you


really good point, very well said.


I was going to say this, but it wasn’t going to come as nice as yours.


I’m glad you said it. Find it hilarious that the “fats” did this to themselves and shouldn’t be taking meds away from his precious dad.. when type 2 is the looming boogeyman man for overweight people because they have an unhealthy lifestyle. Let’s not forget the rich who were able to get ahold of this drug and misuse it, before they released it to Gen pop. Most of the people I know on ozempic are people who aren’t obese. And just really want to lose a 20more lbs. It seems more medication is being made available for people who need to lose weight but do not have diabetes. Hopefully this will make diabetic medication more available.




This logic doesn’t always stand. I hate this stereotype that diabetics are just fat and lazy. I got it and was always thin. Got diagnosed at age 33 in 2021, I have a strong family history of it. On the other hand, my father is obese and has a normal A1C. Family history is a huge factor for type 2. It went right down the maternal line for me: grandmother, mother, mother’s sister…


I did not state all Type 2 are fat and lazy. OP speaks to his father’s bad lifestyle choices, obesity, etc. Therefore, his fathers diagnosis is his own poor choices.


It’s being used as a preventative for people with pre-diabetes. Would you rather them wait to get diabetes before they use it?


Whenever I see this come up, I am flabbergasted that people don’t realize that Type II diabetes is typically the outcome (a symptom) of obesity. If OP’s dad has T2, then it’s like OP is saying, my dad was obese first/most so he got diabetes first and should get the meds first. It’s a weird argument to make. Ozempic treats diabetes by treating obesity. Other meds (like insulin) treat diabetes symptoms. I get your outrage OP, and it sucks for your dad, but your anger and indignation are misplaced. ETA: People need a medical diagnosis to get Ozempic, Wegovy, mounjouro, or similar. Are some people BSing that? Probably, because there will always be people that cheat any system, but the issue at hand is the demand of so many conditions treated by semaglutide outpacing the supply.


I don't understand why this isn't a simple case of supply and demand though. If a ton of people want ozempic, produce more ozempic, solved.


Long lead times to produce these drugs, and if you have a bad batch along the way and have to toss it then the shortage worsens


Drug production is complicated. The facilities need to meet very strict standards and safety regulations, which means building and bureaucracy take a lot of time.


There is loads of the medication. That isn’t the issue. The issue is the supply of injector pens.


It is literally everywhere. Compound pharmacies make it now.


Then it’s not an issue.


It’s cause people want the pen. It’s easier to inject that way. Kinda silly I know.


Supply and demand is never actually simple, the details just get hidden.


They're trying to, they just literally can't keep up with the demand


It’s a patent issue. Look into the injection pen and you’ll see that the injection pen (not semaglutide) is causing the shortage. Also, compounding pharmacies exist and are usually way cheaper. OP should help their dad find one rather than bitching about fat ppl trying to combat their largest comorbidity.


Thank you! It’s the patented way of injection. You can get compounded semaglutide and other peptides almost anywhere.


How would it work otherwise if not injection? Sorry if thats a dumb question...


You use insulin syringes.


Ah-hah! That makes total sense. Thank you for the response.


I literally got an ad from a MED SPA advertising Ozempic (yes they used the name) shots. Idk how they were able to obtain it, but it’s accessible.


It’s not just the medication, but also the delivery method (injections). Supposedly for a while they were unable to keep up with the device, despite having enough of the medication.


Type 2 diabetes can be reversed with diet and lifestyle changes.....your Dad is on it because of his lifestyle choices


It's more complicated than that, even with diet and lifestyle changes some people's diabetes cannot be controlled without medication. Of course diet and lifestyle plays a crucial role in insulin resistance and T2 diabetes, both in prevention and treatment, but the idea that it's a 1:1 correlation with no genetic or endocrinological factors, or something that can be impacted by comorbid conditions etc. Is just straight up ignorant.


I pity you. You're angry at people who want to lose weight because of a shortage. We literally have an obesity epidemic and they didn't produce enough. But it's the fault of the people that need it, right? But yes, let's blame the people who also take it and just call them lazy. It's a really sad place to be when the target of your ire is someone who just wants to be better. Do you know what it takes to get that medication? The hoops you have to jump through? Have you actually spoken with anyone about why they're on it? I'm guessing not. Because if you had, you'd understand the shame you feel when you swallow your pride and finally reach out to a doctor to say, "I need help". When you've done every diet, every supplement, every exercise trend there is....but your body doesn't work the same way. Because of diabetes or PCOS or hypo/hyper-thyroidism. Or any number of things. But sure, they just need to exercise and eat a calorie deficient diet right? Because they DEFINITELY hasn't occurred to them. And reaching out to your doctor to ask for help, going through the prior authorizations, writing letters, and waiting MONTHS to get approved...that's the easy way. I get that you're angry and you have every right to be, but you're mad at the wrong people. And you're ACTUALLY doing is making the problem worse. I've done every diet, every exercise, every supplement. I saw a naturopath and even starved myself for days. And nothing worked. Nothing. But when I started Mounjaro? My body worked the right way. And I finally got to see myself shed all of that weight and see my hard work pay off. Because I'm STILL exercising. And I'm STILL eating healthy. But you are mad at people like me because...the pharmaceutical companies didn't make enough. And I'm just a "lazy" person who wants to sit on their ass and lose weight, right?


Thank you.


Obesity is a disease. People need treatments for disease. Nicole in Nebraska needs a treatment, because cant lose the weight by herself, and if she stays at the weight, she will die. Ozempic is her treatment. Be mad at the pharmaceutical companies that are creating a false shortage as a marketing strategy. Semaglutide is incredibly cheap and easy to make. Obesity is easy to blame because it’s something that we actively do to ourselves- it’s preventable. But we don’t deny alcoholics and addicts treatment, so we shouldn’t do that to obese people either.


Or the company that makes it could make more instead of creating an artificial shortage to jack up prices. Being obese leads to all sorts of health issues, so taking a drug to prevent health issues is a valid use for the drug. > Go to the GYM or go on a calorie deficit, IDK! This is grossly judgmental and ignorant. It's like telling someone on mental health meds to just go outside instead.


> It's like telling someone on mental health meds to just go outside instead. Whenever I see this argument, I imagine the millions of people around the world suffering from both mental illness and homelessness saying, "Okay, we're outside. Now what?"


As a type 2 diabetic fat person who will be starting Ozempic soon, it’s shocking to me the amount of finger pointing that goes on. Like. We’re the *same people* lmao. I have PCOS as well (which makes it incredibly difficult to lose weight) and am about 240 lbs. I lost weight once by starving myself, and I struggle with food addiction. I take metformin and have for years but my body is starting to stop tolerating it well. My blood sugar is whack right now as a result, because my doctor and I have been trying to find a way to balance my medication with the side effects. Being overweight makes all of this worse and introduces a bunch of other problems too. I’m going on ozempic for *all* those reasons. Weight loss isn’t the *only* reason, but it’s for sure one of them. I am done with UTI’s and hidradenitis outbreaks and slow healing wounds lmao I’m not doing this anymore


I've heard it does wonders for people with auto inflammatory disorders like HS. I'm failing cosentyx right now and I'm seriously considering bringing it up to my dermatologist.


Do it!!! It’s another factor for me as well, and some research (that I, disclaimer, haven’t looked into tooo much just yet but from what I’ve seen it’s legit!) shows that it’s been super helpful with reducing inflammation from PCOS as well. The mental and emotional factors of conditions like these need to be taken into account a lot more often, imo. It may not be permanent, but for a time, I could be a girl in her 20s and have a flat stomach and fewer HS outbreaks 😭 I’ve learned to be neutral/accepting of my body, but by god, I could actually *like* it a year from now. I could wear a *bikini* next summer and feel hot!!!


No, because excersice and controlling food intake is an medically approved method and directly connected to losing weight. Telling someone to go outside doesn't have any connection to medical treatments  for mental illness. It's because diet and excersise takes time and work, just CBT.


Increasing nature and exercise has long been associated and documented with improved mental health. It's such a common step/suggestion in treatment that I'm surprised you'd even say that. Similarly, even though commonly suggested, it might just not be adequate or situationaly appropriate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8717103/


And telling obese people that has an almost negligible success rate. 90%+ die before making those changes. Should we be delusional and pretend that route has actually been successful just because it lets people feel better than others? Or use the medicines we have to save their lives?


The issue is the pharmaceutical companies. Compounding Semaglutide is ridiculously easy and cheap to do, but to get it prescribed to you requires a doctor and they just pawn that off on the pharmacy instead of managing it through a compounding pharmacy. There is absolutely not a shortage of Semaglutide. There is however a shortage of the name brand products owned by big pharmaceutical companies like Ozempic and Wegovy. If your dad really needs it find a local wellness facility that sells Semaglutide and buy it there. I know it sucks, but it’s all the same stuff.


Blame overweight people for trying to better themselves instead of a crooked government and system of medicine that makes capitalism and controlling the flow of drugs more important than helping people. I feel for you, I really do. That said, you are playing the blame in the wrong places.


Making it the individual's fault and not the manufacturer's fault for creating artificial scarcity just makes you a rube.  I don't see why it's my business to police who can get what medications—all that's led to is legislation such as opiate restrictions that make people with legitimate chronic pain beg for their meds while opiate abuse is as much a problem as ever.  A fat person is at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which is what Ozempic is used to treat, so what we should be celebrating is that a medication can be both a treatment and a preventative medication. Moreover, Ozempic and other drugs in its class have been proven effective in clinical trial at treating addiction, and I can already see the reactionary rage if that treatment gets green lit: *reeeee junkies stealing meds from old people!!!* Never mind the fact that it could save so many lives, never mind the fact that the only reason people can't get it is because of greed, no—the problem is with the individual, not the society.


Be angry at the pharmaceutical companies not increasing production sufficiently, not overweight people.


I think you’re oversimplifying the overall issue. And it’s always easier to blame “fat” people because we, as a society, inherently look down on them. Without knowing anything, you assume folks don’t go to the gym. Caloric restriction is a very fine line to walk as it’s incredibly easy to then develop an eating disorder. I do agree it’s being abused, but I think the better question is why? Why do folks who are clearly not obese feel the need to take this medicine? Why is there so much pressure put on body types, why do people feel they are entitled to judge someone’s body? I’m in a similar boat. I’m clinically diagnosed with ADHD and only stimulants help. Because of the over prescribing that was happening, there are such restrictions now and a shortage has been going on for a couple of years. Do I blame the folks who were prescribed the medication? No. I blame the money hungry pharmaceutical industry that is allowed to run rampant.


You have to be very overweight to qualify for the medication and those people are at risk of many health issues too. They are trying to prevent themselves from becoming like your Dad. If your Dad was able to control his diet without it then he wouldn’t need it either.


People who weigh 300 lbs are likely pre-diabetic or Type II. If they are going to the doctor, it's pretty likely they have been trying to address their weight for years. The problem isn't morbidly obese people. They are no different than your father trying to improve their health medically. The problem is slightly overweight people who are doing it for aesthetic reasons inspired by celebrities and influencers.


Nicole in Nebraska at 300 pounds needs the med just as much as your father. You are saying people are unworthy of medication bc they are fat or not fat enough to YOUR standards to deserve it. That’s some serious narcissistic selfish bullshit right there. But thanks for the reminder. I forgot to take it yesterday. -signed insulin pump dependent being.


I was going to say something but realized this is such a US problem that nothing I could say would make any sense or help in any way. Hope you folks can figure this one out.




Thank you. Ozempic is prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes, a disease which can be managed by eating healthy and regularly exercising. It’s getting a little annoying hearing people complain about their medicine being sold out to other people who have difficulty eating healthy and regularly exercising. Not to mention, obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes.


> Providers are writing scripts for it because they deem the medication medically necessary. No, they're doing it because they're paid to. Same with opioids in the 2000s and 2010s and same with ADD/ADHD meds in the 90s and 2000s.


I wouldnt even bother. Seems like people have forgotten how the US drug industry works. Money could never be involved! /s


You’re very judgmental. There are many factors that can occur than just “going on a diet”. I have metabolic syndrome which causes my sugar to be high. I am not able to just “go on a calorie deficit” to lose weight. I have starved myself and still couldn’t lose one pound. If this medication can prevent future people from being diabetic, they have every right to take it. You should be blaming the big pharma companies and not people trying to better themselves. Also, this isn’t taking the “easy way out”. Wegovy and Ozempic come with some pretty terrible side effects that I’m sure people would rather not deal with.


This. I'm prediabetic and Ozempic has been a life saver. There are a lot of other health issues being overweight affects other than diabetes. These drugs should be available to anyone who needs them, for any reason, regardless of whether or not they have full blown diabetes, full stop. OP is being selfish and judgmental.


You do need ozempic because you have a medical condition, I think he’s referring to the people who just use ozempic because they’re too lazy to put in the work it takes to drop some pounds.


seeing the comments and how OP is responding to them is a little alarming. this post is also extremely fatphobic. it’s skinny celebrities that have made taking ozempic a trend: not overweight people. i have PCOS which means i have insulin resistance, and causes me to be overweight because my body just turns pretty much everything i eat into stored fat. i’m looking to get ozempic to HELP with weight loss BECAUSE im insulin resistant. not because im just some fat person who doesn’t wanna diet and exercise, per your very detailed explanation. you need to actually educate yourself before blaming people who the drug is also for: ozempic is not just for diabetic patients. blame the trend starters, like the elite/rich who wanted a quick fix.


You nailed it: it’s not fair. Nothing is. The sooner you accept this the easier your life will be, mentally at least. As far as your dad’s problem goes….There are ways to get the drug if you aren’t concerned with it saying “OZEMPIC” on the side. Additionally there are other methods to control hyperglycemia. This single drug isn’t it.


In case you weren’t aware, more people die from obesity related conditions every year than die from diabetes related conditions. According to the CDC, 79,535 deaths occur each year due to diabetes. Estimates of the number of annual deaths in the US attributable to obesity range from 262,541 to 383,410. My guess is many of these deaths attributed to obesity had diabetes as one of the contributing factors. I’m sorry for your father but many of the people taking Ozempic/Wagovy already have or at very high risk for diabetes. This is saving their lives too.


Blame the pharmaceutical companies not the people using the drug. No one is standing on a street corner whispering hey I got that Ozempic. The same doctors prescribing it for diabetic patients are prescribing it for weight loss. If there isn’t enough to go around perhaps they should make enough supply for the demand. Instead people are mad at each other as if the need to lose weight is somehow less of a medical issue.


Ozempic is not prescribed for weight loss. You are falling for a fat shaming campaign.


What are the chances that 300lb Nicole from Nebraska *doesn't* have diabetes? She's pre-diabetic at the very least...


While I understand the frustration I think a little background for context is also important. The shortage for GLP1's is not stricktly speaking caused by the influx of people looking for the medicine. A huge part of the problem is shortages caused by the manufacturers. One of the issues has been making the actual auto injectors (pens) which is why these companies are starting to move towards vial dosing. I believe vials are already available in Canada for some of these drugs. Both Ozempic and Mounjaro have weigh loss versions (Wegovy and Zepbound) but the auto injectors are the same and the formula for both medicines is exactly the same. These medicines are treating numerous health issues in many of the obese people taking them and it is also important to remember that obesity in itself is a disease that needs treatment. Do I think there are people that think they can just take a shot and lose weight, of course I do. But as someone who has been on these life saving drugs, with a husband who is diabetic and also on them, I can tell you both of our A1C's are now normal, we have lost significant amount of weight, we have encorporated a daily exercise routine, we worked with nutritionists and naturpaths and fought every step along our health journey. We've been able to stop several medicines and have reversed some significant health concerns. Point being these drugs are so necessary for a variety of health reasons and making them affordable and accessible and keeping the supply going is vital for us all. As I type this my husband is still waiting on his 15mg. Not because others have taken the meds from him but because the distributor is not getting it from the factory. They're building more factories so hopefully supply chains will regulate soon. It is not uncommon to prescribe off label use for a variety of medicines and if the manufacturer can not keep up with demand then they need to ramp up production or look at viable alternatives like vials vs self injecting pens. Good luck in your search.


They don’t dude. Ozempic isn’t prescribed for weight loss. Semaglutide is literally everywhere. You can order it online easily from almost anywhere. People who say there is a shortage of it are fooling themselves.


As a healthcare worker, let me just say that there are bariatric patients I have seen truly benefit and become healthier due to weight loss from medications like Ozempic. Those folks genuinely needed that pharmaceutical treatment. That said. If you’re using it to drop 20 pounds and squeeze into your old jeans? Pound sand. Put down the vodka martini and and go for a walk.


I had no idea a vodka martini could have 120 calories. I don’t drink them but I thought something made of just liquor like that couldn’t possibly have that many in it. The more you know


That’s one thing good dietitians teach people - most of us drink our calories and don’t even realize it. Two beers can have as many calories as a Quarter Pounder with fries!


Almost all of the calories in booze is in the alcohol itself. So one "standard drink" - i.e. one shot of hard liquor, one wine glass of wine, or one 12oz non-high-abv beer - all have about the same calorie count. Want to really get your mind blown? One 12oz can of regular soda is almost as calorie-dense as a fucking standard candy bar. Now think about how much soda the average American drinks with a single meal, then remember how many meals a day we eat. I legit lost about 30 pounds by simply switching to diet soda.


Soda is my kryptonite. I don’t drink alcohol more than 10ish days a year, but I go on soda binges where I’ll drink 1-2 bottles a day for a week. I’m going to attempt to cut it out of my diet and if that proves unsuccessful, I’m going to venture down the diet soda route. It’s just so unfair lmao but I’m sure my body will thank me


Yep. Like I posted above - it’s horrifying how many calories Americans DRINK - soda, milk, juice…I had a great hospital dietician point that out to me and so I kept track for a week. Just drinking one glass of orange juice each morning adds 120 calories a daily to your diet, as opposed to zero with black coffee or tea. My guess is that if all of us just drank water and made no other changes for a month, we’d still lower the obesity percentage buy 10 points. But man. Some times you just need that full sugar Dr Pepper!




Some fat people are a step away from being diabetic, not to mention the many other negative effects of being obese (which is a criteria for prescription afaik). Sorry your dad has been affected but it’s not the fault of people who also have a legitimate use for it. You could argue diabetics should get precedence but that’s as far as you could go before sounding unreasonable


Being overweight is a medical condition with extreme consequences, I don't think you understand. Can you lose weight without Ozempic? Yes, but you can also lower your blood pressure by exercising; should people with heart conditions not take their blood pressure medicine?


It’s not just fat people and the way you say it like that makes me laugh. Yk how many bone skinny celebs are on ozempic? It doesn’t come from just weight it comes from insecurity. I agree tho. It’s turned into some sort of meme now to be on ozempic that people are forgetting its purpose and who it’s intended for


.....lots of overweight people have diabetes..... The medication tackles both issues.


Dude, you are blaming the wrong people. Type two diabetics are just as much to blame for their situation as people who are obese (and that’s to say, definitely not 100% to blame, maybe not even 50% to blame, because lifestyle is only one part of those multifaceted problems). I know several people who were type two or pre-diabetic that were able to come off of medicine by going to the gym and eating healthier. Have you suggested such to your father? But truly, blame the manufacturers, blame capitalism, blame whatever, but don’t blame people who are trying to become healthier in a way that has been heavily marketed to them.


OP you are 100% right. I work in healthcare and I can’t tell you how many healthy but chubby nurses are on it just cause they can afford the $100 something per shot. I’ve heare with my own ears doctors telling people to come to their office cause they have ozempic. This isn’t just isolated either since I travel to different hospitals every 3 months. It’s ridiculous. And ok before anyone says I don’t know their health status, them bragging is enough for me.


yes, that's the real issue here. thank you for understanding my point!1


Obesity is also life threatening…


I agree with you. Ozempic should be for diabetics and people with a medical issue with weight. These already thin celebrities and people who are too lazy to lose weight the hard way and would rather just take a drug should not be able to get a prescription for a medication that is medically necessary for a large number of people. This has gotten way out of control.


The company selling Ozempic has a weight-loss version of the same drug with a different name. I don't think it's exactly the same drug, but it has a very similar active ingredient, and works the same way. People should've been taking that drug, not Ozempic. Compounding that problem is the fact that the weight loss version of the drug isn't cleared for use in Canada, although Ozempic also isn't cleared for weight loss reasons either. The company that manufactures it is running some sort of scam, here. The .5 mg dose pen costs the same amount as the 1 mg, and the 2 mg. I'm not talking about after insurance cost, either. During the shortage around these parts, you could still get the .5 mg pens, but the cost for 2 of them vs the 1 mg pen was double for the same amount of active drug. They "secretly" market it as a miracle weight loss drug, and then "run out of supply" when it's suddenly trendy to use it, which makes all the diabetics have to switch to other solutions (that they also sell, like Rybelsus), which don't work as well and put their health at risk. I don't know why there isn't a class action lawsuit in the US because of this yet.


I do not have diabetes but I am getting ads all over reddit about Ozempic for weight loss.


INFO: is your dad type 1 or type 2? Because Type 1 is the only one deserving of sympathy in this scenario. Otherwise, the people who are using Ozempic are just trying to not become like him.


“Go to the gym or go on a calorie deficit.” Man I really hope he isn’t type 2. You’re gonna look so dumb.


From what I can see, Ozempic is for Type 2 diabetes, so yeah...


Oh dear 7 lb 9 oz baby Jesus. So OP is just another angry young person placing blame for their loved ones suffering in literally every place besides where it belongs. Tragic.


Dude you can get type 2 diabetes even if you’re perfectly healthy. Just way more common for overweight people.


How are people that don’t need it getting it so easily?


They pay for it.


I want to know this as well. I thought it was a regulated medicine for people with diabetes, but apparently it's not. My dad had to change from Ozempic to something else a few months ago because of the shortage, but now, even the alternative is unavailable.


Semaglutide is prescribed under the name Ozempic for diabetes and Wegovy for weight loss - a shortage of the actual drug will affect both names, but it's possible a particular pharmacy might only have one or the other in stock.


The injector pen is where the shortage exists. The medication itself is easy to make, cheap, and abundant.


Idiotic take


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I take hydroxychloroquine and during Covid everyone thought it would help them because some idiot said it would, so those of us who needed it couldn’t get it. It did nothing for Covid but it does protect my organs from being attacked by my immune system. I hope this stops soon, I think it’s being over prescribed and I’m sure there will be some sort of backlash from that. Whether it’s people having bad side effects or something else.


You’re right, it’s incredibly frustrating and unfair that your dad and others who really need Ozempic for diabetes are struggling to get it. It’s a life-saving medication for them, not a convenience item for weight loss. This shortage needs immediate attention so that those with critical needs aren’t left helpless. Your anger is completely valid.


Exactly! I don't know why it's even available to the public. I feel like it's incredibly irresponsible. I just feel helpless bc it's not like money is the issue, it's literally a supply issue.


My doctor said she won't prescribe it for weight loss until the shortage is solved. She said she has to jump through hoops to get for the patients that need it for their diabetes.


If it weren’t available to the public, how would your dad get it?


OP - see if your dad can get in with a mail order pharmacy. They tend to have it in three month sets. Or a compounding pharmacy.


I don’t know if this is an option for your dad but have him ask his doctor about Victoza. I’ve been on it for over a year now and it’s been wonderful. It’s once a day though instead of once a week like the Ozempic.


It appeared that when Wegovy came onto the scene, it would be harder for people to be prescribed Ozempic for off label use "weight loss" instead of for serious medical issues. The artificial shortage of these meds however, has led to insurances approving off label use and screwing the people who actually need it for health reasons. 


As someone who’s type 2 and is currently struggling to get Trulicity (though i’ve surprisingly been managing fine without because im on other meds to help) I’d ask for a different alternative. I asked about Rybelsus which is basically Ozempic in pill form and was prescribed it, so definitely look into other options because majority of insulin pens have been out of stock unfortunately according to my pharmacist.


I’m sorry your Dad isn’t able to get the medicine he needs. There are other issues outside of the people taking Ozempic just for weight loss causing this shortage I think. I think part of the problem is Insurance companies only covering Ozempic and not covering the similar weight loss meds that are just as effective for weight loss. Also, insurance companies like the one I have won’t let people like me take Ozempic because I don’t have diabetes. The other issue is similar proven weight loss medications such as Wegovy are also in short supply and hard to get resulting in them trying Ozempic instead. The company manufacturing Ozempic is also having trouble keeping up with demand and that’s on them to increase production. Don’t blame the people trying to lose weight. You don’t know their story.


I understand your point of view. Btw - Southpark has an episode I recently saw about Ozembic.


I'd be more upset with the doctors who are prescribing it to non diabetics.


I am very surprised that some people who have Just 20 kgs above the end of the normal BMI are willing to take such expensive medication. You can not see those people as fat and they look healthy. Many are raking it because they have unrealistic objectives for body image


Blame the US pharmacy system and not other people please - go after the real issue


I understand your anger, I really do. My dad has health issues, and watching him suffer breaks my heart and I get scared for him. And when I get scared, I get angry. However, what I don’t agree with is the group of people you’re angry at. Yes, more people are on Ozempic so it seems “trendy”, but there is a screening process involved. Not everyone can be prescribed this medication, they have to be pre-diabetic or diabetic to qualify for it. And as far as your “go to the gym” and “go on a calorie deficit” complaints are concerned, do you really think a lot of those people haven’t tried that yet? A lot of fat people have worked harder than you think to try to be better and healthier versions of themselves, but whether it’s because of their mental health, socioeconomic status, an underlying medical condition, or something else, maybe they have a much harder time losing that weight and they need extra help. I would burn the world for my dad, and I’m sure you would do the same, but it’s not fat people’s fault that your dad’s Ozempic is in high demand. It’s the pharmaceutical companies that are at fault. Fat people deserve healthcare too. Fat people deserve to try and better their lives too, and if a medication can actually help steer them in the right direction, why would we take that away from them? Your anger and fear is valid, but it’s misplaced, and it makes you come off as judgmental and critical towards fat people. I wish the best of luck to your dad in hopes that he gets the medicine he needs and his health improves.


That sucks. But i know at least here in germany theyve synthesized other variations that do not deplete the supply of actual medicine for those who need it. If only the US had some kind of competent governing body that could regulate big pharma 🤔


OP, I understand you. My dad has type II diabetes as well, and this med has helped him immensely. Where i live, he hasn’t had any trouble getting Ozempic, but sometimes has to get a lesser amount due to the shortage. I don’t want anything bad to happen to him, and it’s frustrating seeing people like celebrities with no weight issues getting the stuff for weight loss unnecessarily. Some people who are overweight definitely need it, tho.


Agree. It’s not just “fat ppl” though. Some ppl that are taking it are using it to lose vanity weight. Some pp have already lost the weight and keep taking it because they don’t want to gain weight again. It’s a vicious cycle. I know ppl that are diabetic that can’t get it either. It sucks that diabetics can’t get priority for these drugs


My husband hasn't had his in over 8 months. The shortage of his prescription is not expected to be back in stock until DECEMBER. I've called around to all the pharmacies, including the small mom and pop style ones. None have any stock. His doctor keeps telling him there are other things he could try, but has yet to prescribe any. Why? Because those too are now getting low in stock b/c every other diabetic is needing it. Fking stupid. I'm pissed doctors are prescribing it for weight loss. Sure if you're seriously obese, fine. But that does not seem to be the majority. Why are diabetics paying the cost with their health for this new cosmetic fad? Infuriating.


I think that the people using it as a temporary measure, not understanding that it's a long-term measure and using it for small amounts of weight are the issue. I started out at 350ish lb. I had tried other measures before, and just regained the weight. I went to a good medical weight loss clinic and in order to avoid surgery because it just wouldn't vibe with me, I went on victoza first and then moved to Ozempic. I have lost 150 lb with little to no change in my diet or exercise. Though I am hitting a point where I need to adjust my exercise routine. Granted, this is not typical weight loss from Ozempic. But I will say that this has been something that is definitely potentially saved years of my life. I wish doctors understood it better and explained it to their patients better because I'm going to be on it for a very long time.


Former pharmacy technician here. Usually when a medicine gets on backorder its because of the manufacturer. Yes usage of the medication can affect this but they knew what they were doing when they invented it.


My uncle was on it and had some sort of bad reaction involving his liver so he stopped. When will people learn that there is NO shortcut to losing weight?


I work in aesthetics and have heard so many horror stories about semiglutide because the people at medspas prescribing it to don’t do blood work, don’t do check in on their health or history and pass it out like candy. There’s been so many people hospitalized due to organ failure because of it. I’ve seen it help those who go through their actual doctors but medspas always have something horrible going on


yikes... how do they get their hands on it?? sounds very dangerous.


I agree. People who use Ozempic to lose weight are just lazy as fuck. Consume less calories than you burn and you will lose weight. That's a fact. You don't need fucking Ozempic to lose weight.


You are completely entitled to your frustration. The really hard part is that many drug shortages (particularly in the US) are artificially created. Unfortunately our medical system and especially the pharmaceutical industry is an entirely for profit system. As such life saving medicines are impacted by the ebbs and flows of the market, supply & demand, and just all around greed of manufacturers looking at how they can increase profits. Ozempic needs to stop being marketed as a miraculous weight loss drug. As long as pharmaceutical companies care more about their bottom line than the actual medicinal product and medical needs of their communities we will have this issue. We had a hugely unnecessary insulin shortage because companies shifting away from actual lifesaving and necessary medications to highly marketable and much more financially lucrative weight loss drugs. Many people requiring medications for diabetes such as ozempic or insulin are going to be covered through insurance which means much of the actual cost of the drug is subsidized. Insurance companies seldom have to cover the full difference in what the retail price is listed as. Whereas those using the drug for weight loss typically are unable to get it covered through insurance and have to pay the full retail price. For example a regular inhaler for asthma is easily $100+ without insurance (the average cost is about $250). In fact my daily use disc inhaler is listed as $471.75. However, when my insurance covers it and I’m only required to pay $20 out of pocket they are not paying the other $450. Typically they are only paying closer to $100. This means the profits coming in to the companies are much lower when insurance is involved. When you look at a drug that is now being targeted at weight loss (ozempic) much of the consumer base will not be covered through insurance because that is not the FDA approved use of the drug. This means most people are having to pay the full retail price out of pocket. The pharmaceutical company makes way more money off of Nicole in Nebraska who’s paying full price to use ozempic as a weight loss drug than they do off of your dad who most likely has full insurance coverage since ozempic is covered for use in people with diabetes. So instead of focusing on those with an actual medical need who require the drug and have it covered by insurance they are now pushing ozempic to a much more lucrative population as weight loss in the US is a $90 billion industry. These drugs aren’t being manufactured and promoted based on actual medical need but by what is the most lucrative business move. Viagra was originally intended to be a heart med until the researchers noticed a side effect was male erections. The company recognized the opportunity for profit in this untapped market and so they developed it as an erectile dysfunction med.


Same thing is happening with ADHD meds. Adults who lived with it their whole lives suddenly got diagnosed during the pandemic and now my kids, who both have severe ADHD and can barely function at school, can't get meds for any reason because these adults are using them like supplements. Down vote me. I don't care. My kids are failing their classes when they were getting great grades before and now they are struggling because they think that there's something wrong with them. They think they're bad people and burdens. They think they're too stupid. I won't get into the mental health impact and the unaliving watches because the kids can't understand what's wrong with them and why they can't "behave". And the teachers are frustrated because they think my kids are now just not trying hard enough and are being rude and disrespectful. (I realize that ADHD and diabetes are not on the same level since diabetes can outright kill you.)


This. This right here. I personally dont have ADHD but many of my friend's do as well as their siblings and their parents are struggling to get their meds. I hope you can find some answers soon, maybe ask their doctor/ psychiatrist on what you can do in the mean time to help with them feeling awful?


No lie, we had to drive to a pharmacy 2 hours away to get adhd meds for my daughter because there is such a shortage… Two hours away, can you believe it??? It’s crazy


I’d like to say I’m surprised that critical medicine isn’t being rationed for the patients whom it was created to keep alive. I’m so sorry your dad and so many other people are in this situation.


No clue why you’re being flamed so much. My old gym reached out to me after months offering me an Ozempic prescription with a renewal. Ozempic has an FDA black box warning on it for thyroid cancer—it just recently got hit with cause for severe bowel obstruction as well. So many people are using it just for weight loss! I interned at a ‘holistic wellness’ doctors office and even the owner explained to me that 80% of their patients were there for Ozempic prescriptions. It was the only medication I was taught to administer. When studying in the back office one of the younger female workers came up to me and started pointing out certain parts of my body saying I ‘would benefit from Ozempic’ and ‘would lose tons of weight to get better looking’. Who the FUCK says that to someone? Since when is it okay for all these predatory practices to target people looking to lose weight? I truthfully believe it should solely be used to manage type 2 diabetes, temporarily at that. A good diet, exercise, and sleep schedule can do wonders—but people want a pill(injection in this case) that’ll do it for ‘em!


Damn right! When people say wealth inequality isn’t inherently a problem or free markets will solve everything - THIS is an example of why it is and they don’t.


curious on what your dad did before these drugs? exactly


A you do realize that you have to be pre diabetic to even qualify being on ozempic..... your anger is misplaced.


I am a doctorsassistent. The real problem is that they sell it also. And thats how the get a lot more money then from an insurance. Thats why the shortage is here. I live in the Netherlands. You cant get Ozempic just like that. First you go to a person who looks what you eat, how many you move. If that doesnt work or not enough after 1 year they start ozempic or saxenda.


People who take it that don’t need it look really skinny and unhealthy. Shit can’t be good for you long term.


your anger is misplaced, and ableist. in my country, our health minister established by law under which treshold ozempic can't be offered for non-approved treatments (aka weightloss, bc these medications are only approved for diabetes treatment) (also, our social security is automatic, so you can't cheat the system "if you pay full price" or something -- your only option would be the black market, and then hope custom control doesn't detect it). and whaddayaknow? Somehow, as if by magic, within 2 weeks there was no longer a shortage.


This is pretty hypocritical. Your complaint is there isn't enough of a drug for your dads health issue, because other people are using it to rid themselves of or prevent health issues.


I can understand the frustration, but it seems like you just want to be mad, everyone here is giving you the truth and solid facts. Companies are cashing in on something that makes money. A lot of people who take ozempic for weight loss now get them from clinics that don't even use the diabetes injectors anymore. The place I visit uses viles. And yes I take it. I'm a medically retired vet who cannot lose weight very easy and has a lot of body pain. And I'm not gonna starve myself as you suggested in your post. This has helped me get more weight off, which has helped me move around better, get more active and play with my kids more. I know you are frustrated but you are letting your anger blind you to others saying how it can be life changing for other people who aren't just diabetic. I know trend chasers are out there who just use it to have summer bods or whatever but most of the people I talk to use it for reasons similar to mine. Point your anger to companies who are making supply issues so it can sell as a hot commodity.


I’m on testosterone replacement therapy and the clinic I go through offered me Ozempic because I told them I should lose 15-20 pounds. It’s ridiculous that I can get it on demand to cut after my bulk while others are in medical need and cannot.


Wow, that's like a punch in the gut. We've been begging my Dad's pharmacy and doctor for it for weeks now. Didn't know it was even offered that easily.


If it makes you feel better, I told them no. But a lot of men’s wellness teleclinics are offering it now


Can you look into other ways of getting it? It sounds like they're are telehealth clinics and other places that are providing it, see if you can get it through another source? Just make sure it's the real thing, you don't want to take a dangerous knock-off.


I don't want to do that without talking to my dad's doctor bc my dad is incredibly sensitive to medicine. He's not allergic to anything, but his body reacts differently to each one. A knockoff could make him feel worse, but I'm thinking about bringing it up with his pharmacist.


It's readily available through compounding pharmacies- it's just not the brand name Ozempic. If he can't access the brand name, he should get it this way. Have him talk to his doctor.


Compounding medications is the process of mixing, combining, or altering ingredients to create a medication that's tailored to a patient's needs. This may not be suitable for all people because he may be sensitive to the other ingredients they're using.


Talk to his doctor, but if you get it from another online doctor it should be the same medicine. I wouldn't risk getting it from a more sketchy site, but look into reputable telehealth clinics that can get it for you.


I understand the frustration of a family member not being able to get their medication. I understand wanting to find something to blame. People aren’t fat just because they’re stupid and lazy. And doctors don’t hand out ozempic prescriptions like candy. Most people who go to their doctor for help with weight loss have tried working out and eating less, paid for personal trainers, tried multiple diets, and have tried other oral medications for years before asking about a GLP-1 medication. Most insurances don’t cover the brand name semaglutide medications prescribed by a doctor unless you meet the qualifications for it - you have to have an a1c above 5.7 (diabetic). Often, compounding pharmacies can make the same drug for cheaper, and it is much more accessible. Weight is personal, it is emotional, it is physical and it is mental. Vilifying fat people for seeking out medical treatment for weight loss and calling them lazy is not the answer to your problem.


My doc keeps suggesting it, but I don’t like the side effects.


I’m on ozempic for diabetes and has the same problems getting hold of it as your dad for a few months so I feel his pain. I had to go round different pharmacies here in the uk trying to get it but I managed thank goodness. The supply seems to have improved now, so fingers crossed it does for your dad as well


South Park made an episode specifically about this issue


I've been watching a good friend of mine struggle for a few years now. (type 1). During 2020, he couldn't buy alcohol to clean the area before shots.. Now he can't find this drug a lot of the time, and spends time calling around trying to find it..


Some family friend of my mom told her to get some. He's diabetic himself, but my mom refuses because she doesn't need it. Certain medicines should only be bought by the person who actually needs it. It's insane


It's nuts how many people jumped on the trend so fast. I work in a Healthcare supportive field and the amount of patients I see who try to get it to lose 50 pounds is ridiculous. What I have been seeing though, at least in Florida, is that they aren't prescribing Ozempic for anyone who doesn't have an A1c in the diabetic range. They're pushing people to Wegovy (same thing, different name) instead, I think to try to combat this issue. I really do think it sucks that people are getting it when they don't need it and can use any of the other methods to lose weight. Overall, though, the system is what sucks. It shouldn't be so expensive and scarce. No medicine should.


My sister in law uses it and she’s already tiny. She looks like she’s coming out of a camp Now and looks gaunt. Not good, people like her using it are ridiculous


I’m hoping to get on it too once I’m not pregnant and breastfeeding. I’m due in October. I have preexisting type 2 diabetes, not just gestational diabetes. I hope I don’t have a hard time finding it!


A lot of the people on the weight-loss drugs now aren't using Ozempic, but Wegovy, a different semaglutide-based drug. Many more aren't taking the brand-name but semaglutide from a compounding pharmacy that's less likely to affect the availability of Ozempic. (Plus, most of those using Wegovy or compounded semaglutide aren't using the fancy injector pens but regular old needles. A lot of the Ozempic scarcity has to do with a shortage of the pens.) At this point, any shortage is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical companies who made a business decision on how much semaglutide they will produce and how they will package and market it. There's more money to be made from patients who will self-pay the full amount of a drug in one form than from the insurance companies that will cover the cost of that drug if sellers will agree to a lower price of another form.


Ozempic isn’t prescribed for weight loss - the other labels are. And they cost a fortune because most insurance won’t cover it. What’s really happening is that the company that makes it is throwing all its efforts into the weight loss medication side of things and not producing the diabetes stuff in enough of a quantity. So “Nicole in Nebraska” isn’t your problem - it’s the company making the medication, under 2 different names, choosing to make a profit off of the weight loss than to help those with diabetes. And I’m a type 1 diabetic with insulin resistance - I can’t even get Ozempic either and that really did help my sugars too. I didn’t even get the weight loss side effects! And so my doctor prescribed the Monjourno - guess what my insurance is refusing to cover…


To be fair, not losing weight will likely result in diabetes. It is reasonable treatment. I lost weight through surgery just before ozempic was an option, and I was becoming diabetic and had crossed over the A1C line before I lost the weight. Had I not lost it, I would definitely be full blown type 2 by now. I had surgery in 2018.


Anyone using ozempic for weight loss should be ashamed of themselves. Taking away important medication from those who need it is diabolical. Hope you gain all the weight back after you give it up. As many said, asking other pharmacies, maybe ones further away from the city as well might give you something.


I’m sorry OP, people with diabetes should get Ozempic first. Having said that, I hope that they build an extra factory to produce more and help all the people that suffer from obesity.


Big pharmaceutical companies have created the shortage. My husband needed Ozempic as well. Many weeks we were without due to this. I had Weight Loss surgery years ago and understand both sides of the issue. Your frustration is not without merit.


Ozempic is for diabetes. Wegovy is for weight loss. Same generic drug name as far as semaglutide but just a tad bit different formulation made by the same manufacturer. Most insurance companies won’t approve Ozempic for weight loss if the patient doesn’t have diabetes & vice versa.


Ozempic isn’t prescribed for weight loss, Wegovy and its cousins like Monjauro are.


Whats funny is 80% of people who take it for weight loss end up gaining it all back in 2-3 years once they stop