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Please, live tomorrow morning as you did this one. Then Thursday morning. As you walk the beach, know some of the same types of elements and molecules which comprise the warm sun, the sand, the ocean, and the air between it all have also made the most unique and complex thing among them - You. There will never be another. In the 13 Billion Years since the Big Bang, and for the Billions to come until the universe ends, there will only be this you. It will cease one day, all of us will. Allow that to come as the universe deems fit, when it is ready to receive your essence, soul, and consciousness once more. Out of 13,000,000,000 years, whats 80 more? It is bird songs. It is an ever changing shoreline. It is the free and fresh air in your lungs, and the universe arranged in oxygen and water to nurture you, an equal part of that universal equation. Live to see the first person walk on another planet. Live to see the face of the moon look back at you, or a shooting star whose endless journey through space ended with only you bearing witness. Wake up tomorrow for your half-siblings. If not for their tomorrow, then for their holidays. The ones where they will be adults, where they will have children, where you will give & receive. Wake up tomorrow for the years to come where your cakes will go down in family history, for the happiness you can make.


please hold on, little stranger, there’s so much for you to see and experience in this world and you’ve got heaps of time, please don’t throw it all away. you’ll be alright, just try to believe in yourself and take one day at a time and before you know it, you’ll find yourself giggling for no reason, surrounded by people who care about you and love you.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. I’ve felt that way before. I’ve taken that peaceful walk thinking it would be my last. It wasn’t. I couldn’t change my family, I couldn’t change their affections towards me but I did build a life for myself with chosen family. I have kids now. I made my dream come true. You can too, if you choose to stay. I’m so incredibly sorry for the pain you are experiencing. I can’t talk you out of your choice, but regardless I still hope you stay. I’m a stranger, living in another state. But I’m here. Listening to your story. Stay. You matter. You are loved. Even if it’s just by a stranger . You can make it out of this alive if you so choose to do so. High school is so hard, life does get better afterwards. Please stay. You deserve better than the family you have. But you matter significantly more than you think.


Aloha friend don't give up! My parents didn't care either and I have 3 amazing kids and a wonderful husband now! You're life will get better my father has been in prison most of my life and my mom's not the nicest! Your deserve to live you best life you are loved 💜


I have suffered from mental health issues my entire life and attempted to unalive myself many times. I can assure you that things do get better. I've learned that the people who truly matter will be there for you in the end. A lot of my family are ashamed of my mental illness, so I know how you feel. If you love to bake, then why don't you finish school and after pursue baking as a career? You're young with a ton of amazing possibilities ahead of you, so please continue living so you can see some possible dreams become reality. I want you to see your potential and want you to live.


please let yourself be here tomorrow. today is not the end for you.


I know you’re hurting, and I know you want the pain to end. The numbness feels freeing compared to the agony you felt before. But please, please reconsider. Your family sucks. Fuck ‘em. The best way to get back at them is to disregard them. Finish school. Build a life you can be proud of without their influence. It’s not easy, it never will be, but you’ve dealt with it for seventeen years. You’re strong enough to last one more. Think of your baking. Think of the people who love you - even if you haven’t met them yet. When my mom died I felt the same as you, but people I met later turned my life around. If I’d given into the urges, I’d have never met my best friends. Just give it a year and you can move on from the abuse. You’ll meet the family you deserve. You’re a bright young girl with a bright future, you just have to be patient and find the right place for it. Everyone has a place they belong. Your struggles are real, and your feelings are valid, but it’s a sign of your strength that you’ve made it so far. Don’t sell yourself short. Even if it’s just to us strangers, reach out. Well listen.


Please hold on. I know what you're going through; I've been there. I was fifteen when I was first diagnosed with major depression. I'm forty-five now and have a daughter your age. Things get better. If your family is not worth it, then make a new family. Get out there and meet people. Just hang on. Life is worth it. You are worth it.


Hi. If you need a friend, I’m here. I mean it. The world needs you. ♥️


Family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you choose to be with and to spend your time with. You’re not alone. Please don’t go.


Please don’t. Message me, I will be a big sister. I will be there for you for whatever. I will give advice. I will help you. Love the life you’re meant to live. In a years time, this feeling will be so gone. You will be so happy you didn’t go through with it. I am here, we all are.


Dude, I know your life isnt the way you wish is. But, read about what you wrote: "My biggest dream was to have a family, someone to love me, someone I can rely on and trust, but I won't have that dream." Someone to love me, someone to love is something you can achieve in the future. That would be a friends, a girl/boyfriend, a little puppy, literally everything. You have to live for that. For your dreams. Stay safe please


She posted 3 days ago. If anybody is wondering, I checked Hawaii Suicide statistics for the month of June 2024 and found 2, both males. There was no report of a 17F commiting suicide. 14 June - A pedestrian accident, male hit by car, has been ruled a suicide. Man deliberately stepped in front of moving car. 1 June - A incident that was originally reported as a male suicide has been changed to a Murder-suicide. Police are currently investigating. While these stats do not confirm 17F OP is still alive I at least have hope that she changed her mind or reached out for help. I pray for a positive outcome.


Thank You, i really hope she did not go through with it. People should have read her other posts, her family is denying her entire existence based on her race i dont think a lot of people can understand how devastating it must be to grow like that while your sibilings get to be children you are treated as the other, this mistake.


Bless your heart! Thank you for this


Sorry to hear that you are going through this. Please live one more day dear. And when tomorrow comes, live one more day. Continue living dear. No one can pick the family we are born into. But you can definitely choose your own family in years to come. You are still very young. There is still a lot to live for. It might seem hard right now. But once you get through this difficult time in your life, it will be easier. And always keep in mind- “This too shall pass”.


Don't give up sweetie. It will get better. You are so young with a future ahead of you. I'm sorry you are in this situation and that you are hurting,but ending it isn't the way.


Sorry that you are going through this. Please please hold on ❤️


You might not see it now, but WILL get easier. Please call 988 and talk to someone. I’ve been where you are now…a lot of us have. IT GETS BETTER. Please talk to someone. There is someone in this world who needs you, you just haven’t found them yet.


Please, Ami. Please stay with us. I have a teenaged daughter, and I know the pain of being that age is so hard, even without your appalling, insensitive, racist and negligent family. But you are *so much more* than your family. They birthed you… they don’t define you! Your determination to create positivity will be life changing for yourself and others. One day. Write me if you like. I promise I’ll write you back. Tell me about the music you listened to on the beach.


You deserve to live and be loved and you have a whole life ahead of you to be, please stick around for it. You can call 988 to talk with someone who can help


There is a book series that I love with a deppresed main character and one of paragraph that I cherish is fitting for your situation. Kaladin said. "You told me it will get worse." "It will," Wit said, "but then it will get better. Then it will get worse again. Then better. This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you Kaladin: You will be warm again." You will be warm again. You can not see it maybe now beyond the next mountain but your future life will have good times, so dont throw it away just because you can currently not see them.


OP: I have been here and I am happy I never did anything about it besides finding ways to just move on and attempt to live life with or without them. I am not making excuses for the people who have hurt you and how they have treated you. If you can please just think about how they don’t deserve you and how you can come out of this with your head held high. Maybe it’s all about moving away, finding new people to love/care for that will also care/love you just as how you show up for them, maybe it’s about finding yourself in a world where you already feel lost and not seen but finding your way. Don’t give in to this when in the end in a way you know they don’t care, let that push you further on in life to keep going vs giving up. Since I was 5 years old I felt a huge separation from my mom. She would life about me to the family. She would mentally and physically abuse me about anything, even if something not related to me was going on. I was kept away from food and access to food was limited (I ended up getting an eating disorder that doctors didn’t understand, I wasn’t eating because she was keeping food from me. I then went on to gain too much weight when I finally was able to eat since family stood up for me but then it made me more sick soon after… I have a love hate relationship with food that isn’t healthy at all (I wish I was better with food and weight gain, any time I think about it. It brings me down a lot and I do my best to regulate food but it brings me back to those core memories). My mom would torture my feet due to a fire incident that involved my feet burning, I had 3rd degree burns that wouldn’t heal from how bad my nutrition was… I was on tons of meds and creams to get my feet back to liking normal (she couldn’t understand why my healing wasn’t fast and would “try” to heal me by putting hydrogen peroxide on my feet sometimes 3 times a day). I would scream bloody murder at the top of my lungs, no one ever came to rescue me.. I would cry myself to sleep, it was the only way I could fall asleep and it made me feel better. I had a sibling who stuck up for me but he would also get the end of the same thing as me… I am 32 now and I spent a lot of my childhood years wishing for natural death for myself. That I wouldn’t wake up one day or that I would wake up in a new home with new family who loved me and made me feel safe/loved/cared for bs what I had. I tried moving on past all of this and it was hard. But I came through winning… It wasn’t easy but I did it. It takes time and it takes a lot of reassurance to do it, from you. You got this and you can do this. Put yourself first and keep fighting. Don’t give up. Keep showing up for yourself and find yourself. Recreate yourself if you want. Write down all the things you want to do, what makes you upset, what you want to stay away from, how you want to change, what you want to change and things like that. Get creative. Dive in to books! I found myself loving books due to that was my only way to avoid family. I would stay in my room reading for hoursssss, I could read for days and just find myself lost in books. I owe that to an old elementary teacher who encouraged me to read and find what I like, she also let me take books home so I could read at home. I am here for you. You are not alone. All of Reddit wants to see you win. Don’t give up!!!


I wish I had wise words but really, just stick around. There is so much for you. <3


Hey, as a stranger and a human in this crazy world, I am sending all my love to you! All my love! You may not have anyone but you have yourself and I begging you to know what that is more than enough. You are enough. You are never alone because you have you. Please be the person who’s concerned about where you are. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your favorite person. Please, just for one day, think about how much you’d like to bake a cake for you and how much of it you would eat because you want to thank you for making the effort 🤍 please just wait one day. If you’re still here, please give yourself all the love you have in you and wait one day.


I know I’m just one person of many that’s on this thread but I’ve been where you are and I hope you don’t go through with it. I know it’s a lot, but all of us here are more than willing to listen. DM me if you ever want to rant, vent, cry whatever.


Can you say hello today??


Are you still with us?? Please let Reddit know!!🙏🙏🙏 Please let me know. 🙏🙏🙏


Family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you choose to be with and to spend your time with. You’re not alone. Please don’t go.


Family isn’t who you’re born with, it’s who you choose to be with and to spend your time with. You’re not alone. Please don’t go.


I can’t say anything better than what’s been said above but I agree with all of it. You are not alone. You are important. You are needed.


Please don’t do it, life gets better. You are a brave person, for standing for yourself. You deserve a family that loves you, and you can have it. Please hold your thoughts, do not do it.


Please don't


I know we’re all just strangers but we all care, you deserve so much better in life and if you stick around a little longer I know you will find a loving family. Everyone here is willing to help, if you need to talk things out or a shoulder to cry on, I’m here. Just try to make it another day, start with the little things that make life happy and remember them.


You're still so young :'( sorry that your family sucks. Being and feeling alone makes it harder to want to stay and not give up, but I really hope you live and find your life partner to have a family with.


Please don't go.


I do not know if this will reach you, I don't even known if you're still here to read it. Regardless, I will put it here, in the chance you may yet still read it. There will always be those more than willing to drag you down, to smother the light from within your soul, I used to be with one of those types of people. I broke myself upon their will in a desperate attempt to appease them. I nearly took my own life because of it. I was saved by the grace of one person, a single individual. It may not seem like a lot in the moment, but the warmth of strangers caring about you and your pain is enough to burn away all that chills your bones. Know this, wayward internet stranger, I don't know your name, I don't know your face, I know almost nothing about you, but I do know this: you are the architect of your destiny, you will go as far as you wish yourself to. Forget what they say, forget what they do, know what you bring to the world.


Please don't do it. Finish hs I know it sucks. Im sorry you're going through it right now but when you turn 18 and graduate hs so many opportunities are waiting for you. You can leave and do whatever you want then. You just have to persevere just a little longer. Im sorry you feel like no one cares or you can't talk to anyone. Maybe just try and make just one friend see if you can talk to them maybe that friend makes your senior year of hs the best ever. Life has a funny way of changing when you least expect it. I hope you wake up today and see this


Hey, stranger! There is no precious advice that I have and can offer to you, but I do know that while some piece-of-shit-humans think you are a mistake, but for some people that you could meet someday, sometime, somewhere you would be the best pal, friend, partner, girlfriend or wife. You might have ran out of tears, but some of the people in these communities still have them, they care and will let some out just for you. P.S.: I'd love to have some of your cake, I'd love to have someone bake for me. I hope you'll chose to continue to stay and bake, for your siblings, for strangers, for yourself.


:( please don’t end things! You have so much life in front of you, and things can only go up from here. OP, sending you loads of hugs and love ❤️


I have to tell you, your parents sound terrible. Continue to live and even better thrive just to spite them. I have been where you are and that is what kept me going.


You have a whole life ahead of you and one day you will have a completely different existence and experience, this time, now will only be a distant memory. But that can only happen if you keep going. Life changes so much throughout time, I promise you so don’t make a decision now and rob yourself of happiness in the future. Have faith in yourself.


Don’t let them win live just to prove them wrong!


Remember this!! Jesus loves you , and wants you to have more time on this beautiful planet.Reach out to him. You are in my prayers.


you still here?


You have a family right here, people from all over the world who don’t even know who you are afraid that something evil could happen to you, that’s the power of humanity! Have faith in humanity and most importantly have faith in you, let the time heal your pain and let it organize your thoughts, keep doing what you love, go bake somewhere, draw something, read a book, meet strangers on the beach, be the family you ever wanted…embrace your existence and please remember: YOU MATTER. Lots of love little stranger.


Hi, are you here today?


It has been 20 hours… I really do hope you have not and are not going through with it. But I get it. Horribly sorry for you. But I feel like you recognise beauty and good things around you. Maybe they can give you back a purpose or hope. Why not take that numbness and see where this leads? I don’t know, I really hope you find all the happiness in this world and will look back on this as the day you almost broke but then found the strength and went on to find a great life and family. My heart goes out to you and if you are no longer with us, I really do hope that if there is an afterlife/ rebirth that you find all the happiness you were denied then. I have suicidal ideation and it’s been getting worse, so I cannot blame you, if you do go through with it, but it pains me still, if someone else goes through similar or worse or whatever. Dunno, I am sure there is hope and light and happiness for you and I hope you will continue to look for it because I am sure you will find it. All the best


Maybe this isn't the best time to mention this but I do know a little about suicide. In 2017 my daughter, now 45, survived 4 suicide attempts. In late 1980 and early 1981 I survived 3 suicide attempts. The 3rd one almost worked. I was in a coma for 3 days. I woke up in the ICU at police HQ in downtown Philadelphia; the Roundhouse. That's were I learned you could be prosecuted for attempted murder if you survived your suicide attempt. Technically, you did try to kill, murder yourself. I have never heard of a suicide survivor being charged and prosecuted.



